Sessions plan to expand slavery & Government theft

That little cracker asshole has got to go

WAY BEFORE TRUMP duuuuuh Try your HERO whose little bitch name is OBAMA


The federal government’s use of forfeiture has exploded in recent years, increasing by more than 1,000 percent between fiscal years 2001 and 2014. During that period, deposits into the forfeiture funds of the DOJ and Treasury totaled nearly $29 billion. Measuring the funds’ net assets provides a more stable picture of the volume of federal forfeiture accounts from year to year, accounting for proceeds carried over from previous years as well as for obligations paid out from the funds, such as equitable sharing payments made to states. Net assets in the DOJ and Treasury forfeiture funds increased by 485 percent, from $763 million in fiscal year 2001 to almost $4.5 billion in fiscal year 2014.


Policing for Profit: Federal Government - Institute for Justice
Some states have been doing the same thing.
I dont think people should keep their rewardings of crimes. HOWEVER, LEOs should have to prove that is where it came from. If they cant, oh well.

Right now, if you drive your brand new BMW through a bad neighborhood, police can accuse you of trying to buy drugs and confiscate your car

The burden of proof shifts to you to prove otherwise
That little cracker asshole has got to go

This was in place before your fkn CRACKER ever existed as President, again proven how much the American TRUMP and ANTI American ASSES don't know chit about what OBAMA and BUSH have passed . Then turn around and suddenly blame it on Trump because the hatred towards him allow the blame to fall upon him douche.


Read the US Constitution.

If you have no property rights, YOU are the property.

Property rights are fundamental to a free people and a free society.

A society where there are no property rights, no judicial process before seizing property is a society of slaves where the owners can take whatever they wish, when they wish, under whatever pretense they choose.

Civil Asset Forfeiture is going to expand under Sessions

Sessions’ Plan To Expand Slavery & Gov’t Theft

“Civil” Asset Forfeiture allows “law enforcement” to steal property without ever charging anyone with a crime, let alone finding them guilty, in order to fund their bureaucracy.

Attorney General Sessions likes Civil Asset Forfeiture and has announced a plan to expand this unconstitutional, unlawful theft.


This legalizes theft of our property once again it is not going to be just the " CRIMINAL" that gets caught up in this.
It will not be " YOU HAVE TO BE CONVICTED FIRST" the red tape, the loop holes will create the laws that allow EVERYONE to get caught in this Trap!!

In this article DAVID KNIGHT breaks it down how this can and will happen.

You knew it when you voted.

Its just a little late for your whining.
No they didn't vote for personal rights to be trampled and both parties have been guilty of this. Just a few moments ago in another thread you attempt to justify somehow the state of Michigan taking away the grandparents rights to care for their grandchild unless they give away a portion of their constitutionally guaranteed rights.

If you voted for trump, he was very clear that he wanted to make it easier to steal private property. He TOLD you.

Really, where is that statement? I was actually to sick to go vote on election day but I know I would have in no way voted for Hillary for any reason.

SO sick of you stupid people demanding everything be done for you. Why don't YOU educate yourself?
Sessions wants to change federal law to mandate a conviction before a forfeiture can take place. This won't change state law. If your state doesn't require conviction, get busy.

Democrats should never be allowed to own any property. They should have their tongues removed and kept on all fours in a neck collar and on a chain. That's their proper place.
If you have no property rights, YOU are the property.

Property rights are fundamental to a free people and a free society.

A society where there are no property rights, no judicial process before seizing property is a society of slaves where the owners can take whatever they wish, when they wish, under whatever pretense they choose.

Civil Asset Forfeiture is going to expand under Sessions

Sessions’ Plan To Expand Slavery & Gov’t Theft

“Civil” Asset Forfeiture allows “law enforcement” to steal property without ever charging anyone with a crime, let alone finding them guilty, in order to fund their bureaucracy.

Attorney General Sessions likes Civil Asset Forfeiture and has announced a plan to expand this unconstitutional, unlawful theft.


This legalizes theft of our property once again it is not going to be just the " CRIMINAL" that gets caught up in this.
It will not be " YOU HAVE TO BE CONVICTED FIRST" the red tape, the loop holes will create the laws that allow EVERYONE to get caught in this Trap!!

In this article DAVID KNIGHT breaks it down how this can and will happen.

sessions is a piece of garbage white supremacist.... but I'm pretty sure even he isn't planing on bringing back slavery.

once again, stay away from conspiracy sites.... your tinfoil hat is showing

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