Sessions Sides With The Swamp

I've never been so disgusted with a man in my life as I am with Jeff Sessions....what a swampy loser he turned out to be....someone in the swamp has that man by the short hairs and is pulling his strings....
It will be fun to watch Jeff walk off into the sunset with his ass hanging....
Sessions was a bad pick from day one, and I am guessing Priebus, or some other GOP establishment Republican recommended Sessions. This way they could use Mueller and the limp wristed Sessions to control Donald Trump to an extent by exerting political and social pressure on him through the phony Russia Russia Russia investigation.

BTW the Russia Russia Russia investigation has broken all historical records for expenses,.

7 different investigations covering 2 years. $20 Million spent by Mueller alone, and the other 6 investigations which includes things done under Obama and James Comey, Senate, and House hearings, Intelligence Committee, and other Committees etc. etc., add up to over $100 million dollars and yet no one instance can anyone find any collusion with Russia except for that of Barak Obama's, Clinton's, The DNC's, & Fusion GPS laundering the money for everyone through the COIE Lawfirm so they could pay Russian Intelligence Agents for the Propaganda Book.

Make no mistake, Russia wanted no part of President Trump. It was way easier to get what they wanted from Obama and Clinton who repeatedly showed that they were easily bought and would put American up for sale if the price was right. Not so with Donald Trump.

And this is why he has been targeted by the corrupt establishment. If they cannot get him to bend to their will, if they cannot contain him, they will try to do what they attempted with Reagan and succeeded in doing with Kennedy.
That is far from a record for spending...
I've never been so disgusted with a man in my life as I am with Jeff Sessions....what a swampy loser he turned out to be....someone in the swamp has that man by the short hairs and is pulling his strings....

Yes. We knew Trump was going to find it impossible to find enough clean appointees for all the offices, anyway, though. Sessions needs to go, get his payday for treason, and ride off into the sunset. We don't need a do nothing AG like him, better off without one at all. Hillary and Obama and all the other spies, traitors, and thieves should have already had their trials and be in prison or faced firing squads by now and many thousands deported. He wants to a be Bush house pet, let him go lay at his master feet and get his belly rubbed like a good little dog.
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


So, to you, "draining the swamp" actually means that sessions should give political cover to felons?
no, it means do the job you were given. it is quite simple.

He is doing the job he was given. He works for the people of America. Not Trump or the Republican Party.
well actually when you have a boss, you work under and for your boss. I knew you didn't work.,
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


So, to you, "draining the swamp" actually means that sessions should give political cover to felons?
no, it means do the job you were given. it is quite simple.

He is doing the job he was given. He works for the people of America. Not Trump or the Republican Party.
well actually when you have a boss, you work under and for your boss. I knew you didn't work.,

Do you ever have anything relevant to the conversation to add?
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


So, to you, "draining the swamp" actually means that sessions should give political cover to felons?
no, it means do the job you were given. it is quite simple.

He is doing the job he was given. He works for the people of America. Not Trump or the Republican Party.
well actually when you have a boss, you work under and for your boss. I knew you didn't work.,

Do you ever have anything relevant to the conversation to add?
always. thanks for asking. BTW, so much so that you get confused cause you're use to fake news.
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Here's your president
Woodward book reveals 'crazytown' White House 02:31
(CNN)WARNING: This story contains graphic language.

President Donald Trump's closest aides have taken extraordinary measures in the White House to try to stop what they saw as his most dangerous impulses, going so far as to swipe and hide papers from his desk so he wouldn't sign them, according to a new book from legendary journalist Bob Woodward.
Woodward's 448-page book, "Fear: Trump in the White House," provides an unprecedented inside-the-room look through the eyes of the President's inner circle. From the Oval Office to the Situation Room to the White House residence, Woodward uses confidential background interviews to illustrate how some of the President's top advisers view him as a danger to national security and have sought to circumvent the commander in chief.

Many of the feuds and daily clashes have been well documented, but the picture painted by Trump's confidants, senior staff and Cabinet officials reveal that many of them see an even more alarming situation — worse than previously known or understood. Woodward offers a devastating portrait of a dysfunctional Trump White House, detailing how senior aides — both current and former Trump administration officials — grew exasperated with the President and increasingly worried about his erratic behavior, ignorance and penchant for lying.

