seven stats on climate change

Predictions on climate change were based on the rapidly increasing emissions. Action was taken.

Predictions were based on us continuing to emit a certain amount of CO2...the fact is that we, as a species, emitted 25% more CO2 than was anticipated....add to that, not one, but two very strong el nino events...had they anticipated those el nino events, the predictions would have been even more dire, and therefore even further from reality...

I realize that you have probably had very little exposure to actual science and get your information from people who are perfectly willing to lie to you...but the fact is that in this past year, peer reviewed, published science said that polar ice is stable, sea level rise continues at the normal level it has for centuries, the snow cover in the northern hemisphere is growing, there are fewer tropical storms and tornadoes, deserts are shrinking, the globe is greening, climate models are terribly flawed, the climate is driven by the sun and ocean cycles, and it was warmer 1000 years ago than it is today. That is what peer reviewed, published science has said.

In this past year, peer reviewed, published science has pointed out that:
  • The globe's islands are growing...not sinking as predicted by climate science
  • The Sahara desert is shrinking
  • The consensus...isn't, as more than 500 papers were published that question it
  • Storm energy is declining,
  • The arctic is cooler now than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years
  • Oceans are less acidic with rising CO2
  • Sea level was over 8 feet higher 6000 years ago
  • The polar vortex warming link was disproven
  • The predictions made in 2000 were wrong
  • The sun has been driving the warming of the past few decades
  • Electric cars are worse than diesel when it comes to CO2
  • Grain production has quadrupled as the population has doubled
  • Great swaths of the globe have seen no warming for the past quarter century
  • The pause is real
  • Greenland's glaciers are mostly stable or growing
  • The world's tide gages show no unusual sea level rise
  • There is no gulf stream collapse as was predicted
  • Arctic ice has grown over the past 13 years
  • The Medieval warm period was warmer than the present and global in nature
  • Renewable energy is creating energy poverty
  • 400% coral recovery since 2014
  • Global weather has become less extreme
  • Cold weather deaths are rising (due in part to increased energy renewables
  • Biodiversity is more harmed by cooling than warming
  • The warming since 1979 is entirely natural
  • 74% of the globe has greened since 1981
  • The equatorial sea level has fallen since the 1600's
  • There is no empirical evidence demonstrating a human / climate link
  • CO2 is a negligible factor in climate
  • The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930's
I will gladly provide you with links to the peer reviewed, published papers that make the above statements...while i doubt that you can provide a link to any peer reviewed, published paper disputing any of them.. So much for your consensus...actual science is winning out...
The same leftists who banned plastic straws because one turtle got one in his nose are supporting the idiots in SFO and LA who have allowed human waste to run in the streets into the ocean where those same turtles live.

liberalism is a mental disease, they prove it every day.

I was recently in the socialist republic of california...and you can't get a plastic straw there...instead, they give you this enormous sippy cup arrangement instead which has enough plastic in it to make half a dozen straws...meanwhile, raw sewage is running down the gutters and people are living in tents and shacks as if you were in some 3rd world country..
Predictions on climate change were based on the rapidly increasing emissions. Action was taken.

Predictions were based on us continuing to emit a certain amount of CO2...the fact is that we, as a species, emitted 25% more CO2 than was anticipated....add to that, not one, but two very strong el nino events...had they anticipated those el nino events, the predictions would have been even more dire, and therefore even further from reality...

I realize that you have probably had very little exposure to actual science and get your information from people who are perfectly willing to lie to you...but the fact is that in this past year, peer reviewed, published science said that polar ice is stable, sea level rise continues at the normal level it has for centuries, the snow cover in the northern hemisphere is growing, there are fewer tropical storms and tornadoes, deserts are shrinking, the globe is greening, climate models are terribly flawed, the climate is driven by the sun and ocean cycles, and it was warmer 1000 years ago than it is today. That is what peer reviewed, published science has said.

In this past year, peer reviewed, published science has pointed out that:
  • The globe's islands are growing...not sinking as predicted by climate science
  • The Sahara desert is shrinking
  • The consensus...isn't, as more than 500 papers were published that question it
  • Storm energy is declining,
  • The arctic is cooler now than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years
  • Oceans are less acidic with rising CO2
  • Sea level was over 8 feet higher 6000 years ago
  • The polar vortex warming link was disproven
  • The predictions made in 2000 were wrong
  • The sun has been driving the warming of the past few decades
  • Electric cars are worse than diesel when it comes to CO2
  • Grain production has quadrupled as the population has doubled
  • Great swaths of the globe have seen no warming for the past quarter century
  • The pause is real
  • Greenland's glaciers are mostly stable or growing
  • The world's tide gages show no unusual sea level rise
  • There is no gulf stream collapse as was predicted
  • Arctic ice has grown over the past 13 years
  • The Medieval warm period was warmer than the present and global in nature
  • Renewable energy is creating energy poverty
  • 400% coral recovery since 2014
  • Global weather has become less extreme
  • Cold weather deaths are rising (due in part to increased energy renewables
  • Biodiversity is more harmed by cooling than warming
  • The warming since 1979 is entirely natural
  • 74% of the globe has greened since 1981
  • The equatorial sea level has fallen since the 1600's
  • There is no empirical evidence demonstrating a human / climate link
  • CO2 is a negligible factor in climate
  • The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930's
I will gladly provide you with links to the peer reviewed, published papers that make the above statements...while i doubt that you can provide a link to any peer reviewed, published paper disputing any of them.. So much for your consensus...actual science is winning out...

