Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?

He is building a wall..........he put Gorsuch in.....he is rolling back anti prosperity regulations.....he is lowering levels of illegal immigration...
This is the moron we elected President


How humiliating

Hardy "theories"...they are all who's the moron here?
This is the moron we elected President


How humiliating
1... Barry was a shitty president
2... muslims love violence, it's their way of life.
3... no one knows very unlikely it was from natural causes though.
4... someone was going to kill JFK… Karma kick his ass.
5... I would not put anything above the Clintons… They are above the law. Fact

There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Live with it
Despite Cryin Chuck, his fellow-travelers, and a gutless GOP, I'm very happy with Trump's first 7 months. If he'd nothing other than keeping that psychotic drunken witch out of the Oval Office, I'd still recommend him for Mt. Rushmore.
You must be new here. Obama said he relied on the ignorance of his supporters to get obamacare passed. His supporters on here tripped over themselves to be the first to defend Obama.
Obama never said anything close to that

God damn it

I hate when you guys post videos that do nothing to prove your claim. Why do you waste my time?

Obama did not offer any shovel ready jobs......he provided funding if you could prove you had one. It was up to the STATES to identify the jobs

:lmao:No, people did not want to pass on more debt to their kids and grandkids… Shit for brains:blowup:

That must be why we're cutting corporate taxes and taxes on the rich ... oh, wait. Who's gonna make up the difference? Probably the middle class that Trump supposedly loves so much.

Your kids and grandkids are already fucked. You boomers have yourselves to thank for that. Only generation that leaves its kids a shittier life than the one it stepped into. Congratulations.

/----/ what taxes have been cut?
Trump was the leader of the BIrther movement

What else do you need to know about his character and intellect?

Barack Hussein Obama/Soetoro was born in Kenya and therefore never qualified to be day he'll admit it and you'll laugh and say "cool, you're the man!"

Thanks for proving my point Tom

The United States elected a man who believes Obama was born in Kenya, believes innocolations cause autism, Thinks Ted Cruz's father killed JFK, thinks Hillary was involved in killing Scalia

How fucking stupid are we?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire…
Trump is a result of white males trying to hold on to dominant power in our society. They cannot handle the gains in power minorities of all types are rightfully making in our society. Soon the white majority will be a minority. That cannot be stopped just like globalization of our economy cannot be stopped.
Whinny, scared white men looking for a President to save them.
Obama never said anything close to that

God damn it

I hate when you guys post videos that do nothing to prove your claim. Why do you waste my time?

Obama did not offer any shovel ready jobs......he provided funding if you could prove you had one. It was up to the STATES to identify the jobs

:lmao:No, people did not want to pass on more debt to their kids and grandkids… Shit for brains:blowup:

That must be why we're cutting corporate taxes and taxes on the rich ... oh, wait. Who's gonna make up the difference? Probably the middle class that Trump supposedly loves so much.

Your kids and grandkids are already fucked. You boomers have yourselves to thank for that. Only generation that leaves its kids a shittier life than the one it stepped into. Congratulations.

/----/ what taxes have been cut?

Is that not the Trump plan? Just because he's too incompetent to actually execute it doesn't mean he isn't trying. In the meantime, the golf course awaits!!
Trump was the leader of the BIrther movement

What else do you need to know about his character and intellect?

Barack Hussein Obama/Soetoro was born in Kenya and therefore never qualified to be day he'll admit it and you'll laugh and say "cool, you're the man!"

Thanks for proving my point Tom

The United States elected a man who believes Obama was born in Kenya, believes innocolations cause autism, Thinks Ted Cruz's father killed JFK, thinks Hillary was involved in killing Scalia

How fucking stupid are we?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire…
Trump is a result of white males trying to hold on to dominant power in our society. They cannot handle the gains in power minorities of all types are rightfully making in our society. Soon the white majority will be a minority. That cannot be stopped just like globalization of our economy cannot be stopped.
Whinny, scared white men looking for a President to save them.

I keep hearing this "white people will be a minority" story, and the truth is, white people have always been a minority in the world. Yet ...

It's kinda creepy, to be honest. Makes me wonder whether their fears are justified, when I hear talk like yours. Like minorities are just lurking in the shadows, waiting for the moment they have a numbers advantage to strike.
SO ... I've gone ahead and read all your comments. They've been ... interesting.