Chief of staff John Kelly describes Trump as an "idiot" and "unhinged," Woodward reports. Defense Secretary James Mattis describes Trump as having the understanding of "a fifth or sixth grader." And Trump's former personal lawyer John Dowd describes the President as "a fucking liar," telling Trump he would end up in an "orange jump suit" if he testified to special counsel Robert Mueller.
Here's your president
Woodward book reveals 'crazytown' White House 02:31
(CNN)WARNING: This story contains graphic language.

President Donald Trump's closest aides have taken extraordinary measures in the White House to try to stop what they saw as his most dangerous impulses, going so far as to swipe and hide papers from his desk so he wouldn't sign them, according to a new book from legendary journalist Bob Woodward.
Woodward's 448-page book, "Fear: Trump in the White House," provides an unprecedented inside-the-room look through the eyes of the President's inner circle. From the Oval Office to the Situation Room to the White House residence, Woodward uses confidential background interviews to illustrate how some of the President's top advisers view him as a danger to national security and have sought to circumvent the commander in chief.

Many of the feuds and daily clashes have been well documented, but the picture painted by Trump's confidants, senior staff and Cabinet officials reveal that many of them see an even more alarming situation — worse than previously known or understood. Woodward offers a devastating portrait of a dysfunctional Trump White House, detailing how senior aides — both current and former Trump administration officials — grew exasperated with the President and increasingly worried about his erratic behavior, ignorance and penchant for lying.

Chief of staff John Kelly describes Trump as an "idiot" and "unhinged," Woodward reports. Defense Secretary James Mattis describes Trump as having the understanding of "a fifth or sixth grader." And Trump's former personal lawyer John Dowd describes the President as "a fucking liar," telling Trump he would end up in an "orange jump suit" if he testified to special counsel Robert Mueller.
well to date, those names in the books who supposedly said what woodward says state the quotes are untrue. I'll believe them. but thanks for the parting gift.
Comey had a press conference in which he said the FBI had clear evidence that Clinton violated the espionage on over 100 separate occasions.

Each offense carried a maximum 10 year sentence. Over 1000 years. Clinton should be in prison.

If any one of you did what Clinton did, you would be in federal prison right now.
Link to what James Comey said? LOL!
Google "comey press conference", jackass.

uh, we're going to need some EVIDENCE - YOU KNOW, the same shit you've been whining about for a fucking year ,,
You've seen the evidence jackass. Clinton admitted that she used a server in her fucking closet.

And no, I'm not going to show it to you again. Do your own homework, jackass.
There is no evidence that Comey gave that said she broke the espionage act.... she was careless, she did not commit espionage and give away stored secrets to our enemy.

comey testified that what Patraeus did was much much worse and he only got a misdemeanor charge for it.

she could not be charged with the gross negligence charge in the espionage act, because her team nor she, took any top secret documents from its properly stored place.... she did have top secret emails on her server, but they did NOT come from the government's properly stored place, they came from an informant outside of the government, who gathered the info on his own, through his own sources..... and this is WHY none were marked top secret classified....and why Hillary and her staff did not know the govt intel agency, had classified the info they got from a duel source not related to hers, as classified T/S.... in other words.... this is why Comey said, there was no INTENTION of harm by her group....and she could not be charged with that specific gross negligence statute in the espionage act.
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Comey had a press conference in which he said the FBI had clear evidence that Clinton violated the espionage on over 100 separate occasions.

Each offense carried a maximum 10 year sentence. Over 1000 years. Clinton should be in prison.

If any one of you did what Clinton did, you would be in federal prison right now.
Link to what James Comey said? LOL!
Google "comey press conference", jackass.

uh, we're going to need some EVIDENCE - YOU KNOW, the same shit you've been whining about for a fucking year ,,
You've seen the evidence jackass. Clinton admitted that she used a server in her fucking closet.

And no, I'm not going to show it to you again. Do your own homework, jackass.
There is no evidence that Comey gave that said she broke the espionage act.... she was careless, she did not commit espionage and give away stored secrets to our enemy.

comey testified that what Patraeus did was much much worse and he only got a misdemeanor charge for it.

she could not be charged with the gross negligence charge in the espionage act, because her team nor she, took any top secret documents from its properly stored place.... she did have top secret emails on her server, but they did NOT come from the government's properly stored place, they came from an informant outside of the government, who gathered the info on his own, through his own sources..... and this is WHY none were marked top secret classified....and why Hillary and her staff did not know the govt intel agency, had classified the info they got from a duel source not related to hers, as classified T/S.... in other words.... this is why Comey said, there was no INTENTION of harm by her group....and she could not be charged with that specific gross negligence statute in the espionage act.
Now you are simply spewing a bunch of lies again, fucking jackass.

