Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump’s Presidential Campaign

Sessions was a sitting senator. Not a member of his campaign.

You guys are desperate

Sessions was one of Trump's advisers.

After Sessions became one of the first members of Congress to endorse Trump this February, he became an adviser on almost every major decision and policy proposal Trump made during the campaign:

— A top Sessions aide helped Trump communicate his immigration policy.

— Sessions chaired Trump national security advisory committee.

— Sessions advised Trump on who to choose for vice president. (Sessions was also in the running himself for the No. 2 job.)

10 things to know about Sen. Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump’s pick for attorney general
Then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) spoke twice in 2016 with Russia's ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak, but did not mention this during his confirmation hearing to become U.S. attorney general. Sessions was asked about possible contacts between President Trump's campaign and the Russian government. (Victoria Walker/The Washington Post)

Then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) spoke twice last year with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Justice Department officials said, encounters he did not disclose when asked about possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow during Sessions’s confirmation hearing to become attorney general.

One of the meetings was a private conversation between Sessions and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that took place in September in the senator’s office, at the height of what U.S. intelligence officials say was a Russian cyber campaign to upend the U.S. presidential race.

The previously undisclosed discussions could fuel new congressional calls for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 presidential election. As attorney general, Sessions oversees the Justice Department and the FBI, which have been leading investigations into Russian meddling and any links to Trump’s associates. He has so far resisted calls to recuse himself.

When Sessions spoke with Kislyak in July and September, the senator was a senior member of the influential Armed Services Committee as well as one of Trump’s top foreign policy advisers. Sessions played a prominent role supporting Trump on the stump after formally joining the campaign in February 2016.

Much More: Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump’s Presidential Campaign, Justice Officials Say

Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose

Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking

Apparently Sessions lied, under oath, about having contact with Russia during Trump's campaign. Therefore, he must recuse himself from any Trump-Russia investigations - and he must be investigated. In hindsight - President Obama should have blown the whistle on all this while he was still in office.

Here it comes. They gave Trump a one day break to give his speech, and now they're leaking information again. Sessions cannot be attorney general while at the same time lying to congress. Sessions is in charge of the FBI & DOJ in this country & he cannot be a liar or involved in a cover up, especially when it comes to a foreign adversary hacking into our Democracy.

Jeff Sessions needs to resign immediately. He cannot be Attorney General of this country.

For you Trump supporters, this is exactly what happens when you make enemies out of the intelligence agencies and the media in this country. While you think he's King, this should make you very well aware there are much more powerful agencies out there, than just the Presidency.

This is why prior Presidential administrations have not gone after them, by insulting their intelligence by continually denying this Russian hacking and then in a futile attempt try to ban the media in this country. Past Presidents were way too smart for that.

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What a joke. From NBC-

Sessions' spokeswoman, Sarah Isgur Flores, told NBC News that Sessions did have a conversation with Kislyak last year but that "there was absolutely nothing misleading about his answer" at the hearing.

Sessions met with more than two dozen foreign ambassadors last year in his capacity as a member of the Armed Services Committee, Flores said.

As for what Sessions told the Judiciary Committee, "he was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee," she said...

An official familiar with Sessions' interactions provided NBC News with a list of what was described as all of the then-senator's known visits with foreign ambassadors last year. The list includes the Sept. 8 meeting with Kislyak.

The official told NBC News that Sessions came in contact with Kislyak a second time at a public event organized in July by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative policy group, where he spoke informally with a small group of ambassadors, including Kislyak.

The official said Sessions often met with ambassadors, discussing bilateral relations and issues, both positive or negative. Ambassadors would often make "superficial comments" about election-related news, the official said. But it was not the substance of their discussions, the official said.

Just as I suspected. You guy will stop at absolutely nothing. It's gonna hurt so bad in 208, unless you begin to pick your battles more wisely.
Sessions was an accident waiting to happen. Now, everything he touches will be tainted. Zero credibility.
Sessions was a sitting senator. Not a member of his campaign.

