Seriously, why would a billionaire open himself and his family up to such scrutiny?

Think about it. Your whole life is gravy and not a worry in the world except for catching a deadly disease.

Ok, for the power. Well, that goes for all of them. Sooo, it has to be more than that. If you are a billionaire, you already wield significant power.

Is it possible that a person could actually care about the country? I cannot think of any rational reason why someone would open themselves up like that. Especially running as a republican. I mean if Trump ran as a democrat and Parrotted all of the left wing talking points, he would be a giant fucking hero with more power than he could ever dream of.

So again, it cannot really be about just power or ego.

Is it possible he actually cares about the country's direction?

Nothing else makes rational sense.

Yeah--and Comrade Trumpsky doesn't want to get paid for being President. Hmmmm..

thats what he says .. once again he's mouthing off to impress idiots because thats what he does, impress idiots.

He'll take the salary just watch him.

he was going to self fund his campaign too until the GOP $$$$$ started rolling in.

fuck KGB Trump.

I am certain one of the reasons that the Russians intervened into this election to help Trump win, is for the U..S to lift sanctions on them. The benefit to comrade Trump & family is they want to expand their hotels and golf courses into Russia. That's probably why he offered to do the hardest job in the world for FREE, because Comrade Trumpsky never really does anything for free, there will always be a financial agenda. Once that happens Ivanka will be flying over there to wheel and deal.

As far as the conflict of interests that are seeping out of every pour in his body, he will be a President that can be easily manipulated, extorted, & bribed by Foreign countries--because he in fact has golf courses and hotels all over the WORLD, and all they need to do is say: "if you don't do this, we're going to confiscate your golf course or hotel, or tax you through the roof."

ONE THE REASONS YOU SHOULD DEMAND SEVERAL INCOME TAX RETURNS FROM PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES--because these foreign investments would show up on an income tax return to insure that there are no FOREIGN CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.

I would love to see the look on all these manufacturing jobers faces that voted for Trump when they find out how many hotels, etc. that Trumpsky and family own in China--LOL

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Billionaires don't need to run for office . They have the means to help their country .

Trump has never done shit that didn't help him.
Protecting wealth and garnering more wealth and power are always first priorities for any president regardless of party. I question all elected presidents true intentions. I highly doubt them...always. Ridiculing them is patriotic and if they say zero in defense at least they show class.
I think, like Reagan, Trump has a genuine love for this country and cannot tolerate the disaster the Progressives on both sides of the aisle have been.

Yep, he has a fairly clear head (not an alkie). He looks at his kids, grandkids etc. and the USA rust belt etc.

I think he really thinks, somebody HAS to try to do something right now.

Yeah, he's going to do something. Expand the Trumpsky empire into Russia and create jobs there. The Trumpsky family is held hostage in many Foreign countries, especially China--where Steel, and textile factories have gone. He isn't going to do jackshit to bring back manufacturing in this country--he's got too much to lose in foreign investments to even attempt to upset the Chinese, especially them.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

You've been roped a doped.
That fact that the left think it is ONLY about power and ego and since they have no clue that the presidency is nothing but attacks on a person's ego, tells me they are wrong about this too.

He is not an elected king nor a dictator. The stupid fucking liberals would have you think otherwise. They are so fucking ignorant.

To them it is impossible, and I mean IMPOSSIBLE that he is opening himself up to such ridicule for the "ego."

Has anyone noticed how every president is utterly ridiculed and virtually every president are relieved to leave office?

Their pathetic narrow minded view about this issue and their robotic response that it is all about power and ego, tells me it is not about that.

Don't you love too how the stupid left say I should not read his mind, but then they claim why he did do it. Meaning, they are the ones reading his mind.


As an ad hominem purveyor, you've outdone yourself. As a troll, you have created the ultimate opening, a seven sentence maelstrom which proves nothing more than the product of a disturbed brain, duly washed when only a light rinse was necessary. Owl is a suitable nom de plume for someone like you, a hunter from the dark side which seeks small prey and an easy mark, but when challenged cuts and runs.
That fact that the left think it is ONLY about power and ego and since they have no clue that the presidency is nothing but attacks on a person's ego, tells me they are wrong about this too.

