Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump’s Presidential Campaign

there's some serious shit coming down tonight, also Obama hid hacking intel so Trump couldn't toss it

And Obama withheld it...Obama's in deep shitt.

Not true, he sent a memo to the Senate intelligence folks and McConnell declined to investigate.
And did Obama run to the NYT?

Team Obama has been behind all the leaks of classified information. Busted.
there's some serious shit coming down tonight, also Obama hid hacking intel so Trump couldn't toss it

And Obama withheld it...Obama's in deep shitt.

Not true, he sent a memo to the Senate intelligence folks and McConnell declined to investigate.
And did Obama run to the NYT?

Team Obama has been behind all the leaks of classified information. Busted.

Stop trolling this thread and start your own. This thread is about Sessions lying under oath.
You tell me, would a hi be considered to be what they were asking for? I would not consider it a -talk-.

Do you honestly think the Ambassador of Russia would just happen to waltz down to a Senator's office just to say hi? Don't you think Ambassadors and Senators have better things to do with their time?

Now, his claim is he was talking as part of his role on the Armed Services Committee. In which case he'll be able to prove this. The first time he spoke was at the Republican Convention. Why the hell was the Russian Ambassador at the Republican Convention?

Both the Ukraine and Russia as well as other countries of course had skin in the game. The Ukraine favored Hillary (considering they are Hillary's biggest donors to her foundation).

And they worked with a Hillary advisor to smear Manafort by lying about a corruption investigation.

In deep shit now that she lost. Hillary's fave oligarch Pinchuk actually received permission from Clinton to do a multi million dollar deal with Iran.

I beleive Pinchuk has donated 8 million to date to the foundation with a total owed of 25 million.

deflection ^^^^^^^^^^

the thread is about Trumps AG lying his ass off and getting busted.

btw, quit trolling.

How did he lie when his contact with the Russian ambassador and others involved his day job?

Not the campaign. Cripes one meeting took place at a Heritage Foundation event and the ambassadors approached him. Right in the article.
Then why did Sessions lie under oath?

He didn't.

"Sarah Isgur Flores, Mr. Sessions’s spokeswoman, said “there was absolutely nothing misleading about his answer” because he did not communicate with the ambassador in his capacity as a Trump campaign surrogate.

She said Mr. Sessions had at least 25 conversations in 2016 with ambassadors from a range of nations — including Britain, Japan, China, Germany and Russia — while on the Senate Armed Services Committee."
Then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) spoke twice in 2016 with Russia's ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak, but did not mention this during his confirmation hearing to become U.S. attorney general. Sessions was asked about possible contacts between President Trump's campaign and the Russian government. (Victoria Walker/The Washington Post)

Then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) spoke twice last year with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Justice Department officials said, encounters he did not disclose when asked about possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow during Sessions’s confirmation hearing to become attorney general.

One of the meetings was a private conversation between Sessions and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that took place in September in the senator’s office, at the height of what U.S. intelligence officials say was a Russian cyber campaign to upend the U.S. presidential race.

The previously undisclosed discussions could fuel new congressional calls for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 presidential election. As attorney general, Sessions oversees the Justice Department and the FBI, which have been leading investigations into Russian meddling and any links to Trump’s associates. He has so far resisted calls to recuse himself.

When Sessions spoke with Kislyak in July and September, the senator was a senior member of the influential Armed Services Committee as well as one of Trump’s top foreign policy advisers. Sessions played a prominent role supporting Trump on the stump after formally joining the campaign in February 2016.

Much More: Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump’s Presidential Campaign, Justice Officials Say

Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose

Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking

Apparently Sessions lied, under oath, about having contact with Russia during Trump's campaign. Therefore, he must recuse himself from any Trump-Russia investigations - and he must be investigated. In hindsight - President Obama should have blown the whistle on all this while he was still in office.

Washington Redskin,
A nothing burger, stay out of the firewater
Do you honestly think the Ambassador of Russia would just happen to waltz down to a Senator's office just to say hi? Don't you think Ambassadors and Senators have better things to do with their time?

