Sessions' firing is a very good omen.....for democrats

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi under consideration to replace Sessions

Dang, that did not take long.

And what about Lindsey?

Didn't Graham say there would be hell to pay if tiny trump fired the Keebler Elf? Well? What is this hell we are supposed to be paying?
Graham is a loud mouthed hypocritical pos much like trump Guess he's looking for a job
I sincerely think that Trump is truly scared of what the Mueller investigation will reveal...and when you're scared, you over-reach and make an obvious moronic move like appointing a stooge to head the investigation of your own sorry and corrupt past.
I sincerely think that Trump is truly scared of what the Mueller investigation will reveal...and when you're scared, you over-reach and make an obvious moronic move like appointing a stooge to head the investigation of your own sorry and corrupt past.
Very true ---- and get someone on the SC who will protect his lying ass if it gets that far
Didn't Graham say there would be hell to pay if tiny trump fired the Keebler Elf? Well? What is this hell we are supposed to be paying?

Graham was invited to one of Trump's golfing outings and probably told that there was some "history" of Graham sexual proclivities........and good ol' Lindsey did a 180.
I sincerely think that Trump is truly scared of what the Mueller investigation will reveal...and when you're scared, you over-reach and make an obvious moronic move like appointing a stooge to head the investigation of your own sorry and corrupt past.
Very true ---- and get someone on the SC who will protect his lying ass if it gets that far

It may be wishful thinking on my part, but I believe that chief justice Roberts' future decisions may disappoint the orange clown.
First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.

Far from "defending" a lap dog like Sessions, one would have to admit that the ONLY thing that Sessions did wrong as AG, is to NOT cover Trump's sorry ass when recusing himself from the Mueller investigation.....

Bottom line is this: Trump should advertise the position of AG as a search to find someone "who is willing to cover-up for my fucked up history of collusion, breaches of the emolument clauses, fraud and obstruction."
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Trump has just crossed over to attempting to fuck over the Constitution and attempting to be above the law to protect his own hide and his corrupt family members.

Time for republicans who care about the country and NOT just their own sorry hide to step up and tell the wanna be "emperor" to put some clothes on.

I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were
I was under the impression that the President decided who the AG was. I was unaware that firing him was a constitutional crisis since the AG clearly falls under Article 2 powers.

It is amusing to watch the same people who flipped out about Sessions being appointed claiming he was a racist nazi klansman unqualified for the job out protesting that he was fired.

Just goes to show how insincere the original objections were

No, dingbat........NO ONE is objecting to Sessions' firing......We are objecting in Trump appointing a stooge to protect Trump's orange ass.
First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.

Poor ignorant little thing, the Souther District of NY is part of the DOJ, the actual name is The United States Department of Justice, Southern District of New York. Me thinks Whitaker will be supervising them as well. LMAO

Ethics' lawyers within DOJ will request for Whitaker to recuse himself.....If this stooge refuses, he could lose his license.....Let the fun begin.

He hasn’t done anything that requires recusal. Rosenstein on the other hand...
Poor ignorant little thing, the Souther District of NY is part of the DOJ, the actual name is The United States Department of Justice, Southern District of New York. Me thinks Whitaker will be supervising them as well. LMAO

Sure, moron.....because Whitaker's shutting down TWO separate investigations is even better than just shutting down one, correct???

Maybe you Trump ass-kissers think that Whitaker will even shut down the democratic House's investigations next year??? What do you think?.....LOL
Ethics' lawyers within DOJ will request for Whitaker to recuse himself.....If this stooge refuses, he could lose his license.....Let the fun begin.

He hasn’t done anything that requires recusal. Rosenstein on the other hand...

Learn something you eternal moron.....

