seven stats on climate change

Germany has higher taxation in an effort to force reduction in energy use.

Germany's sky-high taxation has nothing to do with their cost of energy. The average cost per kWh in the US is about $0.12 while in Germany, it has become a luxury at three times our cost, $0.35 per kWh.

If you look at the total cost of nuclear including plant construction & dismantling, nuclear is not cheaper than gas or coal.

Global Warming, Carbon Dioxide and the Solar Minimum

". . . Before the IPCC formed, NOAA’s Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii registered co2 levelsat under 350 ppm (parts per million) with the explicit warning that if co2 exceeded that number, Mother Earth was in Big Trouble – and there would be no turning back for humanity. Those alarm bells continue today as co2 levels have risen to 414 ppm as temperatures peaked in 1998.

From the outset, the IPCC controlled the debate by limiting its charter

"to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.”

In other words, before any of the science had been done, the IPCC’s assumption was that man-made activity was responsible and that Nature was not an active participant in a process within its own sphere of interest. As an interdisciplinary topic of multiple diversity, the IPCC is not an authority on all the disciplines of science within the CC domain.

While there is no dispute among scientists that the Sun and its cyclical output is the true external force driving Earth’s energy and climate system as part of a Sun-centered Universe, the IPCC’s exclusion of the Sun from its consideration can only be seen as a deliberate thwarting of a basic fundamental law of science, a process which assures a free inquiry based on reason and evidence.

It is the Sun which all planets of the solar system orbit around, that has the strongest gravitational pull in the solar system, is the heaviest of all celestial bodies and its sunspots in relation to Earth’s temperatures has been known since Galileo began drawing sunspots in 1613.

Yet the IPCC which touts a ‘scientific view of climate change’ would have us believe the Sun is irrelevant and immaterial to the IPCC’s world view and Earth’s climate; hardly a blip on their radar.. . "

The IPCC’s fatal founding flaw
The IPCC’s fatal founding flaw – Quadrant Online

"The media at large and the public that the media influences seem to believe that the IPCC is an international authority on all aspects of climate. This is a popular but false notion. The IPCC is, in fact, no more than a craftily assembled government-supported lobby group, doing what lobby groups usually do.

Its charter gives the game away:

"The role of the IPCC is to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation."

Or, put more simply, the IPCC is to report on the magnitude of man-made climate change and what can be done to reduce its impact, the existence of man-made climate change being assumed from the outset.

The IPCC was established through the urgings of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The former is a shadowy organisation that conducted scientific projects for UNEP and wrote in-house reports. Given the amount of work it undertook, those reports probably aligned closely with UNEP thinking.

The latter is well known for blaming human activity for every change to the environment — a stance seemingly based on the assumption that the environment never changes naturally and/or that we fully understand every natural force which might make it change. By this logic any and every deviation must be man-made.. . ."

A sensitive matter
The climate may be heating up less in response to greenhouse-gas emissions than was once thought. But that does not mean the problem is going away
A sensitive matter

"OVER the past 15 years air temperatures at the Earth’s surface have been flat while greenhouse-gas emissions have continued to soar. The world added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010. That is about a quarter of all the CO₂ put there by humanity since 1750. And yet, as James Hansen, the head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, observes, “the five-year mean global temperature has been flat for a decade.”

Temperatures fluctuate over short periods, but this lack of new warming is a surprise. Ed Hawkins, of the University of Reading, in Britain, points out that surface temperatures since 2005 are already at the low end of the range of projections derived from 20 climate models (see chart 1). If they remain flat, they will fall outside the models’ range within a few years.. . . "
Who knew the scientists at NASA were so fucking stupid?
So tell the class how much co2 mother nature has put in the atmosphere. And no you don't have a clue how much man has contributed. You can estimate it, but you can't accurately measure it.


Man's emissions have increased the amount of CO2 which will increase the greenhouse effect.

Your ignorance is showing.
Then why don't you quit breathing? You are emitting greenhouse gasses you asshole!

If you do not immediately commit suicide you are a fucking hypocrite!

Kill yourself now or :anj_stfu:


I have cut my emissions by over 50%.

What have you done.
I threw a cigarette butt on the ground yesterday and then I smoked my tires at a green light while a Prius was behind me to smell the glorious rubber.

Does that count?
Here is RealDumb in his Prius:

You are killing your own children & you think it is funny./ You Trumpettes are something else.
So man has not pumped CO2 into the atmosphere? You do know we know how much man has added, right?

Lets take all the nuclear weapons on Earth, drill holes & bury them two miles underground & set them off at the same time.

So tell the class how much co2 mother nature has put in the atmosphere. And no you don't have a clue how much man has contributed. You can estimate it, but you can't accurately measure it.


