Seven Things You Can't Say About the United States


What! Me Worry?
Mar 23, 2013

1. The USA is dominated by lunatic, uneducated, hysterical dorks


That is obviously untrue. · · · :confused-84:

2. The so-called "American Revolution" was a murderous, Terrorist Uprising led and financed by a gang of well-heeled thugs, who, mainly for personal gain, encouraged a spree of murder, torture, destruction of homes and property, and turning a large proportion of their countrymen into refugees fleeing to other lands for protection -- all over trivial and picayune taxes which were obviously merely the most transparent of excuses for their barbaric lawlessness.

This statement is outrageously untrue within the borders of the United States, and patently true and obvious in the rest of the world.

3. The United States Constitution defines an archaic, outmoded, sclerotic framework of government which is increasingly unworkable and dangerous.

Which is simultaneously divinely inspired and the highest political achievement of all human history.

4. The general culture of America is one of barbarism, where the values that make cultures important in history are systematically undermined and derided, and replaced by ephemeral trivia like sports, "music" which is just anaesthetic noise, and a kaleidoscopic flickering of vapid celebrities and instantly forgotten pseudo-news which serve the purposes of subliminal brainwashing and reducing the populace to a state of coma.

The "culture" of the United States clearly demonstrates why the term "popular culture" is an oxymoron.

5. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world -- very negatively so.

Americans can't even use the metric system!!
But that is nothing compared to harboring a militaristic cancer on the body politic, a military-industrial complex that sustains itself by fomenting wars, death and destruction all over the world and bleeds the American people white. It spends more on war than all the rest of the world put together.
The USA imprisons a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and incredibly more than any other industrialised country. It has replaced Russia and China as being the Gulag of the World.
Something even so elementary as a sensible medical insurance system, which every other advanced country has had no trouble in creating, is apparently beyond the political competence of the American system.

6. America is marked by corruption and lying in almost every aspect of its existence.

The very notions of honesty and truth seem to have disappeared -- except when they are mocked and despised.

7. American society is violent and lawless, and people are constantly brainwashed to live in fear -- they are easier to control that way. At the same time, the organs of political power are recklessly militaristic, and pursue a policy of brainwashing the populace to regard as "heroes" the minions of government who rampage in foreign countries, murdering and terrorising ordinary, innocent people.

Most of the population is so brainwashed that they cannot recognise blatant fascism when they see it.
Can I have that 45 seconds of my life back that I wasted reading this tripe?


In that case, I'll make it meaningful by saying Fuck the Metric System. The Imperial System was here first and we will actively fight conversion to the Metric System until the day we die.

Glad you love it, you can keep it forever, we don't want, please piss off.
So you just had to went all out Anti-American...

The only question is, if America is such a terrible country... why are you still living here?

Perhaps, perhaps... the idiot here is yourself and not the Americans. Let me also help you update the first picture to the colorful modern day version:

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1. The USA is dominated by lunatic, uneducated, hysterical dorks


That is obviously untrue. · · · :confused-84:

2. The so-called "American Revolution" was a murderous, Terrorist Uprising led and financed by a gang of well-heeled thugs, who, mainly for personal gain, encouraged a spree of murder, torture, destruction of homes and property, and turning a large proportion of their countrymen into refugees fleeing to other lands for protection -- all over trivial and picayune taxes which were obviously merely the most transparent of excuses for their barbaric lawlessness.

This statement is outrageously untrue within the borders of the United States, and patently true and obvious in the rest of the world.

3. The United States Constitution defines an archaic, outmoded, sclerotic framework of government which is increasingly unworkable and dangerous.

Which is simultaneously divinely inspired and the highest political achievement of all human history.

4. The general culture of America is one of barbarism, where the values that make cultures important in history are systematically undermined and derided, and replaced by ephemeral trivia like sports, "music" which is just anaesthetic noise, and a kaleidoscopic flickering of vapid celebrities and instantly forgotten pseudo-news which serve the purposes of subliminal brainwashing and reducing the populace to a state of coma.

