seven stats on climate change

Breaking news from dumb ass liberals...the solution to climate change is tax increases. :eusa_think: What??

Using the tax code to steer society has been done for a long time.

Liberals have to force people to obey with threats and punishment. That why we flip them the bird and tell them to fuck off.

So, you passing anti abortions laws is not forcing what women can do with their own bodies?
Look at what you are forcing on other people's bodies, you fucking hypocrite. You claim that CO2 is hurting other people, yet you continue to exhale CO2 nonetheless. You are definitively a hypocrite scumbag.

In your opinion, why do you continue to destroy mother Earth by breathing?

Do you want a link to show you how to make a noose you CO2 spewing hypocrite?
Breaking news from dumb ass liberals...the solution to climate change is tax increases. :eusa_think: What??

Using the tax code to steer society has been done for a long time.

Liberals have to force people to obey with threats and punishment. That why we flip them the bird and tell them to fuck off.

So, you passing anti abortions laws is not forcing what women can do with their own bodies?
Look at what you are forcing on other people's bodies, you fucking hypocrite. You claim tha CO2 is hurting other people, yet you continue to exhale CO2. You are scum. In your opinion, why do you continue to destroy mother Earth by breathing?

Do you want a link to show you how to make a noose you CO2 spewing hypocrite?

The nerve of the left to even dare speak about the environment. The left pack people together in their cities like sardines in a can, paving over the environment obliterating it. These cancers on the planet routinely spill hundreds of millions of gallons of untreated raw sewage into rivers and oceans. They generate millions of tons of garbage and pollution. Shove that in their face and they run away and hide.
In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.
In your link there are 7 statistics that demonstrate
we are experiencing occurrences that are new to us.

The massive earthquake that triggered the massive tsunami
in Japan was so powerful it moved the coastline of Japan 8 ft
and shifted the earth's axis when it's mass was redistributed.

Do you not think that had no effect on weather patterns?

Do you think that by interfering with nature
we are causing more harm by not allowing nature to fix itself?

How do you figure 'global warming' is the problem
and not plastic?

But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified:
for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by.

Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom:

And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines,
and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs
shall there be from heaven.

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars;
and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;
the sea and the waves roaring;

Luke 21: 9-11,25

You see yet are blind

God is creating the circumstances
which will bring about what He has planned
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In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.

Sorry, I was just laughing too hard to continue after the one about the forest fires.

We have had "climate change" the term Environmentalists came up with when Global Warming was proven a fraud, for the past 4.5 BILLION years. What percentage of that are the ten years you claim we are warming?

Vikings colonized Greenland over 1,000 years ago. They raised herds of animals and planted crops to re-supply their ships on their way to North America. Did the SUVs and coal power plants cause all the CO2 which raised the earth's temperature?
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Are you so arrogant as to think anything you or anyone else does can alter the natural evolution of the earth?

So man has not pumped CO2 into the atmosphere? You do know we know how much man has added, right?

Lets take all the nuclear weapons on Earth, drill holes & bury them two miles underground & set them off at the same time.

So tell the class how much co2 mother nature has put in the atmosphere. And no you don't have a clue how much man has contributed. You can estimate it, but you can't accurately measure it.


Man's emissions have increased the amount of CO2 which will increase the greenhouse effect.

Your ignorance is showing.

Really, every wood framed house sequesters co2, sometimes for a hundred years or more. In the last 100 years we've built more homes than ever before. The US co2 output has decreased to 2009 levels and is still falling. Perhaps you should be bitching about the real co2 culprits, and that ain't the US. Also why do you commies ignore that co2 has been much higher in the past and water vapor holds much more heat than co2. You only bitch about co2, because there's not a damn thing that can be done about water vapor.

We could tax water vapor and give the proceeds to scumbag cult leaders like Al Gore.

Exactly how do you go about that, who would pay the tax for evaporation in lakes, streams, rivers and the oceans? Not to mention all the tens of thousands of square miles of pavement owned by the States.

In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.
Stupid is believing your bullshit. No such thing as as man caused catastrophic climate change, period. All a hoax by idiots.