Man's emissions have increased the amount of CO2 which will increase the greenhouse effect.

Your ignorance is showing.
Then why don't you quit breathing? You are emitting greenhouse gasses you asshole!

If you do not immediately commit suicide you are a fucking hypocrite!

Kill yourself now or :anj_stfu:


I have cut my emissions by over 50%.

What have you done.
I threw a cigarette butt on the ground yesterday and then I smoked my tires at a green light while a Prius was behind me to smell the glorious rubber.

Does that count?
You being an ass doesn't surprise me one bit.
3) By 2020, no glaciers will be left on Mt. Kilimanjaro
"It's now estimated that by the year 2020, there will be no glaciers of Mt. Kilimanjaro," Christian Lambrechts, an officer at the U.N. Environment Program, told CNN in 2003.

The Associated Press also reported in 2007 that “in 2001, [glaciologist Lonnie] Thompson predicted the snows of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania would disappear within the next 20 years.”

But today, Kilimanjaro's glaciers are still there, according to a 2019 paper in the Journal Ecology and Evolution that includes photos and a new timetable: "most of glaciers on Kilimanjaro ... will most likely disappear within 25 years."

Lonnie Thompson defended his prediction and said it was a bit different from how the AP summarized it. “My prediction was that there would be no glaciers, and that is true,” he told Fox News by phone.

“What we have now are ice bodies. The definition of a glacier is ice in motion. To be ice in motion, you have to have an accumulation zone. There’s been no recent accumulation. There are no glaciers on Kilimanjaro,” he said.

Asked about the study calling the current snow on the mountain “glaciers”, he said: “Sometimes people get caught up in semantics. The fact is all the glaciers in the tropics are disappearing.”

Getting there with about 10% left.
  • Kilimanjaro’s glaciers are shrinking in surface area and becoming thinner.
  • Glacier surface area shrank by 1 percent each year from 1912 to 1953.
  • It shrank by 2.5 percent each year from 1989 to 2007.
  • This means glaciers have reduced in area by 85 percent from 1912 to 2000.
  • From 2000 to 2009, 26 percent of the remaining ice cover melted away.
  • The glaciers survived a 300-year drought 4,200 years ago, and many researchers agree the recent melting is unique at least within the last 11,700 years
  • At this rate, the glaciers could disappear completely within a matter of years.
Dude, your Cult has zero credibility.:21:
You are the one living in a cult of the uneducated & stupid.

Scientist say yes. You fat assed orange god says its a hoax & you believe that.

Republicans used to believe in science. What the fuck happened? The party decided that dumbing down their base would give them more control.
Add the deaths from more devastating hurricanes & floodings. More deaths from malaria because warmer temps create more mosquitos.

What malarkey! You're just trolling, right? You don't really believe that stuff do you? The facts do not support your foolish allegation about hurricanes or floodings.

More deaths come from malaria because DDT was banned. That erroneous banning has cost millions of lives. They don't matter though, do they?
Last edited:
3) By 2020, no glaciers will be left on Mt. Kilimanjaro
"It's now estimated that by the year 2020, there will be no glaciers of Mt. Kilimanjaro," Christian Lambrechts, an officer at the U.N. Environment Program, told CNN in 2003.

The Associated Press also reported in 2007 that “in 2001, [glaciologist Lonnie] Thompson predicted the snows of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania would disappear within the next 20 years.”

But today, Kilimanjaro's glaciers are still there, according to a 2019 paper in the Journal Ecology and Evolution that includes photos and a new timetable: "most of glaciers on Kilimanjaro ... will most likely disappear within 25 years."

Lonnie Thompson defended his prediction and said it was a bit different from how the AP summarized it. “My prediction was that there would be no glaciers, and that is true,” he told Fox News by phone.

“What we have now are ice bodies. The definition of a glacier is ice in motion. To be ice in motion, you have to have an accumulation zone. There’s been no recent accumulation. There are no glaciers on Kilimanjaro,” he said.

Asked about the study calling the current snow on the mountain “glaciers”, he said: “Sometimes people get caught up in semantics. The fact is all the glaciers in the tropics are disappearing.”

Getting there with about 10% left.
  • Kilimanjaro’s glaciers are shrinking in surface area and becoming thinner.
  • Glacier surface area shrank by 1 percent each year from 1912 to 1953.
  • It shrank by 2.5 percent each year from 1989 to 2007.
  • This means glaciers have reduced in area by 85 percent from 1912 to 2000.
  • From 2000 to 2009, 26 percent of the remaining ice cover melted away.
  • The glaciers survived a 300-year drought 4,200 years ago, and many researchers agree the recent melting is unique at least within the last 11,700 years
  • At this rate, the glaciers could disappear completely within a matter of years.
Dude, your Cult has zero credibility.:21:
You are the one living in a cult of the uneducated & stupid.