The "culture" of the United States clearly demonstrates why the term "popular culture" is an oxymoron.

5. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world -- very negatively so.

Americans can't even use the metric system!!
But that is nothing compared to harboring a militaristic cancer on the body politic, a military-industrial complex that sustains itself by fomenting wars, death and destruction all over the world and bleeds the American people white. It spends more on war than all the rest of the world put together.
The USA imprisons a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and incredibly more than any other industrialised country. It has replaced Russia and China as being the Gulag of the World.
Something even so elementary as a sensible medical insurance system, which every other advanced country has had no trouble in creating, is apparently beyond the political competence of the American system.

6. America is marked by corruption and lying in almost every aspect of its existence.

The very notions of honesty and truth seem to have disappeared -- except when they are mocked and despised.

7. American society is violent and lawless, and people are constantly brainwashed to live in fear -- they are easier to control that way. At the same time, the organs of political power are recklessly militaristic, and pursue a policy of brainwashing the populace to regard as "heroes" the minions of government who rampage in foreign countries, murdering and terrorising ordinary, innocent people.

Most of the population is so brainwashed that they cannot recognise blatant fascism when they see it.
I think this post is ironic :biggrin:
Anyways the first part of the point 5 is really interesting "Americans can't even use the metric system"
I've made a little search on the web and I found out only 3 countries don't use the metric system (USA, Myanmar and Liberia) but they don't say the reason why they don't use it.
Is there anybody here who knows why? :)

1. The USA is dominated by lunatic, uneducated, hysterical dorks


That is obviously untrue. · · · :confused-84:

2. The so-called "American Revolution" was a murderous, Terrorist Uprising led and financed by a gang of well-heeled thugs, who, mainly for personal gain, encouraged a spree of murder, torture, destruction of homes and property, and turning a large proportion of their countrymen into refugees fleeing to other lands for protection -- all over trivial and picayune taxes which were obviously merely the most transparent of excuses for their barbaric lawlessness.

This statement is outrageously untrue within the borders of the United States, and patently true and obvious in the rest of the world.

3. The United States Constitution defines an archaic, outmoded, sclerotic framework of government which is increasingly unworkable and dangerous.

Which is simultaneously divinely inspired and the highest political achievement of all human history.

4. The general culture of America is one of barbarism, where the values that make cultures important in history are systematically undermined and derided, and replaced by ephemeral trivia like sports, "music" which is just anaesthetic noise, and a kaleidoscopic flickering of vapid celebrities and instantly forgotten pseudo-news which serve the purposes of subliminal brainwashing and reducing the populace to a state of coma.

The "culture" of the United States clearly demonstrates why the term "popular culture" is an oxymoron.

5. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world -- very negatively so.

Americans can't even use the metric system!!
But that is nothing compared to harboring a militaristic cancer on the body politic, a military-industrial complex that sustains itself by fomenting wars, death and destruction all over the world and bleeds the American people white. It spends more on war than all the rest of the world put together.
The USA imprisons a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and incredibly more than any other industrialised country. It has replaced Russia and China as being the Gulag of the World.
Something even so elementary as a sensible medical insurance system, which every other advanced country has had no trouble in creating, is apparently beyond the political competence of the American system.

6. America is marked by corruption and lying in almost every aspect of its existence.

The very notions of honesty and truth seem to have disappeared -- except when they are mocked and despised.

7. American society is violent and lawless, and people are constantly brainwashed to live in fear -- they are easier to control that way. At the same time, the organs of political power are recklessly militaristic, and pursue a policy of brainwashing the populace to regard as "heroes" the minions of government who rampage in foreign countries, murdering and terrorising ordinary, innocent people.

