Service Workers at America’s Biggest Companies, like Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King, & Dollar General, Still Don’t Make $15 an Hour, CEO Pay skyrocketing

Name the Republicans that want to raise taxes and cut spending.
Well they all want to cut spending. On social programs.

And when they give the rich and corporations tax breaks that shifts the tax burden on to you so maybe they aren't saying they want to raise your taxes but their actions speak louder than words.

I want to cut federal spending too. It turns out Blue states pay more federal taxes than they take in. And Red states who hate the federal government take more than they give. This has to stop.
Well they all want to cut spending. On social programs.

And when they give the rich and corporations tax breaks that shifts the tax burden on to you so maybe they aren't saying they want to raise your taxes but their actions speak louder than words.

I want to cut federal spending too. It turns out Blue states pay more federal taxes than they take in. And Red states who hate the federal government take more than they give. This has to stop.
Again, you claimed I was a Republican. Name the Republicans that want to raise taxes and cut spending?

It seems every time I call you out when you make stupid statements you go off on tangents and refuse to answer the question, it seems you are afraid of your own answers. Glad I’m not asking you to define a women, that blows liberals minds.
Again, you claimed I was a Republican. Name the Republicans that want to raise taxes and cut spending?

It seems every time I call you out when you make stupid statements you go off on tangents and refuse to answer the question, it seems you are afraid of your own answers. Glad I’m not asking you to define a women, that blows liberals minds.
Ok point made. You're not the typical republican. But you fail to recognize the middle class doesn't need a tax hike.

But, I could be persuaded. Like, would all this money go into social security that comes with a lock box?
Ok point made. You're not the typical republican. But you fail to recognize the middle class doesn't need a tax hike.

But, I could be persuaded. Like, would all this money go into social security that comes with a lock box?
It should be used to pay down our debt, that would strengthen the economy and increase the value of a dollar. The current situation is weakening the economy and the dollar, as long as we continue down this course, inflation will eat away your retirement.
It should be used to pay down our debt, that would strengthen the economy and increase the value of a dollar. The current situation is weakening the economy and the dollar, as long as we continue down this course, inflation will eat away your retirement.
We see people in Europe and Canada don't cry about the higher taxes. Because they get stuff in return and they appreciate what they get. Americans have been brainwashed. Get the governments hands off my medicare? Ring a bell?
It should be used to pay down our debt, that would strengthen the economy and increase the value of a dollar. The current situation is weakening the economy and the dollar, as long as we continue down this course, inflation will eat away your retirement.

And that would be a good idea to go after all the fraud and waste. Eventually we'd have a projected surplus and Trump could give us all a tax break like Bush did. Right before he was going to lie us into 2 20 year wars. Bye bye projected surplus.
Thousands of workers in food service, hospitality and retail are still making below $15 an hour, including the majority of workers at big-box stores and discount retailers.

If you don't like the salaries a company pays its employees then don't buy anything from that company. Problem solved.

It is called talking with your wallet.

I get pissed when we picked up fast food for a take out place and it is around $40 for two people. You can thank that idiot Joe Potatohead for his massive inflation.
And that would be a good idea to go after all the fraud and waste. Eventually we'd have a projected surplus and Trump could give us all a tax break like Bush did. Right before he was going to lie us into 2 20 year wars. Bye bye projected surplus.
Government fraud and waste is always going to be there but you are correct it would help a little. Obama let Bush’s wars go on as did Trump but at least Trump moved us to get out of the position
Government fraud and waste is always going to be there but you are correct it would help a little. Obama let Bush’s wars go on as did Trump but at least Trump moved us to get out of the position
And Biden did it. Got us out. Yea, you don't like how he did it. Sorry it wasn't going to be pretty. If they were being completely transparent you'd probably have done what Biden did too, but they are not. That's what the Freedom of Information Act is all about. You can find out in 20 years. LOL.
And Biden did it. Got us out. Yea, you don't like how he did it. Sorry it wasn't going to be pretty. If they were being completely transparent you'd probably have done what Biden did too, but they are not. That's what the Freedom of Information Act is all about. You can find out in 20 years. LOL.
He could have done a better job of getting us out of Afghanistan, he left many people that sympathized with our country to die, including the man who saved his life. Biden made a selfish decision.

And none of it has to do with the thread, you are just pimping for Biden.
And Red states who hate the federal government take more than they give. This has to stop.

It would stop if the VERY poor Democrats would leave the red states. They are the negative drag.
It would stop if the VERY poor Democrats would leave the red states. They are the negative drag.

