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A look at democrat "civility" since they won the House....

Derek Hunter looks at the new "Civility" since the democrats regained the power in the House of Representatives....it is exactly what you would expect from the democrats...

So Much For The Afterglow

We were told that civility would return once Democrats regained the House of Representatives. In fact, we were told that was the only way civility would return to a world of angry liberal mobs assaulting and shouting down anyone who dare not agree with them. We were lied to.

Being lied to by liberals is not a surprise. What is a little surprising is how quickly, boldly, and proudly they broke their word as if no one would remember the promise.

After winning the House, as expected, Democrats immediately turned the thermostat up to 11 by promising to investigate everything Donald Trump ever did. His high school girlfriends should be expecting a subpoena.

In the name of civility, Democrats openly spoke about going after the President’s tax returns and business records.

Elsewhere, in the name of civility, liberals declared their losses in Georgia and Florida to be the result of racism. Unable to fathom the prospect that voters in those conservative states might not be fans of socialist policies, they ignored the history of Florida having twice voted for a black man for president and defaulted to their standard position when denied anything.

Then there was the distinctly uncivil attack on Tucker Carlson’s house while his wife was home alone. Tucker is an outdoorsman and hunter, so I’d say it was lucky that the brownshirt wing of the Democratic Party chose to attempt to kick in his door when he wasn’t home. But considering they know when he’s on television, it wasn’t luck at all, it was cowardice. A shame, really.

When President Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions, rather than rejoice in getting what they demanded just last year, Democrats declared it something akin to a coup. Kamala Harris went from “Sessions lacks all credibility” and “should have resigned months ago” to his “firing puts Robert Mueller’s investigation in danger.” At least she was doing it to build her email list, something she can fundraise and make money off of by renting it out. Nancy Pelosi simply went for straight hypocrisy with no payoff, declaring it “another blatant attempt…to undermine & end Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.” Last year Pelosi was singing a different tune, naturally, saying the former AG “lied under oath. Anything less than resignation or removal from office is unacceptable.”

Like the promise of civility, Democrats no longer want what they say they do the moment they get it.
In other words, anyone who doesn't kowtow to the authoritarian President, is uncivil?
Funny. If Trump was a dictator like you claim, the wall would have been built already.
When they are rude to Trump he dishes the same back to them.

Right.... but then Trump started it. Any lame excuses for this?

No he didn't.
They started the minute he made the announcement he was running.
Then when he called them out they got even more nasty.

He started on the Mexicans.

In fact he told everyone in one of his books that this is exactly what you do.

Trump and the Dark Art of Bad Publicity

“Good news is Melania’s speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics,” he said, “especially if you believe that all press is good press!”

This was after Melania had plagiarized the shit out of a speech.

"It’s possible to see Trump’s whole campaign as a structure built on colossal missteps, statements that would have torpedoed all other candidacies but have buoyed Trump’s simply by keeping his name in the news. Trump launched his presidential candidacy last summer by descending the escalator at the tower that bears his name and uttering his infamous words about how Mexico is sending to America its criminals and rapists. Those remarks alienated an ally, trashed a major portion of an ethnic group Republicans had vowed to court and set the tenor for a bid that has willfully, almost gleefully defied every poll-tested tenet of modern politics."

This is what Trump set out to do.

"“He is of the mindset that the more his name is dropped, the more a kind of hypnosis, for lack of a better word, there is to the American public,” Jim Dowd, the CEO of Dowd Ink, who did public relations for Trump from 2004 to 2010, told me in a recent interview. “He thinks even a negative piece is a positive for him.”"

And here it is. The quote:
“good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal
When they are rude to Trump he dishes the same back to them.

Right.... but then Trump started it. Any lame excuses for this?

No he didn't.
They started the minute he made the announcement he was running.
Then when he called them out they got even more nasty.

He started on the Mexicans.

In fact he told everyone in one of his books that this is exactly what you do.

Trump and the Dark Art of Bad Publicity

“Good news is Melania’s speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics,” he said, “especially if you believe that all press is good press!”

This was after Melania had plagiarized the shit out of a speech.