Most of the population is so brainwashed that they cannot recognise blatant fascism when they see it.
I think this post is ironic :biggrin:
Anyways the first part of the point 5 is really interesting "Americans can't even use the metric system"
I've made a little search on the web and I found out only 3 countries don't use the metric system (USA, Myanmar and Liberia) but they don't say the reason why they don't use it.
Is there anybody here who knows why? :)

No one is preventing anyone from using the metric system in America. You see, USA is not a Marxist country, but a free one.
I think this post is ironic :biggrin:
Anyways the first part of the point 5 is really interesting "Americans can't even use the metric system"
I've made a little search on the web and I found out only 3 countries don't use the metric system (USA, Myanmar and Liberia) but they don't say the reason why they don't use it.
Is there anybody here who knows why? :)

I can't speak for Myanmar or Liberia, but we have a saying in America...If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Here in the U.S. we have a system, the Imperial System, that we've been using officially and unofficially for 241 years, and see no reason to change it. Many times it has been attempted to foist the metric system upon us, and exactly as many times it has failed. Thirty eight years ago I was taught the metric system in grade school, ignored it famously and continued to use the Imperial System. We're stubborn that way.
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1. The USA is dominated by lunatic, uneducated, hysterical dorks


That is obviously untrue. · · · :confused-84:

2. The so-called "American Revolution" was a murderous, Terrorist Uprising led and financed by a gang of well-heeled thugs, who, mainly for personal gain, encouraged a spree of murder, torture, destruction of homes and property, and turning a large proportion of their countrymen into refugees fleeing to other lands for protection -- all over trivial and picayune taxes which were obviously merely the most transparent of excuses for their barbaric lawlessness.

This statement is outrageously untrue within the borders of the United States, and patently true and obvious in the rest of the world.

3. The United States Constitution defines an archaic, outmoded, sclerotic framework of government which is increasingly unworkable and dangerous.

Which is simultaneously divinely inspired and the highest political achievement of all human history.

4. The general culture of America is one of barbarism, where the values that make cultures important in history are systematically undermined and derided, and replaced by ephemeral trivia like sports, "music" which is just anaesthetic noise, and a kaleidoscopic flickering of vapid celebrities and instantly forgotten pseudo-news which serve the purposes of subliminal brainwashing and reducing the populace to a state of coma.

The "culture" of the United States clearly demonstrates why the term "popular culture" is an oxymoron.

5. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world -- very negatively so.

Americans can't even use the metric system!!
But that is nothing compared to harboring a militaristic cancer on the body politic, a military-industrial complex that sustains itself by fomenting wars, death and destruction all over the world and bleeds the American people white. It spends more on war than all the rest of the world put together.
The USA imprisons a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and incredibly more than any other industrialised country. It has replaced Russia and China as being the Gulag of the World.
Something even so elementary as a sensible medical insurance system, which every other advanced country has had no trouble in creating, is apparently beyond the political competence of the American system.

6. America is marked by corruption and lying in almost every aspect of its existence.

The very notions of honesty and truth seem to have disappeared -- except when they are mocked and despised.

7. American society is violent and lawless, and people are constantly brainwashed to live in fear -- they are easier to control that way. At the same time, the organs of political power are recklessly militaristic, and pursue a policy of brainwashing the populace to regard as "heroes" the minions of government who rampage in foreign countries, murdering and terrorising ordinary, innocent people.

Most of the population is so brainwashed that they cannot recognise blatant fascism when they see it.
I think this post is ironic :biggrin:
Anyways the first part of the point 5 is really interesting "Americans can't even use the metric system"
I've made a little search on the web and I found out only 3 countries don't use the metric system (USA, Myanmar and Liberia) but they don't say the reason why they don't use it.
Is there anybody here who knows why? :)

Don't listen to the OP, ask any drug dealer in America what a gram of cocaine is, ask any mechanic or maintenance guy what is the English equivalent to a 13mm, 17mm,19mm wrench Is.



