Serious Rain in Houston

One in five hundred year rain system moving through Houston this morning.
An incredible 20 inches of rain in six hours at Huffmeister and 1960. Thats almost half the normal yearly total in six hours!!!
The pool overflowed hours ago and it sounds like we have a few more hours of the heavy stuff.
On the bright side the wife is getting an extra day off.

Uh, global warming deniers all thrive in Texas.....good luck pal!! Oh and I hope all you anti government haters, give us tax payers a break and leave FEMA out of this.
One in five hundred year rain system moving through Houston this morning.
An incredible 20 inches of rain in six hours at Huffmeister and 1960. Thats almost half the normal yearly total in six hours!!!
The pool overflowed hours ago and it sounds like we have a few more hours of the heavy stuff.
On the bright side the wife is getting an extra day off.

Uh, global warming deniers all thrive in Texas.....good luck pal!! Oh and I hope all you anti government haters, give us tax payers a break and leave FEMA out of this.

You wanna know what color the ones are that are calling for FEMA on the idiot box? know what color they are. I'z need sum hep wens da FEMA peepol gunna hep us....
Way to bash your brothers and sisters.
How many of the shitbags that floated from NO to Houston will be washed back to NO?
how is I-10 looking, i plan ongoing thru that way in about a week or so ?

It'll probably be good by tomorrow.

No probably by late Thursday. The weekend looks good, think I'll go to the lake.

Water is the least of the problems on I-10.

That aint no shit.
I never get on I-10 during rush hour.
Sometimes I don't have an option.
how is I-10 looking, i plan ongoing thru that way in about a week or so ?

It'll probably be good by tomorrow.

No probably by late Thursday. The weekend looks good, think I'll go to the lake.

Water is the least of the problems on I-10.

That aint no shit.
I never get on I-10 during rush hour.
Sometimes I don't have an option.

I've been lucky having to drive in from Katy for years.
I'd leave at 5:30 am and I got off at 2:30 pm so I avoided it.
Now that I'm retired I no longer have to worry about it thank God.
The wife got all excited about the WestPark you pay for the privilege of sitting in traffic.
how is I-10 looking, i plan ongoing thru that way in about a week or so ?

It'll probably be good by tomorrow.

No probably by late Thursday. The weekend looks good, think I'll go to the lake.

Nah...I-10 will be fine. And the low lying exit ramps have pumps.
Heading to Somerville or Fayette County?

Only time I-10 is fine is between 2-6AM and no I go to a private lake near Porter or Lake Conroe.
Houston inundated...

Hundreds rescued from disastrous Houston floods
Tuesday 19th April, 2016 - Five people have reportedly died in Texas’ most populous city, Houston on April 18 as the city continues to grapple with ‘historic’ floods that are being compared to 2001’s Tropical Storm Allison that wrecked havoc in the region.
The city is said to have received a season’s worth of rainfall in a matter of hours. The rainfall flooded homes and highways and people were asked not to get out of their houses. According to CNN, the city, on an emergency website said, “This is a life-threatening emergency. Houston residents should avoid travel at all costs today." Harris county was hit hard with four of the deaths occurring there. According to reports, a Harris county constable said that a driver of an 18-wheeler was found dead inside the vehicle while another man was found dead inside a cab.


Harris county judge Ed Emmet said that two others were found dead after driving around a barricade on Houston's west side. He added that at least 1,000 houses were flooded in Harris county and that they had responded to more than 1,500 emergencies. Waller county reported the fifth death. A 56-year-old man’s body was found inside a submerged vehicle. According to reports, Texas Governor Greg Abbot has declared a state of disaster in nine counties. The city received 17 inches of rainfall by 2 pm on April 18, leading to the cancellation of flights and trains. Schools were also shut down.

Bush International Airport cancelled 650 flights while 650 flights were cancelled. Harris county Emergency Management said that they had performed 1,200 high-water rescues on Monday. Rescuers were using boats as the high waters were too deep. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said that there is flooding in every part of Houston and assured stranded citizens that they would be rescued. Meanwhile, The American Red Cross reportedly opened additional shelters to aid those impacted by severe rain and flooding throughout the Greater Houston area.