Why do you constantly lie to the USMB forum like that? Nobody believes your ridiculous lies and they just make you look fucking stupid.

Haven't you ever considered the possibility that it would be a lot easier to simply base your political opinions on the truth, rather than constantly and fruitlessly try to change the facts?

I can tell you from experience that it much easier to base your opinions on the facts. You can look through the thousands of posts I've posted here at USMB and not even find a single lie.

Honesty is the best policy.
Comey said he couldnt find a damn thing he could use to lock up Clinton and the RW's had a hissy fit.

typical put Clinton in jail RW pipe dream -

He should be impeached because he has broken his oath of office, in a thousand ways since he got there.... let alone aiding and abetting the enemy, which he so loves to do.

Please list the one thousand ways he’s broken his oath of office w/ clear evidence and clear proof the actions in question broke his oath of office. Thanks in advance!
He should be impeached because he has broken his oath of office, in a thousand ways since he got there.... let alone aiding and abetting the enemy, which he so loves to do.

Please list the one thousand ways he’s broken his oath of office w/ clear evidence and clear proof the actions in question broke his oath of office. Thanks in advance!

a broken oath is a matter of opinion to be decided by the SC

he broke my oath more times than you have IQ points, starting with swearing on a bible then lying before he got to the parking lot- down to SALUTING FUCKING COMMUNIST BASTARDS ....

F Trump and his horse ......
Link to what James Comey said? LOL!
Google "comey press conference", jackass.

uh, we're going to need some EVIDENCE - YOU KNOW, the same shit you've been whining about for a fucking year ,,
You've seen the evidence jackass. Clinton admitted that she used a server in her fucking closet.

And no, I'm not going to show it to you again. Do your own homework, jackass.
There is no evidence that Comey gave that said she broke the espionage act.... she was careless, she did not commit espionage and give away stored secrets to our enemy.

comey testified that what Patraeus did was much much worse and he only got a misdemeanor charge for it.

she could not be charged with the gross negligence charge in the espionage act, because her team nor she, took any top secret documents from its properly stored place.... she did have top secret emails on her server, but they did NOT come from the government's properly stored place, they came from an informant outside of the government, who gathered the info on his own, through his own sources..... and this is WHY none were marked top secret classified....and why Hillary and her staff did not know the govt intel agency, had classified the info they got from a duel source not related to hers, as classified T/S.... in other words.... this is why Comey said, there was no INTENTION of harm by her group....and she could not be charged with that specific gross negligence statute in the espionage act.
Now you are simply spewing a bunch of lies again, fucking jackass.

Why do you constantly lie to the USMB forum like that? Nobody believes your ridiculous lies and they just make you look fucking stupid.

Haven't you ever considered the possibility that it would be a lot easier to simply base your political opinions on the truth, rather than constantly and fruitlessly try to change the facts?

I can tell you from experience that it much easier to base your opinions on the facts. You can look through the thousands of posts I've posted here at USMB and not even find a single lie.

Honesty is the best policy.
James Comey never said she broke the Espionage Act, brainwashed functional moron. Your posts are all full of lies, I'm not saying you know they are, super duper...
Sessions recused himself because not to do so would be a violation of DOJ rules. McCain was a American hero unlike Trumprats like Trump and yourself. These Congressmen were indicted because evidence was found of criminal wrongdoing. Investigations do not run according to election schedules nor should they. They were done by the FBI and Sessions nor Rosenstein had anything to do with it. Maybe you should direct your anger at the two swamprats who broke the law. Manafort was convicted on 8 of 18 counts and 1 juror stood in the way of him being convicted on all counts.
BS. What DOJ rule required Sessions to recuse himself in the Clinton espionage case?

Senior DOJ officials are barred from endorsing candidates. That means that Sessions as AG cannot have anything to do with any actions by the DOJ for or against Clinton.
Clinton is not even a candidate in the first place, jackass.

He endorsed Trump over Hillary and attacked her several times. He participated in chants of "lock her up". He cannot participate in a decision to prosecute her.

