Seriously, I can't support israel anymore

If Jews are not intelligent, why are they so successful, despite the bigotry of people like you?

In the Near East the Israelis have always maintained a favorable kill ratio. If the Palestinians had any sense they would move. Their problem is that no one wants them.
That is because they are a murderous lot that kills everyone around them, every country that had them as refugees has kicked them out because they tried to take over the Government except Lebanon because it was in a civil war with them
There is a silly idea that if a person is very rich, he is also very smart and his wealth was achieved by ingenious thought operations.
In the vast majority of cases, people become wealthy through their own initiative, discipline, and hard work. And usually they are more intelligent than average.
There is a silly idea that if a person is very rich, he is also very smart and his wealth was achieved by ingenious thought operations.
Rich people are usually talented. I want them to pay higher taxes. I do not want them to be killed, imprisoned, or deported, like they are in Communist countries, because we need their IQ power.
Rich people are usually talented. I want them to pay higher taxes. I do not want them to be killed, imprisoned, or deported, like they are in Communist countries, because we need their IQ power.
How much higher, exactly? I owned my own business, and after my expenses, I was paying at the 50% rate in federal and state income taxes.

P.S. My income was in the upper-middle class range, not rich.
In the vast majority of cases, people become wealthy through their own initiative, discipline, and hard work. And usually they are more intelligent than average.
“A slave who is conscious of his slave status and struggles against it is a revolutionary. A slave who is unconscious of his slavery and wallows in a silent, unconscious and wordless slave life is simply a slave. A slave who drools when he smugly describes the delights of slave life and marvels at the good and kind master is a lackey, a boor.”
V.Lenin, “In Memory of Count Heyden”.
How much higher, exactly? I owned my own business, and after my expenses, I was paying at the 50% rate in federal and state income taxes.

P.S. My income was in the upper-middle class range, not rich.
As high as possible. If you are as successful as you claim to be - I think your claims are accurate, unlike the claims of JoeB131 - you are successful because of the high IQ you also claim. You were born that way.
“A slave who is conscious of his slave status and struggles against it is a revolutionary. A slave who is unconscious of his slavery and wallows in a silent, unconscious and wordless slave life is simply a slave. A slave who drools when he smugly describes the delights of slave life and marvels at the good and kind master is a lackey, a boor.”
V.Lenin, “In Memory of Count Heyden”.
Huh? What does slavery have to do with hard-working, disciplined people who have become wealthy?
As high as possible.
So how much? 70%?

It wouldn’t have been worth it to me to work as hard as I did in my own business to give the majority away to the government, so I would have closed shop and taken a job. That would have meant that my five employees would lose their jobs.

Tax the high producer to the moon, and you discourage production and success.
Seriously, I can't support Israel anymore if they're going to attack other nations and pull us into more fucking wars. This little nation needs to realize it isn't America's job to defend it as they go around violating international law and attacking their much bigger neighbors.

Israel needs a two state solution now or it needs to integrate the people completely into its society. Period. If they're not willing to do either then we need to end the experiment and offer the jewish of israel people full citizenship here in America. We can't ignore the reality that islamic people that control this part of the world won't ever back down if they don't treat people with decency and respect.
/----/ Move to Gaza and join Hamas. I heard they are suddenly short of combatants.
So how much? 70%?

It wouldn’t have been worth it to me to work as hard as I did in my own business to give the majority away to the government, so I would have closed shop and taken a job. That would have meant that my five employees would lose their jobs.

Tax the high producer to the moon, and you discourage production and success.
During the 1950's, the top tax rate never got below
So how much? 70%?

It wouldn’t have been worth it to me to work as hard as I did in my own business to give the majority away to the government, so I would have closed shop and taken a job. That would have meant that my five employees would lose their jobs.

Tax the high producer to the moon, and you discourage production and success.
During the 1980's the top tax rate never got below 84.63%. More frequently it was 91.0%.

The rich were not lazier back then. They had to work a lot harder to earn the same amount of money.
If Jews are not intelligent, why are they so successful, despite the bigotry of people like you?

They really aren't.... Again, this is the mentality of the racist, that because someone in your group is doing well, you must be doing well.

P. Diddy doesn't help the average brother in the hood.
Bernie Madoff doesn't help the average Jew in NYC
Bill Gates doesn't do a thing for my goyim ass.

In the Near East the Israelis have always maintained a favorable kill ratio. If the Palestinians had any sense they would move. Their problem is that no one wants them.

Ah, "Kill Ratios", you should probably ask General Westmoreland how well "Kill Ratios" work out for you against an enemy who hates you down to the last man, woman, and child.
They really aren't.... Again, this is the mentality of the racist, that because someone in your group is doing well, you must be doing well.
If Jews are not successful, why is this true?

