Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine hiLIARy As President?

Hillary has no experience doing anything,,,just experience taking money from anyone who is dumb enough to give it to her
She is the most experienced statesman still in the running.
"experienced" in starting conflagrations all over the globe? (she voted for Iraq and owns Libya) THAT kind of "experienced"?
Yep that too. Americans don't seem too bothered by the endless conflicts. We are bombing Libya again as we speak, I haven't seen much mention of it.
I give people passes for authorizing force in Iraq when there was still a possibility they had ongoing chem and boil programs.

But I think we're in for a generation of conflict in the ME. Afghan worries me. A very few are carrying our water, and few seem inclined to help them.
She is the most experienced statesman still in the running.
"experienced" in starting conflagrations all over the globe? (she voted for Iraq and owns Libya) THAT kind of "experienced"?
Yep that too. Americans don't seem too bothered by the endless conflicts. We are bombing Libya again as we speak, I haven't seen much mention of it.
I give people passes for authorizing force in Iraq when there was still a possibility they had ongoing chem and boil programs.

But I think we're in for a generation of conflict in the ME. Afghan worries me. A very few are carrying our water, and few seem inclined to help them.
I give people passes for authorizing force in Iraq when there was still a possibility they had ongoing chem and boil programs.

I don't, there was no immediate threat and the intel was not conclusive.
Doesn't really matter if we can imagine Hillary for President or Trump because one of them is going to be President. My advice for at least the next four years stock up on booze and anti depressants.
She is the most experienced statesman still in the running.
"experienced" in starting conflagrations all over the globe? (she voted for Iraq and owns Libya) THAT kind of "experienced"?
Yep that too. Americans don't seem too bothered by the endless conflicts. We are bombing Libya again as we speak, I haven't seen much mention of it.
I give people passes for authorizing force in Iraq when there was still a possibility they had ongoing chem and boil programs.

But I think we're in for a generation of conflict in the ME. Afghan worries me. A very few are carrying our water, and few seem inclined to help them.
I give people passes for authorizing force in Iraq when there was still a possibility they had ongoing chem and boil programs.

I don't, there was no immediate threat and the intel was not conclusive.

The vote was necessary to force Saddam to let inspectors back in. Ironically, he, and those who voted for the authorization, thought war could be averted if there were no womd.

Of course it turned out that for W the existence of WOMD was irrelevant. And the gop as we knew it ceased to exist along with 4K military personnel and countless families.

I don't give Hillary a pass for failing to stand up in the spring of 03 and say, Now hold on Shrub....

But no one running this time did that, either. Obama may not be a very good president, but he has more spine than his detractors admit.
I can't. She has zero accomplishments. ZERO!!!

and NO, being "gifted" a position (sec of state) by the person that spanked you in the last election is not an accomplishment in & of itself. You have to accomplish things while in that office for it to be relevant. Neither is running as a Democrat in NY a big accomplishment. Its the same thing as running as a Dem in Maryland. Its a sure thing.
So you are on board with the plan to keep Obama in office by whatever means is necessary?
look at my siggie pic Sugar Shorts
Answer the question, Dot.
my siggie pic answers the question Sugar Shorts
If that be the case......then you're clearly hoping that Obama stays in office by whatever means necessary. Including major loss of life. Duly noted, Dot. Duly noted!
Barack WOULD make a good Strong Man- type ruler now that you mention it Church Lady :)
She is the most experienced statesman still in the running.

That's right!

Experienced in corruption, crime and greed.

From Whitewater to Benghazi...we can see her trail of incompetence and blood!:rolleyes:

If there is any Justice left in the United States of America , Hillary Clinton should be put in jail NOW.
I can't. She has zero accomplishments. ZERO!!!

and NO, being "gifted" a position (sec of state) by the person that spanked you in the last election is not an accomplishment in & of itself. You have to accomplish things while in that office for it to be relevant. Neither is running as a Democrat in NY a big accomplishment. Its the same thing as running as a Dem in Maryland. Its a sure thing.

