Sessions, Pot, The UNITED S Of A, & State Laws That Are Illegal

Can states override federal laws by voting them out of their territory?

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The American Lung Association says you are stupid.
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
Pot IS a flower. Heroine is semi synthetic whose base comes from a plant. IE man made.
If we regulated it, it probably wouldnt be as shitty quality killing so many people. Mixed with god knows what..
When it used to be legal, not as many people died. JS
Besides, i thought republicans big response to gun control was "criminals wont follow laws?"
See, i believe that but i am consistent...
Do you understand now?

Not to mention, heroin is addictive, pot is not.
The American Lung Association says you are stupid.
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
Pot IS a flower. Heroine is semi synthetic whose base comes from a plant. IE man made.
If we regulated it, it probably wouldnt be as shitty quality killing so many people. Mixed with god knows what..
When it used to be legal, not as many people died. JS
Besides, i thought republicans big response to gun control was "criminals wont follow laws?"
See, i believe that but i am consistent...
Do you understand now?

Not to mention, heroin is addictive, pot is not.
Sure it is. That’s why you guys are so desperate to have it.
The American Lung Association says you are stupid.
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
Pot IS a flower. Heroine is semi synthetic whose base comes from a plant. IE man made.
If we regulated it, it probably wouldnt be as shitty quality killing so many people. Mixed with god knows what..
When it used to be legal, not as many people died. JS
Besides, i thought republicans big response to gun control was "criminals wont follow laws?"
See, i believe that but i am consistent...
Do you understand now?
Heroin come from the poppy, a flower!
Your tunnel vision is so strong you dont even read anymore, do you?
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
Pot IS a flower. Heroine is semi synthetic whose base comes from a plant. IE man made.
If we regulated it, it probably wouldnt be as shitty quality killing so many people. Mixed with god knows what..
When it used to be legal, not as many people died. JS
Besides, i thought republicans big response to gun control was "criminals wont follow laws?"
See, i believe that but i am consistent...
Do you understand now?

Not to mention, heroin is addictive, pot is not.
Sure it is. That’s why you guys are so desperate to have it.

Once again, you show your abject ignorance.

Go back to bed.
Oh look, another conservative who pretends the Tenth Amendment doesn't exist when it doesn't work for him.

This has nothing to do with the 10th Amendment, it has everything to do with:

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 (Commerce)

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

The supreme court expanded that power to extend to all commerce and some activities that never involve commerce but may have some minute effect on it.

The Commerce Clause deals with interstate commerce, which does not apply to states that have legalized marijuana, so yes, it is very much a Tenth Amendment issue. Furthermore, conservatives have generally never been big fans of using the Commerce Clause as an excuse to expand federal power, but here you guys are justifying that practice when it comes to an action you disagree with.
It's an interesting issue to me, largely because imo interesting issues arise when state laws treat human activities differently. For example, once Free states made it explicitly clear that they would not enforce the Dred Scott decision, federalism broke down.

Of course people smoking weed or marrying people of their own sex are probably not on the level of the civil war.

Dred Scott is a completely different issue. That had to do with citizenship which has always been a federal power, not a state one.

No, it had to do with property and getting it back.

The American Lung Association says you are stupid.
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
Pot IS a flower. Heroine is semi synthetic whose base comes from a plant. IE man made.
If we regulated it, it probably wouldnt be as shitty quality killing so many people. Mixed with god knows what..
When it used to be legal, not as many people died. JS
Besides, i thought republicans big response to gun control was "criminals wont follow laws?"
See, i believe that but i am consistent...
Do you understand now?

Not to mention, heroin is addictive, pot is not.
It can be mentally addictive. People will let it run their lives. Of course, those people would let any substance control them.
But god forbid we think before making up our minds.
Besides, oxycotton, mcdonalds and alcoholism is so much better!
Besides, oxycotton, mcdonalds and alcoholism is so much better!
Hey. Alcohol comes from a grain. Machine Guns come from the earth. metal.

Wait.....what are we arguing here....

Oh, yeah.