Richard Lynn, The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement, Washington Summit Publishers, 2011, 408 pp., review by Byron M. Roth


The Chosen People: A study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement is the most recent work of Richard Lynn dealing with group differences in IQ and their ramifications. As in all of his previous work over the past decade, he substantiates his arguments with huge quantities of empirical data. He advances his positions dispassionately and lets the facts speak for themselves, which they do in impressive, nearly irrefutable fashion. In his previous books he examined racial and ethnic differences in IQ for many groups. The Chosen People is a case study of one distinct group that has shown remarkably similar patterns of achievement in a wide variety of settings.

Professor Lynn begins by pointing out the extraordinary success of Jews in almost every field. In the 19th century the restrictions that had prevented most Jews from advanced nonreligious study began to be lifted in most of Western Europe, and by mid-century, “people began to observe that Jews were outstandingly successful, and began to speculate that this was attributable to their intellect.” (Unless otherwise noted, all quotations are from Professor Lynn.)

At that time the great bulk of Jews were still living in Eastern Europe, but owing to pogroms beginning around 1880, Jews began migrating to Western Europe and especially to the United States. They formed part of the massive immigration to the US in the period from 1880 to 1924.

Prof. Lynn writes:

They arrived as penniless refugees unable to speak the languages of their new countries; they were the “huddled masses” from the most backward region of Europe. Yet by the middle decades of the 20th century, the children and grandchildren of these immigrants were doing far better than their Gentile hosts on all indices of socioeconomic status and earnings and outperforming them by several orders of magnitude in obtaining elite academic distinction . . . .
The development of IQ tests confirmed the impression that Jews were unusually intelligent, and Professor Lynn’s extensive review of the literature indicates that Jews in the US have an average IQ of 110 compared to 100 for other Europeans. This would help account for their outstanding performance in a variety of fields. Though Jews are only about 0.2 percent of the world population, half the world’s chess grandmasters, for example, and 16 percent of Nobel Prize winners for science have been Jews. For Professor Lynn, the purpose of his book “is to document and explain such achievements.”

Ah, "Kill Ratios", you should probably ask General Westmoreland how well "Kill Ratios" work out for you against an enemy who hates you down to the last man, woman, and child.
Because the Palestinians hate the Israelis there is no point in negotiating with them. The Palestinians must be deported, so that the land they occupy can be settled with Jews.
If Jews are not successful, why is this true?

The vast majority aren't. They are doing the same kinds of jobs the rest of us do.

Again, only failures believe in collective success.

Because the Palestinians hate the Israelis there is no point in negotiating with them. The Palestinians must be deported, so that the land they occupy can be settled with Jews.
Or they could just go back to Europe where they came from. That would work, too.

Mass Deportation/Ethnic Cleansing isn't going to happen. The world would condemn Israel if they tried it and their economy would collapse.

A one state solution won't work. Eventually, they will have to give the 6 million Palestinians the same political rights as the 7 million Israelis.

A two-state solution won't work, as the Palestinians will never accept the theft of their land.

So why is ANY of this America's problem?
The vast majority aren't. They are doing the same kinds of jobs the rest of us do.

Again, only failures believe in collective success.

Or they could just go back to Europe where they came from. That would work, too.

Mass Deportation/Ethnic Cleansing isn't going to happen. The world would condemn Israel if they tried it and their economy would collapse.

A one state solution won't work. Eventually, they will have to give the 6 million Palestinians the same political rights as the 7 million Israelis.

A two-state solution won't work, as the Palestinians will never accept the theft of their land.

So why is ANY of this America's problem?
The Israelis do their own fighting. We give them financial and military support because they are people like us. The Palestinians are not.
The Israelis do their own fighting. We give them financial and military support because they are people like us. The Palestinians are not.

The Germans did their own fighting too, what of it? colonizers always fight and kill the indigenous.

This is not like any school I've ever seen in the UK or US. So no, Israeli culture is very much not like us, it is worse even than the Nazis in their demonization and hatred, and that's coming from a Jew who survived Auschwitz:


Anyway what do people think of that video? any Zionist going to step in and "explain" what's "really" happening?
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LOL, you amaze me with your inability to think critically. Most agree that the stories were written centuries after the apparent setting. LMAO, where did your sources stand when they came to this conclusion? SMFH
You really shouldn't talk about critical thinking. Yes, the Exodus story was written hundreds of years after the fact. Anyone with any historical knowledge knows this.
The Germans did their own fighting too, what of it? colonizers always fight and kill the indigenous.

This is not like any school I've ever seen in the UK or US. So no, Israeli culture is very much not like us, it is worse even than the Nazis in their demonization and hatred, and that's coming from a Jew who survived Auschwitz:

View attachment 1016770

Anyway what do people think of that video? any Zionist going to step in and "explain" what's "really" happening?
What is really happening is that a Palestinian is being punished for calling for "free Palestine." "Free Palestine" means "Destroy Israel.

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