You guys are desperate

They probably have the telephone recordings as the Russian phone lines were wire taped, and that's how they busted General Flynn for lying.

Obama had the Russian phone lines wire taped as soon as he knew it was the Russians doing the hacking.

Regardless Jeff Session lied to congress when asked about it. No Senator calls the Russians anyway, that again is usurping the Obama administration authority and is in violation of the Logan Act.
Sessions was an accident waiting to happen. Now, everything he touches will be tainted. Zero credibility.

The whole dam administration has zero credibility now. Lies everywhere. Even FOX News doesn't know what to do with all of this--LOL This is what we're getting a little more than a month out of Trump being sworn into office.

Sweet Baby Jesus if this is the Honeymoon period for a new President, I sure don't want to know what the divorce is going to look like--LOL

Everyday another scandal.

Sessions talks to Russia and clearly said he did not during his confirmation hearings

Officials: Sessions had contacts with Russians - CNN Video

Here were go again. Yet another instance of someone just outright lying. Nobody asked the man whether he talked about the weather or something. They asked if he spoke with the Russians and he said, "No."

Why couldn't that man not have simply said, "Yes. I spoke with 'so and so' and discussed 'this and that?'" Why do Trump and the people around him simply have no will to just tell the truth?

You cannot tell me that telling the truth and facing the consequences of doing so is worse than hiding it and getting found out. How juvenile must one be to not see that? My kids had that figured out by the time they were 12.
Trump Team’s Ties To Russia Face Sharper Scrutiny Amid New House Probe And Explosive Reports

Pressure grows for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from investigations into the scandal.

WASHINGTON ― A series of bombshell revelations Wednesday night cast new light onDonald Trump’s potential ties to the Russian government during the course of the presidential campaign and seem likely to escalate calls for a special prosecutor to investigate the matter.

The New York Times reported that intelligence officials working for the Obama administration had grown so concerned about the scope of Russia’s meddling in the elections and the evidence of ties to Trump’s operation that they began to leave a breadcrumb trail of clues for future investigators to follow. Among those data points that had them spooked were a series of meetings that affiliates of the Trump campaign and the Russian government allegedly held in European capitals ― meetings that the Trump White House has consistently denied ever took place.

About an hour later, The Washington Post published its report that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke twice last year with Russia’s ambassador to the United States and failed to disclose it to lawmakers during his January confirmation hearing. Sessions had been a top surrogate for the Trump campaign and a senior member of the influential Senate Armed Services Committee. The newspaper noted that no other member of that committee could recall speaking to the Russian ambassador.

More: Trump Team's Ties To Russia Face Sharper Scrutiny Amid New House Probe And Explosive Reports

FACT: Sessions lied under oath! The shit is hitting the fan!

Who's desperate?

Saul Alinsky was a Satan Worshipper and both Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying worshipped him and studied
His Satanic Wisdom.

Desperate is losing 1,000
Poltical offices the majority of State legislatures, The Senate, The House and The Presdency because you thought Good Americans we're not going to fight back against you, your America Hating Agenda and your Islamic Jihadist Brethren.

Your Evil will Overwhelm The Earth at some point as prophesized, but it is part of the process to usher in judgement day and then the redemption of The Earth.

Hell was made for that day and the ungodly, so you have that to look forward to.
I love how I cannot tell if you're a troll pretending to be a batshit crazy far-right nutjob or you really are a batshit crazy far-right nutjob. Rock on, man!
Senator Al Franken will be on Morning Joe this morning. Sessions lied to him - under oath.
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News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's global edition | The Guardian

It's hit the international press. The world was laughing at the new administration already

Republicans have to got to get a completely independent special prosecutor involved in this immediately.

