seven stats on climate change

Well since the ocean is full of plastic it does make sense to cut down on plastic usage worldwide. But of course there is blowback on that because hey most people are so unbelievably dumb they will say all that plastic in the ocean is necessary. Most people are ignorant until a chemical makes them sick. Erin brockovichs was a great american.

the USA contributes a tiny % of the plastic in the ocean, most comes from China, Indonesia, and India. Whats your plan to stop them from dumping it in the ocean?
In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.

And nothing will be done to adapt to the changes because people are too busy throwing poop back and forth arguing over the cause.

This issue should never have been made a political one.

Adapting is one thing, what the watermelons want is to use their method of government as the only way to "save" us.

Conservatives are both free and welcome to propose policies to thwart climate change.

Fix the problems when they happen, don't try to lower the standard of living of everyone "just in case"

It takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2. That is why we need to starty now to cut emissions.

Marty is dumber than shit.

CO2 makes up .039% of eatth's atmosphere, it was at that same level 50,000 years ago according to ice core studies. Not a single plant on earth can live without CO2, none, zero, nada.

Is it part of your planet saving agenda to do away with all plant life?
And nothing will be done to adapt to the changes because people are too busy throwing poop back and forth arguing over the cause.

This issue should never have been made a political one.

Adapting is one thing, what the watermelons want is to use their method of government as the only way to "save" us.

Conservatives are both free and welcome to propose policies to thwart climate change.

Fix the problems when they happen, don't try to lower the standard of living of everyone "just in case"

It takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2. That is why we need to starty now to cut emissions.

Marty is dumber than shit.

Considering it takes decades to put it in, balance.

assuming its out of balance now, which it is not.
Adapting is one thing, what the watermelons want is to use their method of government as the only way to "save" us.

Conservatives are both free and welcome to propose policies to thwart climate change.

Fix the problems when they happen, don't try to lower the standard of living of everyone "just in case"

It takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2. That is why we need to starty now to cut emissions.

Marty is dumber than shit.

Considering it takes decades to put it in, balance.

assuming its out of balance now, which it is not.

We have been adding sequestered carbon faster than it is being formed. The question is if the system is compensating using shorter term storage mechanisms such as plant life and oceanic absorption, and what actual impact increased CO2 has on the system as a whole, in the amounts we are seeing.
Predictions on climate change were based on the rapidly increasing emissions. Action was taken.

Predictions were based on us continuing to emit a certain amount of CO2...the fact is that we, as a species, emitted 25% more CO2 than was anticipated....add to that, not one, but two very strong el nino events...had they anticipated those el nino events, the predictions would have been even more dire, and therefore even further from reality...

I realize that you have probably had very little exposure to actual science and get your information from people who are perfectly willing to lie to you...but the fact is that in this past year, peer reviewed, published science said that polar ice is stable, sea level rise continues at the normal level it has for centuries, the snow cover in the northern hemisphere is growing, there are fewer tropical storms and tornadoes, deserts are shrinking, the globe is greening, climate models are terribly flawed, the climate is driven by the sun and ocean cycles, and it was warmer 1000 years ago than it is today. That is what peer reviewed, published science has said.

In this past year, peer reviewed, published science has pointed out that:
  • The globe's islands are growing...not sinking as predicted by climate science
  • The Sahara desert is shrinking
  • The consensus...isn't, as more than 500 papers were published that question it
  • Storm energy is declining,
  • The arctic is cooler now than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years
  • Oceans are less acidic with rising CO2
  • Sea level was over 8 feet higher 6000 years ago
  • The polar vortex warming link was disproven
  • The predictions made in 2000 were wrong
  • The sun has been driving the warming of the past few decades
  • Electric cars are worse than diesel when it comes to CO2
  • Grain production has quadrupled as the population has doubled
  • Great swaths of the globe have seen no warming for the past quarter century
  • The pause is real
  • Greenland's glaciers are mostly stable or growing
  • The world's tide gages show no unusual sea level rise
  • There is no gulf stream collapse as was predicted
  • Arctic ice has grown over the past 13 years
  • The Medieval warm period was warmer than the present and global in nature
  • Renewable energy is creating energy poverty
  • 400% coral recovery since 2014
  • Global weather has become less extreme
  • Cold weather deaths are rising (due in part to increased energy renewables
  • Biodiversity is more harmed by cooling than warming
  • The warming since 1979 is entirely natural
  • 74% of the globe has greened since 1981
  • The equatorial sea level has fallen since the 1600's
  • There is no empirical evidence demonstrating a human / climate link
  • CO2 is a negligible factor in climate
  • The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930's
I will gladly provide you with links to the peer reviewed, published papers that make the above statements...while i doubt that you can provide a link to any peer reviewed, published paper disputing any of them.. So much for your consensus...actual science is winning out...