"It’s possible to see Trump’s whole campaign as a structure built on colossal missteps, statements that would have torpedoed all other candidacies but have buoyed Trump’s simply by keeping his name in the news. Trump launched his presidential candidacy last summer by descending the escalator at the tower that bears his name and uttering his infamous words about how Mexico is sending to America its criminals and rapists. Those remarks alienated an ally, trashed a major portion of an ethnic group Republicans had vowed to court and set the tenor for a bid that has willfully, almost gleefully defied every poll-tested tenet of modern politics."

This is what Trump set out to do.

"“He is of the mindset that the more his name is dropped, the more a kind of hypnosis, for lack of a better word, there is to the American public,” Jim Dowd, the CEO of Dowd Ink, who did public relations for Trump from 2004 to 2010, told me in a recent interview. “He thinks even a negative piece is a positive for him.”"

And here it is. The quote:
“good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

Started on Mexicans or spoke the truth?
Many of the Mexicans born here agreed with him.
It's the left's fake outrage over truth.
He never said all Mexicans like the left want people to believe.

Does it matter? You can tell a fat woman she's fat, that doesn't mean it's a NICE THING TO SAY.

And many of the things the media says about Trump are also true, but apparently they're really bad for saying them.

Whatever, mud slinging from both sides, and what? Trump wanted this to happen. That's a FACT.

Yes it does matter.
No Trump did not want this to happen.
He can and has backed Dems.
GOP leaders 'shocked' following Trump deal with Democrats - CNNPolitics
He signed a bill by a Democratic Woman
Trump Signs Bills Supporting Women Entrepreneurs and Women in STEM Fields
When they are rude to Trump he dishes the same back to them.

Right.... but then Trump started it. Any lame excuses for this?

No he didn't.
They started the minute he made the announcement he was running.
Then when he called them out they got even more nasty.

He started on the Mexicans.

In fact he told everyone in one of his books that this is exactly what you do.

Trump and the Dark Art of Bad Publicity

“Good news is Melania’s speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics,” he said, “especially if you believe that all press is good press!”

This was after Melania had plagiarized the shit out of a speech.

"It’s possible to see Trump’s whole campaign as a structure built on colossal missteps, statements that would have torpedoed all other candidacies but have buoyed Trump’s simply by keeping his name in the news. Trump launched his presidential candidacy last summer by descending the escalator at the tower that bears his name and uttering his infamous words about how Mexico is sending to America its criminals and rapists. Those remarks alienated an ally, trashed a major portion of an ethnic group Republicans had vowed to court and set the tenor for a bid that has willfully, almost gleefully defied every poll-tested tenet of modern politics."

This is what Trump set out to do.

"“He is of the mindset that the more his name is dropped, the more a kind of hypnosis, for lack of a better word, there is to the American public,” Jim Dowd, the CEO of Dowd Ink, who did public relations for Trump from 2004 to 2010, told me in a recent interview. “He thinks even a negative piece is a positive for him.”"

And here it is. The quote:
“good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal
When they are rude to Trump he dishes the same back to them.

Right.... but then Trump started it. Any lame excuses for this?

No he didn't.
They started the minute he made the announcement he was running.
Then when he called them out they got even more nasty.

He started on the Mexicans.

In fact he told everyone in one of his books that this is exactly what you do.

Trump and the Dark Art of Bad Publicity

“Good news is Melania’s speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics,” he said, “especially if you believe that all press is good press!”

This was after Melania had plagiarized the shit out of a speech.

"It’s possible to see Trump’s whole campaign as a structure built on colossal missteps, statements that would have torpedoed all other candidacies but have buoyed Trump’s simply by keeping his name in the news. Trump launched his presidential candidacy last summer by descending the escalator at the tower that bears his name and uttering his infamous words about how Mexico is sending to America its criminals and rapists. Those remarks alienated an ally, trashed a major portion of an ethnic group Republicans had vowed to court and set the tenor for a bid that has willfully, almost gleefully defied every poll-tested tenet of modern politics."

This is what Trump set out to do.

