Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine hiLIARy As President?

I can't. She has zero accomplishments. ZERO!!!

and NO, being "gifted" a position (sec of state) by the person that spanked you in the last election is not an accomplishment in & of itself. You have to accomplish things while in that office for it to be relevant. Neither is running as a Democrat in NY a big accomplishment. Its the same thing as running as a Dem in Maryland. Its a sure thing.

Well tell me if you had a choice between Donald John Trump or Hillary Clinton which one would you prefer and there is no third choice!?!

No matter which idiot win this November ( Unless Johnson ) the reality they are a one term President. This is the worst election cycle I have ever seen and it even beat Bush vs Kerry!
see my siggie pic

No third option!

Wishing for the destruction of humanity would be wonderful to happen but alas the Universe is a fickle kunt, and the reality is either Trump or Clinton will be President, so which one do you prefer?
I can't. She has zero accomplishments. ZERO!!!

and NO, being "gifted" a position (sec of state) by the person that spanked you in the last election is not an accomplishment in & of itself. You have to accomplish things while in that office for it to be relevant. Neither is running as a Democrat in NY a big accomplishment. Its the same thing as running as a Dem in Maryland. Its a sure thing.
Madame President.....

Rather than voting for an unstable reality tv show joke, or an even more unstable career criminal - here is the most viable option for the 2016 election...

Here are the devout Hitlery Clinton supporters. This is convincing evidence for why liberals destroyed public education in America. They need an ignorant electorate to get Dumbocrats elected. And if this is how dumb their most dedicated voters are - just imagine how astoundingly ignorant the typical liberal voter is... :eusa_doh:

Here are the facts about the current economy. All of the stuff that Barack Obama and the Democrats cover up with their propaganda.
  • Their Latino peers saw a 0.8% point decrease to 30.3%
  • Neither groups have recovered from President Barack Obama’s “recovery;” young African American participation rates never went over 30 percent since February 2009 while the young Latinos’ is still five percentage points lower than it was at that same period
There is nothing to brag about where the jobs come from either:
  • Nearly 250,000 of them are parasitical (i.e. government) while the self-employed lost 110,000 jobs.
  • In the meantime there are 100,000 new part-time workers for economic reasons, mostly because of “slack work or business conditions.”
  • There is also a total of 160,000 new multiple-job holders, a 0.1-percentage point increase, showing that the Obama recession is already lurking around the corner.
  • It’s especially true if you are part of the demonized extractive industry (mining, oil and gas, etc.) which shed another 7,000 jobs.
Finally, one indicator that doesn’t fail to show that the economy is going in the wrong direction is duration of unemployment. The average duration is now 28.1 weeks, a 0.4 week increase and still 8 percentage points higher than it was in February 2009.

The mean duration increased 1.3 percentage points to 11.6 weeks, barely below its February 2009 level but on an upward trend since mid-2015.

These figures reflect the increase in long-term unemployment 15 weeks and over, which increased 1.2 percentage points to 41.7% of all unemployed workers. In particular, very long-term unemployment over 26 weeks increased 0.8% to 26.6%, on an upward trend for about a year.

The Obama Recession is Coming Soon
why both parties gravitate to crony dynasties is a mystery. No its not, those voters are retards :thup:
Her own damn party - which knows the real Hitlery best - can't even bring themselves to choke on the words that they "trust" Hitlery. :lol:

Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-Ariz.) was asked twice by CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin earlier this week if she thinks Clinton is “trustworthy,” and both times the question was not answered.

Clearly Michael Morell is a PoS who is selling out his own country - either for favors from the Clinton's or because he's a liberal. Either way, the facts show that Hitlery Clinton is an extreme danger to U.S. national security. Her email server is one example. The fact that her emails have now lead to an Iranian nuclear - scientist who was an intelligence asset for us - being executed is yet another. She not only weakened our national security, she cost a man his life. She should be brought up on charges and locked away for life.

Cotton: Clinton discussed executed Iranian scientist on email

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