The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930s.

Conservatives are both free and welcome to propose policies to thwart climate change.

Fix the problems when they happen, don't try to lower the standard of living of everyone "just in case"

It takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2. That is why we need to starty now to cut emissions.

Marty is dumber than shit.

Considering it takes decades to put it in, balance.

assuming its out of balance now, which it is not.

We have been adding sequestered carbon faster than it is being formed. The question is if the system is compensating using shorter term storage mechanisms such as plant life and oceanic absorption, and what actual impact increased CO2 has on the system as a whole, in the amounts we are seeing.

it is less than half of one % of the atmosphere, same as it was 50,000 years ago.

I think there is a consensus among all intelligent people that we should reduce pollution, but the link between pollution and climate is fake. It was created by leftists in order to control every human activity.
Predictions on climate change were based on the rapidly increasing emissions. Action was taken.

Predictions were based on us continuing to emit a certain amount of CO2...the fact is that we, as a species, emitted 25% more CO2 than was anticipated....add to that, not one, but two very strong el nino events...had they anticipated those el nino events, the predictions would have been even more dire, and therefore even further from reality...

I realize that you have probably had very little exposure to actual science and get your information from people who are perfectly willing to lie to you...but the fact is that in this past year, peer reviewed, published science said that polar ice is stable, sea level rise continues at the normal level it has for centuries, the snow cover in the northern hemisphere is growing, there are fewer tropical storms and tornadoes, deserts are shrinking, the globe is greening, climate models are terribly flawed, the climate is driven by the sun and ocean cycles, and it was warmer 1000 years ago than it is today. That is what peer reviewed, published science has said.

In this past year, peer reviewed, published science has pointed out that:
  • The globe's islands are growing...not sinking as predicted by climate science
  • The Sahara desert is shrinking
  • The consensus...isn't, as more than 500 papers were published that question it
  • Storm energy is declining,
  • The arctic is cooler now than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years
  • Oceans are less acidic with rising CO2
  • Sea level was over 8 feet higher 6000 years ago
  • The polar vortex warming link was disproven
  • The predictions made in 2000 were wrong
  • The sun has been driving the warming of the past few decades
  • Electric cars are worse than diesel when it comes to CO2
  • Grain production has quadrupled as the population has doubled
  • Great swaths of the globe have seen no warming for the past quarter century
  • The pause is real
  • Greenland's glaciers are mostly stable or growing
  • The world's tide gages show no unusual sea level rise
  • There is no gulf stream collapse as was predicted
  • Arctic ice has grown over the past 13 years
  • The Medieval warm period was warmer than the present and global in nature
  • Renewable energy is creating energy poverty
  • 400% coral recovery since 2014
  • Global weather has become less extreme
  • Cold weather deaths are rising (due in part to increased energy renewables
  • Biodiversity is more harmed by cooling than warming
  • The warming since 1979 is entirely natural
  • 74% of the globe has greened since 1981
  • The equatorial sea level has fallen since the 1600's
  • There is no empirical evidence demonstrating a human / climate link
  • CO2 is a negligible factor in climate
  • The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930's
I will gladly provide you with links to the peer reviewed, published papers that make the above statements...while i doubt that you can provide a link to any peer reviewed, published paper disputing any of them.. So much for your consensus...actual science is winning out...

The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930s.


and the Saudi Arabian desert was once a swampy rain forest, means nothing. Try correlating sun spot activity to those variations and you will find a direct relationship/

the sun controls the climate of planet earth, not human beings.
Adapting is one thing, what the watermelons want is to use their method of government as the only way to "save" us.

Conservatives are both free and welcome to propose policies to thwart climate change.

Fix the problems when they happen, don't try to lower the standard of living of everyone "just in case"

It takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2. That is why we need to starty now to cut emissions.

Marty is dumber than shit.