"“He is of the mindset that the more his name is dropped, the more a kind of hypnosis, for lack of a better word, there is to the American public,” Jim Dowd, the CEO of Dowd Ink, who did public relations for Trump from 2004 to 2010, told me in a recent interview. “He thinks even a negative piece is a positive for him.”"

And here it is. The quote:
“good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

Started on Mexicans or spoke the truth?
Many of the Mexicans born here agreed with him.
It's the left's fake outrage over truth.
He never said all Mexicans like the left want people to believe.

Does it matter? You can tell a fat woman she's fat, that doesn't mean it's a NICE THING TO SAY.

And many of the things the media says about Trump are also true, but apparently they're really bad for saying them.

Whatever, mud slinging from both sides, and what? Trump wanted this to happen. That's a FACT.
Many American citizens are enjoying watching the press get their arrogant partisan asses handed to them. It's way past due.
There's always an excuse to not be civil, for those who lack the capacity to be civil.
Derek Hunter looks at the new "Civility" since the democrats regained the power in the House of Representatives....it is exactly what you would expect from the democrats...

So Much For The Afterglow

We were told that civility would return once Democrats regained the House of Representatives. In fact, we were told that was the only way civility would return to a world of angry liberal mobs assaulting and shouting down anyone who dare not agree with them. We were lied to.

Being lied to by liberals is not a surprise. What is a little surprising is how quickly, boldly, and proudly they broke their word as if no one would remember the promise.

After winning the House, as expected, Democrats immediately turned the thermostat up to 11 by promising to investigate everything Donald Trump ever did. His high school girlfriends should be expecting a subpoena.

In the name of civility, Democrats openly spoke about going after the President’s tax returns and business records.

Elsewhere, in the name of civility, liberals declared their losses in Georgia and Florida to be the result of racism. Unable to fathom the prospect that voters in those conservative states might not be fans of socialist policies, they ignored the history of Florida having twice voted for a black man for president and defaulted to their standard position when denied anything.

Then there was the distinctly uncivil attack on Tucker Carlson’s house while his wife was home alone. Tucker is an outdoorsman and hunter, so I’d say it was lucky that the brownshirt wing of the Democratic Party chose to attempt to kick in his door when he wasn’t home. But considering they know when he’s on television, it wasn’t luck at all, it was cowardice. A shame, really.

When President Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions, rather than rejoice in getting what they demanded just last year, Democrats declared it something akin to a coup. Kamala Harris went from “Sessions lacks all credibility” and “should have resigned months ago” to his “firing puts Robert Mueller’s investigation in danger.” At least she was doing it to build her email list, something she can fundraise and make money off of by renting it out. Nancy Pelosi simply went for straight hypocrisy with no payoff, declaring it “another blatant attempt…to undermine & end Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.” Last year Pelosi was singing a different tune, naturally, saying the former AG “lied under oath. Anything less than resignation or removal from office is unacceptable.”

Like the promise of civility, Democrats no longer want what they say they do the moment they get it.

Some of these investigations are well deserved. There has been no oversight by Republicans and they have even aided Trump in obstructing Mueller's investigation. The fact is that Republicans have made it harder for people to vote in those states. Signature checking should be banned. These are aimed at people of different colors. The fact that rural voters put up with these hi-jinks shows what assholed hillbillies they are. The people in Kansas refused to put up with Kris Kobach's garbage while dumb rural yokels in Florida and Georgia apparently support this garbage. America will be a better place when these rural areas are dead.

The fact is this time they have it right. Americans agree that Mueller should be able to finish no matter how long it takes.

The Corrupt Democratic Party blocks Voter ID laws to protect their Voter Fraud.
Most Democrats horrible bigots such as yourself.
Liberals actually believe that they are superior people.
That is why they use terms like asshole, hillbillies, dumb, rural yokels.....to insult mainstream Americans.
Their current favorite is "white nationalist." "Nazis" and "white trash" are also favored. Then these pieces of shit whine about "civility."
That's part of the leftist handbook. They poke, poke, poke, then when they get their nose busted they cry and whine about their target being angry and violent.
Derek Hunter looks at the new "Civility" since the democrats regained the power in the House of Representatives....it is exactly what you would expect from the democrats...