You are simply lying again.

Fuckin' jackass.

You are the fucking asshole.

Prohibited Activities
Further restricted employees may not:

  • Volunteer in any capacity in connection with a partisan candidate or partisan election
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  • Be active on behalf of a candidate at a political rally or meeting
  • Use official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the result of an election, e.g.:
    • may not use official titles or positions while engaged in political activity
    • may not invite subordinate employees to political events or otherwise suggest to subordinates that they attend political events or undertake any partisan political activity
  • Act as recorder, watcher, challenger, or similar officer at polling places in consultation or coordination with a political party, partisan political group, or a candidate for partisan political office
  • Drive voters to polling places in consultation or coordination with a political party, partisan political group, or a candidate for partisan political office
  • Engage in political activity while on duty, in any federal room or building, while wearing a uniform or official insignia, or using any federally-owned or leased vehicle, e.g.:
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5 C.F.R. § 734.101-702

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Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


Sessions recused himself because not to do so would be a violation of DOJ rules. McCain was a American hero unlike Trumprats like Trump and yourself. These Congressmen were indicted because evidence was found of criminal wrongdoing. Investigations do not run according to election schedules nor should they. They were done by the FBI and Sessions nor Rosenstein had anything to do with it. Maybe you should direct your anger at the two swamprats who broke the law. Manafort was convicted on 8 of 18 counts and 1 juror stood in the way of him being convicted on all counts.
BS. What DOJ rule required Sessions to recuse himself in the Clinton espionage case?
in sessions confirmation hearings, which the President could have easily watched or had his henchmen watch, Sessions agreed to recuse himself from anything that involved the Clinton campaign for his conflict of interest. The president could have withdrawn his pick of Sessions before he was given the advice and consent of the Senate if he did not like that Sessions recused himself for his conflict.
These are the relevant FACTS.

Hillary Clinton's violations of the Espionage Act are not related to Donald Trump's presidential campaign in any way. Hillary Clinton was not running against Donald Trump at any time during Sessions' ongoing tenure as Attorney General of the United States. Hillary Clinton's Espionage Act violations occurred while she was the Secretary of State. Between 1/21/2009 and 2/01/2013. Not during any investigation of Trump's campaign.

There is no DOJ rule that required Sessions to recuse himself from the Clinton Espionage case.

In other words, your argument is based on a fucking lie. Plain and simple.

He did do a number of prohibited acts during the campaign. That is why he must recuse himself from anything involving Hillary Clinton. During his confirmation hearings he said this after consulting with the ethics office. Ethics is something YOU would not know about.
Here's your president
Woodward book reveals 'crazytown' White House 02:31
(CNN)WARNING: This story contains graphic language.

President Donald Trump's closest aides have taken extraordinary measures in the White House to try to stop what they saw as his most dangerous impulses, going so far as to swipe and hide papers from his desk so he wouldn't sign them, according to a new book from legendary journalist Bob Woodward.
Woodward's 448-page book, "Fear: Trump in the White House," provides an unprecedented inside-the-room look through the eyes of the President's inner circle. From the Oval Office to the Situation Room to the White House residence, Woodward uses confidential background interviews to illustrate how some of the President's top advisers view him as a danger to national security and have sought to circumvent the commander in chief.

Many of the feuds and daily clashes have been well documented, but the picture painted by Trump's confidants, senior staff and Cabinet officials reveal that many of them see an even more alarming situation — worse than previously known or understood. Woodward offers a devastating portrait of a dysfunctional Trump White House, detailing how senior aides — both current and former Trump administration officials — grew exasperated with the President and increasingly worried about his erratic behavior, ignorance and penchant for lying.

Chief of staff John Kelly describes Trump as an "idiot" and "unhinged," Woodward reports. Defense Secretary James Mattis describes Trump as having the understanding of "a fifth or sixth grader." And Trump's former personal lawyer John Dowd describes the President as "a fucking liar," telling Trump he would end up in an "orange jump suit" if he testified to special counsel Robert Mueller.

Oh Noes!!! A BOOK!!! Full of innuendos, petty gossip, and and lurid tales of pompous assholes getting spanked and thrown back on the porch like little yapping puppies, and rarest of rarities, magically comes out in an election year!!! Gee ,that never happens!!!

lol lol lol you're retarded if you actually bought that thing, and even dumber if you wasted days of your life actually reading it.

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