Seth Meyers Skewers Trump On Birther Past

lol, good show, loon.

So, how many other conspiracy theories do you believe in? Do you and Dale share the same tin foil hats?

You support a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag and I'm the loon?

I'm just looking at pictures and facts.

That's how rational people make judgement calls. When you stop huffing paint your judgement won't improve BTW. That damage is permanent. It's best if you just double down and run that road to the end.

I am not an enthusiastic supporter, only a reluctant one. I am a Stein supporter, but she is not on the ballot in my state. I would consider a vote for Johnson, but there are several things about him that make it impossible for me to vote for him.
Like because you have the maturity of a 10 year old?
Your adoptive mother won't let you out of the basement?
You're in jail?

Like the fact that he is clueless about foreign policy, was a proponent of the death penalty for children as young as 13 and 14 until he was age 43, and is kind of an idiot.
I haven't respected anybody's foreign policy since Eisenhower.
It must really suck to be a Trump supporter these days. Deplorable, racist, stupid and a fucking liar to boot, I couldn't imagine having to look at myself in the mirror every day if I were one of you.

What are you, five?

Fucking children.

Shut up, grow a pair, and watch the video. Then spend the next 20 minutes or so standing in front of your mirror slapping yourself upside the head for being a gullible Trump supporter.
Relax Bill and get a REAL avatar.
Trump has to have nothing but utter contempt for his supporters. He actually bleevs they are stupid enough to drink down his new fable that he finished the birther movement.

You could tell even as he was saying the words, he knew he was lying out his ass. But he was confident his willfully stupid Chumps would go along with it.
You idiots can't stop with the lies. This issue is dying and you morons are trying to keep it alive. No one will care in a week.
Trump worked very hard to keep the birfer issue alive for five years after Obama released his long form birth certificate.

Why wouldn't he....the boy was born in Kenya and everybody knows it.....especially you jungle-fevered nitwits who think it's "cool".
lol, good show, loon.

So, how many other conspiracy theories do you believe in? Do you and Dale share the same tin foil hats?

You support a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag and I'm the loon?

I'm just looking at pictures and facts.

That's how rational people make judgement calls. When you stop huffing paint your judgement won't improve BTW. That damage is permanent. It's best if you just double down and run that road to the end.

I am not an enthusiastic supporter, only a reluctant one. I am a Stein supporter, but she is not on the ballot in my state. I would consider a vote for Johnson, but there are several things about him that make it impossible for me to vote for him.
It's nice to hear you are not an enthusiastic supporter. That helps a bit. That also infers you there's many others that you would prefer. Is Colin Powell one?
Trump went on and on and on and on and on, for five years after the long form was released, about Obama's birth place.

And now Trump wants us all to just stop talking about his birther obsession, on his say so. As if it never happened. :lol:
Shut up, grow a pair, and watch the video. Then spend the next 20 minutes or so standing in front of your mirror slapping yourself upside the head for being a gullible Trump supporter.

"grow a pair"?
That's hilarious coming from a pussy prog who's never seen a naked woman that wasn't a family member.
Trump has to have nothing but utter contempt for his supporters. He actually bleevs they are stupid enough to drink down his new fable that he finished the birther movement.

You could tell even as he was saying the words, he knew he was lying out his ass. But he was confident his willfully stupid Chumps would go along with it.
he was doing "wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean". And we all laughed.
LOL..Hillary coined a new version of the word "Deplorables," Now everyone is excited to be a Deplorable!!

f you think Islam is a religion of violence, you are a Deplorable.

If you have thought you would date your daughter if she wasn't your daughter, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think breastfeeding is disgusting, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think gays shouldn't be allowed to marry once, but is acceptable for Christians to marry and divorce as often as they wish, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think American citizens of Mexican heritage can't be objective, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think eating a taco bowl means you like Hispanics, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you are a white supremacist (a.k.a. nazi, a.k.a. Alt-Right, etc.), you are a Deplorable.

Hope this helps, Deplorables!
Now Trump can move on to more important things, such as the faked moon landings.
It must really suck to be a Trump supporter these days. Deplorable, racist, stupid and a fucking liar to boot, I couldn't imagine having to look at myself in the mirror every day if I were one of you.

Who does Trump think he is? Hillary?

He thinks he can lie for 5 years and get away with it. He thinks his supporters, people like you, are so stupid that you'll still vote for him even after he's been exposed as a liar and a fraud. That's who Trump thinks he is.
At least he did not Dodge sniper fire... Lol
Trump went on and on and on and on and on, for five years after the long form was released, about Obama's birth place.

And now he wants us all to just stop talking about his birther obsession, on his say so. :lol:
LOL..Hillary coined a new version of the word "Deplorables," Now everyone is excited to be a Deplorable!!

f you think Islam is a religion of violence, you are a Deplorable.

If you have thought you would date your daughter if she wasn't your daughter, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think breastfeeding is disgusting, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think gays shouldn't be allowed to marry once, but is acceptable for Christians to marry and divorce as often as they wish, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think American citizens of Mexican heritage can't be objective, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think eating a taco bowl means you like Hispanics, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you are a white supremacist (a.k.a. nazi, a.k.a. Alt-Right, etc.), you are a Deplorable.

Hope this helps, Deplorables!
f you think Islam is a religion of violence, you are a Deplorable.

we think Islam attracts violence. Is that different?
It must really suck to be a Trump supporter these days. Deplorable, racist, stupid and a fucking liar to boot, I couldn't imagine having to look at myself in the mirror every day if I were one of you.

Who does Trump think he is? Hillary?

He thinks he can lie for 5 years and get away with it. He thinks his supporters, people like you, are so stupid that you'll still vote for him even after he's been exposed as a liar and a fraud. That's who Trump thinks he is.
At least he did not Dodge sniper fire... Lol

That was pretty scary ...

It must really suck to be a Trump supporter these days. Deplorable, racist, stupid and a fucking liar to boot, I couldn't imagine having to look at myself in the mirror every day if I were one of you.

Who does Trump think he is? Hillary?

He thinks he can lie for 5 years and get away with it. He thinks his supporters, people like you, are so stupid that you'll still vote for him even after he's been exposed as a liar and a fraud. That's who Trump thinks he is.
At least he did not Dodge sniper fire... Lol

That was pretty scary ...

You have any video of the thousands and thousands of New Jersey Muslims cheering?


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