You make me think about the small town my brother purchased 65 acres in. So cute. He lives on a seasonal dirt road. The main highway through it is a 2 lane. One going each way. Drive as fast as you want. Farms, houses with lots of acreage. You get the picture. Everyone who lives there has it good. But they have a Mayor and City Counsel who want the town to grow. They want MONEY. So this guy wants to put a self storage on the cute 2 lane road. The folks who live there voted it down. So if you want a business, you have to go do it in town. Don't ruin their quaint community. Don't build apartments there. If you want to build apartments, build them in town. Not across the street from our 65 acres. So all the trailer park trash kids play in our woods.

So growth brings in the trash no doubt.

Oh, and if the very poor democrats left your state the people who control you would be pissed. Or they'd just start hiring illegals to do the work you won't do. Who will do the work if Democrats leave?

Notice in red states right next to the richest communities are the poorest communities. Isn't that odd? I wonder why this is?
If I were Emperor of the US, I would do like President Reagan with his "Grace Commission" - a committee of mainly private sector executives who were charged with finding places where Federal spending could be reduced without impairing proper functions.

But my "Grace Commission" would be charged with finding Federal Spending that is unconstitutional. Federal projects for which there is no power granted in the Constitution, yet still get mountains of Federal money.

Billions could be cherry-picked right off the top. NPR. The entire Department of Education. The EPA. The Department of Energy. (I would argue that the FBI - a national police force - is unconstitutional).

Then you get into the troublesome fact that Congress has no power to spend money on housing, food, healthcare (other than for military and veterans), or saving the [fucking] planet.

The budget could be in surplus within a year.
Notice in red states right next to the richest communities are the poorest communities. Isn't that odd? I wonder why this is?

Quite the opposite in my red state. The wealthy areas have quite a large buffer, unlike in large inner cities where things change in a “NY minute”.

The point was that in my red state, Democrats take quite a bit from the social welfare system. They also make quite a bit less on average than Republicans. I would say my state is 60/40 Republican vs Democrat, but the Democrats are a HUGE drag. There are certainly poor Republicans too, but most of them are less likely to be reliant on government handouts.

Also, we all know that African Americans make less on average than whites. Reasons for that descrepancy aside, those are the facts. As a percentage, they also depend on government services to a much higher degree. Red, Southern states that take more federal funding than they provide have a much higher percentage of African Americans than all other states. Given this demographic, it only stands to reason that this may be the case, but it isn’t because of Republican policies, but rather a large percentage of predominately democrats, requiring more government assistance.
Quite the opposite in my red state. The wealthy areas have quite a large buffer, unlike in large inner cities where things change in a “NY minute”.

The point was that in my red state, Democrats take quite a bit from the social welfare system. They also make quite a bit less on average than Republicans. I would say my state is 60/40 Republican vs Democrat, but the Democrats are a HUGE drag. There are certainly poor Republicans too, but most of them are less likely to be reliant on government handouts.

Also, we all know that African Americans make less on average than whites. Reasons for that descrepancy aside, those are the facts. As a percentage, they also depend on government services to a much higher degree. Red, Southern states that take more federal funding than they provide have a much higher percentage of African Americans than all other states. Given this demographic, it only stands to reason that this may be the case, but it isn’t because of Republican policies, but rather a large percentage of predominately democrats, requiring more government assistance.
What red state do you reside in?
What red state do you reside in?
At this point we need to break it down into areas within the state. And we know there are white areas that take money from the taxpayer. We know rich and poor states. The New England states are ordering on communism now voting Prog for selfishness while poverty exists in a huge way and racism, bigotry and hate from stats is there for all to see.
At this point we need to break it down into areas within the state. And we know there are white areas that take money from the taxpayer. We know rich and poor states. The New England states are ordering on communism now voting Prog for selfishness while poverty exists in a huge way and racism, bigotry and hate from stats is there for all to see.
That's crazy talk. I simply asked you what state you live in.
At this point we need to break it down into areas within the state. And we know there are white areas that take money from the taxpayer. We know rich and poor states. The New England states are ordering on communism now voting Prog for selfishness while poverty exists in a huge way and racism, bigotry and hate from stats is there for all to see.
Voting for the party that works best for you is not selfishness. In fact, Democrats want to fund social programs. Republicans are the selfish ones who don't want to fund social programs that help the poor. Remember their argument? It's my money. If I want to give to charity I will. But I don't want the government deciding for me that I'm going to fund poverty. WAAAH!

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