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"Settlements" Are Not Illegal

You (Palestinians) lack a distinct identity...

This is no longer true. The Palestinians have developed a strong identity over the past 50 years. Its an identity which is based primarily on a reaction to external factors, in a false victimhood and some usurping of the enemies stories, but to deny its existence at this point is both foolish and dangerous, in my opinion.

There are about 12,000,000 Palestinians and only about 20,000 are Hamas and there are a verity of beliefs within those ranks. And you always throw up a few of the nutballs like all Palestinians are like that.​

That is very misleading.

I think you are the one being misled, if you believe only a small percentage of Palestinians hold a number of beliefs such as:

Israel has no right to exist, the Jewish people have no right to a national homeland, the Jews are inherently evil, terrorism is "freedom fighting" and therefore justifiable, martyrdom is noble, jihad is a holy obligation, the Jewish people have no connection or history to the land, etc.
...You are forgetting that the Palestinians outside of Palestine are a bigger threat to Israel than those still inside including Hamas.
Only for a generation or so, then, as they scatter to the Four WInds and lose whatever lightweight cohesion they already have, it becomes largely a non-issue.

Once the borders of Eretz Yisrael are secure (see 1922 partition proposal map for concrete definitions), they can deal with your Neanderthals, in the Outback...
Cana Is There, So It's Biblical Israel

You should annex southern Lebanon now that Hezbollah is off fighting ISIS.
Jews may claim, but they don't own the rights to words, even the word Holocaust has a previous owner
A holocaust is a religious animal sacrifice that is completely consumed by fire. The word derives from the Ancient Greek holocaustos (ὁλόκαυστος from ὅλος "whole" and καυστός "burnt"), which is used solely for one of the major forms of sacrifice.
Holocaust (sacrifice) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Appease Porridge Hot

What the world needs is an Allahcaust, but it is instead trending towards a Dhimmicaust.
P F Tinmore, et al,

If you are talking about uniquely Hebrew supernaturals, monsters and demons, most come directly from biblical forklore (like Lilith). Otherwise, it is hard to distinguish imaginary monsters and the men that become monsters - like HAMAS.

Who was Israel's boogyman before there was Hamas?

The Jewish have this type of Demonic Possession or Entity that captures souls (the human spirit). It is very similar to the demon that is depicted in movies like the "Exorcist." The Jewish call it a "Dybbuk."

But before HAMAS, there was a man that many thought turned from good to evil as early as the 1920's; he as a Syrian Imam, and old fashion Islamic revivalist. His name was Izz ad-Din al-Qassam; the name sake for the HAMAS rocket. [The Qassam-3 is a 170mm Rocket that was introduced by HAMAS in 2005 (the year of the unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.)] Izz ad-Din al-Qassam formed Insurgent cells to attack British and Jewish soft-targets; usually at night.


While there are some that believe the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, was a disguised evil; for sure the Islamic Evangelist Izz ad-Din al-Qassam was definitely evil.

Most Respectfully,
Of course there are many Palestinian leaders. Dr. Mustafa Barghouti ran against Abbas in the 2005 presidential election. Barghouti ran in the Palestinian Initiation Party that is a party of peace that does not have a military wing. The US and Israel wanted Abbas and did whatever they could to have Abbas elected.

So why would the US and Israel not want a man of peace, a man sometimes called the Palestinian Gandhi?

You (Palestinians) lack a distinct identity...

This is no longer true. The Palestinians have developed a strong identity over the past 50 years. Its an identity which is based primarily on a reaction to external factors, in a false victimhood and some usurping of the enemies stories, but to deny its existence at this point is both foolish and dangerous, in my opinion.
Thank you for your opinion.
...You are forgetting that the Palestinians outside of Palestine are a bigger threat to Israel than those still inside including Hamas.
Only for a generation or so, then, as they scatter to the Four WInds and lose whatever lightweight cohesion they already have, it becomes largely a non-issue.

Once the borders of Eretz Yisrael are secure (see 1922 partition proposal map for concrete definitions), they can deal with your Neanderthals, in the Outback...
Cana Is There, So It's Biblical Israel

You should annex southern Lebanon now that Hezbollah is off fighting ISIS.
Better yet... put a new Christian Buffer State between the Muzzies of Lebanon and the northern Israeli border.

With the support of The West, to re-take some of Old Lebanon for the Christians, that should take care of the northern flank for a few centuries.
New paper indicates that settlement activity is not a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

A new paper entitled "Unsettled: a Global Study of Settlements in Occupied Territory" examines every single instance of settlements in occupied territory and finds in no case is it recognized as illegal -- except Israel -- even where the occupying governmental power actively recruits, encourages, builds, and finances the settlements and the migration of "desired" people to those settlements.