Here's what I've noticed from the Trump supporters:

1. Personal attacks against me. To be expected.
2. A lot of "but Hillary" and "but Obama". I didn't realize Hillary or Obama were president.
3. Accusations that Obama is a Kenyan faggot, or something like that.
4. The willingness to close one's eyes, open one's mouth, and swallow all Trump's lies. As bad as CNN is, still better than some crazy guy rambling in a basement, aka Alex Jones.
5. Everything is "us vs them". They apparently don't realize that we're one country, one people.
6. A deep angsty loathing, and sometimes hatred, toward people who don't look or think like them.
7. One of them is now going to say, "but libruls". Dude, I'm not fucking talking about liberals. Stop trying to deflect.
8. Some valid concerns about censorship, "gendered pronouns and safe spaces", Islam, and Hillary's checkered path that I nonetheless feel do not justify supporting Trump, ESPECIALLY after he has repeatedly shown himself to be a wretched human being every bit as dishonest and corrupt as Hillary .

Please, just stop deflecting. Stop making up excuses. One of you guys basically said what amounted to, 'I like Trump because he's white, he likes white people, and I was afraid Hillary and all those darkies would ruin my white world." I think this is the true reason lurking behind a lot of Trump supporters' minds. For a long time, I defended them, saying things like, "Trump supporters aren't racist; they just really did not like Hillary."

Now I'm beginning to wonder if I was wrong all this time.
Let's get something straight from the start, Obama is only half black. Secondly, his policies only suited progressives, they certainly were not in the best Interest for the rest of the country.
The most racist people in this country are the ones that think racism is everywhere… fact

Snowflakes like yourself are best left in seclusion and their mothers basements...

So I guess when the unemployment rate came down under Obama it only benefited progressives? Must be more lazy conservatives than I thought.
I feel like people voted for Trump with reasonable fears and decent intentions, for the most part ... but defending him now? There really is no good justification for that. The few things he has accomplished could've been done by any other republican in half the time. One of the reasons they're having so many problems is because of Trump's big mouth.

Hell, you have two in this thread that didn't vote and one that didn't vote for him that are defending him. If you didn't vote at all you have no bitch regardless of who won. I just can't understand anyone who voted that did not vote for him defending him. If they are sick of hearing all the shit then why even come to the forums?
Trump was the leader of the BIrther movement

What else do you need to know about his character and intellect?

Barack Hussein Obama/Soetoro was born in Kenya and therefore never qualified to be day he'll admit it and you'll laugh and say "cool, you're the man!"

Thanks for proving my point Tom

The United States elected a man who believes Obama was born in Kenya, believes innocolations cause autism, Thinks Ted Cruz's father killed JFK, thinks Hillary was involved in killing Scalia

How fucking stupid are we?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire…
Trump is a result of white males trying to hold on to dominant power in our society. They cannot handle the gains in power minorities of all types are rightfully making in our society. Soon the white majority will be a minority. That cannot be stopped just like globalization of our economy cannot be stopped.
Whinny, scared white men looking for a President to save them.
I white men were so scared of non white men having power, why do so many white men admire Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, Carly Fiorina, and others like them?
Trump was the leader of the BIrther movement

What else do you need to know about his character and intellect?

Barack Hussein Obama/Soetoro was born in Kenya and therefore never qualified to be day he'll admit it and you'll laugh and say "cool, you're the man!"

Thanks for proving my point Tom

The United States elected a man who believes Obama was born in Kenya, believes innocolations cause autism, Thinks Ted Cruz's father killed JFK, thinks Hillary was involved in killing Scalia

How fucking stupid are we?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire…
Trump is a result of white males trying to hold on to dominant power in our society. They cannot handle the gains in power minorities of all types are rightfully making in our society. Soon the white majority will be a minority. That cannot be stopped just like globalization of our economy cannot be stopped.
Whinny, scared white men looking for a President to save them.

I keep hearing this "white people will be a minority" story, and the truth is, white people have always been a minority in the world. Yet ...

It's kinda creepy, to be honest. Makes me wonder whether their fears are justified, when I hear talk like yours. Like minorities are just lurking in the shadows, waiting for the moment they have a numbers advantage to strike.
Whites have always been a minority

But they established strong governments to protect their power and privilege
What they have lost is the protections of those governments who are being more inclusive
Trump was the leader of the BIrther movement

What else do you need to know about his character and intellect?

Barack Hussein Obama/Soetoro was born in Kenya and therefore never qualified to be day he'll admit it and you'll laugh and say "cool, you're the man!"