Scientist say yes. You fat assed orange god says its a hoax & you believe that.

Republicans used to believe in science. What the fuck happened? The party decided that dumbing down their base would give them more control.

You keep using the word "science" and it's a misnomer. When you use it you mean ""science' you agree with.
Only the uneducated calls education indoctrination.

Were the Hitler Youth being "educated" or indoctrinated by Adolph Hitler?
Learning science & how to think is not the same thing as being taught lies. You assfucks think Trump is great, you deny science, you think giving wealthy people money will help you, you think it is OK to poison people with pollution if it means higher profits for corporations, you think calling people childish names is leadership, you think that our gdp gains falling by half a point is progress, you think trillion dollar deficits are great, you think stealing children is good policy, you think trashing veterans is cool, you think liking beer is grounds to be a USSC judge, you think it is OK to rape women as long as there are no witnesses.

This is what Trump has done to you assholes.
Only the uneducated calls education indoctrination.

Were the Hitler Youth being "educated" or indoctrinated by Adolph Hitler?
Learning science & how to think is not the same thing as being taught lies. You assfucks think Trump is great, you deny science, you think giving wealthy people money will help you, you think it is OK to poison people with pollution if it means higher profits for corporations, you think calling people childish names is leadership, you think that our gdp gains falling by half a point is progress, you think trillion dollar deficits are great, you think stealing children is good policy, you think trashing veterans is cool, you think liking beer is grounds to be a USSC judge, you think it is OK to rape women as long as there are no witnesses.

This is what Trump has done to you assholes.

All lies kid. Rump is the lesser of two evils from 2016.
You are stupid beyond belief son. You don't get to tell us anything, you don't get to make us do anything.
You get to whine, bitch, and cry anonymously on the internet.
That's it, you get to DO that because of thousands of people fighting for your "right" to do it.

Just thank us and move on.
Man's emissions have increased the amount of CO2 which will increase the greenhouse effect.

Your ignorance is showing.
Then why don't you quit breathing? You are emitting greenhouse gasses you asshole!

If you do not immediately commit suicide you are a fucking hypocrite!

Kill yourself now or :anj_stfu:


I have cut my emissions by over 50%.

What have you done.
I threw a cigarette butt on the ground yesterday and then I smoked my tires at a green light while a Prius was behind me to smell the glorious rubber.

Does that count?
Here is RealDumb in his Prius:

You are killing your own children & you think it is funny./ You Trumpettes are something else.

My kids are doing just fine.
5. By 2020, "millions will die" from climate change
Reuters newswire ran this headline in 1997: "'Millions will die' unless climate policies change."

The report said 8 million people would die by 2020, citing a prediction in the Lancet medical journal.

The mass death prediction was clearly way off.

“None of these predictions came true, and aren't even close to coming true,” said Roy Spencer, a climatologist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. “It's amazing that the public can continue to believe apocalyptic predictions despite a 95 percent decline in weather-related deaths in the last 100 years.”

Some modern studies claim to find mass deaths; the Daily Beast covered a “shock report” that “Climate Change Kills 400,000 a Year,” but Human Progress' Marian Tupy said such estimates are grossly inflated.

“They say climate change causes everything. Some people try to pin the war on Syria on climate change, and then say when all those people die, that's because of climate change. They have a secondary agenda,” Tupy said.

The five predictions highlighted here join a host of similar failed predictions for 2010 and 2015 that Fox News tracked.

Tupy said that an overly negative view of humanity may be one cause of the bad predictions.

“Humans are not a curse upon the planet, but are actually a benefit, because we are problem-solvers. We are creators, not destroyers, on average.”

“When people ask you when was the best time to be alive – the answer is, tomorrow,” he added.

People are dying from the emissions that are fomenting climate change.

Add the deaths from more devastating hurricanes & floodings. More deaths from malaria because warmer temps create more mosquitos.

How many more deaths are acceptable before you act on AGW?

Climate Change Is Already Killing Us
Can you name a single person who has died because of CAGW?

If not, then you might be a doomsday cult member.


Why haven't you killed yourself yet, you LWNJ CO2 spewing moonbat hypocrite?
3) By 2020, no glaciers will be left on Mt. Kilimanjaro
"It's now estimated that by the year 2020, there will be no glaciers of Mt. Kilimanjaro," Christian Lambrechts, an officer at the U.N. Environment Program, told CNN in 2003.

