Service Workers at America’s Biggest Companies, like Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King, & Dollar General, Still Don’t Make $15 an Hour, CEO Pay skyrocketing

You guys are so stupid you can't even see that the more you increase wages, the higher CEO pay gets. Liberal policies increase wealth inequality and yet you idiots continue doing it.
Companies who pay their employees better are less profitable than companies who don't pay well.

And in the 2000's, the CEO's of the companies who paid the least and sent the most jobs overseas made the most.
I disagree. Neither is going to be completely transparent. Remember, our enemies are listening too. You seem to be asking for too much.

I can tell you this. We knew what was going on in Afghanistan during the Bush and Obama years. You have no idea what Trump did to the military. Why do you think he lost the military vote? He sent our best and brightest seals, and special ops guys on top secret high risk missions and way too many of them died. But the liberal media isn't telling you about this? Perhaps the media isn't as liberal as you think and Trump may be less transparent than Obama was.

Trump may seem to be transparent because he got caught doing wrong so many times. Those were whistleblowers. People who weren't LOYAL. Do you think being loyal to Trump and transparency go hand in hand?

Biden is doing a great job. What's wrong with the economy? The debt? You think new blood's gonna fix that? I'd be happy to have Kamala be the president how about you? Who would you like to see other than Trump?
Disagree? Then name a politician that is transparent.
Disagree? Then name a politician that is transparent.

Should they be? When Republicans are colluding with Russians, should Democrats be transparent?

Pants on fire. That says it all.

But does his administration live up to the hype? It does not, whether one looks at his relations with Mueller’s team, his refusal to release his tax returns, or his unwillingness to cooperate with subpoenas from Congress.

The Trump White House was partially, but not fully, cooperative with the investigation. It did turn over 1.4 million papers, and it didn’t stop some two dozen administration officials from testifying to Mueller. But in other ways, White House cooperation fell short.

As we’ve reported, Mueller and his team sought for more than a year to personally talk to the president, but they were ultimately rebuffed. The special counsel eventually agreed to accept Trump’s written answers to questions, but his responses were "inadequate," Mueller said, and contained dozens of instances where Trump claimed not to recall the information sought. Mueller also noted that Trump declined to answer questions about
obstruction of justice, or questions on events that occurred during the presidential transition.

In addition, Mueller documented instances of Trump trying to impede the investigation or directing his staff to do so, including firing Mueller. "The president’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful," the Mueller report notes, "but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the president declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests."

While Trump campaign officials have testified in the past to congressional investigative committees, the White House has prevented officials — and even former officials — from testifying or submitting documents to Congress since the Mueller report’s release. These include former White House counsel Don McGahn, former White House communications director Hope Hicks, and one of McGahn’s top aides, Annie Donaldson.

Trump has also sued to block subpoenas for his business records by the House Oversight and Reform Committee, and he’s sued to stop two banks he worked with — Deutsche Bank and Capital One — from cooperating with congressional subpoenas.

President Bill Clinton asserted executive privilege during the investigation into his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as did President Barack Obama during the investigation into the "Fast and Furious" program, in which federal agents allowed guns to be sold and brought into Mexico so they could trace the weapons.

But experts say that Trump is well on his way to meeting or exceeding the scale of opposition by President Richard Nixon during Watergate, when non-cooperation with congressional subpoenas became a crucial element of impeachment articles against him.

Press briefings halted

Trump reversed a practice begun under Obama of publicly releasing White House visitor logs.

March 2018 showing that "the federal government censored, withheld or said it couldn't find records sought by citizens, journalists and others more often last year than at any point in the past decade."

And in November 2018, the pro-transparency FOIA Project released data showing that Freedom of Information Act lawsuits reached a record high in fiscal year 2018.

Even one area that might be considered heightened transparency -- Trump’s Twitter feed -- actually serves to undermine scrutiny and openness.

Trump’s tweets do provide an almost stream-of-consciousness report of what’s on his mind -- the kinds of insights that would normally emerge after a president left office and released diaries or wrote memoirs, said Laurie L. Rice, a political scientist at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville.