Considering it takes decades to put it in, balance.

assuming its out of balance now, which it is not.
Conservatives are both free and welcome to propose policies to thwart climate change.

Fix the problems when they happen, don't try to lower the standard of living of everyone "just in case"

It takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2. That is why we need to starty now to cut emissions.

Marty is dumber than shit.

Considering it takes decades to put it in, balance.

assuming its out of balance now, which it is not.

We are spewing more than the Earth can remove you stupid shit. That is why the levels are climbing.
Fix the problems when they happen, don't try to lower the standard of living of everyone "just in case"

It takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2. That is why we need to starty now to cut emissions.

Marty is dumber than shit.

Considering it takes decades to put it in, balance.

assuming its out of balance now, which it is not.

We are spewing more than the Earth can remove you stupid shit. That is why the levels are climbing.

simply not true. you have been brainwashed. and hurling juvenile insults is further confirmation of that.
Fix the problems when they happen, don't try to lower the standard of living of everyone "just in case"

It takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2. That is why we need to starty now to cut emissions.

Marty is dumber than shit.

Considering it takes decades to put it in, balance.

assuming its out of balance now, which it is not.

We have been adding sequestered carbon faster than it is being formed. The question is if the system is compensating using shorter term storage mechanisms such as plant life and oceanic absorption, and what actual impact increased CO2 has on the system as a whole, in the amounts we are seeing.

it is less than half of one % of the atmosphere, same as it was 50,000 years ago.

I think there is a consensus among all intelligent people that we should reduce pollution, but the link between pollution and climate is fake. It was created by leftists in order to control every human activity.

The percent being under 1& is not relevant. The idea it is higher is relevant as it foments the greenhouse effect.

The only fake poiple are the stupid ones like you who lie about AGW because their orange master told them so.
It takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2. That is why we need to starty now to cut emissions.

Marty is dumber than shit.

Considering it takes decades to put it in, balance.

assuming its out of balance now, which it is not.

We are spewing more than the Earth can remove you stupid shit. That is why the levels are climbing.

simply not true. you have been brainwashed. and hurling juvenile insults is further confirmation of that.
It is simple logic. Evidently you hase no logic.
Predictions on climate change were based on the rapidly increasing emissions. Action was taken.

Predictions were based on us continuing to emit a certain amount of CO2...the fact is that we, as a species, emitted 25% more CO2 than was anticipated....add to that, not one, but two very strong el nino events...had they anticipated those el nino events, the predictions would have been even more dire, and therefore even further from reality...

I realize that you have probably had very little exposure to actual science and get your information from people who are perfectly willing to lie to you...but the fact is that in this past year, peer reviewed, published science said that polar ice is stable, sea level rise continues at the normal level it has for centuries, the snow cover in the northern hemisphere is growing, there are fewer tropical storms and tornadoes, deserts are shrinking, the globe is greening, climate models are terribly flawed, the climate is driven by the sun and ocean cycles, and it was warmer 1000 years ago than it is today. That is what peer reviewed, published science has said.

In this past year, peer reviewed, published science has pointed out that:
  • The globe's islands are growing...not sinking as predicted by climate science
  • The Sahara desert is shrinking
  • The consensus...isn't, as more than 500 papers were published that question it
  • Storm energy is declining,
  • The arctic is cooler now than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years
  • Oceans are less acidic with rising CO2
  • Sea level was over 8 feet higher 6000 years ago
  • The polar vortex warming link was disproven
  • The predictions made in 2000 were wrong
  • The sun has been driving the warming of the past few decades
  • Electric cars are worse than diesel when it comes to CO2
  • Grain production has quadrupled as the population has doubled
  • Great swaths of the globe have seen no warming for the past quarter century
  • The pause is real
  • Greenland's glaciers are mostly stable or growing
  • The world's tide gages show no unusual sea level rise
  • There is no gulf stream collapse as was predicted
  • Arctic ice has grown over the past 13 years
  • The Medieval warm period was warmer than the present and global in nature
  • Renewable energy is creating energy poverty
  • 400% coral recovery since 2014
  • Global weather has become less extreme
  • Cold weather deaths are rising (due in part to increased energy renewables
  • Biodiversity is more harmed by cooling than warming
  • The warming since 1979 is entirely natural
  • 74% of the globe has greened since 1981
  • The equatorial sea level has fallen since the 1600's
  • There is no empirical evidence demonstrating a human / climate link
  • CO2 is a negligible factor in climate
  • The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930's
I will gladly provide you with links to the peer reviewed, published papers that make the above statements...while i doubt that you can provide a link to any peer reviewed, published paper disputing any of them.. So much for your consensus...actual science is winning out...