Now, his claim is he was talking as part of his role on the Armed Services Committee. In which case he'll be able to prove this. The first time he spoke was at the Republican Convention. Why the hell was the Russian Ambassador at the Republican Convention?

Both the Ukraine and Russia as well as other countries of course had skin in the game. The Ukraine favored Hillary (considering they are Hillary's biggest donors to her foundation).

And they worked with a Hillary advisor to smear Manafort by lying about a corruption investigation.

In deep shit now that she lost. Hillary's fave oligarch Pinchuk actually received permission from Clinton to do a multi million dollar deal with Iran.

I beleive Pinchuk has donated 8 million to date to the foundation with a total owed of 25 million.

deflection ^^^^^^^^^^

the thread is about Trumps AG lying his ass off and getting busted.

btw, quit trolling.

How did he lie when his contact with the Russian ambassador and others involved his day job?

Not the campaign. Cripes one meeting took place at a Heritage Foundation event and the ambassadors approached him. Right in the article.
Then why did Sessions lie under oath?

He didn't.

"Sarah Isgur Flores, Mr. Sessions’s spokeswoman, said “there was absolutely nothing misleading about his answer” because he did not communicate with the ambassador in his capacity as a Trump campaign surrogate.

She said Mr. Sessions had at least 25 conversations in 2016 with ambassadors from a range of nations — including Britain, Japan, China, Germany and Russia — while on the Senate Armed Services Committee."

He said he had no contact with Russians - under oath.
there's some serious shit coming down tonight, also Obama hid hacking intel so Trump couldn't toss it

And Obama withheld it...Obama's in deep shitt.

Not true, he sent a memo to the Senate intelligence folks and McConnell declined to investigate.
And did Obama run to the NYT?

Team Obama has been behind all the leaks of classified information. Busted.

Stop trolling this thread and start your own. This thread is about Sessions lying under oath.

The questions were asked and I answered. And I did start my own on Obama's team being outed.

Not true, he sent a memo to the Senate intelligence folks and McConnell declined to investigate.
And did Obama run to the NYT?

Team Obama has been behind all the leaks of classified information. Busted.

Stop trolling this thread and start your own. This thread is about Sessions lying under oath.

The questions were asked and I answered. And I did start my own on Obama's team being outed.

You pitiful dumbass - Obama was trying to preserve evidence before he left office. He could have pulled a Comey - but he didn't.
there's some serious shit coming down tonight, also Obama hid hacking intel so Trump couldn't toss it

And Obama withheld it...Obama's in deep shitt.

Not true, he sent a memo to the Senate intelligence folks and McConnell declined to investigate.

What's hilarious is Obama set this all up. Right now Trump is making the Republican Senate and especially House Republicans look totally inept. They confirmed Sessions!!!

He had these Russian phone lines wire tapped, intelligence agencies have this information, and they're LEAKING again to the media, at the RIGHT TIME. Not before Sessions was confirmed but after he was confirmed, making Republicans look like total idiots. I am certain John McCain and Lindsey Graham have a shit eating grin all over their faces right now, because you Trump supporters never believed them.-LOL

Trump is great at rolling people, and he just rolled YOU.


Just when Republicans get a little too comfortable with Trump, another leak will come out. That's the way it's been for the last month. This is what you can expect from here on out.

Last edited:
Not true, he sent a memo to the Senate intelligence folks and McConnell declined to investigate.
And did Obama run to the NYT?

Team Obama has been behind all the leaks of classified information. Busted.

Stop trolling this thread and start your own. This thread is about Sessions lying under oath.

The questions were asked and I answered. And I did start my own on Obama's team being outed.

You pitiful dumbass - Obama was trying to preserve evidence before he left office. He could have pulled a Comey - but he didn't.

They dispersed classified information on purpose.

"According to The Times, Obama White House officials waged a campaign to procure, save and disperse classified intelligence regarding Trump associates’ contacts with Russians"

Read more: CONFIRMED: Obama Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House
Bigger problem on the horizon is going to be for the Obama team who have been releasing all the classified information.