This is going to deep for Senate Republicans to be trusted with all these investigations. Republicans on the Ways & Means committee refused to get Trump's income tax returns. They're going to have to or they're going to destroy the entire party for decades to come. They're already looking like they're trying to cover this up.

This is a 1000 times worse than Watergate. I don't think Republicans want to wear this one around their necks over the next several election cycles.

You tell me, would a hi be considered to be what they were asking for? I would not consider it a -talk-.
All that I see here is they spoke twice. That could have been a hi in passing, or at a party, and that would qualify enough to the left. Yet would not be of significance enough to mention. We shall wait and see.

So why did he not say anything about it at his hearing? Surely having had contact with an Ambassador turning up at your office is something significant.

Do you honestly think the Ambassador of Russia would just happen to waltz down to a Senator's office just to say hi? Don't you think Ambassadors and Senators have better things to do with their time?

Now, his claim is he was talking as part of his role on the Armed Services Committee. In which case he'll be able to prove this. The first time he spoke was at the Republican Convention. Why the hell was the Russian Ambassador at the Republican Convention?

Both the Ukraine and Russia as well as other countries of course had skin in the game. The Ukraine favored Hillary (considering they are Hillary's biggest donors to her foundation).

And they worked with a Hillary advisor to smear Manafort by lying about a corruption investigation.

In deep shit now that she lost. Hillary's fave oligarch Pinchuk actually received permission from Clinton to do a multi million dollar deal with Iran.

I beleive Pinchuk has donated 8 million to date to the foundation with a total owed of 25 million.

deflection ^^^^^^^^^^

the thread is about Trumps AG lying his ass off and getting busted.

btw, quit trolling.

How did he lie when his contact with the Russian ambassador and others involved his day job?

Not the campaign. Cripes one meeting took place at a Heritage Foundation event and the ambassadors approached him. Right in the article.
Sessions talks to Russia and clearly said he did not during his confirmation hearings

Officials: Sessions had contacts with Russians - CNN Video

Here were go again. Yet another instance of someone just outright lying. Nobody asked the man whether he talked about the weather or something. They asked if he spoke with the Russians and he said, "No."

Why couldn't that man not have simply said, "Yes. I spoke with 'so and so' and discussed 'this and that?'" Why do Trump and the people around him simply have no will to just tell the truth?

You cannot tell me that telling the truth and facing the consequences of doing so is worse than hiding it and getting found out. How juvenile must one be to not see that? My kids had that figured out by the time they were 12.
The Republicans perfected the art of lying, deceit and subterfuge as well as Demoncrats. The Dems have all that fine tuned to perfection.
You tell me, would a hi be considered to be what they were asking for? I would not consider it a -talk-.
So why did he not say anything about it at his hearing? Surely having had contact with an Ambassador turning up at your office is something significant.

Do you honestly think the Ambassador of Russia would just happen to waltz down to a Senator's office just to say hi? Don't you think Ambassadors and Senators have better things to do with their time?

Now, his claim is he was talking as part of his role on the Armed Services Committee. In which case he'll be able to prove this. The first time he spoke was at the Republican Convention. Why the hell was the Russian Ambassador at the Republican Convention?

Both the Ukraine and Russia as well as other countries of course had skin in the game. The Ukraine favored Hillary (considering they are Hillary's biggest donors to her foundation).

And they worked with a Hillary advisor to smear Manafort by lying about a corruption investigation.

In deep shit now that she lost. Hillary's fave oligarch Pinchuk actually received permission from Clinton to do a multi million dollar deal with Iran.

I beleive Pinchuk has donated 8 million to date to the foundation with a total owed of 25 million.

deflection ^^^^^^^^^^

the thread is about Trumps AG lying his ass off and getting busted.

btw, quit trolling.

How did he lie when his contact with the Russian ambassador and others involved his day job?

Not the campaign. Cripes one meeting took place at a Heritage Foundation event and the ambassadors approached him. Right in the article.
Then why did Sessions lie under oath?

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