The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930s.


and the Saudi Arabian desert was once a swampy rain forest, means nothing. Try correlating sun spot activity to those variations and you will find a direct relationship/

the sun controls the climate of planet earth, not human beings.

Go to the below website & contact the scientists there & tell them about sunspots since you seem to think they never considered sub spots. Wow, you are so smart!

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Considering it takes decades to put it in, balance.

assuming its out of balance now, which it is not.

We are spewing more than the Earth can remove you stupid shit. That is why the levels are climbing.

simply not true. you have been brainwashed. and hurling juvenile insults is further confirmation of that.
It is simple logic. Evidently you hase no logic.

no its not logic, or science. its left wing propaganda aimed at making us all slaves to the world elites, I see that its already worked on you.

windmills kill innocent birds and there is no way to dispose of those huge blades when they wear out. solar panels require huge amounts of fossil fuel consumption in their manufacturing processes, electric car batteries are toxic when used up.

the only real answer is to find ways to use oil, coal and gas with less emissions,
Predictions on climate change were based on the rapidly increasing emissions. Action was taken.

Predictions were based on us continuing to emit a certain amount of CO2...the fact is that we, as a species, emitted 25% more CO2 than was anticipated....add to that, not one, but two very strong el nino events...had they anticipated those el nino events, the predictions would have been even more dire, and therefore even further from reality...

I realize that you have probably had very little exposure to actual science and get your information from people who are perfectly willing to lie to you...but the fact is that in this past year, peer reviewed, published science said that polar ice is stable, sea level rise continues at the normal level it has for centuries, the snow cover in the northern hemisphere is growing, there are fewer tropical storms and tornadoes, deserts are shrinking, the globe is greening, climate models are terribly flawed, the climate is driven by the sun and ocean cycles, and it was warmer 1000 years ago than it is today. That is what peer reviewed, published science has said.

In this past year, peer reviewed, published science has pointed out that:
  • The globe's islands are growing...not sinking as predicted by climate science
  • The Sahara desert is shrinking
  • The consensus...isn't, as more than 500 papers were published that question it
  • Storm energy is declining,
  • The arctic is cooler now than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years
  • Oceans are less acidic with rising CO2
  • Sea level was over 8 feet higher 6000 years ago
  • The polar vortex warming link was disproven
  • The predictions made in 2000 were wrong
  • The sun has been driving the warming of the past few decades
  • Electric cars are worse than diesel when it comes to CO2
  • Grain production has quadrupled as the population has doubled
  • Great swaths of the globe have seen no warming for the past quarter century
  • The pause is real
  • Greenland's glaciers are mostly stable or growing
  • The world's tide gages show no unusual sea level rise
  • There is no gulf stream collapse as was predicted
  • Arctic ice has grown over the past 13 years
  • The Medieval warm period was warmer than the present and global in nature
  • Renewable energy is creating energy poverty
  • 400% coral recovery since 2014
  • Global weather has become less extreme
  • Cold weather deaths are rising (due in part to increased energy renewables
  • Biodiversity is more harmed by cooling than warming
  • The warming since 1979 is entirely natural
  • 74% of the globe has greened since 1981
  • The equatorial sea level has fallen since the 1600's
  • There is no empirical evidence demonstrating a human / climate link
  • CO2 is a negligible factor in climate
  • The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930's
I will gladly provide you with links to the peer reviewed, published papers that make the above statements...while i doubt that you can provide a link to any peer reviewed, published paper disputing any of them.. So much for your consensus...actual science is winning out...

The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930s.


and the Saudi Arabian desert was once a swampy rain forest, means nothing. Try correlating sun spot activity to those variations and you will find a direct relationship/

the sun controls the climate of planet earth, not human beings.

Go to the below website & contact the scientists there & tell them about sunspots since you seem to think they never considered sub spots. Wow, you are so smart!

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

I see nothing there about sun spots, but I do remember that Obozo tasked NASA with "muslim outreach" how did that work out?
Predictions on climate change were based on the rapidly increasing emissions. Action was taken.