"Justice Hammer"? Really.

Climate is changing. Man is the primary culprit. Do nothing & you will see the catastrophic aspects.

We have seen some mighty damaging hurricanes, floods, droughts, etc

And we've had them throughout time, perhaps we should move people away from the coasts.

Are you so arrogant as to think anything you or anyone else does can alter the natural evolution of the earth?

So man has not pumped CO2 into the atmosphere? You do know we know how much man has added, right?

Lets take all the nuclear weapons on Earth, drill holes & bury them two miles underground & set them off at the same time.

So tell the class how much co2 mother nature has put in the atmosphere. And no you don't have a clue how much man has contributed. You can estimate it, but you can't accurately measure it.


Man's emissions have increased the amount of CO2 which will increase the greenhouse effect.

Your ignorance is showing.

Really, every wood framed house sequesters co2, sometimes for a hundred years or more. In the last 100 years we've built more homes than ever before. The US co2 output has decreased to 2009 levels and is still falling. Perhaps you should be bitching about the real co2 culprits, and that ain't the US. Also why do you commies ignore that co2 has been much higher in the past and water vapor holds much more heat than co2. You only bitch about co2, because there's not a damn thing that can be done about water vapor.

US CO2 emissions rose 3.4% in 2018.

More CO2 in the atmosphere enables more water vapor to be held there.

By ranting about emissions per country, we should look at emissions per capita. Otherwise you stupid fuck run screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG China!!! OMG OMG India!!!!" because their overall emissions are hiogher than oyrsa. But they have far more people.

If we look at emissions per capita, the US is number one & over twice that of China.

In Earth's history, CO2 has been higher but what was the planet like compared to now?

Quit making excuses. Quit being such dicks. Your children & grandchildren depend on it.,

So is our income per capita, you want to work for Chinese or Indian wages? And we've made greater strides than any other country on earth. So just STFU.

Man's emissions have increased the amount of CO2 which will increase the greenhouse effect.

Your ignorance is showing.
Then why don't you quit breathing? You are emitting greenhouse gasses you asshole!

If you do not immediately commit suicide you are a fucking hypocrite!

Kill yourself now or :anj_stfu:


I have cut my emissions by over 50%.

What have you done.
I threw a cigarette butt on the ground yesterday and then I smoked my tires at a green light while a Prius was behind me to smell the glorious rubber.

Does that count?
Here is RealDumb in his Prius:

You are killing your own children & you think it is funny./ You Trumpettes are something else.

Yet idiots like you support killing your own children. You are one stupid sob.
In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.
Your TDS is making you look foolish.

MMGW was exposed as a hoax decades before Trump ran for office.
No it was not.

You stupid fucks know nothing about science.

The temperatures are rising. That has to be clear even to a dumbass like you.

What is causing it?
You farting.
In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.
Stupid is believing your bullshit. No such thing as as man caused catastrophic climate change, period. All a hoax by idiots.

"Justice Hammer"? Really.

Climate is changing. Man is the primary culprit. Do nothing & you will see the catastrophic aspects.

We have seen some mighty damaging hurricanes, floods, droughts, etc
Keep opening your mouth,Everytime you do your stupid meter goes up.
Then why don't you quit breathing? You are emitting greenhouse gasses you asshole!

If you do not immediately commit suicide you are a fucking hypocrite!

Kill yourself now or :anj_stfu:


I have cut my emissions by over 50%.

What have you done.
I threw a cigarette butt on the ground yesterday and then I smoked my tires at a green light while a Prius was behind me to smell the glorious rubber.

Does that count?
Here is RealDumb in his Prius:

You are killing your own children & you think it is funny./ You Trumpettes are something else.

Yet idiots like you support killing your own children. You are one stupid sob.

Stupid? Yes he is that. That's a given.

However, I think the more pertinent matter to the topic is whether or not the poor idiot has been so brainwashed by the leadership of the fearmongering global warming doomsday cult to which he obviously belongs (aka is a slave to) has controlled his feeble mind to the point of no return.

Is there a way to 'deprogram' them?