So Much For The Afterglow

We were told that civility would return once Democrats regained the House of Representatives. In fact, we were told that was the only way civility would return to a world of angry liberal mobs assaulting and shouting down anyone who dare not agree with them. We were lied to.

Being lied to by liberals is not a surprise. What is a little surprising is how quickly, boldly, and proudly they broke their word as if no one would remember the promise.

After winning the House, as expected, Democrats immediately turned the thermostat up to 11 by promising to investigate everything Donald Trump ever did. His high school girlfriends should be expecting a subpoena.

In the name of civility, Democrats openly spoke about going after the President’s tax returns and business records.

Elsewhere, in the name of civility, liberals declared their losses in Georgia and Florida to be the result of racism. Unable to fathom the prospect that voters in those conservative states might not be fans of socialist policies, they ignored the history of Florida having twice voted for a black man for president and defaulted to their standard position when denied anything.

Then there was the distinctly uncivil attack on Tucker Carlson’s house while his wife was home alone. Tucker is an outdoorsman and hunter, so I’d say it was lucky that the brownshirt wing of the Democratic Party chose to attempt to kick in his door when he wasn’t home. But considering they know when he’s on television, it wasn’t luck at all, it was cowardice. A shame, really.

When President Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions, rather than rejoice in getting what they demanded just last year, Democrats declared it something akin to a coup. Kamala Harris went from “Sessions lacks all credibility” and “should have resigned months ago” to his “firing puts Robert Mueller’s investigation in danger.” At least she was doing it to build her email list, something she can fundraise and make money off of by renting it out. Nancy Pelosi simply went for straight hypocrisy with no payoff, declaring it “another blatant attempt…to undermine & end Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.” Last year Pelosi was singing a different tune, naturally, saying the former AG “lied under oath. Anything less than resignation or removal from office is unacceptable.”

Like the promise of civility, Democrats no longer want what they say they do the moment they get it.

And ignore Trump's rudeness while you're at it.

You're a fucking embarrassment.
feel free to show me your equal opportunity bashings as you bash trump.
Right.... but then Trump started it. Any lame excuses for this?

No he didn't.
They started the minute he made the announcement he was running.
Then when he called them out they got even more nasty.

He started on the Mexicans.

In fact he told everyone in one of his books that this is exactly what you do.

Trump and the Dark Art of Bad Publicity

“Good news is Melania’s speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics,” he said, “especially if you believe that all press is good press!”

This was after Melania had plagiarized the shit out of a speech.

"It’s possible to see Trump’s whole campaign as a structure built on colossal missteps, statements that would have torpedoed all other candidacies but have buoyed Trump’s simply by keeping his name in the news. Trump launched his presidential candidacy last summer by descending the escalator at the tower that bears his name and uttering his infamous words about how Mexico is sending to America its criminals and rapists. Those remarks alienated an ally, trashed a major portion of an ethnic group Republicans had vowed to court and set the tenor for a bid that has willfully, almost gleefully defied every poll-tested tenet of modern politics."

This is what Trump set out to do.

"“He is of the mindset that the more his name is dropped, the more a kind of hypnosis, for lack of a better word, there is to the American public,” Jim Dowd, the CEO of Dowd Ink, who did public relations for Trump from 2004 to 2010, told me in a recent interview. “He thinks even a negative piece is a positive for him.”"

And here it is. The quote:
“good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal
Right.... but then Trump started it. Any lame excuses for this?

No he didn't.
They started the minute he made the announcement he was running.
Then when he called them out they got even more nasty.

He started on the Mexicans.

In fact he told everyone in one of his books that this is exactly what you do.

Trump and the Dark Art of Bad Publicity

“Good news is Melania’s speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics,” he said, “especially if you believe that all press is good press!”

This was after Melania had plagiarized the shit out of a speech.