Has Guam finally tipped over?
Predictions on climate change were based on the rapidly increasing emissions. Action was taken.

Predictions were based on us continuing to emit a certain amount of CO2...the fact is that we, as a species, emitted 25% more CO2 than was anticipated....add to that, not one, but two very strong el nino events...had they anticipated those el nino events, the predictions would have been even more dire, and therefore even further from reality...

I realize that you have probably had very little exposure to actual science and get your information from people who are perfectly willing to lie to you...but the fact is that in this past year, peer reviewed, published science said that polar ice is stable, sea level rise continues at the normal level it has for centuries, the snow cover in the northern hemisphere is growing, there are fewer tropical storms and tornadoes, deserts are shrinking, the globe is greening, climate models are terribly flawed, the climate is driven by the sun and ocean cycles, and it was warmer 1000 years ago than it is today. That is what peer reviewed, published science has said.

In this past year, peer reviewed, published science has pointed out that:
  • The globe's islands are growing...not sinking as predicted by climate science
  • The Sahara desert is shrinking
  • The consensus...isn't, as more than 500 papers were published that question it
  • Storm energy is declining,
  • The arctic is cooler now than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years
  • Oceans are less acidic with rising CO2
  • Sea level was over 8 feet higher 6000 years ago
  • The polar vortex warming link was disproven
  • The predictions made in 2000 were wrong
  • The sun has been driving the warming of the past few decades
  • Electric cars are worse than diesel when it comes to CO2
  • Grain production has quadrupled as the population has doubled
  • Great swaths of the globe have seen no warming for the past quarter century
  • The pause is real
  • Greenland's glaciers are mostly stable or growing
  • The world's tide gages show no unusual sea level rise
  • There is no gulf stream collapse as was predicted
  • Arctic ice has grown over the past 13 years
  • The Medieval warm period was warmer than the present and global in nature
  • Renewable energy is creating energy poverty
  • 400% coral recovery since 2014
  • Global weather has become less extreme
  • Cold weather deaths are rising (due in part to increased energy renewables
  • Biodiversity is more harmed by cooling than warming
  • The warming since 1979 is entirely natural
  • 74% of the globe has greened since 1981
  • The equatorial sea level has fallen since the 1600's
  • There is no empirical evidence demonstrating a human / climate link
  • CO2 is a negligible factor in climate
  • The arctic was 4.6C warmer in the 1930's
I will gladly provide you with links to the peer reviewed, published papers that make the above statements...while i doubt that you can provide a link to any peer reviewed, published paper disputing any of them.. So much for your consensus...actual science is winning out...

Has Guam finally tipped over?

He's still in office!

Global warming is a form of climate change. If the term Global Warming is used you assfucks run in circles & have a fit every day it is cold.
Only 20 percent of Republicans think climate change is an issue. How big a percent of Republicans not voting for your fat assed orange buddy will it take for him to lose?
All those kids that lined up behind Greta will soon be voting. Young people will suffer the most & they are sick & tired of Republican stupidity.

One day, the Far Left leadership will be done with you peon puppets. On that day they will tell you that jumping from a tall building will save the planet.
Lemming Stew.
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Well since the ocean is full of plastic it does make sense to cut down on plastic usage worldwide. But of course there is blowback on that because hey most people are so unbelievably dumb they will say all that plastic in the ocean is necessary. Most people are ignorant until a chemical makes them sick. Erin brockovichs was a great american.
Well since the ocean is full of plastic it does make sense to cut down on plastic usage worldwide. But of course there is blowback on that because hey most people are so unbelievably dumb they will say all that plastic in the ocean is necessary. Most people are ignorant until a chemical makes them sick. Erin brockovichs was a great american.

What is the source of all that plastic?