The Times busted them.

CONFIRMED: Obama Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House
You really should read more reliable sources.

It's the Daily Caller quoting the NYT. The Times have outed Obama in this article.

From your NYT link:

WASHINGTON — In the Obama administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians — across the government. Former American officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling isn’t duplicated in future American or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators.

American allies, including the British and the Dutch, had provided information describing meetings in European cities between Russian officials — and others close to Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin — and associates of President-elect Trump, according to three former American officials who requested anonymity in discussing classified intelligence.

Separately, American intelligence agencies had intercepted communications of Russian officials, some of them within the Kremlin, discussing contacts with Trump associates.
And did Obama run to the NYT?

Team Obama has been behind all the leaks of classified information. Busted.

Stop trolling this thread and start your own. This thread is about Sessions lying under oath.

The questions were asked and I answered. And I did start my own on Obama's team being outed.

You pitiful dumbass - Obama was trying to preserve evidence before he left office. He could have pulled a Comey - but he didn't.

They dispersed classified information on purpose.

"According to The Times, Obama White House officials waged a campaign to procure, save and disperse classified intelligence regarding Trump associates’ contacts with Russians"

Read more: CONFIRMED: Obama Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House

Your Daily Caller article is twisting the truth about the NYT article - which is typical of Tucker Carlson's fake news. Tell us more about "dispersed classified information"...
Can you smell blood in the water? I don't know if anyone's gonna get bit, but the blood is in the water.


I don't like a damn thing about Sessions. Never have. If he's the first to go down, fine. I'm not picky. Line 'em like dominoes, as far as I'm concerned.

Sen. Jeff Sessions used to chide presidential nominees for giving the Senate Judiciary Committee incomplete records on their backgrounds. Now he’s a presidential nominee and he’s doing it.

He once argued that doing this is a felony.

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, is withholding decades’ worth of records from his career ahead of his Senate confirmation hearings early next month, according to an exhaustive report issued Friday by progressive advocacy groups.

The groups, which include Alliance for Justice and People for the American Way, reviewed the questionnaire that Sessions filled out for the Senate Judiciary Committee ― it requires complete documentation of employment history, published writings, interviews and speeches, among other things ― and found “astonishingly deficient” responses. He left out major details from his years as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Alabama, from 1981 to 1993; as attorney general of Alabama, from 1995 to 1997; and as a first-term U.S. senator, from 1997 to 2002.

The gaps encompass the time, for example, when Sessions was nominated to be a federal judge in 1986 ― and then rejected after being deemed too racist.

He also omitted dozens of recent interviews, some of which included controversial statements he made. An October interview in which Sessions gave Trump a pass for making sexist comments, because “everybody knows that Trump likes women” and “uses this kind of talk,” was not cited in his questionnaire. A December 2015 interview in which Sessions says “the predictions aren’t coming true” about climate change having disastrous effects is also not mentioned.

A Trump transition team spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment, nor did a Senate spokesman for Sessions.

More: Jeff Sessions Omits Decades Of Records For His AG Confirmation Hearing

So, the little Keebler elf tried to scrub racism from his record. It won't work. There is just too much racist dirt on him. I can't imagine having such a piece of racist trash for U.S. Attorney General.
Bigger problem on the horizon is going to be for the Obama team who have been releasing all the classified information.

The Times busted them.

CONFIRMED: Obama Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House

No you can't prove that. Regardless this is coming down on Republicans no matter if Little Miss Muffet leaked it.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American national election is TREASON. No one gives a rats ass who leaked it--LOL

I just remarked on it because it's funny. All the shit that House Republicans put on Obama over the last 6 years, and now it's come back full circle. I imagine their jaws are hanging down around their knees about right now.


Obama may have given Trump the best fucking he's ever had. Obama is the man!
Obama may have given Trump the best fucking he's ever had. Obama is the man!

I would agree with that one ha.ha, and he's doing it to house Republicans too, whom have been his mortal enemy over the last 6 years.

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