"It’s possible to see Trump’s whole campaign as a structure built on colossal missteps, statements that would have torpedoed all other candidacies but have buoyed Trump’s simply by keeping his name in the news. Trump launched his presidential candidacy last summer by descending the escalator at the tower that bears his name and uttering his infamous words about how Mexico is sending to America its criminals and rapists. Those remarks alienated an ally, trashed a major portion of an ethnic group Republicans had vowed to court and set the tenor for a bid that has willfully, almost gleefully defied every poll-tested tenet of modern politics."

This is what Trump set out to do.

"“He is of the mindset that the more his name is dropped, the more a kind of hypnosis, for lack of a better word, there is to the American public,” Jim Dowd, the CEO of Dowd Ink, who did public relations for Trump from 2004 to 2010, told me in a recent interview. “He thinks even a negative piece is a positive for him.”"

And here it is. The quote:
“good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

Started on Mexicans or spoke the truth?
Many of the Mexicans born here agreed with him.
It's the left's fake outrage over truth.
He never said all Mexicans like the left want people to believe.

Does it matter? You can tell a fat woman she's fat, that doesn't mean it's a NICE THING TO SAY.

And many of the things the media says about Trump are also true, but apparently they're really bad for saying them.

Whatever, mud slinging from both sides, and what? Trump wanted this to happen. That's a FACT.

Yes it does matter.
No Trump did not want this to happen.
He can and has backed Dems.
GOP leaders 'shocked' following Trump deal with Democrats - CNNPolitics
He signed a bill by a Democratic Woman
Trump Signs Bills Supporting Women Entrepreneurs and Women in STEM Fields

Come off it, we have Trump saying he wanted this to happen, we have other people saying this is what Trump wants.

And then we have you saying no Trump doesn't want this.

Bullshit. Stop being so ridiculously partisan.
No he didn't.
They started the minute he made the announcement he was running.
Then when he called them out they got even more nasty.

He started on the Mexicans.

In fact he told everyone in one of his books that this is exactly what you do.

Trump and the Dark Art of Bad Publicity

“Good news is Melania’s speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics,” he said, “especially if you believe that all press is good press!”

This was after Melania had plagiarized the shit out of a speech.

"It’s possible to see Trump’s whole campaign as a structure built on colossal missteps, statements that would have torpedoed all other candidacies but have buoyed Trump’s simply by keeping his name in the news. Trump launched his presidential candidacy last summer by descending the escalator at the tower that bears his name and uttering his infamous words about how Mexico is sending to America its criminals and rapists. Those remarks alienated an ally, trashed a major portion of an ethnic group Republicans had vowed to court and set the tenor for a bid that has willfully, almost gleefully defied every poll-tested tenet of modern politics."

This is what Trump set out to do.

"“He is of the mindset that the more his name is dropped, the more a kind of hypnosis, for lack of a better word, there is to the American public,” Jim Dowd, the CEO of Dowd Ink, who did public relations for Trump from 2004 to 2010, told me in a recent interview. “He thinks even a negative piece is a positive for him.”"

And here it is. The quote:
“good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal
No he didn't.
They started the minute he made the announcement he was running.
Then when he called them out they got even more nasty.

He started on the Mexicans.

In fact he told everyone in one of his books that this is exactly what you do.

Trump and the Dark Art of Bad Publicity

“Good news is Melania’s speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics,” he said, “especially if you believe that all press is good press!”

This was after Melania had plagiarized the shit out of a speech.

"It’s possible to see Trump’s whole campaign as a structure built on colossal missteps, statements that would have torpedoed all other candidacies but have buoyed Trump’s simply by keeping his name in the news. Trump launched his presidential candidacy last summer by descending the escalator at the tower that bears his name and uttering his infamous words about how Mexico is sending to America its criminals and rapists. Those remarks alienated an ally, trashed a major portion of an ethnic group Republicans had vowed to court and set the tenor for a bid that has willfully, almost gleefully defied every poll-tested tenet of modern politics."

This is what Trump set out to do.

"“He is of the mindset that the more his name is dropped, the more a kind of hypnosis, for lack of a better word, there is to the American public,” Jim Dowd, the CEO of Dowd Ink, who did public relations for Trump from 2004 to 2010, told me in a recent interview. “He thinks even a negative piece is a positive for him.”"

