Served 1/3 of 37 years in uniform in Europe. This trump statement is - to put it mildly - stunningly misinformed and dangerous.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Spewing unedited putin´s propaganda should be a career ending move for any American politician.
It’s dangerous, uninformed, and terribly dishonest. Thank you, General.

If the west, nato, weren't instigating and continuing to build up on russias border, the world may not be on the precipice of ww3.
We aren't on the precipice of WW3. That is Russian propaganda to scare cowardly in America into not supporting Ukraine.

Don't fall for it. Don't let Putin scare you.
We aren't on the precipice of WW3. That is Russian propaganda to scare cowardly in America into not supporting Ukraine.

Don't fall for it. Don't let Putin scare you.

I don't read propaganda liberal mainstream. Yes, we are on the precipice. The alliances are forming among the nations. Its mind boggling that some are so oblivious to the rapid escalation of movements around the world.
Agreed. It is Russian propaganda you are falling for.

And that what Putin wants you to think.

Really man. Don't let his propaganda scare you. He is preying on your fears.

Be strong.

No, I don't read propaganda. There are major sources around the world reporting on the escalations. These sources have nothing to do with russia. Russia is just one piece, there are multiples now.
No, I don't read propaganda.

Then link a source that says we are on the precipice of WW3. Let's see how unbiased the source is.

There are major sources around the world reporting on the escalations.

There are always major sources around the world reporting on escalations.

These sources have nothing to do with russia. Russia is just one piece, there are multiples now.
Yes, it does. Putin does not want Ukraine funded by America so he uses propaganda to manipulate voter sentiment against Ukraine.

And here you are....
If the west, nato, weren't instigating and continuing to build up on russias border, the world may not be on the precipice of ww3.

I don't read propaganda liberal mainstream. Yes, we are on the precipice. The alliances are forming among the nations. Its mind boggling that some are so oblivious to the rapid escalation of movements around the world.
Moscow horde produce 1 % of the world GDP. Chinese academic Deng Xize : "No more Mongol-Muscovy style empire: Thoughts on the war in Ukraine, The global reaction to the war in Ukraine in fact shows that such empires will no longer be tolerated."
The Mongol-Muscovy style empire could be defined as a dominating, rapacious empire upheld by violence, especially unruly violence, and exhibiting three prominent characteristics.

First, it uses unruly violence as a regular means of resolving international disputes. While violence is common and sometimes necessary in political or social governance, rules have been set for its use under a modern lawful democratic system. Unlike in ancient times, the use of violence now comes under heavy restrictions and is “predictable”. Such an evolution also applies to international relations.


Then link a source that says we are on the precipice of WW3. Let's see how unbiased the source is.

There are always major sources around the world reporting on escalations.

Yes, it does. Putin does not want Ukraine funded by America so he uses propaganda to manipulate voter sentiment against Ukraine.

And here you are....

This is only one of thousands that are reporting on this. This site leans left.

This is only one of thousands that are reporting on this. This site leans left.

Good article.

If Trump wins the election and Ukraine is taken by Russia and Russia turns it's eye to the Baltics, what do you think Trump should do?

If Putin remains "undeterred" in Ukraine, he will "almost certainly try his luck" in the Baltics, said Dominic Waghorn, Sky News's international affairs editor – "because he will assume the alliance is too spineless to stop him". That view would likely be reinforced if Donald Trump were to carry through with his threats to pull America out of Nato if he wins the US presidential election in November.
Good article.

If Trump wins the election and Ukraine is taken by Russia and Russia turns it's eye to the Baltics, what do you think Trump should do?

If Putin remains "undeterred" in Ukraine, he will "almost certainly try his luck" in the Baltics, said Dominic Waghorn, Sky News's international affairs editor – "because he will assume the alliance is too spineless to stop him". That view would likely be reinforced if Donald Trump were to carry through with his threats to pull America out of Nato if he wins the US presidential election in November.

First thing I would do. Tell Russia that we're going to deescalate this situation and to come to the negotiations table with Ukraine. That's assuming trump wins. Biden admin wants war so I have nothing to offer there.
First thing I would do. Tell Russia that we're going to deescalate this situation and to come to the negotiations table with Ukraine. That's assuming trump wins.

That isn't what Trump said he would do.

But who knew...we just need to tell Russia to deescalate and they will stop the invasion and give back Ukraine their land?

It's genius.

Biden admin wants war so I have nothing to offer there.

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