Service Dogs In Restaurants

Children should not be allowed in restaurants in my opinion. They are the biggest germ carriers of any upright or 4 legged creature.
She should have just left and not gave them her money if so offended. If it was some derp that just wandered in with their pet then a reaction is warranted, but not like this for a service dog.

I also have a question about 'service dog'. It isn't a seeing eye dog is it? Aren't these just friends for people? Do these animals have the same right of way as a seeing eye dog?

I'm more than a little unfamiliar with this whole area.

The way the article read it sounds as if it was more an emotional support dog due to the owner having PTSD. It says Delaware law doesn't cover emotional support pets, but it seems the restaurant owners had no issue with it being in there.

By law I'd assume an animal in a restaurant is a health no no in general if not mandated by law. A restaurant can't change health code at it's whim. I don't know but I'd guess that. Likely legally he didn't have the right to take the dog into the restaurant (again I didn't read the article) and the woman, though she could have handled it differently, was not at fault for not wanting an animal in a food establishment. She over-reacted, likely she has a great aversion to animals being present when eating, another guess. But also likely the dog should not have been in there.

If she was so concerned about the dog disrupting her meal how does she feel about someone screaming at the top of their lungs while she's trying to eat. The whole thing should have been avoided.
Given her behavior it my guess it was the dog who was truly offended.
Here's a vid of how one woman reacted .....

Here's a link to the restaurants FB response...
Kathy's Crab House & Family Restaurant

Here's a link to a news story about the incident....
Woman calls veteran's PTSD service dog 'nasty' in viral video


She should have just left and not gave them her money if so offended. If it was some derp that just wandered in with their pet then a reaction is warranted, but not like this for a service dog.

I also have a question about 'service dog'. It isn't a seeing eye dog is it? Aren't these just friends for people? Do these animals have the same right of way as a seeing eye dog?

I'm more than a little unfamiliar with this whole area.

The way the article read it sounds as if it was more an emotional support dog due to the owner having PTSD. It says Delaware law doesn't cover emotional support pets, but it seems the restaurant owners had no issue with it being in there.

By law I'd assume an animal in a restaurant is a health no no in general if not mandated by law. A restaurant can't change health code at it's whim. I don't know but I'd guess that. Likely legally he didn't have the right to take the dog into the restaurant (again I didn't read the article) and the woman, though she could have handled it differently, was not at fault for not wanting an animal in a food establishment. She over-reacted, likely she has a great aversion to animals being present when eating, another guess. But also likely the dog should not have been in there.

If she was so concerned about the dog disrupting her meal how does she feel about someone screaming at the top of their lungs while she's trying to eat. The whole thing should have been avoided.

Even if it was reported to the Health Department you'd probably be hard pressed to find an official willing to press the issue. It's not like the dog was in the kitchen.
The restaurant used the resulting publicity to have a large fundraiser for service dogs. Good for them.

If a dog is well behaved it should be allowed anywhere. Service dog or not. If people are not well behaved they should be ejected, forcefully. This creature should be ejected and put on a "do not serve' list.
I'll take a service dog at a table next to me over a brat with clueless rude parents any day and twice on Sunday.
That's such an odd [over] reaction to me...

In Alaska dogs are beloved as family and pretty much allowed anywhere, even if they're not service dogs. It's very common to see dogs inside in-and-out restaurants; the fast food joints even have dog treats behind the counter. Heck just last night we got to pet a pit bull puppy in the bread aisle of my local Fred Meyers; such an adorable drooly little face! I had to wash my pants when I got home lol
Here's a vid of how one woman reacted .....

Here's a link to the restaurants FB response...
Kathy's Crab House & Family Restaurant

Here's a link to a news story about the incident....
Woman calls veteran's PTSD service dog 'nasty' in viral video


Main problem is there is no legal definition of a service dog. So people bring in fifi the yapper and call it a service dog thus giving real service dogs a bad rap.
That said, watching the dog that was a real service dog. And since you're looking at around $30K for that level of dog, yes the owners should be allowed to go where they please with them. They are not a pet.

And all that said, I would have yelled at that woman twice as loud after calling the cops. She is a psychobitch.
The restaurant used the resulting publicity to have a large fundraiser for service dogs. Good for them.

If a dog is well behaved it should be allowed anywhere. Service dog or not. If people are not well behaved they should be ejected, forcefully. This creature should be ejected and put on a "do not serve' list.
I second this. To me, it is sad when an animal is more well behaved compared to a human.

God bless you always!!!

There is a woman I see at the grocery store all the time with her Golden Retriever service dog. He has a vest that says "Don't bother me. I'm working."
I have been in restaurants a million times in my life, and never one where there was a service dog present. So let's say this happens one day and for some reason I don't like it. So one meal of my life is made mildly unpleasant because some guy has THE NERVE to risk his life for our country. This fucking c*nt...

Ah, you're one of those @ssholes who think if a mercenary made some money shooting at people he gets a ticket to be an @sshole for life, such as taking a big, smelly dog into restaurants, where no but him in the restaurant wants the dog to be. Not only can the restaurant not keep the dog out for fascist legal reasons, it'll have to grovel and pretend that the dog is welcome, else you and your fellow assholes will harass the restaurant.
There should be no designation for dogs that would let some in and keep some out. All dogs should be allowed in any business including restaurants as long as they are well behaved. The people with screaming kids that have full diapers should be sent home.
I can't understand a word she is saying due to her screeching. And it wouldn't matter anyway. First time she opened her mouth to SCREAM would be enough for me.
Probably went something like this...

woman..."i dont want to eat here next to this dog. lets go"

dog owner...I approached you in a nice manner to explain federal law. ( she literally said this)

yes----something wrong with that?
Yes. The law wasnt the issue. She thought a dog being in the restaurant was nasty. They were trying to convince her it wasnt nasty. No one asked the dog owner to explain the law to the woman and from what the woman said the dog owner did it in a confrontational manner in front of her child. The woman was leaving. The dog owner should have let it go and never said anything to her.

Your comment does not make sense-----the lady with the service dog ""should not have mentioned the issue of
the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES LAW in front of 'a child' ??? Why? -----it is OBSCENE. Seems
to me that children should learn about laws
A couple of reasons. First of all the law wasnt the issue. You cant force someone to think your dog is clean. Second of all you dont confront someone in front of their child.
While I agree, to an extent, that confrontation in the presence of a child might be best avoided, how do you feel about the language and manner the mother front of her child?
yes----something wrong with that?
Yes. The law wasnt the issue. She thought a dog being in the restaurant was nasty. They were trying to convince her it wasnt nasty. No one asked the dog owner to explain the law to the woman and from what the woman said the dog owner did it in a confrontational manner in front of her child. The woman was leaving. The dog owner should have let it go and never said anything to her.

Your comment does not make sense-----the lady with the service dog ""should not have mentioned the issue of
the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES LAW in front of 'a child' ??? Why? -----it is OBSCENE. Seems
to me that children should learn about laws
A couple of reasons. First of all the law wasnt the issue. You cant force someone to think your dog is clean. Second of all you dont confront someone in front of their child.

where do you get WHO was confronting? -------the crazy bitch who was SCREAMING-----clearly, had no thought for
a child
From the woman that admitted she took it upon herself to explain the law when that wasnt the issue. Obviously your sight is bad too. The child doesnt appear to be there while all the screaming is going on. If you see the child please point her out.
Actually, we didn't witness the alleged original "confrontation" between the people with the dog and the woman, either. Where was the child when the dog-people were "educating" the mother?

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