Sessions, Pot, The UNITED S Of A, & State Laws That Are Illegal

Can states override federal laws by voting them out of their territory?

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  • No

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What if California decided to ignore federal aviation laws? You libtards be okay with that?
Essentially, yes. But I don't see the majority of any state voting to legalize heroin. Do you?

Yes I do. If the same rationale is applied to heroin as it was to pot. Are you really that daft? I'll bet the revenues a state could glean off of legal heroin sales would be huge.

You know...I hear heroin is getting really popular these days with recreational use...

The "rationale" you're describing isn't the main reason why people have voted to legalize marijuana. They voted that way because the average American just doesn't think weed is that bad anymore.
Quote) BINGO
This is the sword the GOP dies on. If they ignore or support this latest Jeff Sessions temper tantrum regarding pot then they forever cede the debate on states rights.

And for the American people, isn't it finally time to rid ourselves of this ball and chain that we've had to drag around. Namely the Republican party. These are people that are terrified of progress and who would prefer the entire world go back to 1853. They are anal nutjobs who just have this driving need to control other people. Vote them out of national office once and for all. They're like the one neighbor in the whole neighborhood that never cuts their grass, has chickens running around the front yard, has a car up on cinder blocks in tall grass in the front yard, their kids run around with snot on their face, because they reject modern life and want to go back 't' livin' on thar' 40 acres'.
The commerce clause is not at issue. While the commerce clause is the basis for federal law making pot illegal, no state is contending the federal law is unconstitutional. Some states just say they won't enforce it within their borders.

Conversely, with Dred Scott, some states told citizens of other states that if they sued to get a runaway slave back, they wouldn't get into court. No one in a "no pot" state is being forced to buy pot, or having a "yeah pot" state tell them that they can't enforce some right in to property in a "yeah pot" state.

The only commerce issue is that citizens of "no pot" states can come to "yeah pot" states and buy pot. And they can bring it home, and either smoke it or sell it or eat it. And their "no pot" states can arrest them for it. It's better pot than Mexican ditchweed, but there was pot before some states legalized weed.
And for the American people, isn't it finally time to rid ourselves of this ball and chain that we've had to drag around. Namely the Republican party. These are people that are terrified of progress and who would prefer the entire world go back to 1853. They are anal nutjobs who just have this driving need to control other people. Vote them out of national office once and for all. They're like the one neighbor in the whole neighborhood that never cuts their grass, has chickens running around the front yard, has a car up on cinder blocks in tall grass in the front yard, their kids run around with snot on their face, because they reject modern life and want to go back 't' livin' on thar' 40 acres'.
Unfortunately, the alternative is not any better.

Oh look, another conservative who pretends the Tenth Amendment doesn't exist when it doesn't work for him.

This has nothing to do with the 10th Amendment, it has everything to do with:

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 (Commerce)

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

The supreme court expanded that power to extend to all commerce and some activities that never involve commerce but may have some minute effect on it.

The Commerce Clause deals with interstate commerce, which does not apply to states that have legalized marijuana, so yes, it is very much a Tenth Amendment issue. Furthermore, conservatives have generally never been big fans of using the Commerce Clause as an excuse to expand federal power, but here you guys are justifying that practice when it comes to an action you disagree with.
It's an interesting issue to me, largely because imo interesting issues arise when state laws treat human activities differently. For example, once Free states made it explicitly clear that they would not enforce the Dred Scott decision, federalism broke down.

Of course people smoking weed or marrying people of their own sex are probably not on the level of the civil war.

Dred Scott is a completely different issue. That had to do with citizenship which has always been a federal power, not a state one.
The US spends untold millions of dollars trying to get people to STOP smoking tobacco so why in the hell are some so hell bent on legalizing pot? Legalize pot then spend millions of dollars trying to convince people not to smoke it, talk about retarded did some stupid shit liberal think that up?
Smoking tobacco is unhealthy. Smoking pot does not have the same effects.

Get better informed.
Use of legalized marijuana threatened as Sessions rescinds Obama-era directive that eased federal enforcement

Ok. So there's a conflict. Some states say pot is legal. The fed says it's not. Yet we are the UNITED states of America, bound under federal laws on certain vital issues to preserve the cohesion of the Union. Like it or not, narcotics are part of those federally regulated ideas. Presumably someone thought that it might not be good for productivity as a nation, nor as a strong citizenry to all be laced out on mind-altering drugs; easy pickin's for enemies internally and abroad.

Be that as it may, it is what it is. Likewise we have federal laws about immigration, collecting taxes, child trafficking, tampering with the mail, etc. etc.

