Seriously, Why Do So Many Liberals Keep Lying About the Trump Tax Cuts?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Most liberals continue to claim that the Trump tax cuts were "mainly for millionaires and billionaires," "a giveaway to the uber-rich," etc., etc. But anyone can look at the tax tables and see with their own eyes that the top bracket a much smaller rate cut than did the middle-income brackets. The second and third brackets got a cut of 3 percentage points each, which equaled a 20% rate cut for the second bracket and 12% rate cut for the third bracket. The fourth bracket got a cut of 4 percentage points, or 14%. The top bracket--the one for people who earn $600K and above--got a cut of 2.6 percentage points, or just 6.6%. Don't believe me? Here are the 2017 and 2018 tax tables, which anyone can Google:

Tax Bracket Tax Rate
$0.00+ 10%
$18,650+ 15%
$75,900+ 25%
$153,100+ 28%
$233,350+ 33%
$416,700+ 35%
$470,700+ 39.6%

2018 (under Trump’s tax cuts)
Tax Bracket Tax Rate
$0.00+ 10%
$19,050+ 12%
$77,400+ 22%
$165,000+ 24%
$315,000+ 32%
$400,000+ 35%
$600,000+ 37%

What's more, notice that the fifth bracket got a cut of only 1 percentage point, and that the sixth bracket got no cut at all.

Also, keep in mind that the rich got hit particularly hard by the tax cut bill's $10K cap on state and local taxes (SALT). Someone who owns a house worth, say, $2.0 million, will pay $26K just in property taxes, based on the nationwide median average of 1.3% for property taxes. Someone with an income of, say, $2 million per year will pay $100,000 in state income taxes, and that's assuming a low state income tax rate of 5%. So a rich person who makes $2 million per year and owns a house worth $2 million lost $116,000 in tax breaks because of the Trump tax cuts.

Finally, if any liberals cite the cut in the corporate income tax rate as justification for their false description of the Trump tax cuts as "mainly helping millionaires and billionaires," I would point out two important facts that debunk this nonsense:

One, the corporate income tax rate was cut to 21%, which put it in the range of the corporate income tax rates in Europe and Asia, which range between 18% and 21%. So this was an entirely sensible reduction that put our companies in a better position to compete with foreign companies.

Two, as part of the rate cut from 35% to 21%, the Republicans imposed a one-time mandatory tax on American corporate money parked overseas: 8% on illiquid/reinvested assets and 15.5% on cash and cash equivalents, which amounted to a tax of about $2.6 trillion on U.S. business profits held overseas.
It's so easy for the libs to lie rather than tell or face the truth. They don't care about the truth. If they did, we wouldn't have a nation of Liars. :)

One really wonders how many average liberals hold jobs that pay them more than $40K per year. Anyone who makes between $50K and $315K saw their taxes cut by $50 to $500 per month. My taxes were cut by $220 per month. So how could any liberal who makes, say, between $80K and $315K claim, with a straight face, that the Trump tax cuts mainly helped rich and only gave "crumbs" to the middle class," when in fact the middle class had their taxes cut by a much larger rate than did the rich.
One really wonders how many average liberals hold jobs that pay them more than $40K per year.

Perhaps, that the GOP Tax Bill is Straight out of 1929 maybe? :dunno:

Uh, you're kidding, right? Did the government impose a 15.5% tax on corporate cash held overseas in 1929? Did the government cap SALT deductions in 1929? Did the government give the rich the smallest rate cut in a tax cut bill in 1929? Hint: Just because something is printed in the Washington Post does not mean it's accurate.
The Democrat message machine is successful in reaching its base, combined with the inherent need to be the victim and a sense of entitlement to what other people work for is the foundation of being liberal.
Remember folks, Nancy Pelosi not that long ago was once a "moderate" Democrat.

