Sessions' firing is a very good omen.....for democrats

I sincerely think that Trump is truly scared of what the Mueller investigation will reveal...and when you're scared, you over-reach and make an obvious moronic move like appointing a stooge to head the investigation of your own sorry and corrupt past.

He hasn’t been scared for grnlast year and a half. I doubt he is starting today.

You are only scared when you have done something
I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were

No, dingbat........NO ONE is objecting to Sessions' firing......We are objecting in Trump appointing a stooge to protect Trump's orange ass.

That’s why the protests have been over him being fired
Every single Nat post is idiotic. He didn't deviate from the norm with this one.
First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.
Well that’s exactly why he waited until after the election... hoping the electorate will forget about this in 2 years.

never mind 2 years...they'll forget about it in two weeks.

Whitaker has opposed the Russian angle from the start and is reportedly taking over the investigation from Rosenstein's over....well except the whining and usual protests from moonbat outfits like MoveOn.
First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.

Sessions was inactive. Time's up.
Don't ask me why, but I am saddened at Trump's treatment of Sessions, the first to rush to his side while all others laughed, then offered the job he dreamed of, placed in a legal conundrum and recused himself because he had no choice, and gets a year and a half of ridicule and slander from the guy he placed on the pedestal. He did everything he could to please Trump as AG too, from giving authority to the hideous child separations that Trump is too cowardly to do himself, or firings that Trump is too cowardly to do himself. So I find my dislike of the toady melded with sympathy for a man who touched his dream only to lose it because of that freak's ego and fear of exposure.

I Truly did like Jeff Sessions....wish to hell he stayed as a Senator...he was very good at it.
Unfortunately he was just too weak for the office of AG....mercy is only good for those who respond to it. Sessions has a job to do ...when he retires from AG...( Now the case of course ) he can go back to Christian frankly has no place in DC. You can't have a legal warrior who is afraid of his own shadow. Just doesn't work.

Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.

I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were
So you think a president can subvert the confirmation process by having an Attorney General approved of by the Senate, then firing said AG and installing their own Attorney General without Senate approval, as required by the Constitution?
Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.

I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were
So you think a president can subvert the confirmation process by having an Attorney General approved of by the Senate, then firing said AG and installing their own Attorney General without Senate approval, as required by the Constitution?

Yep....for 210 days....and in 210 days he can do it again....and again....and again.....who knows...that may be exactly what he plans to do... Or alternately they could confirm him....but here's what I suggest. Go down there right now and tell that guy to get the hell out of the building and wait for further orders from you.

Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.

I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were
So you think a president can subvert the confirmation process by having an Attorney General approved of by the Senate, then firing said AG and installing their own Attorney General without Senate approval, as required by the Constitution?

Yep....for 210 days....and in 210 days he can do it again....and again....and again.....who knows...that may be exactly what he plans to do... Or alternately they could confirm him....but here's what I suggest. Go down there right now and tell that guy to get the hell out of the building and wait for further orders from you.

Well, not exactly. If Trump is allowed to subvert the Constitution in this manner, no president needs to wait 210 days. They can fire their Attorney General the very next day after being confirmed, if this is allowed to stand, and install whoever they want without being confirmed.
Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.

I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were
So you think a president can subvert the confirmation process by having an Attorney General approved of by the Senate, then firing said AG and installing their own Attorney General without Senate approval, as required by the Constitution?

Post Article, section and paragraph please.
Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.

I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were
So you think a president can subvert the confirmation process by having an Attorney General approved of by the Senate, then firing said AG and installing their own Attorney General without Senate approval, as required by the Constitution?

Post Article, section and paragraph please.

Don't hold your breath
Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.

I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were
So you think a president can subvert the confirmation process by having an Attorney General approved of by the Senate, then firing said AG and installing their own Attorney General without Senate approval, as required by the Constitution?

Yep....for 210 days....and in 210 days he can do it again....and again....and again.....who knows...that may be exactly what he plans to do... Or alternately they could confirm him....but here's what I suggest. Go down there right now and tell that guy to get the hell out of the building and wait for further orders from you.