First, the migration of people into occupied territory is a near-ubiquitous feature of extended belligerent occupations. Second, no occupying power has ever taken any measures to discourage or prevent such settlement activity, nor has any occupying power ever expressed opinio juris suggesting that it is bound to do so. Third, and perhaps most strikingly, in none of these situations have the international community or international organizations described the migration of persons into the occupied territory as a violation of Art. 49(6). Even in the rare cases in which such policies have met with international criticism, it has not been in legal terms. This suggests that the level of direct state involvement in “transfer” required to constitute an Art. 49(6) violation may be significantly greater than previously thought. Finally, neither international political bodies nor the new governments of previously occupied territories have ever embraced the removal of illegally transferred civilian settlers as an appropriate remedy.


It isn't just double standards. It is that the international community has created an artificial international law to apply only to Israel, even though that law simply doesn't exist in other contexts. Not that it exists and is ignored - it doesn't exist. When legal critics give their laundry lists of violations of international law by belligerent occupiers, they simply do not consider settlement activity to be illegal.

This is an extraordinarily important paper that not only reveals much about international law, but also about how much of what people call international law in context of Israel is simply a lie.

Although that Wonderful Jew Shimon Peres,RIP originally supported the Settlers....He later disowned them because he realized what they were doing was ILLEGAL end of STORY
You (Palestinians) lack a distinct identity...

This is no longer true. The Palestinians have developed a strong identity over the past 50 years. Its an identity which is based primarily on a reaction to external factors, in a false victimhood and some usurping of the enemies stories, but to deny its existence at this point is both foolish and dangerous, in my opinion.

How AMAZING......like saying the Irish lacked identity when they were fighting for their freedom against the English......You Shucha are neither Wise or Clever,BUT YOU ARE BLOODY FOOLISH...VIVA THE PALESTINIANS,the WORLD JOINS YOU IN YOUR FIGHT FOR FREEDOM,against the ZIONIST HORDES.

Shusha Grow Up for Christs Sake
You (Palestinians) lack a distinct identity...

This is no longer true. The Palestinians have developed a strong identity over the past 50 years. Its an identity which is based primarily on a reaction to external factors, in a false victimhood and some usurping of the enemies stories, but to deny its existence at this point is both foolish and dangerous, in my opinion.

How AMAZING......like saying the Irish lacked identity when they were fighting for their freedom against the English......You Shucha are neither Wise or Clever,BUT YOU ARE BLOODY FOOLISH...VIVA THE PALESTINIANS,the WORLD JOINS YOU IN YOUR FIGHT FOR FREEDOM,against the ZIONIST HORDES.

Shusha Grow Up for Christs Sake
"...The world joins you in your fight?..."


Au contraire... the world (outside the creepy environs of Islam,anyway) laughs at you, and knows you for the Fools and Losers that you are...
You (Palestinians) lack a distinct identity...

This is no longer true. The Palestinians have developed a strong identity over the past 50 years. Its an identity which is based primarily on a reaction to external factors, in a false victimhood and some usurping of the enemies stories, but to deny its existence at this point is both foolish and dangerous, in my opinion.

How AMAZING......like saying the Irish lacked identity when they were fighting for their freedom against the English......You Shucha are neither Wise or Clever,BUT YOU ARE BLOODY FOOLISH...VIVA THE PALESTINIANS,the WORLD JOINS YOU IN YOUR FIGHT FOR FREEDOM,against the ZIONIST HORDES.

Shusha Grow Up for Christs Sake
"...The world joins you in your fight?..."


Au contraire... the world (outside the creepy environs of Islam,anyway) laughs at you, and knows you for the Fools and Losers that you are...
I can only say Kondie,you have become somewhat Mental as the years have progressed,you may get a laugh with your Zionist Brethren,those Synthetic Jews but most would see your commentary for what it has surely become>>>>>MENTAL..steve
New paper indicates that settlement activity is not a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

A new paper entitled "Unsettled: a Global Study of Settlements in Occupied Territory" examines every single instance of settlements in occupied territory and finds in no case is it recognized as illegal -- except Israel -- even where the occupying governmental power actively recruits, encourages, builds, and finances the settlements and the migration of "desired" people to those settlements.