I bet she was told by her constituents to "move further to the left - the far left as possible". Lol
It's so easy for the libs to lie rather than tell or face the truth. They don't care about the truth. If they did, we wouldn't have a nation of Liars. :)

One really wonders how many average liberals hold jobs that pay them more than $40K per year. Anyone who makes between $50K and $315K saw their taxes cut by $50 to $500 per month. My taxes were cut by $220 per month. So how could any liberal who makes, say, between $80K and $315K claim, with a straight face, that the Trump tax cuts mainly helped rich and only gave "crumbs" to the middle class," when in fact the middle class had their taxes cut by a much larger rate than did the rich.
Aren’t the so called “costal elites” liberals? You think all those Californians and New Yorkers make less than 40k. Really?
ou think all those Californians and New Yorkers make less than 40k. Really?

I never said NY and CA make less. I doubt that they do.
The source link I provide was an Opinion from the WaPost about the GOP Tax bill.
I was replying to mikegriffith1 s ignorant statement to your OP. He is probably just a troll but I thought I’d give him the opportunity to respond
I was replying to mikegriffith1 s ignorant statement to your OP. He is probably just a troll but I thought I’d give him the opportunity to respond

Sorry, sometimes I get cofused when folks "quote" me in their comments. So, I think they are "mentioning" me.
No problem, I’m one of those liberals so I dont agree with all you say but you posted a well written and backed up OP so Kudos
Most liberals continue to claim that the Trump tax cuts were "mainly for millionaires and billionaires," "a giveaway to the uber-rich," etc., etc. But anyone can look at the tax tables and see with their own eyes that the top bracket a much smaller rate cut than did the middle-income brackets. The second and third brackets got a cut of 3 percentage points each, which equaled a 20% rate cut for the second bracket and 12% rate cut for the third bracket. The fourth bracket got a cut of 4 percentage points, or 14%. The top bracket--the one for people who earn $600K and above--got a cut of 2.6 percentage points, or just 6.6%. Don't believe me? Here are the 2017 and 2018 tax tables, which anyone can Google:

Tax Bracket Tax Rate
$0.00+ 10%
$18,650+ 15%
$75,900+ 25%
$153,100+ 28%
$233,350+ 33%
$416,700+ 35%
$470,700+ 39.6%

2018 (under Trump’s tax cuts)
Tax Bracket Tax Rate
$0.00+ 10%
$19,050+ 12%
$77,400+ 22%
$165,000+ 24%
$315,000+ 32%
$400,000+ 35%
$600,000+ 37%

What's more, notice that the fifth bracket got a cut of only 1 percentage point, and that the sixth bracket got no cut at all.

Also, keep in mind that the rich got hit particularly hard by the tax cut bill's $10K cap on state and local taxes (SALT). Someone who owns a house worth, say, $2.0 million, will pay $26K just in property taxes, based on the nationwide median average of 1.3% for property taxes. Someone with an income of, say, $2 million per year will pay $100,000 in state income taxes, and that's assuming a low state income tax rate of 5%. So a rich person who makes $2 million per year and owns a house worth $2 million lost $116,000 in tax breaks because of the Trump tax cuts.

Finally, if any liberals cite the cut in the corporate income tax rate as justification for their false description of the Trump tax cuts as "mainly helping millionaires and billionaires," I would point out two important facts that debunk this nonsense:

One, the corporate income tax rate was cut to 21%, which put it in the range of the corporate income tax rates in Europe and Asia, which range between 18% and 21%. So this was an entirely sensible reduction that put our companies in a better position to compete with foreign companies.

Two, as part of the rate cut from 35% to 21%, the Republicans imposed a one-time mandatory tax on American corporate money parked overseas: 8% on illiquid/reinvested assets and 15.5% on cash and cash equivalents, which amounted to a tax of about $2.6 trillion on U.S. business profits held overseas.

the tax cuts are in reality just a payoff to silence the kool ade drinking cult followers so trump can advance the progressive agenda while they lavish with their few thousand dollars that got eaten up in the tariff hikes,,,

dont get mad democrats do the same thing with freebies
No problem, I’m one of those liberals so I dont agree with all you say but you posted a well written and backed up OP so Kudos

That's fine. I wouldn't expect anyone (including you) to agree with me. The world would be quite boring and iniquitous if everyone actually agreed with me. But nonetheless, I have respect to everyone - no matter who they are.