He is not an elected king nor a dictator. The stupid fucking liberals would have you think otherwise. They are so fucking ignorant.

To them it is impossible, and I mean IMPOSSIBLE that he is opening himself up to such ridicule for the "ego."

Has anyone noticed how every president is utterly ridiculed and virtually every president are relieved to leave office?

Their pathetic narrow minded view about this issue and their robotic response that it is all about power and ego, tells me it is not about that.

Don't you love too how the stupid left say I should not read his mind, but then they claim why he did do it. Meaning, they are the ones reading his mind.


As an ad hominem purveyor, you've outdone yourself. As a troll, you have created the ultimate opening, a seven sentence maelstrom which proves nothing more than the product of a disturbed brain, duly washed when only a light rinse was necessary. Owl is a suitable nom de plume for someone like you, a hunter from the dark side which seeks small prey and an easy mark, but when challenged cuts and runs. he criticizes ad hominems.
saying its not Trumps ego is bullshit ... 99% of his proposals during his campaign were bullshit. He said "wall" simpletons foamed at the mouth, patted Donnie on the ass, and he loved it .. his inane innuendos drew standing ovations, and he loved it .. reminding everyone how rich he was (but never proved it) was just him dislocating his own shoulder patting himself on the back,and stroking his own ego. When he throws his shit on the wall and none of it sticks at least his bots will be there to lick it off the floor.


Butthurt Loser!
Think about it. Your whole life is gravy and not a worry in the world except for catching a deadly disease.

Ok, for the power. Well, that goes for all of them. Sooo, it has to be more than that. If you are a billionaire, you already wield significant power.

Is it possible that a person could actually care about the country? I cannot think of any rational reason why someone would open themselves up like that. Especially running as a republican. I mean if Trump ran as a democrat and Parrotted all of the left wing talking points, he would be a giant fucking hero with more power than he could ever dream of.

So again, it cannot really be about just power or ego.

Is it possible he actually cares about the country's direction?

Nothing else makes rational sense.

Yeah--and Comrade Trumpsky doesn't want to get paid for being President. Hmmmm..

thats what he says .. once again he's mouthing off to impress idiots because thats what he does, impress idiots.

He'll take the salary just watch him.

he was going to self fund his campaign too until the GOP $$$$$ started rolling in.

fuck KGB Trump.

I am certain one of the reasons that the Russians intervened into this election to help Trump win, is for the U..S to lift sanctions on them. The benefit to comrade Trump & family is they want to expand their hotels and golf courses into Russia. That's probably why he offered to do the hardest job in the world for FREE, because Comrade Trumpsky never really does anything for free, there will always be a financial agenda. Once that happens Ivanka will be flying over there to wheel and deal.

As far as the conflict of interests that are seeping out of every pour in his body, he will be a President that can be easily manipulated, extorted, & bribed by Foreign countries--because he in fact has golf courses and hotels all over the WORLD, and all they need to do is say: "if you don't do this, we're going to confiscate your golf course or hotel, or tax you through the roof."

ONE THE REASONS YOU SHOULD DEMAND SEVERAL INCOME TAX RETURNS FROM PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES--because these foreign investments would show up on an income tax return to insure that there are no FOREIGN CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.

I would love to see the look on all these manufacturing jobers faces that voted for Trump when they find out how many hotels, etc. that Trumpsky and family own in China--LOL

Another butthurt loser
All one has to do is pay attention to the people President-elect Trump is surrounding himself with. The vast majority are self-starters and experienced managers with the experience to take charge. They are the kind who abhor idlers and those promoted to their point of uselessness. They will present the Chief Executive with clear visions of the departments and agencies they've been assigned to supervise and recommend actions necessary to be taken by Congress and the President.

An egomaniac does not surround himself with such people.

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