Hundreds rescued from disastrous Houston floods

See also:

Houston floods: Disaster zone declared after 'historic' rainfall
Tue, 19 Apr 2016 - A state of emergency is declared in Houston, the fourth-largest city in the US, after record rainfall claimed five lives.
Flash flooding and more rain is possible in Houston, a day after record rainfall killed five people. Meteorologists said some 17.6in (44.7cm) of rain fell on the city on Monday alone, levels that national officials said were "historic". Texas Governor Greg Abbott has declared a state of emergency in Houston, where 70,000 people were left without power. Rivers burst their banks in the fourth-largest US city and 1,200 people were rescued from rising floodwaters. At least 1,000 homes have flooded, with the number likely to rise. City officials have turned a large shopping centre into an evacuation centre.

As well as telling people not to drive in the fast-flowing waters, city officials warned against allowing children to play in waters that are likely to contain snakes and ants. Among the worst-hit areas is Greenspoint, a poor, mainly Hispanic district of more than 112,000 people to the north of the city centre. Footage broadcast in Texas showed Greenspoint families moving belongings and children through floodwaters on air beds and inside a refrigerator. "Do not think the city is not seeing you," Mayor Sylvester Turner told Greenspoint residents in a press conference. "It's a situation where all throughout the city, and quite frankly all throughout our region, we're dealing with high water."

At least one of those who died was found in a submerged car, local media reported. Close to 70 horses were rescued from a flooded stable before police officers were able to lead them to safety through floodwaters. One Houston flood official said waters recorded in one area were 40ft (12 metres) higher than the previous record. The city, on the Gulf of Mexico, is prone to heavy rains, and has seen a number of major flooding events in the last year alone. However, this flood is the largest to strike the city since Tropical Storm Allison in 2001, which led to 23 deaths across the state, the City of Houston Twitter account said.

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Once again, you are putting your stupidity on display for all the world to see. I never said, nor has any scientist that I know of, that we are trying, or even want to, control the weather. What is being said, and proven by the very events that you speak of, is that we are affecting the weather by putting GHGs into the atmosphere. And that warming atmosphere is evaporating and dumping more water. Just as you said, 500 year events are becoming 50 year events.

Reality is right there, biting your silly ass, and you continue to ignore it. In my trade, reality ignored will get you killed or maimed. So we take reality seriously, and do not ignore facts.
What the hell happened to "New York will be under water by 2015"?
And the Artic is SUPPOSED to be gone THIS year. Hows that line of bull working for you?
Stupid silly ass, show me in what article a working scientist made any of those statements. Many not involved in the science, with no scientific background make many statements. That you try to ascribe those statements to scientists shows your dishonesty.
We had the five hundred year rain here a few months back. Lost my place to it.

That sucks.
I remember getting heavy rains like this as a kid.
I guess the weather patterns are shifting back to those days.

Not one but two five hundred year rains in a couple months.
But global.weirding isn't real. Nothing is changing in a dramatic way.

It's only 500 year weather events happening a few months apart. How could that be a problem?
A "500 year flood" is the odds on IF it could happen. Its NOT a timed event.
Well, yes. And the odds of that event occuring in a given 25 year period is 1 in 20. Not unusual to have that happen. Two in the period is 1 in 400. And three in that period is 1 in 8000. And how many areas have we seen in the last 25 years that have actually recieved three of those floods? Enough to say that it looks like the odds have changed.
how is I-10 looking, i plan ongoing thru that way in about a week or so ?

It'll probably be good by tomorrow.

No probably by late Thursday. The weekend looks good, think I'll go to the lake.

Nah...I-10 will be fine. And the low lying exit ramps have pumps.
Heading to Somerville or Fayette County?

Only time I-10 is fine is between 2-6AM and no I go to a private lake near Porter or Lake Conroe.

Myself,I go to private lakes out near Cleveland a lot.
Although I do take the boat out to Fayette and Somerville occasionally.
Went shooting and fishing in Cleveland last week and the damn Buffalo gnats tore us up!

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