Or are they a lost cause?
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Here's what "Climate Specialists Said Would Happen by 2020"

Top outrageous 2020 doomsday predictions that didn't pan out
1). The U.S. may warm 6 degrees F from 1990 to 2020
2). Oil will effectively run out by 2020
3) By 2020, no glaciers will be left on Mt. Kilimanjaro
4). A billion people will starve due to missing the tech revolution
5). By 2020, "millions will die" from climate change
6). Miami Florida and the entire US Coast will be underwater by 2020

And yet fear mongering Climate imbeciles keep parroting the exact same garbage.


Actually, yes, the climate IS changing....just as it has been for BILLIONS of years.

They wore out "Global Warming" and changed it to "Climate Change"
They'll coin some new stupid fear mongering phrase for it in 5.....4.....3.....2....1.....
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In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.

The OP has the political IQ of a small soap dish. Voters don't care about this.

Dumbsss Repubnlicans don;t vocare. 90% of Democrasts care.

Most importantly, 17% of Republicans demand t
Here's what "Climate Specialists Said Would Happen by 2020"

Top outrageous 2020 doomsday predictions that didn't pan out
1). The U.S. may warm 6 degrees F from 1990 to 2020
2). Oil will effectively run out by 2020
3) By 2020, no glaciers will be left on Mt. Kilimanjaro
4). A billion people will starve due to missing the tech revolution
5). By 2020, "millions will die" from climate change
6). Miami Florida and the entire US Coast will be underwater by 2020

And yet fear mongering Climate imbeciles keep parroting the exact same garbage.

View attachment 297813
Actually, yes, the climate IS changing....just as it has been for BILLIONS of years.

They wore out "Global Warming" and changed it to "Climate Change"
They'll coin some new stupid fear mongering phrase for it in 5.....4.....3.....2....1.....

Predictions on climate change were based on the rapidly increasing emissions. Action was taken.

Glaciers on Kilimanjaro are down to 10% & shrinking. Maybe another 5 years OMG OMG OMG

Learn what "May" means. What was the range predicted & was the temp increase within that range?

Oil running out was based on current known reserves under current methods. This was said by oil industry experts.
Here's what "Climate Specialists Said Would Happen by 2020"

Top outrageous 2020 doomsday predictions that didn't pan out
1). The U.S. may warm 6 degrees F from 1990 to 2020
2). Oil will effectively run out by 2020
3) By 2020, no glaciers will be left on Mt. Kilimanjaro
4). A billion people will starve due to missing the tech revolution
5). By 2020, "millions will die" from climate change
6). Miami Florida and the entire US Coast will be underwater by 2020

And yet fear mongering Climate imbeciles keep parroting the exact same garbage.

View attachment 297813
Actually, yes, the climate IS changing....just as it has been for BILLIONS of years.

They wore out "Global Warming" and changed it to "Climate Change"
They'll coin some new stupid fear mongering phrase for it in 5.....4.....3.....2....1.....

Global warming is a form of climate change. If the term Global Warming is used you assfucks run in circles & have a fit every day it is cold.

Only 20 percent of Republicans think climate change is an issue. How big a percent of Republicans not voting for your fat assed orange buddy will it take for him to lose?

All those kids that lined up behind Greta will soon be voting. Young people will suffer the most & they are sick & tired of Republican stupidity.
1. The U.S. may warm 6 degrees F from 1990 to 2020
In 1990, The Washington Post reported in a front page story: "Carbon dioxide is the gas most responsible for predictions that Earth will warm on average by about 3 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2020."

The outlet further warned: "The United States, because it occupies a large continent in higher latitudes, could warm by as much as 6 degrees Fahrenheit."


Thirty years later, 2020 has finally arrived. The Earth has warmed approximately 1 degree Fahrenheit according to NASA. The United States also warmed roughly 1 degree.

Elliott Negin, a spokesman for the Union of Concerned Scientists, declined to comment.

The latest UN IPCC report, AR5, however, addresses the issue of whether their models were accurate. (The UN predictions differed from the 1990 Washington Post ones, which did not cite its source.)

