Seriously, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for GOP pundits/apologists


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson (who died almost 2 decades before the Civil War,) one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .
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It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson who dies almost 2 decades before the Civil War, one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .
According to herr drumph, Kim is a smart cookie who he'd be honored to meet with.

Can you just imagine the uproar from the RWNJs if Obama had been the one to say that?

And no, I couldn't imagine having to clean up after the idiot-in-chief, EVERY FUCKING DAY OF THE WEEK!
All GOP pundits go through the same life cycle. They rise up by toeing the party line, then they rise to the top by calling everyone with less zealous beliefs than them a RINO, and then they have 2 options: double down on increasingly zanier beliefs to maintain their audience, or fall victim to the rabid zombie audiences they created who now call them RINO's.
Y'all lefties seem to be patting one another on the back and drooling idgit juice with glee for what amounts to jack shit for a reason.
Y'all seem to be patting one another on the back and drooling idgit juice with glee for what amounts to jack shit for a reason.

They lost.

They are butthurt.

This thread is just another example of a lefty electronically ejaculating on the board.
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This thread is just another example of a lefty electronically ejaculating on the board.

"Charming" analogy befitting your half brain......

So, morons Jackson was a sweetheart and Kim Jun Un would "honor" Trump with a meeting???
It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson who dies almost 2 decades before the Civil War, one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .
According to herr drumph, Kim is a smart cookie who he'd be honored to meet with.

Can you just imagine the uproar from the RWNJs if Obama had been the one to say that?

And no, I couldn't imagine having to clean up after the idiot-in-chief, EVERY FUCKING DAY OF THE WEEK!

I agree, Drumpf lies like crazy and then acuses the News of fake news. LIke:

1. The murder rate is the highest it's been in the last 45-47 years. Untrue.
2. The media does not report Terrorist attacks. Untrue
3. CIA: We can't share secrets with Trump because he might tell Russians???
4. All negative polls are "Fake News".
5. Fox Poll:

Who do you trust more to tell the truth:
1. Trump 45%
2. Reporters 42%
3. Neither 10%

Why is this man President?
It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson (who died almost 2 decades before the Civil War,) one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .

No reason to. He's making you fools more the fools than you already are.

The key part of the above quote is this:

"I mean had Andrew Jackson been a little later you wouldn't have had the Civil War".

Trump said that in the very statement you are the dumb-ass you so clearly are.

You see, Asshole & Fool, Secession followed by a Civil War was very much an issue during Andrew Jackson's Term!

Read some History Dumb-Fuck and you will come across the Nullification Controversy whereby South Carolina....where Andrew Jackson was born... almost Seceded from the Union, but didn't because Andrew Jackson said he would come to South Carolina and Hang every one of the Secessionalist, starting with John C. Calhoun.

So, Very Foolish Ass, its clear to me that Trump knew exactly what he was talking about, you could too....if you weren't a barely literate Dumb-Ass.

Fuck You.
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Trump's insecurities are getting the best of him. The disastrous interview he did in his office, which he discontinued in a fit of pique, is a good example. His ego has always been fragile, but he has now reduced himself to holding rallies just to prop himself up. I honestly think that he is on the way to a nervous breakdown.
Trump's insecurities are getting the best of him. The disastrous interview he did in his office, which he discontinued in a fit of pique, is a good example. His ego has always been fragile, but he has now reduced himself to holding rallies just to prop himself up. I honestly think that he is on the way to a nervous breakdown.

Oh, you are talking about PRESIDENT Trump.
It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson (who died almost 2 decades before the Civil War,) one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .

Well it is no different when Clinton or Bush were in the oval office. Sure they said less stupid shit but defending their stupidity from lying about a blow job to attacking Iraq was a hard job to do.

So tell me Nat when will America elect someone that is not doing something and Obama had his blunders too!
The main OP topic here is the same as 4 other threads that have already been merged. I just cleaned all this of excess trolling. Keep to the RECENT outbursts from the TwitterKing. Don't drag this topic out or troll it..
Another lazy troll job. How much are they paying you? I bet you could do better at McDonalds in Seattle. Hold a sign on your favorite on ramp to a major highway to fund your utopian journey.

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