Seven buses of American women were turned back at the Kabul Airport Gate

while you're at it, biden supporters, justify his giving a list of americans and afghani allies within the country to the TOLLYBON.
What in the flying fuck. Timeline? The timeline was set back on February 29, 2020 when Trump freed 5,000 Taliban prisoners, withdrew all but 2500 soldiers from the country, and promised we'd be gone from the country by May 2021 if the Taliban agreed to a ceasefire. Biden got stupid, lazy Americans there an extra 3 months to leave and they still decided not to.

You Moon Bat shitheads forgot that The Worthless Negro freed all the high value Taliban leaders from Gitmo and that one of the sonofabitches is the leader of the Taliban now.

That was real stupid of the The Worthless Negro, wasn't it? I wonder if he was advised to do it it by his main foreign policy advisor Joe Potatohead? Think so?
The New York Times

Students from the American University of Kabul have been denied flights out of the country by the U.S. military. According to four students, the university informed the group that their names and passport information had been shared with the Taliban.


David Axelrod

This is an absolutely heartbreaking story about the students of the American University of Afghanistan whose evacuations were aborted in the final hours.
Nothing in that NY Times article says they were Americans.

Try harder.
I don't give a flying fuck if the story reads "Biden Bites Head Off Puppy", I'm still going with the possibility that it's probably true.

That's how much I hate that cocksucker, the cocksuckers who work for him, and the cocksuckers who voted for him.

Like I said on day one: I hope he fails. And so far, he hasn't disappointed me.
"I don't give a flying fuck if the story reads "Biden Bites Head Off Puppy", I'm still going with the possibility that it's probably true." Well, if that isn't "sheep-like", I don't know what is. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I don't give a flying fuck if the story reads "Biden Bites Head Off Puppy", I'm still going with the possibility that it's probably true.

That's how much I hate that cocksucker, the cocksuckers who work for him, and the cocksuckers who voted for him.

Like I said on day one: I hope he fails. And so far, he hasn't disappointed me.
Pro-ISIS, I see.
trump cultists.....yep.

and that's your justification for denying access to the airport to americans and afghani allies? That's your justification for leaving americans at the mercy of the Taliban? you are a cold (w)itch.
trump cultists.....yep.

Trump lives rent free in whatever brain matter you have left... As a PM/DSA Democrat Commie Cultist surely you deny the truth as written in the following.:

If anyone should know about unverified stories with anonymous sources it's the left. In both cases the left hides the truth. no difference.

Someone who thinks the election was stolen from trump; whining about the truth.
and that's your justification for denying access to the airport to americans and afghani allies? That's your justification for leaving americans at the mercy of the Taliban? you are a cold (w)itch.
You keep saying that as though it's true yet you've offered zero evidence it is.
I know y'all don't want to believe any of it. There are people on the ground THERE and they're reporting on it. WHY does left wing media refuse to admit any of this? Protecting this president is their goal. he must be protected at all costs. ALL costs.
The story itself smells like bullshit and your reply now smells like bullshit too. Who said I am talking bout left-wing media or any media at all? And protecting the president? Where is your fucking brain?
Do you have a second source (or more) for your OP story yet?

do you really believe the propaganda arm of the democrat party is going to report on anything that makes biden look bad.

There are folk on the ground...and they are reporting on this.
well believe what you want. you've shown yourself totally unconcerned about americans left's their fault right?

I bet you're having parties celebrating the deaths of american military.

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