And here it is. The quote:
“good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

Started on Mexicans or spoke the truth?
Many of the Mexicans born here agreed with him.
It's the left's fake outrage over truth.
He never said all Mexicans like the left want people to believe.

Does it matter? You can tell a fat woman she's fat, that doesn't mean it's a NICE THING TO SAY.

And many of the things the media says about Trump are also true, but apparently they're really bad for saying them.

Whatever, mud slinging from both sides, and what? Trump wanted this to happen. That's a FACT.

Yes it does matter.
No Trump did not want this to happen.
He can and has backed Dems.
GOP leaders 'shocked' following Trump deal with Democrats - CNNPolitics
He signed a bill by a Democratic Woman
Trump Signs Bills Supporting Women Entrepreneurs and Women in STEM Fields

Come off it, we have Trump saying he wanted this to happen, we have other people saying this is what Trump wants.

And then we have you saying no Trump doesn't want this.

Bullshit. Stop being so ridiculously partisan.

How about yourself.
Where has trump said I want mud slinging.
A lot of it has to do with the misinterpretations of what he says.
Especially with the media.

I'm angry with both parties.
He started on the Mexicans.

In fact he told everyone in one of his books that this is exactly what you do.

Trump and the Dark Art of Bad Publicity

“Good news is Melania’s speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics,” he said, “especially if you believe that all press is good press!”

This was after Melania had plagiarized the shit out of a speech.

"It’s possible to see Trump’s whole campaign as a structure built on colossal missteps, statements that would have torpedoed all other candidacies but have buoyed Trump’s simply by keeping his name in the news. Trump launched his presidential candidacy last summer by descending the escalator at the tower that bears his name and uttering his infamous words about how Mexico is sending to America its criminals and rapists. Those remarks alienated an ally, trashed a major portion of an ethnic group Republicans had vowed to court and set the tenor for a bid that has willfully, almost gleefully defied every poll-tested tenet of modern politics."

This is what Trump set out to do.

"“He is of the mindset that the more his name is dropped, the more a kind of hypnosis, for lack of a better word, there is to the American public,” Jim Dowd, the CEO of Dowd Ink, who did public relations for Trump from 2004 to 2010, told me in a recent interview. “He thinks even a negative piece is a positive for him.”"

And here it is. The quote:
“good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal
He started on the Mexicans.

In fact he told everyone in one of his books that this is exactly what you do.

Trump and the Dark Art of Bad Publicity

“Good news is Melania’s speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics,” he said, “especially if you believe that all press is good press!”

This was after Melania had plagiarized the shit out of a speech.

"It’s possible to see Trump’s whole campaign as a structure built on colossal missteps, statements that would have torpedoed all other candidacies but have buoyed Trump’s simply by keeping his name in the news. Trump launched his presidential candidacy last summer by descending the escalator at the tower that bears his name and uttering his infamous words about how Mexico is sending to America its criminals and rapists. Those remarks alienated an ally, trashed a major portion of an ethnic group Republicans had vowed to court and set the tenor for a bid that has willfully, almost gleefully defied every poll-tested tenet of modern politics."

This is what Trump set out to do.

"“He is of the mindset that the more his name is dropped, the more a kind of hypnosis, for lack of a better word, there is to the American public,” Jim Dowd, the CEO of Dowd Ink, who did public relations for Trump from 2004 to 2010, told me in a recent interview. “He thinks even a negative piece is a positive for him.”"

And here it is. The quote:
“good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

Started on Mexicans or spoke the truth?
Many of the Mexicans born here agreed with him.
It's the left's fake outrage over truth.
He never said all Mexicans like the left want people to believe.

Does it matter? You can tell a fat woman she's fat, that doesn't mean it's a NICE THING TO SAY.

And many of the things the media says about Trump are also true, but apparently they're really bad for saying them.

Whatever, mud slinging from both sides, and what? Trump wanted this to happen. That's a FACT.