Well, not exactly. If Trump is allowed to subvert the Constitution in this manner, no president needs to wait 210 days. They can fire their Attorney General the very next day after being confirmed, if this is allowed to stand, and install whoever they want without being confirmed.

What Trump cult members REFUSE to acknowledge is this simple fact:

Is an AG's job to uphold the Constitution by investigating and prosecuting wrong doings by possible criminals, traitors, etc.????


Is the AG's job mostly to protect the office that appointed him or her???
Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.

I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were
So you think a president can subvert the confirmation process by having an Attorney General approved of by the Senate, then firing said AG and installing their own Attorney General without Senate approval, as required by the Constitution?

Post Article, section and paragraph please.

Don't hold your breath

I never do.
Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.

I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were
So you think a president can subvert the confirmation process by having an Attorney General approved of by the Senate, then firing said AG and installing their own Attorney General without Senate approval, as required by the Constitution?

Post Article, section and paragraph please.

Don't hold your breath

I never do.

He read it on Daily Kook or some other loon site
Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.

I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were
So you think a president can subvert the confirmation process by having an Attorney General approved of by the Senate, then firing said AG and installing their own Attorney General without Senate approval, as required by the Constitution?

Yep....for 210 days....and in 210 days he can do it again....and again....and again.....who knows...that may be exactly what he plans to do... Or alternately they could confirm him....but here's what I suggest. Go down there right now and tell that guy to get the hell out of the building and wait for further orders from you.

Well, not exactly. If Trump is allowed to subvert the Constitution in this manner, no president needs to wait 210 days. They can fire their Attorney General the very next day after being confirmed, if this is allowed to stand, and install whoever they want without being confirmed.

What Trump cult members REFUSE to acknowledge is this simple fact:

Is an AG's job to uphold the Constitution by investigating and prosecuting wrong doings by possible criminals, traitors, etc.????


Is the AG's job mostly to protect the office that appointed him or her???

Well...I can tell you that it's not to do the bidding of the DNC....who would like very much to use it to remove Trump with false charges. Yeah....that much I can say.

Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.

I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were
So you think a president can subvert the confirmation process by having an Attorney General approved of by the Senate, then firing said AG and installing their own Attorney General without Senate approval, as required by the Constitution?

Post Article, section and paragraph please.
Article. II.
Section. 2.

He [The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.
Whoops! He did it again!
He just does what he wants regardless of the laws on the books.

Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

"""The president is evading the requirement to seek the Senate’s advice and consent for the nation’s chief law enforcement officer and the person who will oversee the Mueller investigation.

By Neal K. Katyal and George T. Conway III <Kellyanne's husband!>
Mr. Katyal and Mr. Conway are lawyers."""

""""......A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. And that has a very significant consequence today.

It means that Mr. Trump’s installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid.""""

.Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

He does what he feels and knows what’s right. Unlike Demtards who do unconstitutional and crooked crap all the time. Your liberal motto is “Do as I say, not what I do”.

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What Trump ‘feels’ is ‘right’ is in fact wrong.

That’s the problem: Trump is both ignorant of the law and has contempt for the law.

Yeah and you liberal assholes fly straight. At least he isn’t a murder like Hillary.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

that you know of.....

I sincerely think that Trump is truly scared of what the Mueller investigation will reveal...and when you're scared, you over-reach and make an obvious moronic move like appointing a stooge to head the investigation of your own sorry and corrupt past.

that's exactly why he picked kavanaugh. rumor is that turtle boy told trump that brett wasn't the one to go with because of his reputation & the paper trail he has since W.'s regime; he wants kavaugh to rule that a sitting president can't be touched for crimes he obviously committed.
I sincerely think that Trump is truly scared of what the Mueller investigation will reveal...and when you're scared, you over-reach and make an obvious moronic move like appointing a stooge to head the investigation of your own sorry and corrupt past.
Mueller is so smart This ass, this AG moron appointed, won't be able to stop Mueller from giving what he knows to congress

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