What California, Colorado and all the other states that "legalized" pot did wrong was: they disobeyed federal law. Let's take CA as an example. There, some folks got a petition together to get an initiative on the ballot. The petition from there goes to Sacramento for approval for inclusion on the ballot. The minute a petition suggesting breaking federal law passed their desks in Sacramento, that's where the idea was mandated to die. Just because those people decided to let the farce continue, doesn't make it any more legal than if CA decided to vote on whether or not illegal aliens can become citizens without due process...or if CA decided on its own that the fed couldn't collect taxes there. Or if CA voted that the fed could no longer have military bases in CA.

The initiative "legalizing" pot is an illegal initiative. It is null and void upon its face. It was mandated to have never gotten beyond Sacramento's process of sifting through legal and illegal initiatives. That's where the failure was. Ignorance is no excuse. Not even in Sacramento. They are mandated to follow the law.

What should have been done by these states who wanted legal pot, or any other federal statute revoked for some new trend, would have been to lobby Congress to change the federal listing of pot as Schedule 1 first, then downgrade it to a "legal" substance for recreation. But they jumped the gun and did it wrong. There seems to be a lot of that going on lately where states suddenly adopt some trend, usually some social trend from CA, and then force all other 49 states to abide by changing the law from the bottom up, without Congress' (the other 49 states') input.

This is a VERY bad precedent to set. It threatens the Union when rogue states force other states without their representation, to adopt repugnant ideas or laws without having a single voice of say in the process. Think about it. Sometimes even just one rogue judge in one rogue state can radically change longstanding social mores of all 50 states without their input or say, outside the Constitution and Congress, if the appeals process is oiled well enough for that rogue decision....

How Does California's Ballot Measure Process Work?
The proponents must submit the draft proposal to the Attorney General’s Office where the public can view it online and comment on it. This comment period lasts 30 days, and the proponents have five days following the end of the comment period to amend the proposal.....Within 50 days of submission to the Attorney General, the Legislative Analyst’s Office and Department of Finance conduct a joint analysis on the proposal’s expected impact on state and local revenues, as well as estimated costs. The Attorney General’s Office uses this analysis to write the title and summary for the measure, which will be submitted to the Secretary of State and included on the signature gathering petitions.

So the CA AG was remiss in allowing a federally-illegal proposal to go forward in the first place! I think this was Kamala Harris who allowed this illegal ballot measure to proceed. Those of you who invested tons and now stand to lose tons because you just realized pot is federally illegal, can thank Kamala Harris for leading you astray.
There is no power to Prohibit since the repeal of that Bad idea, last millennium.
The US spends untold millions of dollars trying to get people to STOP smoking tobacco so why in the hell are some so hell bent on legalizing pot? Legalize pot then spend millions of dollars trying to convince people not to smoke it, talk about retarded did some stupid shit liberal think that up?
Smoking tobacco is unhealthy. Smoking pot does not have the same effects.

Get better informed.

The American Lung Association says you are stupid.
The American Lung Association says you are stupid.
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
The American Lung Association says you are stupid.
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
This is the second thread this week to inspire me to pack a bong. lol
The American Lung Association says you are stupid.
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
Pot IS a flower. Heroine is semi synthetic whose base comes from a plant. IE man made.
If we regulated it, it probably wouldnt be as shitty quality killing so many people. Mixed with god knows what..
When it used to be legal, not as many people died. JS
Besides, i thought republicans big response to gun control was "criminals wont follow laws?"
See, i believe that but i am consistent...
Do you understand now?
The American Lung Association says you are stupid.
Although you are correct that pot smoking causes the same problems tobacco causes, the severity is markedly reduced.

Either way. Fuck all y'all. Make it legal.
That is also probably including wrapping it in tobacco leafs or paper. Not technology.
They make convection pens now that only get hot enough to release the THC and not the harmful chemicals.
Of course, inhaling anything but air can be bad. But my goodness, what fake outrage.
The smokers lungs depends on the smokers choices.
Not to mention, its a fucking FLOWER.
These statists make me sick. And republicans try to act like they are the ones that refuse big government and shitting on our constitution HA
Heroin comes from a flower. Should we legalize heroin?
Pot IS a flower. Heroine is semi synthetic whose base comes from a plant. IE man made.
If we regulated it, it probably wouldnt be as shitty quality killing so many people. Mixed with god knows what..
When it used to be legal, not as many people died. JS
Besides, i thought republicans big response to gun control was "criminals wont follow laws?"
See, i believe that but i am consistent...
Do you understand now?
Heroin come from the poppy, a flower!

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