Sessions Sides With The Swamp

The evidence against Collins

But you were and still are 100% against investigating Hillary's cattle futures etc.

What about 911?

Dianne Feinstein and hubby Rich Blum made $20 billion in the markets with "insider info" on 911. That's real corruption that Swampy Jeff won't touch.

Who murdered Seth Rich and why?

We will never find out as long as Swampy Jeff and Rod the Mossad are in charge, especially since the Mossad almost certainly was the entity that did the murder.

The US debt went from $5 trillion when W took office to #21 trillion today, and Swampy Jeff can't find anyone or anything wrong with that....

If it is real and it harms the US, Swampy Jeff lets it go.

If it is BS nothing but it helps the Dems take the House, a quick indictment before the election pops out....
All your crap propaganda scandals have been investigated and there is nothing there, super duper, but pure BS propaganda, super duper. Propaganda machines by definition never retract any of their garbage, idiot.
Let's remember here.

Trump is fuming that the DOJ indicted two Republican criminals because....well they're...Republicans

Welcome to tin pot dictatorship philosophy
What the hell is a "perjury trap"?
I'm guessing it means that if you tell a lie you might get caught telling that lie...because its's a lie.

Look it up. You might learn something.
I don't see it in the dictionary.
If I had to guess I'd say that it means that you get asked a question, you answer with a lie, everyone knows it's a're trapped!!
It's really fiendishly clever...this 'perjury trap'.

A perjury trap is a real thing.

It's what ken starr and the republicans did to Clinton. They put him under oath. Then asked him a question that had nothing to do with the case he was giving testimony about. He lied about it and he was impeached for that lie.

A perjury trap is putting someone under oath, then ask them questions that have nothing to do with the case and expecting to be able to prosecute them on the lie to that question that had nothing to do with the case.

For Mueller to pull a perjury trap is for him to ask trump questions that have nothing to do with the investigation he is being asked about and trump lies about it.

If Mueller asks him questions that have to do with his investigation and trump lies, it's not a perjury trap.

The only reason why anyone would worry about perjury is that they know that trump is a pathological liar and incapable of telling the truth about anything.

Here's a link to the honest definition of perjury trap:

Perjury-Trap Doctrine Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
You are a piece of dogshit you lying asshole. He endorsed and campaigned for Trump against Clinton. Even Sessions himself has admitted it. Recently at a event, he joined in a chorus of "lock her up'". He clearly is compromised and was right to recuse himself.


As Swampy Jeff does everything humanly possible as AG to help the Dems re-take the House, you still parrot that stuff.

Swampy Jeff supported Trump because his Bama pollsters told him to. Swampy Jeff stands for nothing except promoting and enriching Swampy Jeff and family.

Facts are facts. Shame you are not smart enough to figure it out.
Let's remember here.

Trump is fuming that the DOJ indicted two Republican criminals because....well they're...Republicans

Welcome to tin pot dictatorship philosophy

Also, lets note the laughably uselessness of Republicans and their 'condemnations'. Condemning Trump while doing nothing is merely self aware collusion.

History is not going to be kind to the GOP on their inaction in the face of rampant corruption and the naked attempt to pervert the very purpose of the Justice Department into the President's personal brute squad.
What the hell is a "perjury trap"?
I'm guessing it means that if you tell a lie you might get caught telling that lie...because its's a lie.

Look it up. You might learn something.
I don't see it in the dictionary.
If I had to guess I'd say that it means that you get asked a question, you answer with a lie, everyone knows it's a're trapped!!
It's really fiendishly clever...this 'perjury trap'.

A perjury trap is a real thing.

It's what ken starr and the republicans did to Clinton. They put him under oath. Then asked him a question that had nothing to do with the case he was giving testimony about. He lied about it and he was impeached for that lie.

A perjury trap is putting someone under oath, then ask them questions that have nothing to do with the case and expecting to be able to prosecute them on the lie to that question that had nothing to do with the case.

For Mueller to pull a perjury trap is for him to ask trump questions that have nothing to do with the investigation he is being asked about and trump lies about it.