Yes it does matter.
No Trump did not want this to happen.
He can and has backed Dems.
GOP leaders 'shocked' following Trump deal with Democrats - CNNPolitics
He signed a bill by a Democratic Woman
Trump Signs Bills Supporting Women Entrepreneurs and Women in STEM Fields

Come off it, we have Trump saying he wanted this to happen, we have other people saying this is what Trump wants.

And then we have you saying no Trump doesn't want this.

Bullshit. Stop being so ridiculously partisan.

How about yourself.
Where has trump said I want mud slinging.
A lot of it has to do with the misinterpretations of what he says.
Especially with the media.

I'm angry with both parties.

I've done this already.

In fact you replied to the damn post. If you're not going to read what I write, then what's the point?
Started on Mexicans or spoke the truth?
Many of the Mexicans born here agreed with him.
It's the left's fake outrage over truth.
He never said all Mexicans like the left want people to believe.

Does it matter? You can tell a fat woman she's fat, that doesn't mean it's a NICE THING TO SAY.

And many of the things the media says about Trump are also true, but apparently they're really bad for saying them.

Whatever, mud slinging from both sides, and what? Trump wanted this to happen. That's a FACT.

Yes it does matter.
No Trump did not want this to happen.
He can and has backed Dems.
GOP leaders 'shocked' following Trump deal with Democrats - CNNPolitics
He signed a bill by a Democratic Woman
Trump Signs Bills Supporting Women Entrepreneurs and Women in STEM Fields

Come off it, we have Trump saying he wanted this to happen, we have other people saying this is what Trump wants.

And then we have you saying no Trump doesn't want this.

Bullshit. Stop being so ridiculously partisan.

How about yourself.
Where has trump said I want mud slinging.
A lot of it has to do with the misinterpretations of what he says.
Especially with the media.

I'm angry with both parties.

I've done this already.

In fact you replied to the damn post. If you're not going to read what I write, then what's the point?

I did read it.
Most was spin and misinterpretation.
Depends on how you look at it.
Those on the left are going to see it differently than those on the right.
This is got to be the most hilarious thread so far this year.

Some Mexicans don’t rape?

I like soldiers who weren’t captured?

Mrs. housekeeping?

And then Republicans whine about civility.

Can you believe it?
Derek Hunter looks at the new "Civility" since the democrats regained the power in the House of Representatives....it is exactly what you would expect from the democrats...

So Much For The Afterglow

We were told that civility would return once Democrats regained the House of Representatives. In fact, we were told that was the only way civility would return to a world of angry liberal mobs assaulting and shouting down anyone who dare not agree with them. We were lied to.

Being lied to by liberals is not a surprise. What is a little surprising is how quickly, boldly, and proudly they broke their word as if no one would remember the promise.

After winning the House, as expected, Democrats immediately turned the thermostat up to 11 by promising to investigate everything Donald Trump ever did. His high school girlfriends should be expecting a subpoena.

In the name of civility, Democrats openly spoke about going after the President’s tax returns and business records.

Elsewhere, in the name of civility, liberals declared their losses in Georgia and Florida to be the result of racism. Unable to fathom the prospect that voters in those conservative states might not be fans of socialist policies, they ignored the history of Florida having twice voted for a black man for president and defaulted to their standard position when denied anything.

Then there was the distinctly uncivil attack on Tucker Carlson’s house while his wife was home alone. Tucker is an outdoorsman and hunter, so I’d say it was lucky that the brownshirt wing of the Democratic Party chose to attempt to kick in his door when he wasn’t home. But considering they know when he’s on television, it wasn’t luck at all, it was cowardice. A shame, really.

When President Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions, rather than rejoice in getting what they demanded just last year, Democrats declared it something akin to a coup. Kamala Harris went from “Sessions lacks all credibility” and “should have resigned months ago” to his “firing puts Robert Mueller’s investigation in danger.” At least she was doing it to build her email list, something she can fundraise and make money off of by renting it out. Nancy Pelosi simply went for straight hypocrisy with no payoff, declaring it “another blatant attempt…to undermine & end Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.” Last year Pelosi was singing a different tune, naturally, saying the former AG “lied under oath. Anything less than resignation or removal from office is unacceptable.”

