Seriously, Have the Democrats Lost It?

Ah the old Trumpublican dream from 2017. Then the Dems took control of the House after campaigning on the issues that matter to people in 2018. 2020 is theirs to lose.

For the millionth time...2018 was a normal mid-term. The president's party lost seats, the dems ran on fixing healthcare...a lie, its not fixed.
2020 should be a big win for the GOP based on historic norms.
If the dems win in November, then you can crow about it.

HillaryHate was a huge motivating factor in Trumpybears win in 2016.

Probably the double edge sword that will do him in, in 2020. Regardless of the issue, he has generated a lot of hate. Hate is a strong motivator.

The President's Party Loses an Average 30 Seats in Midterm Elections
From your link:

In 2010, Democrats lost 69 seats—63 in the House and six in the Senate—while Democratic President Barack Obama was in the White House.

From the same link:

"The University of Houston's Robert S. Erikson, writing in the Journal of Politics, explains it this way: "The stronger the presidential victory margin or the more seats won in the presidential year and therefore 'at risk,' the greater will be the subsequent midterm seat loss."

Another reason: the so-called "presidential penalty," or the tendency of more voters to go the polls only when they are angry. If more angry voters vote than do satisfied voters, the president's party loses."

So not only did Obama have a much larger margin of victory over McCain than Trump did over Clinton, but he was also half black which generated a lot of hate itself.

I don't know about the half black thing. Only a deplorable few worshipped the Orange God of birtherism. But you're right that the larger an president's win in his first term is, the larger his potential losses in congress are in his first off year election.

I just know a lot of people around here who were angry that we elected a black guy.
For the millionth time...2018 was a normal mid-term. The president's party lost seats, the dems ran on fixing healthcare...a lie, its not fixed.
2020 should be a big win for the GOP based on historic norms.
If the dems win in November, then you can crow about it.

HillaryHate was a huge motivating factor in Trumpybears win in 2016.

Probably the double edge sword that will do him in, in 2020. Regardless of the issue, he has generated a lot of hate. Hate is a strong motivator.

The President's Party Loses an Average 30 Seats in Midterm Elections
From your link:

In 2010, Democrats lost 69 seats—63 in the House and six in the Senate—while Democratic President Barack Obama was in the White House.

From the same link:

"The University of Houston's Robert S. Erikson, writing in the Journal of Politics, explains it this way: "The stronger the presidential victory margin or the more seats won in the presidential year and therefore 'at risk,' the greater will be the subsequent midterm seat loss."

Another reason: the so-called "presidential penalty," or the tendency of more voters to go the polls only when they are angry. If more angry voters vote than do satisfied voters, the president's party loses."

So not only did Obama have a much larger margin of victory over McCain than Trump did over Clinton, but he was also half black which generated a lot of hate itself.

I don't know about the half black thing. Only a deplorable few worshipped the Orange God of birtherism. But you're right that the larger an president's win in his first term is, the larger his potential losses in congress are in his first off year election.

I just know a lot of people around here who were angry that we elected a black guy.

And that was one issue I had with the mods. But I think in the "real world" behavior like that is seriously discouraged in employment.
For the millionth time...2018 was a normal mid-term. The president's party lost seats, the dems ran on fixing healthcare...a lie, its not fixed.
2020 should be a big win for the GOP based on historic norms.
If the dems win in November, then you can crow about it.

HillaryHate was a huge motivating factor in Trumpybears win in 2016.

Probably the double edge sword that will do him in, in 2020. Regardless of the issue, he has generated a lot of hate. Hate is a strong motivator.

The President's Party Loses an Average 30 Seats in Midterm Elections
From your link:

In 2010, Democrats lost 69 seats—63 in the House and six in the Senate—while Democratic President Barack Obama was in the White House.

From the same link:

"The University of Houston's Robert S. Erikson, writing in the Journal of Politics, explains it this way: "The stronger the presidential victory margin or the more seats won in the presidential year and therefore 'at risk,' the greater will be the subsequent midterm seat loss."

Another reason: the so-called "presidential penalty," or the tendency of more voters to go the polls only when they are angry. If more angry voters vote than do satisfied voters, the president's party loses."

So not only did Obama have a much larger margin of victory over McCain than Trump did over Clinton, but he was also half black which generated a lot of hate itself.

I don't know about the half black thing. Only a deplorable few worshipped the Orange God of birtherism. But you're right that the larger an president's win in his first term is, the larger his potential losses in congress are in his first off year election.

I just know a lot of people around here who were angry that we elected a black guy.

He wasn't black.
He was a mulatto.
HillaryHate was a huge motivating factor in Trumpybears win in 2016.

Probably the double edge sword that will do him in, in 2020. Regardless of the issue, he has generated a lot of hate. Hate is a strong motivator.

The President's Party Loses an Average 30 Seats in Midterm Elections
From your link:

In 2010, Democrats lost 69 seats—63 in the House and six in the Senate—while Democratic President Barack Obama was in the White House.

From the same link:

"The University of Houston's Robert S. Erikson, writing in the Journal of Politics, explains it this way: "The stronger the presidential victory margin or the more seats won in the presidential year and therefore 'at risk,' the greater will be the subsequent midterm seat loss."

Another reason: the so-called "presidential penalty," or the tendency of more voters to go the polls only when they are angry. If more angry voters vote than do satisfied voters, the president's party loses."

So not only did Obama have a much larger margin of victory over McCain than Trump did over Clinton, but he was also half black which generated a lot of hate itself.

I don't know about the half black thing. Only a deplorable few worshipped the Orange God of birtherism. But you're right that the larger an president's win in his first term is, the larger his potential losses in congress are in his first off year election.

I just know a lot of people around here who were angry that we elected a black guy.

He wasn't black.
He was a mulatto.

Even worse for some, evidenced by the attacks on his mother.

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