Sessions' firing is a very good omen.....for democrats

First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.

Will Whitaker recuse himself from the Mueller probe? Whitaker says he will not, but that is the wrong question.

The real question is, will Trump's attack dog interfere in the Mueller probe. Whitaker is far from impartial on the issue and has suggested publicly that an interim A.G. could cut funding for the probe, and that Mueller crossed a red line when he began looking at Trump's finances for a Russian connection, which is a perfectly logical approach to a case involving Russian conspiracy and the Trump election campaign.

The point being, if Whitaker interferes in the Mueller probe, it is perfectly clear Trump is begging to be impeached for obstruction of justice, the ultimate attention getter.

Then there is this. Trump violated the Constitution when he appointed Matthew Whitaker.

The Appointments Clause of the Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 states that principal officers of the United States must be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate under its “Advice and Consent” powers.

The New York Times reports, "A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. And that has a very significant consequence today.

"It means that Mr. Trump’s installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid.

"But the flaw in the appointment of Mr. Whitaker, who was Mr. Sessions’s chief of staff at the Justice Department, runs much deeper. It defies one of the explicit checks and balances set out in the Constitution, a provision designed to protect us all against the centralization of government power."

Once again, Trump thinks he is an emperor. Once again, the Republican Congress filled with Trump sycophants do nothing about it even when Emperor Trump is usurping their power.

As a card-carrying Republican I say this, thank God the Democrats gained control of the House. The idea of an unchecked Trump for two more years is frightening.

I am an American first and a Republican second. More should feel that way about their party affiliation.
The point being, if Whitaker interferes in the Mueller probe, it is perfectly clear Trump is begging to be impeached for obstruction of justice, the ultimate attention getter.

Trump actually WANTS to be labeled a "victim" of a witch hunt so that his loyal cult rallies around his sorry ass.........My guess is that Mueller will indict Trump family members and then the shit will hit the fan.
me thinx mueller has already anticipated something like this may happen & might has contingency plans at the ready. after all, he is months ahead in his investigation than what we get in the news.
Well, he should shit or get off the Goddamn pot.

The truth is that he has nothing. If he had anything remotely usable, he would have pulled it out by now.

not until his intel is turned into hard evidence that will hold up in court. there are so many layers like a rotten onion that makes watergate look like a walk in the park. lest ye forget, mueller already has guilty pleas from many players... plus the cooperating individuals like manafort & cohen & rick gates & george nader & those given immunity like the CFO of the trump organization.....
First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.
Nice attempt to spin....

The Witch Hunt has already been exposed as a sham, all evidence of crimes leads back to the Democrats, it has been supervised by one of the witnesses in the case, and there will now be an actual head of the DOJ running the DOJ and reigning the witch hunt in.
Ummm, how many indictments and guilty pleas are out there? Sham? What's funny is that the investigation could prove Trump innocent, but it's pretty apparent that all those cultists who worship him must think there is something to hide or they wouldn't be so upset about it, and it's downright evident that they and Trump are scared s**tless of that something will be found. Now, if the Trumpbots can just round up the OJ jury.....

they hate hillary so much that they are willing to bend over & grab their ankles for a treasonous conman as long as he makes them feel like they are worth something.
Whoops! He did it again!
He just does what he wants regardless of the laws on the books.

Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

"""The president is evading the requirement to seek the Senate’s advice and consent for the nation’s chief law enforcement officer and the person who will oversee the Mueller investigation.

By Neal K. Katyal and George T. Conway III <Kellyanne's husband!>
Mr. Katyal and Mr. Conway are lawyers."""

""""......A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. And that has a very significant consequence today.

It means that Mr. Trump’s installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid.""""

"...Much of the commentary about Mr. Whitaker’s appointment has focused on all sorts of technical points about the Vacancies Reform Act and Justice Department succession statutes. But the flaw in the appointment of Mr. Whitaker, who was Mr. Sessions’s chief of staff at the Justice Department, runs much deeper. It defies one of the explicit checks and balances set out in the Constitution, a provision designed to protect us all against the centralization of government power.

If you don’t believe us, then take it from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, whom Mr. Trump once called his “favorite” sitting justice. Last year, the Supreme Court examined the question of whether the general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board had been lawfully appointed to his job without Senate confirmation. The Supreme Court held the appointment invalid on a statutory ground.

Justice Thomas agreed with the judgment, but wrote separately to emphasize that even if the statute had allowed the appointment, the Constitution’s Appointments Clause would not have. The officer in question was a principal officer, he concluded. And the public interest protected by the Appointments Clause was a critical one: The Constitution’s drafters, Justice Thomas argued, “recognized the serious risk for abuse and corruption posed by permitting one person to fill every office in the government.” Which is why, he pointed out, the framers provided for advice and consent of the Senate."""

.Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

Suddenly, the moonbats are all about the Constitution!...Damndest thing that they didn't care about it when the players for their team were ignoring it.


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Then there is this. Trump violated the Constitution when he appointed Matthew Whitaker.

The Appointments Clause of the Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 states that principal officers of the United States must be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate under its “Advice and Consent” powers.

The New York Times reports, "A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. And that has a very significant consequence today.

"It means that Mr. Trump’s installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid.

You know, "A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate." So far so good. Does that apply to "Acting" principal officers? I think, a good argument can be made that it may not. But then, that's for the lawyers to haggle about.