Like the promise of civility, Democrats no longer want what they say they do the moment they get it.
In other words, anyone who doesn't kowtow to the authoritarian President, is uncivil?

That’s funny given that you people felt that any and all criticism of the last President was racist.
Why is it that the right wing can see the corruption in their own party, but the left wing refuse to see it in theirs?

There is corruption in both parties.
Does it matter? You can tell a fat woman she's fat, that doesn't mean it's a NICE THING TO SAY.

And many of the things the media says about Trump are also true, but apparently they're really bad for saying them.

Whatever, mud slinging from both sides, and what? Trump wanted this to happen. That's a FACT.

Yes it does matter.
No Trump did not want this to happen.
He can and has backed Dems.
GOP leaders 'shocked' following Trump deal with Democrats - CNNPolitics
He signed a bill by a Democratic Woman
Trump Signs Bills Supporting Women Entrepreneurs and Women in STEM Fields

Come off it, we have Trump saying he wanted this to happen, we have other people saying this is what Trump wants.

And then we have you saying no Trump doesn't want this.

Bullshit. Stop being so ridiculously partisan.

How about yourself.
Where has trump said I want mud slinging.
A lot of it has to do with the misinterpretations of what he says.
Especially with the media.

I'm angry with both parties.

I've done this already.

In fact you replied to the damn post. If you're not going to read what I write, then what's the point?

I did read it.
Most was spin and misinterpretation.
Depends on how you look at it.
Those on the left are going to see it differently than those on the right.

Yes, partisans on either side will make it into something it's not. I'm not a partisan.
Interesting how many in California whose family name is "Pelosi" have petitioned the courts for name changes so they might become somewhat employable!
Derek Hunter looks at the new "Civility" since the democrats regained the power in the House of Representatives....it is exactly what you would expect from the democrats...

So Much For The Afterglow

We were told that civility would return once Democrats regained the House of Representatives. In fact, we were told that was the only way civility would return to a world of angry liberal mobs assaulting and shouting down anyone who dare not agree with them. We were lied to.

Being lied to by liberals is not a surprise. What is a little surprising is how quickly, boldly, and proudly they broke their word as if no one would remember the promise.

After winning the House, as expected, Democrats immediately turned the thermostat up to 11 by promising to investigate everything Donald Trump ever did. His high school girlfriends should be expecting a subpoena.

In the name of civility, Democrats openly spoke about going after the President’s tax returns and business records.

Elsewhere, in the name of civility, liberals declared their losses in Georgia and Florida to be the result of racism. Unable to fathom the prospect that voters in those conservative states might not be fans of socialist policies, they ignored the history of Florida having twice voted for a black man for president and defaulted to their standard position when denied anything.

Then there was the distinctly uncivil attack on Tucker Carlson’s house while his wife was home alone. Tucker is an outdoorsman and hunter, so I’d say it was lucky that the brownshirt wing of the Democratic Party chose to attempt to kick in his door when he wasn’t home. But considering they know when he’s on television, it wasn’t luck at all, it was cowardice. A shame, really.

When President Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions, rather than rejoice in getting what they demanded just last year, Democrats declared it something akin to a coup. Kamala Harris went from “Sessions lacks all credibility” and “should have resigned months ago” to his “firing puts Robert Mueller’s investigation in danger.” At least she was doing it to build her email list, something she can fundraise and make money off of by renting it out. Nancy Pelosi simply went for straight hypocrisy with no payoff, declaring it “another blatant attempt…to undermine & end Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.” Last year Pelosi was singing a different tune, naturally, saying the former AG “lied under oath. Anything less than resignation or removal from office is unacceptable.”

Like the promise of civility, Democrats no longer want what they say they do the moment they get it.

And ignore Trump's rudeness while you're at it.

You're a fucking embarrassment.
Progressives don’t like looking in the mirror, In his personal life Trump is a liberal Democrat no doubt. His behavior before taking office was of a liberal Democrat...

Progressives have been always about single party rule... You are just too much of a pussy to admit it
That's it...... If he is them as you say, then they figure he can see straight through them, and straight into their very souls (like looking through glass), and this is why they hate him so bad maybe ???

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