The latest UN report shows that current temperatures are just within the UN’s old predictions made in 1990, but acknowledges that actual temperatures came in “on the lower end” of expectations.

The UN report partly credits a 1991 volcanic eruption in the Philippines for the lower-than-expected warming, and says the new models account for volcanoes.

The UN now predicts a rise of about 2 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit from today to the year 2100.

Top 5 most outrageous 2020 doomsday predictions that didn't pan out

In 1990, Climate "science" was fairly primitive, they thought that water vapor was the most dangerous greenhouse gas and they had no experiments linking C02 to warming. In 2020, they still have no experiments but tell us that the "'science' is settled"
The same leftists who banned plastic straws because one turtle got one in his nose are supporting the idiots in SFO and LA who have allowed human waste to run in the streets into the ocean where those same turtles live.

liberalism is a mental disease, they prove it every day.
Global Warming, Carbon Dioxide and the Solar Minimum

". . . Before the IPCC formed, NOAA’s Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii registered co2 levelsat under 350 ppm (parts per million) with the explicit warning that if co2 exceeded that number, Mother Earth was in Big Trouble – and there would be no turning back for humanity. Those alarm bells continue today as co2 levels have risen to 414 ppm as temperatures peaked in 1998.

From the outset, the IPCC controlled the debate by limiting its charter

"to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.”

In other words, before any of the science had been done, the IPCC’s assumption was that man-made activity was responsible and that Nature was not an active participant in a process within its own sphere of interest. As an interdisciplinary topic of multiple diversity, the IPCC is not an authority on all the disciplines of science within the CC domain.

While there is no dispute among scientists that the Sun and its cyclical output is the true external force driving Earth’s energy and climate system as part of a Sun-centered Universe, the IPCC’s exclusion of the Sun from its consideration can only be seen as a deliberate thwarting of a basic fundamental law of science, a process which assures a free inquiry based on reason and evidence.

It is the Sun which all planets of the solar system orbit around, that has the strongest gravitational pull in the solar system, is the heaviest of all celestial bodies and its sunspots in relation to Earth’s temperatures has been known since Galileo began drawing sunspots in 1613.

Yet the IPCC which touts a ‘scientific view of climate change’ would have us believe the Sun is irrelevant and immaterial to the IPCC’s world view and Earth’s climate; hardly a blip on their radar.. . "

The IPCC’s fatal founding flaw
The IPCC’s fatal founding flaw – Quadrant Online

"The media at large and the public that the media influences seem to believe that the IPCC is an international authority on all aspects of climate. This is a popular but false notion. The IPCC is, in fact, no more than a craftily assembled government-supported lobby group, doing what lobby groups usually do.

Its charter gives the game away:

"The role of the IPCC is to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation."

Or, put more simply, the IPCC is to report on the magnitude of man-made climate change and what can be done to reduce its impact, the existence of man-made climate change being assumed from the outset.

The IPCC was established through the urgings of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The former is a shadowy organisation that conducted scientific projects for UNEP and wrote in-house reports. Given the amount of work it undertook, those reports probably aligned closely with UNEP thinking.

The latter is well known for blaming human activity for every change to the environment — a stance seemingly based on the assumption that the environment never changes naturally and/or that we fully understand every natural force which might make it change. By this logic any and every deviation must be man-made.. . ."

A sensitive matter
The climate may be heating up less in response to greenhouse-gas emissions than was once thought. But that does not mean the problem is going away
A sensitive matter

"OVER the past 15 years air temperatures at the Earth’s surface have been flat while greenhouse-gas emissions have continued to soar. The world added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010. That is about a quarter of all the CO₂ put there by humanity since 1750. And yet, as James Hansen, the head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, observes, “the five-year mean global temperature has been flat for a decade.”

Temperatures fluctuate over short periods, but this lack of new warming is a surprise. Ed Hawkins, of the University of Reading, in Britain, points out that surface temperatures since 2005 are already at the low end of the range of projections derived from 20 climate models (see chart 1). If they remain flat, they will fall outside the models’ range within a few years.. . . "
Who knew the scientists at NASA were so fucking stupid?