First, the migration of people into occupied territory is a near-ubiquitous feature of extended belligerent occupations. Second, no occupying power has ever taken any measures to discourage or prevent such settlement activity, nor has any occupying power ever expressed opinio juris suggesting that it is bound to do so. Third, and perhaps most strikingly, in none of these situations have the international community or international organizations described the migration of persons into the occupied territory as a violation of Art. 49(6). Even in the rare cases in which such policies have met with international criticism, it has not been in legal terms. This suggests that the level of direct state involvement in “transfer” required to constitute an Art. 49(6) violation may be significantly greater than previously thought. Finally, neither international political bodies nor the new governments of previously occupied territories have ever embraced the removal of illegally transferred civilian settlers as an appropriate remedy.


It isn't just double standards. It is that the international community has created an artificial international law to apply only to Israel, even though that law simply doesn't exist in other contexts. Not that it exists and is ignored - it doesn't exist. When legal critics give their laundry lists of violations of international law by belligerent occupiers, they simply do not consider settlement activity to be illegal.

This is an extraordinarily important paper that not only reveals much about international law, but also about how much of what people call international law in context of Israel is simply a lie.

A zionist shill advocates for the Zionist paradise, wow, what a surprise. He's entitled to his "legal" opinion. Here's a radical idea, why doesn't Zionist Israel join the ICJ, then he could put his case officially and settle the mater once and for all?

(Prepares to hold breath......thinks better of it as that's never going to happen; Kontrovich would be laughed out of court.)
New paper indicates that settlement activity is not a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

A new paper entitled "Unsettled: a Global Study of Settlements in Occupied Territory" examines every single instance of settlements in occupied territory and finds in no case is it recognized as illegal -- except Israel -- even where the occupying governmental power actively recruits, encourages, builds, and finances the settlements and the migration of "desired" people to those settlements.

First, the migration of people into occupied territory is a near-ubiquitous feature of extended belligerent occupations. Second, no occupying power has ever taken any measures to discourage or prevent such settlement activity, nor has any occupying power ever expressed opinio juris suggesting that it is bound to do so. Third, and perhaps most strikingly, in none of these situations have the international community or international organizations described the migration of persons into the occupied territory as a violation of Art. 49(6). Even in the rare cases in which such policies have met with international criticism, it has not been in legal terms. This suggests that the level of direct state involvement in “transfer” required to constitute an Art. 49(6) violation may be significantly greater than previously thought. Finally, neither international political bodies nor the new governments of previously occupied territories have ever embraced the removal of illegally transferred civilian settlers as an appropriate remedy.


It isn't just double standards. It is that the international community has created an artificial international law to apply only to Israel, even though that law simply doesn't exist in other contexts. Not that it exists and is ignored - it doesn't exist. When legal critics give their laundry lists of violations of international law by belligerent occupiers, they simply do not consider settlement activity to be illegal.

This is an extraordinarily important paper that not only reveals much about international law, but also about how much of what people call international law in context of Israel is simply a lie.

A zionist shill advocates for the Zionist paradise, wow, what a surprise. He's entitled to his "legal" opinion. Here's a radical idea, why doesn't Zionist Israel join the ICJ, then he could put his case officially and settle the mater once and for all?

(Prepares to hold breath......thinks better of it as that's never going to happen; Kontrovich would be laughed out of court.)
Here's a thought: let's have your islamic terrorist heroes appear before the ICJ, subject to kuffar standards of justice to include discovery, interrogation of witnesses, presentation of evidence, etc.

It would be interesting to see your islamic terrorist heroes actually served with a subpoena to appear and watch as they choose to slither away, deciding that they have everything to lose.
How AMAZING......like saying the Irish lacked identity when they were fighting for their freedom against the English......You Shucha are neither Wise or Clever,BUT YOU ARE BLOODY FOOLISH...VIVA THE PALESTINIANS,the WORLD JOINS YOU IN YOUR FIGHT FOR FREEDOM,against the ZIONIST HORDES.

Shusha Grow Up for Christs Sake

Steve, I am on the side of the Palestinians. I believe they should have a State and self-determination. The only difference between me and you is that I think the Jewish people should have the same thing.
A zionist shill advocates for the Zionist paradise, wow, what a surprise. He's entitled to his "legal" opinion. Here's a radical idea, why doesn't Zionist Israel join the ICJ, then he could put his case officially and settle the mater once and for all?

(Prepares to hold breath......thinks better of it as that's never going to happen; Kontrovich would be laughed out of court.)

Do you have any legal arguments to counter his? Or are you just going to throw out appeals to emotion and logical fallacies like every one else so far?

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