Sessions Sides With The Swamp

Gawd, you guys are such whiny little asses....

Sessions was the first Republican in the Senate to support Trump, and gave Trump credence....

Sessions had no choice to recuse himself from the Trump campaign and russian interference investigation because he WAS PART of the Trump campaign and even the idiot Trump, should have KNOWN that....

And if Trump had not fired comey due to the investigation in to the russian interference in to our election, NONE of this would have happened....

And if Trump would have listened or even brought in his advisors on his decision to do such, he would have been told that it was a bad idea and would have been told that Sessions would be recusing himself on that investigation because HE HAD NO CHOICE but to recuse himself.... it was the rules and the law.

And if the Man of Lawlessness running this Nation of Laws and not of Men knew even an itty bit, about his own Country and the Laws of the Land, he would not be whining and bitching like a toddler baby all the time and blaming everyone else for his own mistakes.....

The Justice Depart is not there to work for the lawless one, it is the Justice department of the United States of America, and they work for us and NOT for the President's partisan whims and protection of himself and his swamp creatures that are as deep as hell that he brought to the administration or for the dirty Republicans in Congress that have sold their souls to him....

Justice is BLIND,

not this lawless SHIT that Trump stands for....

He should be impeached because he has broken his oath of office, in a thousand ways since he got there.... let alone aiding and abetting the enemy, which he so loves to do.
sure he had a choice it was sorry mr trump I will have to recuse myself from the russia investigation, therefore, I will not accept the AG job.
why would it matter? If Trump and his campaign had done nothing wrong, and Trump didn't need an AG to break the law and cover up his crimes, why would Trump even care about having an AG that would have to recuse himself?

Dirty Don, is simply dirty,

a rotten, crooked, criminal, mobster, lawless swamp creature...and has been one, his whole life...

I don't like Sessions because he is doing everything I do not believe in and is a bigot, a racist, a kidnapper of babies and children and he lied under oath to congress about his Russian contacts during his confirmation hearings.... but even with all of that, he had no choice but to recuse himself on the Russian and Trump campaign investigation.... the President IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW.... it's long past time he figures that out and stops this abuse and lawlessness and promotion of lawlessness that goes against the constitution and his oath of office.
well the president is above the law outside impeachment. If you truly are a constitutionalist, you'd know that. so why are you venting if you are one? One cannot indict a sitting president. Sorry, only person in the country. And that person can be impeached, and then has to be thrown out by 67 senators. Again constitution. what is it that makes you so angry? it's been that way for every fking one of em.

where was your hate back when obammy gave out billions to Iran? that was treasonous. He didn't go to congress. outside the constitution, should have been impeached, but he never would have been taken out of office, just like clinton wouldn't. BTW, for the umpteenth time, Clinton was a fking fool. But he knew he wouldn't lose his job. again, elections have consequences.

You clearly are not. There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents the indictment of a sitting President.

The money that was given back to the Iranians was their money not ours. They had paid for services from the US and had not received the services. The money was refunded.
the charges against Duncan Hunter for fraud was done by the federal prosecutors in California, the charges against Chris Collins were done by the federal prosecutors in New York....

Sessions can not and could not stop these prosecutors from bringing charges.... he does not have that authority, no one from these prosecutor offices have to go to sessions for permission.

It's a damn SHAME our president is so IGNORANT, and thinks like a crooked Mafioso mob boss.
Comey had a press conference in which he said the FBI had clear evidence that Clinton violated the espionage on over 100 separate occasions.

Each offense carried a maximum 10 year sentence. Over 1000 years. Clinton should be in prison.

If any one of you did what Clinton did, you would be in federal prison right now.
Link to what James Comey said? LOL!
Google "comey press conference", jackass.

uh, we're going to need some EVIDENCE - YOU KNOW, the same shit you've been whining about for a fucking year ,,
You've seen the evidence jackass. Clinton admitted that she used a server in her fucking closet.

And no, I'm not going to show it to you again. Do your own homework, jackass.
That post has nothing to do with your last post which is total garbage.... All investigated and she was careless like everyone else...
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


Sessions recused himself because not to do so would be a violation of DOJ rules. McCain was a American hero unlike Trumprats like Trump and yourself. These Congressmen were indicted because evidence was found of criminal wrongdoing. Investigations do not run according to election schedules nor should they. They were done by the FBI and Sessions nor Rosenstein had anything to do with it. Maybe you should direct your anger at the two swamprats who broke the law. Manafort was convicted on 8 of 18 counts and 1 juror stood in the way of him being convicted on all counts.
BS. What DOJ rule required Sessions to recuse himself in the Clinton espionage case?
Comey had a press conference in which he said the FBI had clear evidence that Clinton violated the espionage on over 100 separate occasions.

Each offense carried a maximum 10 year sentence. Over 1000 years. Clinton should be in prison.

