Seven buses of American women were turned back at the Kabul Airport Gate

Yeah sure, just like them thar poor mafia hit-men who were imprisoned. Why shucks, they was just a-protectin' them small businessmen in their neighbourhood but the government went and arrested them anyways. :cow:
You did not know we still have troops in can you even debate this issue? are operating on a limited supply of knowledge...kind of like Biden....he didn't know we had troops in no wonder we are so fucked up...morons like you....that don't know shit and think they know it all....
You did not know we still have troops in can you even debate this issue? are operating on a limited supply of knowledge...kind of like Biden....he didn't know we had troops in no wonder we are so fucked up...morons like you....that don't know shit and think they know it all....
You still haven't looked up the word "absurd" I can see. Nope, you just keep on with the same crap. Maybe when you get past puberty and your teenage years yo momma will let you out of the house so you can go to school and learn how to read.

"Liberal" is just a word you've heard batted around and you think it means something important.

Rambunctious says: "Gosh! I think I'm a-gonna' use that word as much as possible and when I don't like someone I'll call him a liberal so people will think I'm smart." :cow:
You certainly posted that with a gleam in your eye, didn't you? Maybe you can help the OP find some verification that this really happened.
Muslim 4 wives rules and happy to kill women means that unlike western cultures that there are always more males looking to force wives than females or goats around to allow them their quota. The only way that most poor muslims can get the wives that so think they deserve is via war and rape which in itself leads to terrorism and the spread of islam which is why they have the 4 wife rule in islam. It's a warlord religion spread of attacking others...the reward for doing so are wives and plunder.
You still haven't looked up the word "absurd" I can see. Nope, you just keep on with the same crap. Maybe when you get past puberty and your teenage years yo momma will let you out of the house so you can go to school and learn how to read.
Your vote killed with it....
"Liberal" is just a word you've heard batted around and you think it means something important.

Rambunctious says: "Gosh! I think I'm a-gonna' use that word as much as possible and when I don't like someone I'll call him a liberal so people will think I'm smart." :cow:
We know what liberal is...anti America...self hating anti white...but somehow supporters of big mega dirty global tech companies...sure ain't the liberals of least they loved their nation and had respect for themselves and others....
We know what liberal is...anti America...
It's only September but I have a feeling no one will come close to you winning the "World's Biggest Idiot" award.

You didn't really did not know that we have troops stationed all over the world?...what kind of tax payer school from hell did you attend?....
Who doesn't know we have troops stationed all around the world, ramtard?
Has nothing to do with your idiocy that we're in "Germany...most of free Europe...SK...Japan..." to keep the peace [where there are no wars].
We know what liberal is...anti America...self hating anti white...but somehow supporters of big mega dirty global tech companies...sure ain't the liberals of least they loved their nation and had respect for themselves and others....

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