After all, we are free to agree to disagree. I just wish that everyone would have some decency and respect. That's all.

Yes, I do at times make no sense with some of my comments. I am working on that. I do have ways to go. My English isn't that great. No excuse. I am just saying.
The bottom line is that left-wing ideology is built on lies and myths.

Asking why a left-winger lies, is like asking why a snake bites.

It's what they do.

Honestly if they didn't lie, they wouldn't be able to rationalize their support for thousands of terrible policies that have never worked in human history.
Most liberals continue to claim that the Trump tax cuts were "mainly for millionaires and billionaires," "a giveaway to the uber-rich," etc., etc. But anyone can look at the tax tables and see with their own eyes that the top bracket a much smaller rate cut than did the middle-income brackets. The second and third brackets got a cut of 3 percentage points each, which equaled a 20% rate cut for the second bracket and 12% rate cut for the third bracket. The fourth bracket got a cut of 4 percentage points, or 14%. The top bracket--the one for people who earn $600K and above--got a cut of 2.6 percentage points, or just 6.6%. Don't believe me? Here are the 2017 and 2018 tax tables, which anyone can Google:

Tax Bracket Tax Rate
$0.00+ 10%
$18,650+ 15%
$75,900+ 25%
$153,100+ 28%
$233,350+ 33%
$416,700+ 35%
$470,700+ 39.6%

2018 (under Trump’s tax cuts)
Tax Bracket Tax Rate
$0.00+ 10%
$19,050+ 12%
$77,400+ 22%
$165,000+ 24%
$315,000+ 32%
$400,000+ 35%
$600,000+ 37%

What's more, notice that the fifth bracket got a cut of only 1 percentage point, and that the sixth bracket got no cut at all.

Also, keep in mind that the rich got hit particularly hard by the tax cut bill's $10K cap on state and local taxes (SALT). Someone who owns a house worth, say, $2.0 million, will pay $26K just in property taxes, based on the nationwide median average of 1.3% for property taxes. Someone with an income of, say, $2 million per year will pay $100,000 in state income taxes, and that's assuming a low state income tax rate of 5%. So a rich person who makes $2 million per year and owns a house worth $2 million lost $116,000 in tax breaks because of the Trump tax cuts.

Finally, if any liberals cite the cut in the corporate income tax rate as justification for their false description of the Trump tax cuts as "mainly helping millionaires and billionaires," I would point out two important facts that debunk this nonsense:

One, the corporate income tax rate was cut to 21%, which put it in the range of the corporate income tax rates in Europe and Asia, which range between 18% and 21%. So this was an entirely sensible reduction that put our companies in a better position to compete with foreign companies.

Two, as part of the rate cut from 35% to 21%, the Republicans imposed a one-time mandatory tax on American corporate money parked overseas: 8% on illiquid/reinvested assets and 15.5% on cash and cash equivalents, which amounted to a tax of about $2.6 trillion on U.S. business profits held overseas.

Because your stream of bullshit doesn't hold up to the facts.

For conservatives who can't comprehend the report... Column: A devastating analysis of the tax cut shows it’s done virtually no economic good
No problem, I’m one of those liberals so I dont agree with all you say but you posted a well written and backed up OP so Kudos

That's fine. I wouldn't expect anyone (including you) to agree with me. The world would be quite boring and iniquitous if everyone actually agreed with me. But nonetheless, I have respect to everyone - no matter who they are.

After all, we are free to agree to disagree. I just wish that everyone would have some decency and respect. That's all.

Yes, I do at times make no sense with some of my comments. I am working on that. I do have ways to go. My English isn't that great. No excuse. I am just saying.
It’s all good, we all let our demons get the better of us and find ourselves playing in the mud at times. Those who are capable and interested in having smart respectful conversations/debates with our advisories are the ones that earn my respect. Way too many mindless trolls on this board that can’t do anything but spin when pressed

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