Just more of her getting her hand caught in the cookie jar, more investigations and more republican obstructionist ..

The Democrat Nixion with a vargina.

She is the most experienced statesman still in the running.
"experienced" in starting conflagrations all over the globe? (she voted for Iraq and owns Libya) THAT kind of "experienced"?
Yep that too. Americans don't seem too bothered by the endless conflicts. We are bombing Libya again as we speak, I haven't seen much mention of it.
I give people passes for authorizing force in Iraq when there was still a possibility they had ongoing chem and boil programs.

But I think we're in for a generation of conflict in the ME. Afghan worries me. A very few are carrying our water, and few seem inclined to help them.
I give people passes for authorizing force in Iraq when there was still a possibility they had ongoing chem and boil programs.

I don't, there was no immediate threat and the intel was not conclusive.

The vote was necessary to force Saddam to let inspectors back in. Ironically, he, and those who voted for the authorization, thought war could be averted if there were no womd.

Of course it turned out that for W the existence of WOMD was irrelevant. And the gop as we knew it ceased to exist along with 4K military personnel and countless families.

I don't give Hillary a pass for failing to stand up in the spring of 03 and say, Now hold on Shrub....

But no one running this time did that, either. Obama may not be a very good president, but he has more spine than his detractors admit.
The vote was necessary to force Saddam to let inspectors back in.

I disagree, Saddam had already agreed to their return prior to the vote.
I can't. She has zero accomplishments. ZERO!!!

and NO, being "gifted" a position (sec of state) by the person that spanked you in the last election is not an accomplishment in & of itself. You have to accomplish things while in that office for it to be relevant. Neither is running as a Democrat in NY a big accomplishment. Its the same thing as running as a Dem in Maryland. Its a sure thing.
The fallacy of your arguments is that Trump has even less accomplishments than Hillary or anyone else, other than in the area of defrauding others like a typical Wall Street businessman.
She is the most experienced statesman still in the running.
"experienced" in starting conflagrations all over the globe? (she voted for Iraq and owns Libya) THAT kind of "experienced"?

I like how she trashed Trump saying he had no respect for our military personnel. Really? After that bitch allowed Americans to be slaughtered in Benghazi? Then blamed it on a video and even had the director arrested?

Lying ass hypocritical bitch

I hope she gets cervix cancer or something. A real slow demise

I've said for decades that she is a sociopath (doesn't take a world-renowned psychologist to recognize what the pathological lying mixed with the inability to connect with people on a genuine level equals)...

I didn't think I could until I was able to sit through her entire acceptance speech. For me it looks like it'll come down to the debates.
I can't. She has zero accomplishments. ZERO!!!

and NO, being "gifted" a position (sec of state) by the person that spanked you in the last election is not an accomplishment in & of itself. You have to accomplish things while in that office for it to be relevant. Neither is running as a Democrat in NY a big accomplishment. Its the same thing as running as a Dem in Maryland. Its a sure thing.

Well tell me if you had a choice between Donald John Trump or Hillary Clinton which one would you prefer and there is no third choice!?!

No matter which idiot win this November ( Unless Johnson ) the reality they are a one term President. This is the worst election cycle I have ever seen and it even beat Bush vs Kerry!
I can't. She has zero accomplishments. ZERO!!!

and NO, being "gifted" a position (sec of state) by the person that spanked you in the last election is not an accomplishment in & of itself. You have to accomplish things while in that office for it to be relevant. Neither is running as a Democrat in NY a big accomplishment. Its the same thing as running as a Dem in Maryland. Its a sure thing.

Well tell me if you had a choice between Donald John Trump or Hillary Clinton which one would you prefer and there is no third choice!?!

No matter which idiot win this November ( Unless Johnson ) the reality they are a one term President. This is the worst election cycle I have ever seen and it even beat Bush vs Kerry!
see my siggie pic

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