What has new Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker said about ...
23 hours ago - Trump has often criticized Sessions for recusing himself from ... Iowa native MattWhitaker, acting U.S. Attorney General and former .... Attorney general could use budget to slow investigation ... Democrats are calling for him to recuse himself ... Read my statement on @realDonaldTrump's firing of Attorney ...
First off the Congress is in recess for the election Article two gives the PRESIDENT the absolute power to appoint whomever he wishes UNTIL the END of the next session, AND if the Senate does not take up the confirmation before the end of that session he may reappoint, OR change the person till the end of the next session. It is always evident that the liberal education especially liberal law schools is woefully lacking in the common facts of The Constitution. It is funny as hell to me. Like the liberal press going with their dimshit morning talking points right after Trump was elected an spouting he was subject to article one emoluments clause. Article two has a different clause and meaning too. Liberals have no idea regarding the FACTS of the Constitution or history because the first step in making a totalitarian regime is dumbing down the ants.
First, let's clear up the usual lying spin from the WH that Sessions "resigned".....he was fired.

But, much more important, is the fact that Trump feels the urgent need to "circle the wagons" and THAT is always a prelude to bunker mentality.

Let a Trump lap dog assume the role of AG and undermine the Muller investigation and lets see how that plays out among not only democrats and decent republicans....but also the crucial independent voting bloc.................Besides, Trump cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.......the southern district of NY is beyond Trump's claws.

Will Whitaker recuse himself from the Mueller probe? Whitaker says he will not, but that is the wrong question.

The real question is, will Trump's attack dog interfere in the Mueller probe. Whitaker is far from impartial on the issue and has suggested publicly that an interim A.G. could cut funding for the probe, and that Mueller crossed a red line when he began looking at Trump's finances for a Russian connection, which is a perfectly logical approach to a case involving Russian conspiracy and the Trump election campaign.

The point being, if Whitaker interferes in the Mueller probe, it is perfectly clear Trump is begging to be impeached for obstruction of justice, the ultimate attention getter.

Then there is this. Trump violated the Constitution when he appointed Matthew Whitaker.

The Appointments Clause of the Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 states that principal officers of the United States must be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate under its “Advice and Consent” powers.

The New York Times reports, "A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. And that has a very significant consequence today.

"It means that Mr. Trump’s installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid.

"But the flaw in the appointment of Mr. Whitaker, who was Mr. Sessions’s chief of staff at the Justice Department, runs much deeper. It defies one of the explicit checks and balances set out in the Constitution, a provision designed to protect us all against the centralization of government power."

Once again, Trump thinks he is an emperor. Once again, the Republican Congress filled with Trump sycophants do nothing about it even when Emperor Trump is usurping their power.

As a card-carrying Republican I say this, thank God the Democrats gained control of the House. The idea of an unchecked Trump for two more years is frightening.

I am an American first and a Republican second. More should feel that way about their party affiliation.

Is a temporary officer a principal one?
Ethics' lawyers within DOJ will request for Whitaker to recuse himself.....If this stooge refuses, he could lose his license.....Let the fun begin.

He hasn’t done anything that requires recusal. Rosenstein on the other hand...

Learn something you eternal moron.....

What has new Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker said about ...
23 hours ago - Trump has often criticized Sessions for recusing himself from ... Iowa native MattWhitaker, acting U.S. Attorney General and former .... Attorney general could use budget to slow investigation ... Democrats are calling for him to recuse himself ... Read my statement on @realDonaldTrump's firing of Attorney ...

You seem to think that’s significant. It isn’t
Poor ignorant little thing, the Souther District of NY is part of the DOJ, the actual name is The United States Department of Justice, Southern District of New York. Me thinks Whitaker will be supervising them as well. LMAO

Sure, moron.....because Whitaker's shutting down TWO separate investigations is even better than just shutting down one, correct???

Maybe you Trump ass-kissers think that Whitaker will even shut down the democratic House's investigations next year??? What do you think?.....LOL

Well ya little bitch, I haven't seen any indication that anything is being shut down. That's just your regressive conspiracy theory. Get back to us when you have evidence of something actually happening. It seems your reality is not that of the rest of the country.

What’s is significant is the fact Jeff Sessions tendered his resignation about six months ago, and it wasn’t accepted. Trump should have put Newt in as AG, there would be a lot of dimshits in jail now if he had, and the treason comitted by some of them would have been prosecuted by tribunal as it should.

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