If any one of you did what Clinton did, you would be in federal prison right now.
Link to what James Comey said? LOL!
Google "comey press conference", jackass.

uh, we're going to need some EVIDENCE - YOU KNOW, the same shit you've been whining about for a fucking year ,,
You've seen the evidence jackass. Clinton admitted that she used a server in her fucking closet.

And no, I'm not going to show it to you again. Do your own homework, jackass.
That post has nothing to do with your last post which is total garbage.... All investigated and she was careless like everyone else...
According the the Espionage Act, it's illegal to handle classified documents carelessly.
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


Sessions recused himself because not to do so would be a violation of DOJ rules. McCain was a American hero unlike Trumprats like Trump and yourself. These Congressmen were indicted because evidence was found of criminal wrongdoing. Investigations do not run according to election schedules nor should they. They were done by the FBI and Sessions nor Rosenstein had anything to do with it. Maybe you should direct your anger at the two swamprats who broke the law. Manafort was convicted on 8 of 18 counts and 1 juror stood in the way of him being convicted on all counts.
BS. What DOJ rule required Sessions to recuse himself in the Clinton espionage case?
in sessions confirmation hearings, which the President could have easily watched or had his henchmen watch, Sessions agreed to recuse himself from anything that involved the Clinton campaign for his conflict of interest. The president could have withdrawn his pick of Sessions before he was given the advice and consent of the Senate if he did not like that Sessions recused himself for his conflict.
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


Sessions recused himself because not to do so would be a violation of DOJ rules. McCain was a American hero unlike Trumprats like Trump and yourself. These Congressmen were indicted because evidence was found of criminal wrongdoing. Investigations do not run according to election schedules nor should they. They were done by the FBI and Sessions nor Rosenstein had anything to do with it. Maybe you should direct your anger at the two swamprats who broke the law. Manafort was convicted on 8 of 18 counts and 1 juror stood in the way of him being convicted on all counts.
BS. What DOJ rule required Sessions to recuse himself in the Clinton espionage case?

Senior DOJ officials are barred from endorsing candidates. That means that Sessions as AG cannot have anything to do with any actions by the DOJ for or against Clinton.
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


Sessions recused himself because not to do so would be a violation of DOJ rules. McCain was a American hero unlike Trumprats like Trump and yourself. These Congressmen were indicted because evidence was found of criminal wrongdoing. Investigations do not run according to election schedules nor should they. They were done by the FBI and Sessions nor Rosenstein had anything to do with it. Maybe you should direct your anger at the two swamprats who broke the law. Manafort was convicted on 8 of 18 counts and 1 juror stood in the way of him being convicted on all counts.
BS. What DOJ rule required Sessions to recuse himself in the Clinton espionage case?
in sessions confirmation hearings, which the President could have easily watched or had his henchmen watch, Sessions agreed to recuse himself from anything that involved the Clinton campaign for his conflict of interest. The president could have withdrawn his pick of Sessions before he was given the advice and consent of the Senate if he did not like that Sessions recused himself for his conflict.
These are the relevant FACTS.

Hillary Clinton's violations of the Espionage Act are not related to Donald Trump's presidential campaign in any way. Hillary Clinton was not running against Donald Trump at any time during Sessions' ongoing tenure as Attorney General of the United States. Hillary Clinton's Espionage Act violations occurred while she was the Secretary of State. Between 1/21/2009 and 2/01/2013. Not during any investigation of Trump's campaign.

There is no DOJ rule that required Sessions to recuse himself from the Clinton Espionage case.

In other words, your argument is based on a fucking lie. Plain and simple.
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Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


Sessions recused himself because not to do so would be a violation of DOJ rules. McCain was a American hero unlike Trumprats like Trump and yourself. These Congressmen were indicted because evidence was found of criminal wrongdoing. Investigations do not run according to election schedules nor should they. They were done by the FBI and Sessions nor Rosenstein had anything to do with it. Maybe you should direct your anger at the two swamprats who broke the law. Manafort was convicted on 8 of 18 counts and 1 juror stood in the way of him being convicted on all counts.
BS. What DOJ rule required Sessions to recuse himself in the Clinton espionage case?

Senior DOJ officials are barred from endorsing candidates. That means that Sessions as AG cannot have anything to do with any actions by the DOJ for or against Clinton.
Clinton is not even a candidate in the first place, jackass.
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really ?

then control Obamacare and the border wall or STFU about total control ...