Thanks for proving my point Tom

The United States elected a man who believes Obama was born in Kenya, believes innocolations cause autism, Thinks Ted Cruz's father killed JFK, thinks Hillary was involved in killing Scalia

How fucking stupid are we?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire…
Trump is a result of white males trying to hold on to dominant power in our society. They cannot handle the gains in power minorities of all types are rightfully making in our society. Soon the white majority will be a minority. That cannot be stopped just like globalization of our economy cannot be stopped.
Whinny, scared white men looking for a President to save them.
I white men were so scared of non white men having power, why do so many white men admire Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, Carly Fiorina, and others like them?
You forgot Barack Obama
My kids used to love Trump when he put on his pouty-face but then for some reason Trump did it less and less, and my kids approval dropped to a fat rasberry when Trump just used his Mussolini look.
Trump was the leader of the BIrther movement

What else do you need to know about his character and intellect?

Barack Hussein Obama/Soetoro was born in Kenya and therefore never qualified to be day he'll admit it and you'll laugh and say "cool, you're the man!"

Thanks for proving my point Tom

The United States elected a man who believes Obama was born in Kenya, believes innocolations cause autism, Thinks Ted Cruz's father killed JFK, thinks Hillary was involved in killing Scalia

How fucking stupid are we?

Except the majority don't believe that, we are not all one in ideology of conservatives and independents.
You're labeling the few who believe those things and they are father end of the right on the political spectrum , not all of us.
I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.
liberalism is the belief in freedom
yea as long as you believe what they believe....otherwise you aint shit.....
I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.
liberalism is the belief in freedom
yea as long as you believe what they believe....otherwise you aint shit.....

Those are not real liberals. They are fake, phony pieces of shit who don't deserve to call themselves liberals. But since we can't stop them from doing so, we just give them a different name, "regressive leftists", and ourselves a different name, "classic liberals, or independents, or moderates." People who believe in the freedom to do what you like, so long as you aren't knowingly harming others.
Trump was the leader of the BIrther movement

What else do you need to know about his character and intellect?

Barack Hussein Obama/Soetoro was born in Kenya and therefore never qualified to be day he'll admit it and you'll laugh and say "cool, you're the man!"

Thanks for proving my point Tom

The United States elected a man who believes Obama was born in Kenya, believes innocolations cause autism, Thinks Ted Cruz's father killed JFK, thinks Hillary was involved in killing Scalia

How fucking stupid are we?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire…
Trump is a result of white males trying to hold on to dominant power in our society. They cannot handle the gains in power minorities of all types are rightfully making in our society. Soon the white majority will be a minority. That cannot be stopped just like globalization of our economy cannot be stopped.
Whinny, scared white men looking for a President to save them.

Trump was the leader of the BIrther movement

What else do you need to know about his character and intellect?

Barack Hussein Obama/Soetoro was born in Kenya and therefore never qualified to be day he'll admit it and you'll laugh and say "cool, you're the man!"

Thanks for proving my point Tom

The United States elected a man who believes Obama was born in Kenya, believes innocolations cause autism, Thinks Ted Cruz's father killed JFK, thinks Hillary was involved in killing Scalia

How fucking stupid are we?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire…
Trump is a result of white males trying to hold on to dominant power in our society. They cannot handle the gains in power minorities of all types are rightfully making in our society. Soon the white majority will be a minority. That cannot be stopped just like globalization of our economy cannot be stopped.
Whinny, scared white men looking for a President to save them.

I keep hearing this "white people will be a minority" story, and the truth is, white people have always been a minority in the world. Yet ...

It's kinda creepy, to be honest. Makes me wonder whether their fears are justified, when I hear talk like yours. Like minorities are just lurking in the shadows, waiting for the moment they have a numbers advantage to strike.

Take a look around....countries, states, cities and districts ran by "OTW" (other than whites) tell me what you see....haha
I know this FACT makes you want to roll up in the fetal position...SORRY
You should be thanking God this country was built and is ran by whites. Most wouldn't want to be here if it wasn't...this nation certainly wouldn't rain down the free shit you love if it wasn't...haha
you're willing to throw away all decency and honest

Is this the 'decency and honesty' of which you speak?


Hillary was bad too. Just not as much of a cartoon character.

To be honest, I despised her even more than Trump, whom I didn't take seriously. But I realized that the damage to our international reputation with Trump at the wheel would be far more severe, and would cause untold lasting harm.

You see, I vote depending on which would be the better choice, not whom I like the most or hate the least. We had to pick between a douche and a turd sandwich last year. One of those walking, breathing trash piles had to win.

Difference is, if Hillary were president, you wouldn't see me supporting her bitch ass if she got caught up in the kind of scandals that are now routine for Trump. I'd gladly condemn her and hope to get rid of her ass. But Trump supporters will endorse pretty much anything he says or does. He could throw a cat in a blender and they'd call it brilliant PR.
But Trump supporters will endorse pretty much anything he says or does
they are no different than the die hard Bush and Obama supporters....

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