The downside, though, is that Trump’s tweets often contain inaccuracies, contradictory information, or unclear arguments

We rate the statement Pants on Fire.
Should they be? When Republicans are colluding with Russians, should Democrats be transparent?

Pants on fire. That says it all.

But does his administration live up to the hype? It does not, whether one looks at his relations with Mueller’s team, his refusal to release his tax returns, or his unwillingness to cooperate with subpoenas from Congress.

The Trump White House was partially, but not fully, cooperative with the investigation. It did turn over 1.4 million papers, and it didn’t stop some two dozen administration officials from testifying to Mueller. But in other ways, White House cooperation fell short.

As we’ve reported, Mueller and his team sought for more than a year to personally talk to the president, but they were ultimately rebuffed. The special counsel eventually agreed to accept Trump’s written answers to questions, but his responses were "inadequate," Mueller said, and contained dozens of instances where Trump claimed not to recall the information sought. Mueller also noted that Trump declined to answer questions about
obstruction of justice, or questions on events that occurred during the presidential transition.

In addition, Mueller documented instances of Trump trying to impede the investigation or directing his staff to do so, including firing Mueller. "The president’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful," the Mueller report notes, "but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the president declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests."

While Trump campaign officials have testified in the past to congressional investigative committees, the White House has prevented officials — and even former officials — from testifying or submitting documents to Congress since the Mueller report’s release. These include former White House counsel Don McGahn, former White House communications director Hope Hicks, and one of McGahn’s top aides, Annie Donaldson.

Trump has also sued to block subpoenas for his business records by the House Oversight and Reform Committee, and he’s sued to stop two banks he worked with — Deutsche Bank and Capital One — from cooperating with congressional subpoenas.

President Bill Clinton asserted executive privilege during the investigation into his affair with Monica Lewinsky, as did President Barack Obama during the investigation into the "Fast and Furious" program, in which federal agents allowed guns to be sold and brought into Mexico so they could trace the weapons.

But experts say that Trump is well on his way to meeting or exceeding the scale of opposition by President Richard Nixon during Watergate, when non-cooperation with congressional subpoenas became a crucial element of impeachment articles against him.

Press briefings halted

Trump reversed a practice begun under Obama of publicly releasing White House visitor logs.

March 2018 showing that "the federal government censored, withheld or said it couldn't find records sought by citizens, journalists and others more often last year than at any point in the past decade."

And in November 2018, the pro-transparency FOIA Project released data showing that Freedom of Information Act lawsuits reached a record high in fiscal year 2018.

Even one area that might be considered heightened transparency -- Trump’s Twitter feed -- actually serves to undermine scrutiny and openness.

Trump’s tweets do provide an almost stream-of-consciousness report of what’s on his mind -- the kinds of insights that would normally emerge after a president left office and released diaries or wrote memoirs, said Laurie L. Rice, a political scientist at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville.

The downside, though, is that Trump’s tweets often contain inaccuracies, contradictory information, or unclear arguments

We rate the statement Pants on Fire.
If you can’t address the issue and go on a mindless rant.

If you can’t provide me a transparent politician, that just proves my point, which you said you disagree.

The rest of your post went nonsensical and I didn’t finish reading it because it goes off topic. Thanks for admitting there are no transparent politicians.
If you can’t address the issue and go on a mindless rant.

If you can’t provide me a transparent politician, that just proves my point, which you said you disagree.

The rest of your post went nonsensical and I didn’t finish reading it because it goes off topic. Thanks for admitting there are no transparent politicians.
Some are more or less transparent than others. Fact is, Trump stopped even talking to the press. No press briefings? Can't get caught lying if you don't talk huh?
Some are more or less transparent than others. Fact is, Trump stopped even talking to the press. No press briefings? Can't get caught lying if you don't talk huh?
Right, no politician is transparent, and again, Trump not being transparent doesn’t give Biden a pass on not being transparent.

Right, no politician is transparent, and again, Trump not being transparent doesn’t give Biden a pass on not being transparent.

Again stupid, I don't expect a president to be 100% transparent. But some presidents are less transparent and for a reason. Because they are breaking laws. Trump.