No worries....Trump will get another $5B in the next budget for the Wall or shut this monstrosity of a government down until he does..... and the Turtle and Ryan know it, and will make it happen. As to Barry-Care, let's vote again....Jon Kyle won't pull a "maverick" and vote with the communists....(channeling Trump) that I can tell, that I can tell you. Control is an illusion if you don't have the votes to back it up....we do, you don't, elections have consequences.
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


Sessions recused himself because not to do so would be a violation of DOJ rules. McCain was a American hero unlike Trumprats like Trump and yourself. These Congressmen were indicted because evidence was found of criminal wrongdoing. Investigations do not run according to election schedules nor should they. They were done by the FBI and Sessions nor Rosenstein had anything to do with it. Maybe you should direct your anger at the two swamprats who broke the law. Manafort was convicted on 8 of 18 counts and 1 juror stood in the way of him being convicted on all counts.
BS. What DOJ rule required Sessions to recuse himself in the Clinton espionage case?

Senior DOJ officials are barred from endorsing candidates. That means that Sessions as AG cannot have anything to do with any actions by the DOJ for or against Clinton.
Clinton is not even a candidate in the first place, jackass.

He endorsed Trump over Hillary and attacked her several times. He participated in chants of "lock her up". He cannot participate in a decision to prosecute her.
He endorsed Trump over Hillary and attacked her several times. He participated in chants of "lock her up". He cannot participate in a decision to prosecute her.'re usually like Ernest T. Bass and either throw a rock or swear at me and run away. You may actually have a point this he shouldn't have taken the AG post and remained a Senator instead of screwing up Trump's first two years and letting a Rat try to grab his seat in the Senate....lose lose.
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


Sessions recused himself because not to do so would be a violation of DOJ rules. McCain was a American hero unlike Trumprats like Trump and yourself. These Congressmen were indicted because evidence was found of criminal wrongdoing. Investigations do not run according to election schedules nor should they. They were done by the FBI and Sessions nor Rosenstein had anything to do with it. Maybe you should direct your anger at the two swamprats who broke the law. Manafort was convicted on 8 of 18 counts and 1 juror stood in the way of him being convicted on all counts.
BS. What DOJ rule required Sessions to recuse himself in the Clinton espionage case?

Senior DOJ officials are barred from endorsing candidates. That means that Sessions as AG cannot have anything to do with any actions by the DOJ for or against Clinton.
Clinton is not even a candidate in the first place, jackass.

He endorsed Trump over Hillary and attacked her several times. He participated in chants of "lock her up". He cannot participate in a decision to prosecute her.

You are simply lying again.

Fuckin' jackass.
Link to what James Comey said? LOL!
Google "comey press conference", jackass.

uh, we're going to need some EVIDENCE - YOU KNOW, the same shit you've been whining about for a fucking year ,,
You've seen the evidence jackass. Clinton admitted that she used a server in her fucking closet.

And no, I'm not going to show it to you again. Do your own homework, jackass.
That post has nothing to do with your last post which is total garbage.... All investigated and she was careless like everyone else...
According the the Espionage Act, it's illegal to handle classified documents carelessly.
All two or three of them that other people were sending around and were no big deal, super duper....
Must have been a real big IDIOT who filled the swamp with Rod Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions...

Google "comey press conference", jackass.

uh, we're going to need some EVIDENCE - YOU KNOW, the same shit you've been whining about for a fucking year ,,
You've seen the evidence jackass. Clinton admitted that she used a server in her fucking closet.

And no, I'm not going to show it to you again. Do your own homework, jackass.
That post has nothing to do with your last post which is total garbage.... All investigated and she was careless like everyone else...
According the the Espionage Act, it's illegal to handle classified documents carelessly.
All two or three of them that other people were sending around and were no big deal, super duper....
Could explain the reasoning that you used to come to that conclusion?
uh, we're going to need some EVIDENCE - YOU KNOW, the same shit you've been whining about for a fucking year ,,
You've seen the evidence jackass. Clinton admitted that she used a server in her fucking closet.

And no, I'm not going to show it to you again. Do your own homework, jackass.
That post has nothing to do with your last post which is total garbage.... All investigated and she was careless like everyone else...
According the the Espionage Act, it's illegal to handle classified documents carelessly.
All two or three of them that other people were sending around and were no big deal, super duper....
Could explain the reasoning that you used to come to that conclusion?
Everybody did about the same thing until people found out the Russians were hacking... Hillary's server appears to be the only one that wasn't hacked that they tried to... James Comey Broke all protocol Big Mouth GOP that he is and lost her the election...
uh, we're going to need some EVIDENCE - YOU KNOW, the same shit you've been whining about for a fucking year ,,
You've seen the evidence jackass. Clinton admitted that she used a server in her fucking closet.

And no, I'm not going to show it to you again. Do your own homework, jackass.
That post has nothing to do with your last post which is total garbage.... All investigated and she was careless like everyone else...
According the the Espionage Act, it's illegal to handle classified documents carelessly.
All two or three of them that other people were sending around and were no big deal, super duper....
Could explain the reasoning that you used to come to that conclusion?
All this email stuff is b*******blown out of all proportion... As if Hillary was a computer scientist
... all crap Fox, the GOP and MSM blew out of proportion.

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