Seven people found shot to death inside Texas home during Dallas Cowboys party


From my understanding, it was just another black on black crime. No big deal.
Hey asshole, check out this pic of the murderer and his estranged wife:

Remember...up to the moment he started shooting people, the shooter was just another good person owning a gun.

Wrong......those who commit murder......90% of them have long histories of crime and violence, usually going back to their teen years.....if you look at this guys history you are going to find Lots of police contact, violence and threats of violence...this guy did not just snap and do this....
As regards mass killers and domestic violence murders, I believe you'd find that assertion is incorrect.

Mass shooters you are correct...their first crime is the mass shooting...that is why registering guns, and background checks have no bearing on mass public shootings....that is why the number is 90% and not 100%.

Domestic abusers who commit murder have long histories of violence and more than likely prior criminal records......they are not normal guys who suddenly use a gun to off the wife.......
Where are you getting that bullshit opinion?

Mine comes from 20 years working as a domestic violence victim's advocate, legal advocate, and criminal defense/prosecuting attorney - and from hundreds of hours of DV training in all those roles, presented by Battered Women's Project, NCADV, NDAA, APA, and the Feds through VAWA training.

Men (and much more rarely, women) who murder their partners do not usually have a prior criminal history of violent offenses, and very often are described by nearly all who know them as having snapped, because if there has been prior violence, it is often only known to the victim - again, 70% of domestic violence goes unreported.

Domestic murderers are very different from murderers who kill strangers or persons known to them but not by intimate relationship.

Here's just one article about a study that confirms my assertion, there are tons of stats available from the various sources I mentioned above.
Study suggests method for predicting men who may kill their spouses

Don't bother coming back with the same bullshit assertion unless you can dig up a reliable data source substantiating your claim. (Hint: you can't.)

Dumb shit....

An Elusive Picture of Violent Men Who Kill Mates

Virtually all men who kill their wives have assaulted them at least once in the year before the murder, data show. Yet of the men who severely batter their partners -- close to two million a year -- only a tiny fraction kill them.


The figures for marital violence are from what is still considered the most definitive study, a 1985 random national survey of 6,002 households selected to be representative of the United States.

These rates for violence are likely to underestimate the actual level of wife battery, if only because some couples are reluctant to admit violence, researchers say.

"The vast majority of men -- 90 percent or more -- who kill their wives are among those men who have been most abusive to their wives," said Dr. Richard Gelles, a sociologist at the University of Rhode Island, who conducted the study.

"Hindsight is always easy. If I know a man murdered his wife, I can look back and see what factors, like drug use and intense abuse, might have culminated in the murder."


Such men, who have a history of extreme violence with their wives, fit one of two psychological patterns, according to work by Dr. Amy Holtzworth-Munroe, a psychologist at Indiana University. One type is men who become extremely jealous and obsessed by fears that their partner will leave them; the trigger for violence is some sign of abandonment.
Which doesn't contradict anything I said - you asserted that they had LENGTHY CRIMINAL HISTORIES - that is a technical term, DUMB SHIT!
Ban guns=problem solved ? I grow up in a gun free country. If people get pissed is a fist fight....worse case scenario a knife, they'll cut u but more likely you will survive. Other countries are tough on guns and they don't have this circus.
I was kid and we always had news about gun crimes in the US, and when I ask why Americans love guns, all I was told Americans love their guns.
Now that I live in the US it saddens me, that most people that love guns don't know that there are tons of countries that are gun free and people don't have to die in big numbers.
Ban guns=problem solved ? I grow up in a gun free country. If people get pissed is a fist fight....worse case scenario a knife, they'll cut u but more likely you will survive. Other countries are tough on guns and they don't have this circus.
I was kid and we always had news about gun crimes in the US, and when I ask why Americans love guns, all I was told Americans love their guns.
Now that I live in the US it saddens me, that most people that love guns don't know that there are tons of countries that are gun free and people don't have to die in big numbers.
Then get the fuck out pussy.
Remember...up to the moment he started shooting people, the shooter was just another good person owning a gun.

Wrong......those who commit murder......90% of them have long histories of crime and violence, usually going back to their teen years.....if you look at this guys history you are going to find Lots of police contact, violence and threats of violence...this guy did not just snap and do this....
As regards mass killers and domestic violence murders, I believe you'd find that assertion is incorrect.
Evidence please. As it is, domestic abusers do have a track record. Why do you think they were getting divorced? Certainly not over football. The wife was living in the house. Like OJ, obviously the husband didn't like the idea of her consorting with other couples or men.

Dynamics of Abuse
....Every relationship differs, but what is most common within all abusive relationships is the varying tactics used by abusers to gain and maintain power and control over the victim. Nearly three in ten women and one in ten men in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner (or former partner) and reported at least one impact related to experiencing these or other forms of violence behavior in the relationship (e.g. feeling fearful, concern for safety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), need for health care, injury, crisis support, need for housing services, need for victim advocacy series, need for legal services, missed work or school).....