It is not a matter of this particular scientist or that particular scientist being, "stupid," it is a matter of only highlighting selected scientist's work for political reasons.

As Gator rightly observed;

In this link, there are seven statistics that demonstrate that we are already experiencing effects from AGW.

7 Numbers Show How Dire Climate Change Got This Decade | HuffPost

Too bad our President & his followers are too stupid to acknowledge its existence let alone take action.

Republicans are sacrificing their children's future to bow down to their orange god.

And nothing will be done to adapt to the changes because people are too busy throwing poop back and forth arguing over the cause.

This issue should never have been made a political one.

The issue should have never been made political in the first place.

All I did was post hard and fast PROOF of who is making it political and why. Of the self-selective bias, the CONCRETE bias producing of the international political organizational network that is creating this hysteria, and how it has absolutely nothing to do with REAL hard unbiased peer reviewed science.

This is why no one is taking your crusade seriously. You do not want to talk about the problem in a sane, real, and productive way, only in a way that has a political agenda.
Sorry to interrupt ...

The article in the OP is about dynamic meteorology ... climate in measured in 100 years time intervals ... all the claims in the article are well within the normal statistical distribution ... these are the things we're just now learning about our existing climate, there's no demonstration this is a change of any kind to the climate ...

There's some howlers in that article ... "Six Category 5 hurricanes in four years" ... we saw four Cat 5's in just two years back in the 1930's ... normal as normal can be, not evidence of change ... we went nine years without any from 2007 to 2016, and 15 years without from 1938 to 1953 ... just to give an idea of the distribution we have ... (keep in mind that all data from before 1975 or so is considered scientifically unreliable and under-reported, so any climate claims based on hurricane frequency is NOT based on data and should be considered speculation) ...

Wildfires are caused by Californians playing with matches ... the more Californians that are playing with matches, the more wildfires there will be ... duh ...

The outright falsehood is with the "1,000 year event" garbage ... we have about 2,200 weather stations in the USA, a "one in a thousand" flood event averages 2.2 times per year, or 22 "thousand year events" per decade ... if and only if we have a 1,000 years data ... ha ha ha ... Tropical Storm Harvey was the worst flood in Houston on record, which makes it a "once in a 140 years event" only ... Alarmists lie ... Arctic Amplification + 2nd Law of Thermodynamics = LESS FLOODS ... that's simple meteorology ...
Sorry to interrupt ...

The article in the OP is about dynamic meteorology ... climate in measured in 100 years time intervals ... all the claims in the article are well within the normal statistical distribution ... these are the things we're just now learning about our existing climate, there's no demonstration this is a change of any kind to the climate ...

There's some howlers in that article ... "Six Category 5 hurricanes in four years" ... we saw four Cat 5's in just two years back in the 1930's ... normal as normal can be, not evidence of change ... we went nine years without any from 2007 to 2016, and 15 years without from 1938 to 1953 ... just to give an idea of the distribution we have ... (keep in mind that all data from before 1975 or so is considered scientifically unreliable and under-reported, so any climate claims based on hurricane frequency is NOT based on data and should be considered speculation) ...

Wildfires are caused by Californians playing with matches ... the more Californians that are playing with matches, the more wildfires there will be ... duh ...

The outright falsehood is with the "1,000 year event" garbage ... we have about 2,200 weather stations in the USA, a "one in a thousand" flood event averages 2.2 times per year, or 22 "thousand year events" per decade ... if and only if we have a 1,000 years data ... ha ha ha ... Tropical Storm Harvey was the worst flood in Houston on record, which makes it a "once in a 140 years event" only ... Alarmists lie ... Arctic Amplification + 2nd Law of Thermodynamics = LESS FLOODS ... that's simple meteorology ...

1938 Hurricane cut off Montauk from the rest of Long Island and carves out Shinnencock Inlet. Odd that the storms have been more and more and more severer since then, er, or something. Pay no attention to the Settled science. I guess the NY CO2 molecule ain't what is used to be


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