The Associated Press also reported in 2007 that “in 2001, [glaciologist Lonnie] Thompson predicted the snows of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania would disappear within the next 20 years.”

But today, Kilimanjaro's glaciers are still there, according to a 2019 paper in the Journal Ecology and Evolution that includes photos and a new timetable: "most of glaciers on Kilimanjaro ... will most likely disappear within 25 years."

Lonnie Thompson defended his prediction and said it was a bit different from how the AP summarized it. “My prediction was that there would be no glaciers, and that is true,” he told Fox News by phone.

“What we have now are ice bodies. The definition of a glacier is ice in motion. To be ice in motion, you have to have an accumulation zone. There’s been no recent accumulation. There are no glaciers on Kilimanjaro,” he said.

Asked about the study calling the current snow on the mountain “glaciers”, he said: “Sometimes people get caught up in semantics. The fact is all the glaciers in the tropics are disappearing.”

Getting there with about 10% left.
  • Kilimanjaro’s glaciers are shrinking in surface area and becoming thinner.
  • Glacier surface area shrank by 1 percent each year from 1912 to 1953.
  • It shrank by 2.5 percent each year from 1989 to 2007.
  • This means glaciers have reduced in area by 85 percent from 1912 to 2000.
  • From 2000 to 2009, 26 percent of the remaining ice cover melted away.
  • The glaciers survived a 300-year drought 4,200 years ago, and many researchers agree the recent melting is unique at least within the last 11,700 years
  • At this rate, the glaciers could disappear completely within a matter of years.
Dude, your Cult has zero credibility.:21:
You are the one living in a cult of the uneducated & stupid.

Scientist say yes. You fat assed orange god says its a hoax & you believe that.

Republicans used to believe in science. What the fuck happened? The party decided that dumbing down their base would give them more control.
Your Cult has been busted many times manipulating data, destroying data, have yet to get a prediction correct, and you think higher taxes and wealth redistribution will change "MMGW".
Only the uneducated calls education indoctrination.

Were the Hitler Youth being "educated" or indoctrinated by Adolph Hitler?
Learning science & how to think is not the same thing as being taught lies. You assfucks think Trump is great, you deny science, you think giving wealthy people money will help you, you think it is OK to poison people with pollution if it means higher profits for corporations, you think calling people childish names is leadership, you think that our gdp gains falling by half a point is progress, you think trillion dollar deficits are great, you think stealing children is good policy, you think trashing veterans is cool, you think liking beer is grounds to be a USSC judge, you think it is OK to rape women as long as there are no witnesses.

This is what Trump has done to you assholes.
Nope on all counts.

And I knew your Cult was a hoax long before Trump was elected.
Man's emissions have increased the amount of CO2 which will increase the greenhouse effect.

Your ignorance is showing.
Then why don't you quit breathing? You are emitting greenhouse gasses you asshole!

If you do not immediately commit suicide you are a fucking hypocrite!

Kill yourself now or :anj_stfu:


I have cut my emissions by over 50%.

What have you done.
I threw a cigarette butt on the ground yesterday and then I smoked my tires at a green light while a Prius was behind me to smell the glorious rubber.

Does that count?
Here is RealDumb in his Prius:

You are killing your own children & you think it is funny./ You Trumpettes are something else.

Listen ya retard. This GLOBULL warming BULLSHIT has been around for decades. Trump has been here 3 years. Take the TDS stick out of your ass and rejoin reality. IT HAS NOTHING to do with Trump.
The only thing that has changed in all these decades is your high priests were proven to be FULL OF SHIT.
So tell the class how much co2 mother nature has put in the atmosphere. And no you don't have a clue how much man has contributed. You can estimate it, but you can't accurately measure it.


Man's emissions have increased the amount of CO2 which will increase the greenhouse effect.

Your ignorance is showing.
Then why don't you quit breathing? You are emitting greenhouse gasses you asshole!

If you do not immediately commit suicide you are a fucking hypocrite!

Kill yourself now or :anj_stfu:


I have cut my emissions by over 50%.

What have you done.
I threw a cigarette butt on the ground yesterday and then I smoked my tires at a green light while a Prius was behind me to smell the glorious rubber.

Does that count?
You being an ass doesn't surprise me one bit.
No doubt I am an asshole. Have been my entire adult life to YOUR KIND
Breaking news from dumb ass liberals...the solution to climate change is tax increases. :eusa_think: What??

Using the tax code to steer society has been done for a long time.

Liberals have to force people to obey with threats and punishment. That why we flip them the bird and tell them to fuck off.

So, you passing anti abortions laws is not forcing what women can do with their own bodies?

Ripping the helpless limbs off babies and stabbing them in the brain stem should be allowed?

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