.....Illustrations of the power and control wheel and the post-separation power and control wheel are particularly helpful tools in understanding the overall pattern of abusive and violence behaviors used by abusers to establish and maintain control over their partners both within and following a relationship. Very often, one or more violence incidents are accompanied by an array of these other types of abuse. They are less easily identified, yet firmly establish a pattern of intimidation and control in the relationship.

As the wheels illustrate, abuse is cyclical. There are periods of time where things may be calmer, but those times are followed by a buildup of tension and abuse, which usually results in the abuser peaking with intensified abuse. The cycle then often starts to repeat, commonly becoming more and more intense as time goes on. Each relationship is different and not every relationship follows the exact pattern. Some abusers may cycle rapidly, others over longer stretches of time. Regardless, abusers purposefully use numerous tactics of abuse to instill fear in the victim and maintain control over them.....
Hey asshole, check out this pic of the murderer and his estranged wife:
I guess I understood wrong dickhead. Shit happens
Racism happens too. :)

Unfortunately, domestic abuse, and violence in general, occurs more frequently in lower income groups. Given the statistics, without any other evidence, guessing that it was a black couple would be more often correct than not. That's not racism, that's fact. However, it is racist to just assume all black couples are violent and whites are not. However, as the APA link below points out, I think the strongest link between domestic violence is not with race, but socioeconomic status.

Violence & Socioeconomic Status
Exposure to violence transcends age and SES, affecting all levels of income, education and occupation. Although exposure to violence affects all SES groups, youth from lower SES backgrounds tend to have increased exposure and likelihood of suffering from detrimental future outcomes.

Demographics and Domestic Violence
85% of domestic violence victims are women

Approximately 4 out of every 10 non-Hispanic Black women (43.7%), 4 out of every 10 American Indian or Alaska Native women (46.0%), and 1 in 2 multiracial non-Hispanic women (53.8%) have been the victim of rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime. These rates are 30%-50% higher than those experienced by Hispanic, White non-Hispanic women and Asian or Pacific non-Hispanic women.

Nearly half (45.3%) of American Indian or Alaska Native men and almost 4 out of every 10 Black and multiracial non-Hispanic men (38.6% and 39.3%, respectively) in the U.S. reported experiencing rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime. These rates are nearly twice the rate experienced by Hispanic and White non-Hispanic men.

The higher prevalence of intimate partner violence among ethnic minorities cannot be explained by any single factor, but seems to be related to risk factors such as substance abuse, unemployment, education, cohabitation of unmarried partners, pregnancy, income.

Most studies agree the majority of domestic violence perpetrators that come to the attention of criminal justice or court authorities have a prior criminal history for a variety of nonviolent and violent offenses against males as well as females, and of a domestic or nondomestic nature. <--
per 2aguy 's previous point.
British domestic disputes rarely end up with a body count. You people are third world savages.
That's a bit unfair . . .

to third world savages! :biggrin:

Seriously, though - America has a significant violence problem, which begins in the home and carries over into the workplace and the streets. Having hundreds of millions of privately owned firearms in the mix is a recipe for continued mass slaughter of innocents.
Its pretty shocking but even more shocking is that it has passed almost without comment on here. I guess that its just the price of "freedom".
More people died in that house than have been shot and killed in the UK all year.
Of course the UK is "falling apart".

Britain is getting there........their gun crime is up all over Britain..and your violence rates are through the roof.....and despite this shooting.......our gun murder rates are down 49%....

Also...Americans use guns 1,500,000 times ahead to stop crimes like guys simply suffer....
"Britain is getting there" these rate, they'll be like us in about 1,000 years!
Remember...up to the moment he started shooting people, the shooter was just another good person owning a gun.
Correct and right up until he drove into a crowd, James Fields was a lawful driver. Are you suggesting we ban all cars "just in case"?
Nope...I'm a gun owner and a car owner....just pointing out the obvious.
So what are you suggesting? Please write clearly and specifically.
Remember...up to the moment he started shooting people, the shooter was just another good person owning a gun.

Wrong......those who commit murder......90% of them have long histories of crime and violence, usually going back to their teen years.....if you look at this guys history you are going to find Lots of police contact, violence and threats of violence...this guy did not just snap and do this....
As regards mass killers and domestic violence murders, I believe you'd find that assertion is incorrect.
Evidence please. As it is, domestic abusers do have a track record. Why do you think they were getting divorced? Certainly not over football. The wife was living in the house. Like OJ, obviously the husband didn't like the idea of her consorting with other couples or men.

Dynamics of Abuse
....Every relationship differs, but what is most common within all abusive relationships is the varying tactics used by abusers to gain and maintain power and control over the victim. Nearly three in ten women and one in ten men in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner (or former partner) and reported at least one impact related to experiencing these or other forms of violence behavior in the relationship (e.g. feeling fearful, concern for safety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), need for health care, injury, crisis support, need for housing services, need for victim advocacy series, need for legal services, missed work or school).....