Fuck all ye statist ass wipes. Stop telling me what I can and cannot put in my body.
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Heroin come from the poppy, a flower!
Polypropylene comes from a plant. That's not the point. Cannabis IS the plant.
So should we legalize heroin?
Regulation would help the deaths from bad chemicals.
Also, the taxes could help pay for rehabilitation.
But god forbid trying to actually fix a problem.
Personally, i dont want to see junkies lying in the street dreaming about banging jennifer aniston while riding a unicorn on an asteroid BUT would regulating it solve more problems?
So should we legalize heroin?
Do you think it actually matters if we do or not?

Prohibition apparently taught us nothing about black markets and the malum in se crime that result. We didn't get enough of the mobsters and their decades of violence, even after the repeal. Nobody learned a goddamn thing.
Besides, oxycotton, mcdonalds and alcoholism is so much better!
Hey. Alcohol comes from a grain. Machine Guns come from the earth. metal.

Wait.....what are we arguing here....

Oh, yeah.

Fuck all ye statist ass wipes. Stop telling me what I can and cannot put in my body.
Put whatever you wish in there, just don’t ask us to pay for your rehab and stop telling your surgeon and pilots what they can put in their bodies!
And stop telling America we have an heroin crisis. I do not care if you take it and I do not care if you die taking it. You are an adult right?
I'm not reading 22 pages, but I don't know if you guys know this or not, but LOTS of people are in jail for marijuana, especially in federal prisons because how often it is caught being transported across state lines. Well, Obama had gotten rid of the policy of the federal government using private prisons. Trump and Sessions reversed it. Private prisons are used by states and now the federal government again.

Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions hold stock in private prisons. Tax dollars going into the pockets of the rich.

Prison Stocks Soar Under Trump As Jeff Sessions Okays Private Jails
The American Lung Association says you are stupid.
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
Pot IS a flower. Heroine is semi synthetic whose base comes from a plant. IE man made.
If we regulated it, it probably wouldnt be as shitty quality killing so many people. Mixed with god knows what..
When it used to be legal, not as many people died. JS
Besides, i thought republicans big response to gun control was "criminals wont follow laws?"
See, i believe that but i am consistent...
Do you understand now?
Heroin come from the poppy, a flower!

Actually, the sap that comes from the opium poppy is called opium. You then take that opium and refine it with a few chemicals and then you get heroin.

As far as legalization? I say legalize anything that is all natural and not refined, and yes, that includes opium from the poppy. All that is, is dried plant sap.

BUT.........................if you take that opium and use it to make heroin? You should be locked up for the heroin.
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
Pot IS a flower. Heroine is semi synthetic whose base comes from a plant. IE man made.
If we regulated it, it probably wouldnt be as shitty quality killing so many people. Mixed with god knows what..
When it used to be legal, not as many people died. JS
Besides, i thought republicans big response to gun control was "criminals wont follow laws?"
See, i believe that but i am consistent...
Do you understand now?
Heroin come from the poppy, a flower!

Actually, the sap that comes from the opium poppy is called opium. You then take that opium and refine it with a few chemicals and then you get heroin.

As far as legalization? I say legalize anything that is all natural and not refined, and yes, that includes opium from the poppy. All that is, is dried plant sap.

BUT.........................if you take that opium and use it to make heroin? You should be locked up for the heroin.
Which chemicals are used?
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
Pot IS a flower. Heroine is semi synthetic whose base comes from a plant. IE man made.
If we regulated it, it probably wouldnt be as shitty quality killing so many people. Mixed with god knows what..
When it used to be legal, not as many people died. JS
Besides, i thought republicans big response to gun control was "criminals wont follow laws?"
See, i believe that but i am consistent...
Do you understand now?
Heroin come from the poppy, a flower!

Actually, the sap that comes from the opium poppy is called opium. You then take that opium and refine it with a few chemicals and then you get heroin.

As far as legalization? I say legalize anything that is all natural and not refined, and yes, that includes opium from the poppy. All that is, is dried plant sap.

BUT.........................if you take that opium and use it to make heroin? You should be locked up for the heroin.
Which chemicals are used?

If you really want the recipe for heroin, I'm sure that you can just google it.

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