If Mueller asks him questions that have to do with his investigation and trump lies, it's not a perjury trap.

The only reason why anyone would worry about perjury is that they know that trump is a pathological liar and incapable of telling the truth about anything.

Here's a link to the honest definition of perjury trap:

Perjury-Trap Doctrine Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Or if Trump tells the truth, he's immune to perjury.
What the hell is a "perjury trap"?
I'm guessing it means that if you tell a lie you might get caught telling that lie...because its's a lie.

Look it up. You might learn something.
I don't see it in the dictionary.
If I had to guess I'd say that it means that you get asked a question, you answer with a lie, everyone knows it's a're trapped!!
It's really fiendishly clever...this 'perjury trap'.

A perjury trap is a real thing.

It's what ken starr and the republicans did to Clinton. They put him under oath. Then asked him a question that had nothing to do with the case he was giving testimony about. He lied about it and he was impeached for that lie.

A perjury trap is putting someone under oath, then ask them questions that have nothing to do with the case and expecting to be able to prosecute them on the lie to that question that had nothing to do with the case.

For Mueller to pull a perjury trap is for him to ask trump questions that have nothing to do with the investigation he is being asked about and trump lies about it.

If Mueller asks him questions that have to do with his investigation and trump lies, it's not a perjury trap.

The only reason why anyone would worry about perjury is that they know that trump is a pathological liar and incapable of telling the truth about anything.

Here's a link to the honest definition of perjury trap:

Perjury-Trap Doctrine Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Or if Trump tells the truth, he's immune to perjury.
That was my point.
Or if Trump tells the truth, he's immune to perjury.

Since you don't have a clue about perjury, telling the truth has nothing to do with a perjury trap. The trap is based on even a slight deviation from earlier testimony, and/or another witness saying something's who the prosecutor chooses to believe, ie a trap. No attorney asks a question he doesn't already know the answer to. Mueller is getting "process" perjury convictions in which a target pleads guilty to for a reduced sentence, or to save a son from legal problems in Flynn's case, whether they did anything illegal or not. The FBI agents who interviewed Flynn, under false pretenses and without his lawyer present, didn't find any deception on his part, yet Mueller indicted him anyway. He's delayed Flynn's sentencing 3 times now, Flynn is bankrupted, has lost his house, and has no idea what he can do for a living.....that's how Mueller is treating a 3 star general who served 33 years. Mueller can't touch Trump and he knows it so he's getting even for a run-in with Trump over getting kicked out of Trump's National Golf Club, by hassling and threatening people around him....Mueller is a piece of shit.
Or if Trump tells the truth, he's immune to perjury.

John Dowd tried to prep Trump for a Mueller interview and Trump performed so horribly and lied so many times that Dowd said he'd be wearing an orange jump suit if he testified.

Dowd quit the Administration the next DAY
fire Sessions! send the insubordinate hillbilly keebler elf back to Alabama.

if Trump doesnt do that, he will be impeached!
What does Sessions have to do with impeachment??

By not doing his job and going after Trump supporters like Collins and Hunter, Swampy Jeff is trying to give the House and Senate back to the Dems, a situation that would greatly help the "odds" of impeachment.

Make no mistake, Swampy Jeff is 100% for impeaching Trump and 100% against stopping any Swamp kleptocracy...

Swampy Jeff is the Swamp.
What does Sessions have to do with impeachment??

By not doing his job and going after Trump supporters like Collins and Hunter, Swampy Jeff is trying to give the House and Senate back to the Dems, a situation that would greatly help the "odds" of impeachment.

Make no mistake, Swampy Jeff is 100% for impeaching Trump and 100% against stopping any Swamp kleptocracy...

Swampy Jeff is the Swamp.
The DOJ is not and should not be a political organization.

If someone is corrupt (and these asshole Republicans were) they should be prosecuted.

You are condoning long as it's Republican corruption
The DOJ is not and should not be a political organization.

The DOJ has been a "political organization" since W....

It should not be, but it is. When W fired those 7 US attorneys, that harmed real people who were victims of real crimes....

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