.....Illustrations of the power and control wheel and the post-separation power and control wheel are particularly helpful tools in understanding the overall pattern of abusive and violence behaviors used by abusers to establish and maintain control over their partners both within and following a relationship. Very often, one or more violence incidents are accompanied by an array of these other types of abuse. They are less easily identified, yet firmly establish a pattern of intimidation and control in the relationship.

As the wheels illustrate, abuse is cyclical. There are periods of time where things may be calmer, but those times are followed by a buildup of tension and abuse, which usually results in the abuser peaking with intensified abuse. The cycle then often starts to repeat, commonly becoming more and more intense as time goes on. Each relationship is different and not every relationship follows the exact pattern. Some abusers may cycle rapidly, others over longer stretches of time. Regardless, abusers purposefully use numerous tactics of abuse to instill fear in the victim and maintain control over them.....

i wouldn't be surprised to find out there was some abuse issues and restraining orders

From my understanding, it was just another black on black crime. No big deal.
Hey asshole, check out this pic of the murderer and his estranged wife:


I'm willing to bet the shooter was a closet homo:

Why? If that were true wouldn't be he trying to blow the other men instead of arguing with his wife?

Homos are often extremely unstable and violent people.

A police officer investigates after a shooting at a home in Plano, north of Dallas, Tex., Sunday night.
(Vernon Bryant/The Dallas Morning News via AP)

September 11, 2017

A Texas police officer shot a suspected gunman dead and found seven more slain inside a suburban Dallas home during a football party Sunday night.

A flurry of gunfire led authorities to the gruesome discovery inside a Plano home around 8 p.m., police said.

The first cop to the crime scene confronted the shooter inside and shot him dead, Plano police spokesman Officer David Tilley told reporters.

Two more people were wounded in the deadly attack and rushed to a hospital near the Dallas suburb. Their conditions were not immediately known.


Police gather outside the Plano home where eight people, including the shooter, were killed.
(WFAA 8 News)

Police said all the victims were adults.

Witness Crystal Sugg said she heard a man and woman arguing moments before the gunfire.

“As she was going to the house, he started letting go. Just started releasing,”


Two more people were wounded in the deadly incident, authorities said.
(LM Otero/AP)

The shooting took place as the victims watched the Dallas Cowboys battle the New York Giants at AT&T Stadium,

The paper states an unidentified man expressed agony after speaking with a neighbor and learning he was likely friends with most of the victims shot at the home.

The victims and suspect were not immediately identified.

Oh, the fun of guns.

Had he been Muslim people would be going insane right now, but as he's most likely a Christian Texan, it's okay.
Right, Do you know some muslims shooter that you could share with us at my thread ?

Do you have a point?

The one example I could give would be in the UK ad wasn't a shooter, but a refuse truck driver.

Six people killed in bin lorry crash

As soon as it had happened people were all talking about how it was a Muslim who had done it. No waiting around to see if it actually was or not, they KNEW it was a Muslim. But it wasn't, it was just some incompetant idiot.
But the same as yours ... Look!


Do not worry yourself until you know that he's a Muslim or not! Do you understand that?
And when he is..

Ban guns=problem solved ? I grow up in a gun free country. If people get pissed is a fist fight....worse case scenario a knife, they'll cut u but more likely you will survive. Other countries are tough on guns and they don't have this circus.
I was kid and we always had news about gun crimes in the US, and when I ask why Americans love guns, all I was told Americans love their guns.
Now that I live in the US it saddens me, that most people that love guns don't know that there are tons of countries that are gun free and people don't have to die in big numbers.

Europe was gun free and their governments sent 12 million people to socialist, German gas chambers......Russia was gun free and they muredered close to 25 million gun free people....China was gun free and their government murdered close to 70 million people.....

People with guns are not victims of government mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing....

Also...You fail to understand the other side......AMericans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murders.......and we have 16.3 million Americans carrying guns for self defense...and our gun crime rate dropped 75%.....Britain banned guns...and their gun crime rate went up all over their country...42% in London alone...and their violent crime is going through the roof...they are where we were going into the mid 1960s when we put in our gun control laws...our crime rate spiked...just like theirs is doing right now....
Wow. So it was DV? I wonder why he had to shoot everyone there? Because they were witnesses or because they got mad and mobbed him and he panicked. I guess once you start shooting people, you're not thinking too straight anyway.
What a terrible shame.

From my understanding, it was just another black on black crime. No big deal.
Hey asshole, check out this pic of the murderer and his estranged wife:


I'm willing to bet the shooter was a closet homo:

Why? If that were true wouldn't be he trying to blow the other men instead of arguing with his wife?

Homos are often extremely unstable and violent people.
Homophobes are likely to be closeted homosexuals fighting their inner desires.

Disagreed on "extremely unstable and violent people". Except in cases of "flamers" (obvious) or "pretty boys" (questionable), I doubt you or I even know who is gay or not.....unless you live in an environment where people are constantly talking about their sex lives and passing around pictures of their wives. Do you? I've never been in such an environment. I don't know nor care about the sex or religious lives of my coworkers since it's irrelevant to our mission at hand.

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