Predictions were based on us continuing to emit a certain amount of CO2...the fact is that we, as a species, emitted 25% more CO2 than was anticipated....add to that, not one, but two very strong el nino events...had they anticipated those el nino events, the predictions would have been even more dire, and therefore even further from reality...

I realize that you have probably had very little exposure to actual science and get your information from people who are perfectly willing to lie to you...but the fact is that in this past year, peer reviewed, published science said that polar ice is stable, sea level rise continues at the normal level it has for centuries, the snow cover in the northern hemisphere is growing, there are fewer tropical storms and tornadoes, deserts are shrinking, the globe is greening, climate models are terribly flawed, the climate is driven by the sun and ocean cycles, and it was warmer 1000 years ago than it is today. That is what peer reviewed, published science has said.

In this past year, peer reviewed, published science has pointed out that:
  • The globe's islands are growing...not sinking as predicted by climate science
  • The Sahara desert is shrinking
  • The consensus...isn't, as more than 500 papers were published that question it
  • Storm energy is declining,
  • The arctic is cooler now than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years
  • Oceans are less acidic with rising CO2
  • Sea level was over 8 feet higher 6000 years ago
  • The polar vortex warming link was disproven
  • The predictions made in 2000 were wrong
  • The sun has been driving the warming of the past few decades
  • Electric cars are worse than diesel when it comes to CO2
  • Grain production has quadrupled as the population has doubled
  • Great swaths of the globe have seen no warming for the past quarter century
  • The pause is real
  • Greenland's glaciers are mostly stable or growing
  • The world's tide gages show no unusual sea level rise
  • There is no gulf stream collapse as was predicted
  • Arctic ice has grown over the past 13 years
  • The Medieval warm period was warmer than the present and global in nature
  • Renewable energy is creating energy poverty
  • 400% coral recovery since 2014
  • Global weather has become less extreme
  • Cold weather deaths are rising (due in part to increased energy renewables
  • Biodiversity is more harmed by cooling than warming
  • The warming since 1979 is entirely natural
  • 74% of the globe has greened since 1981
  • The equatorial sea level has fallen since the 1600's
  • There is no empirical evidence demonstrating a human / climate link
  • CO2 is a negligible factor in climate
  • The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930's
I will gladly provide you with links to the peer reviewed, published papers that make the above statements...while i doubt that you can provide a link to any peer reviewed, published paper disputing any of them.. So much for your consensus...actual science is winning out...

The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930s.


and the Saudi Arabian desert was once a swampy rain forest, means nothing. Try correlating sun spot activity to those variations and you will find a direct relationship/

the sun controls the climate of planet earth, not human beings.

Go to the below website & contact the scientists there & tell them about sunspots since you seem to think they never considered sub spots. Wow, you are so smart!

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

I see nothing there about sun spots, but I do remember that Obozo tasked NASA with "muslim outreach" how did that work out?
You were supposed to contact them & tell them about sun spots.
Remember when the left ran around screaming the sky is falling because the ozone was disappearing.....

Yeah lol, I do.

SSDD indeed
You God damn stupid fuck. Action was taken to abate the problem by banning things like certain aerosols.

How stupid are you people?
Remember when the left ran around screaming the sky is falling because the ozone was disappearing.....

Yeah lol, I do.

SSDD indeed
You God damn stupid fuck. Action was taken to abate the problem by banning things like certain aerosols.

How stupid are you people?
Not as dumb as you apparently since you seem to think banning hairspray led to the problem being solved.
assuming its out of balance now, which it is not.

We are spewing more than the Earth can remove you stupid shit. That is why the levels are climbing.

simply not true. you have been brainwashed. and hurling juvenile insults is further confirmation of that.
It is simple logic. Evidently you hase no logic.

no its not logic, or science. its left wing propaganda aimed at making us all slaves to the world elites, I see that its already worked on you.

windmills kill innocent birds and there is no way to dispose of those huge blades when they wear out. solar panels require huge amounts of fossil fuel consumption in their manufacturing processes, electric car batteries are toxic when used up.

the only real answer is to find ways to use oil, coal and gas with less emissions,

You cl;aimed the CO2 levels were in balance. If they were in balance, the levels would not be increasing. That is logic. You are an idiot.

Oil & Gas kills more birds, Transportation kills more birds, Building kill more birds, cats kill more birds.

You are a slave to the fossil fuel industry.

car batteries are toxic

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