What is Biden not being transparent about? Is it big news or petty bullshit? Is it that a virus is coming and will kill 1 million Americans? Something like that?
Again stupid, I don't expect a president to be 100% transparent. But some presidents are less transparent and for a reason. Because they are breaking laws. Trump.

What is Biden not being transparent about? Is it big news or petty bullshit? Is it that a virus is coming and will kill 1 million Americans? Something like that?

They also wrote In the recent GOP primary presidential debate, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley claimed that President Trump added $8 trillion to the national debt while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that President Trump added $7.8 trillion to the debt. These statements are true, depending on how you measure additions to the debt. We estimate the ten-year cost of the legislation and executive actions President Trump signed into law was about $8.4 trillion, with interest.​

The Biden Administration Has Approved $4.8 Trillion of New Borrowing​


They also wrote In the recent GOP primary presidential debate, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley claimed that President Trump added $8 trillion to the national debt while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that President Trump added $7.8 trillion to the debt. These statements are true, depending on how you measure additions to the debt. We estimate the ten-year cost of the legislation and executive actions President Trump signed into law was about $8.4 trillion, with interest.​

The Biden Administration Has Approved $4.8 Trillion of New Borrowing​

Trump is very liberal in spending, said that, but Biden adding is also liberal spending that isn’t needed.

We need higher taxes for all and spend cuts for all, but you are caught up in partisan BS and would rather America suffer than get better.
Trump is very liberal in spending, said that, but Biden adding is also liberal spending that isn’t needed.

We need higher taxes for all and spend cuts for all, but you are caught up in partisan BS and would rather America suffer than get better.

We do not need higher taxes for all. Here, read this

Trump is very liberal in spending, said that, but Biden adding is also liberal spending that isn’t needed.

We need higher taxes for all and spend cuts for all, but you are caught up in partisan BS and would rather America suffer than get better.

Look at how willing you are to take on the tax burden.

We do not need higher taxes for all. Here, read this

I don’t agree, we all contributed and we all need to pay. More than raising taxes we need to cut spending all across the board.
I don’t agree, we all contributed and we all need to pay. More than raising taxes we need to cut spending all across the board.
We all do pay. In fact the middle class pays too much. If you gave us a tax break and strenghtened social security, corporations and the rich would benefit too because we spend at their stores.

Yes, they need to cut government waste. But are we back to that again? Seems like every time a Democrat is in charge Republicans start worrying about the debt. But then stop as soon as they are in charge. Clearly debt doesn't matter. But one day, like when Social Security runs out of money because they looted the program, they will manufacture a crisis and say it's the debt. It's finally too much and like Greece, we/you are going to have to take austerity cuts.

Austerity measures are implemented to reduce government spending and shrink the budget deficit. Austerity policies include tax increases and government program cuts. Austerity measures may result in a decline in available social services and a reduced individual disposable income.
We all do pay. In fact the middle class pays too much. If you gave us a tax break and strenghtened social security, corporations and the rich would benefit too because we spend at their stores.

Yes, they need to cut government waste. But are we back to that again? Seems like every time a Democrat is in charge Republicans start worrying about the debt. But then stop as soon as they are in charge. Clearly debt doesn't matter. But one day, like when Social Security runs out of money because they looted the program, they will manufacture a crisis and say it's the debt. It's finally too much and like Greece, we/you are going to have to take austerity cuts.

Austerity measures are implemented to reduce government spending and shrink the budget deficit. Austerity policies include tax increases and government program cuts. Austerity measures may result in a decline in available social services and a reduced individual disposable income.
I am not a Republican.
I am not a Republican.

After the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax breaks to corporations, you think that YOUR taxes need to go up? Rather than roll back those tax breaks? You sure you're not a Republican because you seem to be making their argument.

When Social Security goes broke will you argue why you should take a 20% cut to your benefits too?
After the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax breaks to corporations, you think that YOUR taxes need to go up? Rather than roll back those tax breaks? You sure you're not a Republican because you seem to be making their argument.

When Social Security goes broke will you argue why you should take a 20% cut to your benefits too?
Name the Republicans that want to raise taxes and cut spending.

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