The far - far - more interesting question is this: What's the hurry? Why was it necessary to shove Sessions out, and not leave him on the post until his successor is confirmed? Why did Sessions have to go AT THIS exact time, after the House majority changes, but as early as possible before the new Congress is seated? Why, in fact, would the Trumpy, in order to get his sycophant the post of Acting AG, and violate the Vacancies Reform Act and Justice Department succession statutes, and even possibly the Constitution?

And I have no answer to this question, but it it should become clearer pretty soon. My bet, as yours, apparently, would be that Mueller currently writes up the text for a brand new Obstruction of Justice charge.
Whoops! He did it again!
He just does what he wants regardless of the laws on the books.

Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

"""The president is evading the requirement to seek the Senate’s advice and consent for the nation’s chief law enforcement officer and the person who will oversee the Mueller investigation.

By Neal K. Katyal and George T. Conway III <Kellyanne's husband!>
Mr. Katyal and Mr. Conway are lawyers."""

""""......A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. And that has a very significant consequence today.

It means that Mr. Trump’s installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid.""""

.Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

He does what he feels and knows what’s right. Unlike Demtards who do unconstitutional and crooked crap all the time. Your liberal motto is “Do as I say, not what I do”.

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What Trump ‘feels’ is ‘right’ is in fact wrong.

That’s the problem: Trump is both ignorant of the law and has contempt for the law.

Yeah and you liberal assholes fly straight. At least he isn’t a murder like Hillary.

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First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.

First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired. This is code for the OP is short on material, and he doesn't understand how the labor market operates.

But, much more important I can't wait.

is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality. I look forward to how you justify this position.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans. The progressive is positioning himself to further disappointment, but he's too dumb to recognize the investigation is essentially over. Progressives came up empty to match their craniums.

but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws. You started a thread with this? That's code for you're a spoiled desperate person with nothing to complain about.
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The progressive is positioning himself to further disappointment, but he's too dumb to recognize the investigation is essentially over. Progressives came up empty to match their craniums.

Please print those "comforting words" and take them on your next visit to Manafort, Flynn, and soon-to-be tried and sentenced, Cohen.......They WILL appreciate it.

Just wait until Donny-baby is indicted by Mueller.

Following man made up fake gods, make people look stupid and ignorant. Just sick in the head morons.
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First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.
Best tweet I've seen so far stated that trump didn't fire Sessions, he just accidently gave him an old sock.
Whitaker has opposed the Russian angle from the start and is reportedly taking over the investigation from Rosenstein's over....well except the whining and usual protests from moonbat outfits like MoveOn.
First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.

Sessions was inactive. Time's up.
Don't ask me why, but I am saddened at Trump's treatment of Sessions, the first to rush to his side while all others laughed, then offered the job he dreamed of, placed in a legal conundrum and recused himself because he had no choice, and gets a year and a half of ridicule and slander from the guy he placed on the pedestal. He did everything he could to please Trump as AG too, from giving authority to the hideous child separations that Trump is too cowardly to do himself, or firings that Trump is too cowardly to do himself. So I find my dislike of the toady melded with sympathy for a man who touched his dream only to lose it because of that freak's ego and fear of exposure.
I hope Sessions took a good hard look at trump and realizes now what that orange slime really is.
A lot of experts, including former Solicitor Generals, think Trump has made a move that is against DoJ rules. The man he appointed to take Sessions place as acting AG is nothing but a staffer with around a year within the DoJ and was not appointed or confirmed for his position. Trump appointed him over the Deptuy AG Rosenstein who is the real next person in succession.

In fact, without a good explanation as to why he did it, it is just another proof of his commitment to obstruct Mueller.

For Trump, these types of stunts are what is done in shady businesses (like his) and in reality shows' scripts.........After all, a charlatan has to rely on his cult membership stupidity.
And they certainly never disappoint, do they?
The Witch Hunt has already been exposed as a sham, all evidence of crimes leads back to the Democrats, it has been supervised by one of the witnesses in the case, and there will now be an actual head of the DOJ running the DOJ and reigning the witch hunt in.

Actually, I'm surprised that Trump did not appoint Giuliani or Hannity to head the DOJ.

He still hasn't picked the replacement to be vetted by the Senate yet.
A lot of experts, including former Solicitor Generals, think Trump has made a move that is against DoJ rules. The man he appointed to take Sessions place as acting AG is nothing but a staffer with around a year within the DoJ and was not appointed or confirmed for his position. Trump appointed him over the Deptuy AG Rosenstein who is the real next person in succession.

In fact, without a good explanation as to why he did it, it is just another proof of his commitment to obstruct Mueller.

For Trump, these types of stunts are what is done in shady businesses (like his) and in reality shows' scripts.........After all, a charlatan has to rely on his cult membership stupidity.
And they certainly never disappoint, do they?

First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.

Polling shows that the American people don't care about Russia and a plurality, in fact, think it's just a political stunt.

NBC News Exit Poll: Voters divided on Mueller's handling of Russia investigation
Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional
Opinion | Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

The "stooge" that Trump unilaterally appointed to cover his orange ass, has a serious choice to make regarding his own future as a patsy or as a principled lawyer.
Want to bet on which way he'll go ?
What really sickens me is the orange POS has to go get an AG and a SC guy to embrace him protect him INSTEAD of the country first

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