Serving America's Best : Merkel is a US-citizen


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
In any case Merkel is the worst female in human history.

BERLIN - She is considered the most powerful woman in the world, highly intelligent and can not be shaken by anything. For almost seven years now, she has been governing the German people as Federal Chancellor. She can not think of her departure or even her overthrow by the opposition. All chairmen of German political parties are cowering before her. And that although Angela Dorothea Merkel actually embezzled even more dramatically the contents of the state coffers than any other head of government since the end of the last world war. Unnecessary bailouts for banks and "non-performing" EU countries as well as the financing of false epidemics and wars are just a few examples of what they also controlled and promoted Volksbetruges. But what makes this woman so strong and even more confident in her actions? Who is this phenomenon really? "Polskaweb News" employees have followed the tracks of their past in East and West like sensory dogs - with sensational - but also shocking results, because Angela Merkel is an almost perfectly camouflaged other person. Her mother Herlind Jentzsch - and her deceased father Horst Kasner had a US passport. Daughter Angela Kasner was then born in the US - and not as claimed in her biography - in Hamburg. True, however, then their move to the GDR, where the Kasners led a mysterious life behind closed gates and darkened windows. The childhood and youth up to the Abitur Angela Kasner spent as far as possible single-handedly. She had no friends, never visited children from the neighborhood, and advances from classmates she deliberately stopped over "intellectual drivel." At that time she already knew that she was not someone, but a future, certain size.
Angela, whose real name is Victoria, fell in her school in Templin above all because of her extraordinary ability to speak fluent languages. Today we know why, because she already learned Russian and English in pre-school age, but avoided reporting it to her classmates. Her teacher was her own mother, who should have had no problem as an American with German and Russian roots. The father u.a. taught her as a child in all other important things in life. The "intellectual" Angela Merkel is so above all a product of her excellent education, which most people in the world, for financial reasons, can never enjoy. Of course, Angela Merkel's parents do not really wear the names Herlind and Horst, nor does she have a brother Marcus. Although the surnames Merkel and Kasner are not entirely unrelated to their origins, so the first names were all invented but free.
We can also tell you at this point that Angela Merkel's relatives have not been sitting in key political and economic key positions in Germany, the US and the EU since her time. In their true family tree there are also ex-chancellors and presidents such as. Helmut Schmidt or Roman Herzog and an ex-US president like George Bush, a Jerzy Buzek, Freiherr von Guttenberg, Berlin's OB Wowereit, Fifa President Sepp Blatter and his Beckenbauer, Lukas Podolski from Podolia, national coach Löw and above all a whole Series of operators of the Holocaust. Including Reinhard Heydrich, Eichmann, Mengele and Auschwitz Commander Rudolf Höß. Curiously, she even has the Auschwitz icon "Anne Frank" and some of her alleged Schinder in the family tree.
Why do we publicly denounce Angela Merkel, a supposedly outstanding German Chancellor, as a fraudster? Quite simply because she, too, apparently can not let the unconscious people wash their brains and puts them under the control of their family or relatives. Anyone who informs themselves today on Good Friday via the media about the current world affairs and somewhat understands what is being cooked there once again for a stinking soup, would certainly and once more send this whole "elitist" Mafia who is behind everything to hell. And you really do not like to hear and see everything anymore. Not even the degenerate texts of the late-pubertal Tattergreises Günter Grass, who quickly before the hiding of his Easter eggs, Israel and Iran nonsensical disputes and denies even while media-promoting party for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ..
In addition, there are today topics such as the alleged impending obsolescence of society, alleged debt brakes, alleged dioxin finds in chicken eggs, alleged nuclear hazards from leaks in power plants and from the direction of Iran, Green politician Volker Beck is allegedly berated for his homosexuality, alleged terrorist threats Radical Islamists, allegedly found false dinosaurs with feathers, allegedly Swiss arrest warrants for German tax fanciers and Merkel wants peace in the tax dispute with the SPD. All Merkel-based and funded lies thus make up the quintessence of the most important news from German lands on Good Friday. Of course, Volker Beck is gay only for his electorate, there was never a dinosaur, there are no dangers from leaked power plants and Merkel actually never argues with the SPD leadership, because they govern together in close ties.
And Angela Merkel can not let the family feed on ever new terror ideas with more and more billions. She herself is a terrorist. She was already involved in RAF history as a young woman. She is washed with all the water and only as long as the friend of the people as it can be milked. But cows are also sometimes good at milking, but even this "happiness" under their leadership has been significantly reduced for years. She has all the power to change something in Germany, Europe and even the world. But this is apparently far away. Their double or triple life must now, according to the motto "rather an end with horror, as a horror without end", also just come to an end. For now, however, we will only make our supporters of donors and subscribers aware of the whole truth about Angela Merkel and the world. At least we give her the chance to get in front of herself and in person about the truth in a better light.


The shocking truth about Angela Merkel

Die schockierende Wahrheit über Angela Merkel
If I were a German, I'd want her to get the hell out of my country and go back where she came from.

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