Infographic: The Countries Polluting The Oceans The Most
I was speaking to all nation's. What the world has done to the oceans with plastics is reprehensible. It's so so much cheaper to not throw it in the ocean. It's a ton cheaper to take care of it properly.
Well since the ocean is full of plastic it does make sense to cut down on plastic usage worldwide. But of course there is blowback on that because hey most people are so unbelievably dumb they will say all that plastic in the ocean is necessary. Most people are ignorant until a chemical makes them sick. Erin brockovichs was a great american.

I agree. I think far to much packaging is being used and would favor penalties for suppliers who use excessive packaging...I also favor ridiculously expensive fines for people who toss their trash on the ground or in the street....$500 for a gum wrapper....$750 for a drinking straw...and on and on...base the fine on how biodegradable the trash is...make littering painful for those who do it...and make it so expensive to litter on a commercial scale that the fines would most likely break the company who does it...
In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.

Huffington post is a well known racist and white supremacist

organization...I mean its a ku klux Klan meeting


Ku klux bleedin clams

Actually audio of meetinG

Or typical hour of the view
I will gladly provide you with links to the peer reviewed, published papers that make the above statements...

Please do ...

Any particular one or do you want a list of them all?

You said gladly ... wouldn't it make you happier to list them all? ... full citations please, along with the links ...

I'll give you links...if the citations are that important to you, you will handle that yourself...

Earth's surface water change over the past 30 years

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Origin of spatial variation in US East Coast sea-level trends during 1900–2017

Drivers of woody plant encroachment over Africa

Changing available energy for extratropical cyclones and associated convection in Northern Hemisphere summer

Changing available energy for extratropical cyclones and associated convection in Northern Hemisphere summer

Vegetation and Climate of the New Siberian Islands for the Past 15,000 Years

Pronounced summer warming in northwest Greenland during the Holocene and Last Interglacial

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals

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Relative sea-level highstands in Thailand since the Mid-Holocene based on 14C rock oyster chronology - ScienceDirect

An updated review about carbon dioxide and climate change

You digest those and I will provide more when time allows.
Changes like that happen on geological time, not human time. If Engineering needs to be done it will be done, if people need to move they will move.

Luckily a there are people not as short sighted as you.

Many farmers in i work with have seen the changes and have worked to mitigate the damages for as long as possible. A change in the rain pattern has led to more irrigation and tiling and in the southern regions of my area they are already looking at alternate crops to grow.

Which could just be caused by changes other than those caused by man. The Great plains used to be a freaking swamp at some point, more suited to rice growing than wheat.

Who fucking cares what is causing them....did you not read a damn thing I posted. My farmers do not give a fuck about the "why" or "who".

But people like you cannot move past it, which is why those making changes are a tiny percent of the population.

AGW people care, forcing us to care. Also, some things on a global scale we probably just won't be able to influence, or at least influence cost-effectively.

Deserts expand, mountains erode, shores recede. and they would do so without our caring about it.
In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.

And nothing will be done to adapt to the changes because people are too busy throwing poop back and forth arguing over the cause.

This issue should never have been made a political one.

Adapting is one thing, what the watermelons want is to use their method of government as the only way to "save" us.

Conservatives are both free and welcome to propose policies to thwart climate change.

Fix the problems when they happen, don't try to lower the standard of living of everyone "just in case"
In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.

And nothing will be done to adapt to the changes because people are too busy throwing poop back and forth arguing over the cause.

This issue should never have been made a political one.

Adapting is one thing, what the watermelons want is to use their method of government as the only way to "save" us.

Conservatives are both free and welcome to propose policies to thwart climate change.
Man does not thwart mother nature. Not at all how it works. Mother nature thwarts man.

I guess you missed things like houses, vaccines, waste disposal systems, heating systems, air conditioning systems.....and everything else that we call civilization....

Some of which you AGW tards want to get rid of in sacrifice to mighty Gaia.
In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.

And nothing will be done to adapt to the changes because people are too busy throwing poop back and forth arguing over the cause.

This issue should never have been made a political one.

Adapting is one thing, what the watermelons want is to use their method of government as the only way to "save" us.

Conservatives are both free and welcome to propose policies to thwart climate change.

Fix the problems when they happen, don't try to lower the standard of living of everyone "just in case"

It takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2. That is why we need to starty now to cut emissions.

Marty is dumber than shit.
In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.

And nothing will be done to adapt to the changes because people are too busy throwing poop back and forth arguing over the cause.

This issue should never have been made a political one.

Adapting is one thing, what the watermelons want is to use their method of government as the only way to "save" us.

Conservatives are both free and welcome to propose policies to thwart climate change.

Fix the problems when they happen, don't try to lower the standard of living of everyone "just in case"

It takes decades for the Earth to remove excess CO2. That is why we need to starty now to cut emissions.

Marty is dumber than shit.

Considering it takes decades to put it in, balance.

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