Seven buses of American women were turned back at the Kabul Airport Gate

They died fighting not running away...big difference...big difference to them and their unpatriotic fool like you won't see that though....
There’s nothing dishonorable about dying to protect others.

You trying to make their sacrifice unworthy is disgusting.
Still talking about your ISIS buds, I see. Compadres with the Jan 6th orange thugs?
Do you think you score points with such nonsense?...debating you is like debating my 8 year old nephew....
This is the real source of the problem. Like the mother of the slain Marine said "President Potatohead wanted to have a photo op of all troops being out of Afghanstan on 911".

Report: Taliban Offered Biden Control of Kabul, but He Declined

The chaos in Afghanistan could have reportedly been avoided altogether if President Joe Biden had accepted the Taliban's initial offer for the U.S. to have full control of Kabul and the airport.

According to a report from the Washington Post, as the Taliban began taking control of Afghanistan, senior U.S. military leaders met with Taliban political leader Abdul Ghani Baradar in Doha, Qatar, where an offer was made for the United States to have control of Kabul until all U.S. troops had withdrawn; the offer was declined. From the report:

In a hastily arranged in-person meeting, senior U.S. military leaders in Doha including McKenzie, the commander of U.S. Central Command spoke with Abdul Ghani Baradar, head of the Taliban's political wing.

"We have a problem," Baradar said, according to the U.S. official. "We have two options to deal with it: You [the United States military] take responsibility for securing Kabul or you have to allow us to do it."

- From WaPo(!)
Why don't you make some more denigrating comments about the 13 Americans killed the other day?
Never did not once...anyone can go back and see what a liar you voted for Joe...that is on have to live with the blood of dead are a stupid person....
They died honorably....their leader let them down....let down their families and let down America....
Same could be said for every death and injury in Afghanistan since we started this war 20 years ago.

At least now you guys realized why we withdraw from Afghanistan quickly and quietly.
This is the real source of the problem. Like the mother of the slain Marine said "President Potatohead wanted to have a photo op of all troops being out of Afghanstan on 911".

Report: Taliban Offered Biden Control of Kabul, but He Declined

The chaos in Afghanistan could have reportedly been avoided altogether if President Joe Biden had accepted the Taliban's initial offer for the U.S. to have full control of Kabul and the airport.

According to a report from the Washington Post, as the Taliban began taking control of Afghanistan, senior U.S. military leaders met with Taliban political leader Abdul Ghani Baradar in Doha, Qatar, where an offer was made for the United States to have control of Kabul until all U.S. troops had withdrawn; the offer was declined. From the report:

In a hastily arranged in-person meeting, senior U.S. military leaders in Doha including McKenzie, the commander of U.S. Central Command spoke with Abdul Ghani Baradar, head of the Taliban's political wing.

"We have a problem," Baradar said, according to the U.S. official. "We have two options to deal with it: You [the United States military] take responsibility for securing Kabul or you have to allow us to do it."

- From WaPo(!)
Breitbart..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
18 months to leave, but they'd rather wait until the last second in order to feel special by coercing soldiers into dying to try to rescue them.

The source is complete bullshit, though, of course. So probably a lie to fleece money out of retarded Trump sheep.
The timeiline has been set by Joe Biden, dumb fuck!

‘Our elected leaders failed’: Hundreds of Afghan girls left behind in Kabul.​

It is the stuff of horrors, heartache and helplessness: Afghan girls who have devoted their entire lives to making melodies have not only been silenced amid the Taliban takeover — they have also been barred from entering the US military-run airport in Kabul.

Now, the clock has run out.

“We had seven buses filled with world-renowned orchestra performers – 280 girls all approved to go,” said Robert Stryk, a Washington fixer who has been coordinating private evacuation efforts in conjunction with former Navy SEAL and Virginia Congressman, Scott Taylor.

“Our hearts are broken,” he added. “These young girls spent 17 hours on a hot bus with no food or water and were 393 feet from freedom but were denied entry into the airport because the United States government gave [the Taliban] the power to override the US Army’s 82nd Airborne.

“Our elected leaders failed these 280 young girls.”

It could have been a slim success story in the frantic end to the two-decade conflict but it morphed into a dark curtain fall when the performers belonging to Afghanistan National Institute of Music were left to languish ahead of the final civilian evacuation efforts over the weekend.

According to Stryk and Taylor, the buses were sent to three different airport gates – and the group honored a request from the US government to add seven US citizens to the busload – and were finally told to wait in line for “final approval from the Taliban.”

“The bird was right there on the tarmac waiting for them, this was an operation we had been playing for days, and everyone at the highest levels of government knew about it. These are girls whose school had already been ransacked, and the US military approved their departure,” Taylor lamented, stressing that he exhausted all his political contacts and leverage in the final fight for the girls’ freedom.

“As it works, the military gets the manifest and prints it out, and drives it to the Taliban checkpoint, and they negotiate with them to let people through. But in this case, we were told the Taliban does not issue the final approval.”

“I knew in my gut that was it – they were going to miss the last flight out. We were absolutely guttered, and I am absolutely ashamed as an American citizen how this went down,” Taylor said, noting that supposed meetings to re-visit their case on Sunday morning never materialized. “I broke down thinking about these kids and what is going to happen to them.”

Stryk concurred that such a stain – such a chaotic conclusion to the long-running war – is nothing short of “disgraceful.”

For more than a decade, ANIM literally brought harmony and happiness to the lives of many young Afghans. It was one of the few institutions in which both girls and boys learned alongside one another and were trained in Afghan and Western classics, and it embraced orphaned and tiny street beggars into its fold. The school had weathered numerous attacks in the past – including a suicide bombing in 2014 – but remained steadfast in its determination to be the light to a brighter future.

The timeiline has been set by Joe Biden, dumb fuck!
What in the flying fuck. Timeline? The timeline was set back on February 29, 2020 when Trump freed 5,000 Taliban prisoners, withdrew all but 2500 soldiers from the country, and promised we'd be gone from the country by May 2021 if the Taliban agreed to a ceasefire. Biden got stupid, lazy Americans there an extra 3 months to leave and they still decided not to.
Same could be said for every death and injury in Afghanistan since we started this war 20 years ago.

At least now you guys realized why we withdraw from Afghanistan quickly and quietly.
We left....we could have stayed...we only had a small force there and they along with the Afghan army had the nation under control...because we had air superiority...we did not have to pull everyone out and we could have done it better by keeping Bagram airbase...can't you tards see that? is as if Joe wanted to shrink the USA down to size...everything he does is the opposite of what should be done...

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