1. The USA is dominated by lunatic, uneducated, hysterical dorks


That is obviously untrue. · · · :confused-84:

2. The so-called "American Revolution" was a murderous, Terrorist Uprising led and financed by a gang of well-heeled thugs, who, mainly for personal gain, encouraged a spree of murder, torture, destruction of homes and property, and turning a large proportion of their countrymen into refugees fleeing to other lands for protection -- all over trivial and picayune taxes which were obviously merely the most transparent of excuses for their barbaric lawlessness.

This statement is outrageously untrue within the borders of the United States, and patently true and obvious in the rest of the world.

3. The United States Constitution defines an archaic, outmoded, sclerotic framework of government which is increasingly unworkable and dangerous.

Which is simultaneously divinely inspired and the highest political achievement of all human history.

4. The general culture of America is one of barbarism, where the values that make cultures important in history are systematically undermined and derided, and replaced by ephemeral trivia like sports, "music" which is just anaesthetic noise, and a kaleidoscopic flickering of vapid celebrities and instantly forgotten pseudo-news which serve the purposes of subliminal brainwashing and reducing the populace to a state of coma.

The "culture" of the United States clearly demonstrates why the term "popular culture" is an oxymoron.

5. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world -- very negatively so.

Americans can't even use the metric system!!
But that is nothing compared to harboring a militaristic cancer on the body politic, a military-industrial complex that sustains itself by fomenting wars, death and destruction all over the world and bleeds the American people white. It spends more on war than all the rest of the world put together.
The USA imprisons a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and incredibly more than any other industrialised country. It has replaced Russia and China as being the Gulag of the World.
Something even so elementary as a sensible medical insurance system, which every other advanced country has had no trouble in creating, is apparently beyond the political competence of the American system.

6. America is marked by corruption and lying in almost every aspect of its existence.

The very notions of honesty and truth seem to have disappeared -- except when they are mocked and despised.

7. American society is violent and lawless, and people are constantly brainwashed to live in fear -- they are easier to control that way. At the same time, the organs of political power are recklessly militaristic, and pursue a policy of brainwashing the populace to regard as "heroes" the minions of government who rampage in foreign countries, murdering and terrorising ordinary, innocent people.

Most of the population is so brainwashed that they cannot recognise blatant fascism when they see it.

1. The USA is dominated by lunatic, uneducated, hysterical dorks


That is obviously untrue. · · · :confused-84:

2. The so-called "American Revolution" was a murderous, Terrorist Uprising led and financed by a gang of well-heeled thugs, who, mainly for personal gain, encouraged a spree of murder, torture, destruction of homes and property, and turning a large proportion of their countrymen into refugees fleeing to other lands for protection -- all over trivial and picayune taxes which were obviously merely the most transparent of excuses for their barbaric lawlessness.

This statement is outrageously untrue within the borders of the United States, and patently true and obvious in the rest of the world.

3. The United States Constitution defines an archaic, outmoded, sclerotic framework of government which is increasingly unworkable and dangerous.

Which is simultaneously divinely inspired and the highest political achievement of all human history.

4. The general culture of America is one of barbarism, where the values that make cultures important in history are systematically undermined and derided, and replaced by ephemeral trivia like sports, "music" which is just anaesthetic noise, and a kaleidoscopic flickering of vapid celebrities and instantly forgotten pseudo-news which serve the purposes of subliminal brainwashing and reducing the populace to a state of coma.

The "culture" of the United States clearly demonstrates why the term "popular culture" is an oxymoron.

5. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world -- very negatively so.

Americans can't even use the metric system!!
But that is nothing compared to harboring a militaristic cancer on the body politic, a military-industrial complex that sustains itself by fomenting wars, death and destruction all over the world and bleeds the American people white. It spends more on war than all the rest of the world put together.
The USA imprisons a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and incredibly more than any other industrialised country. It has replaced Russia and China as being the Gulag of the World.
Something even so elementary as a sensible medical insurance system, which every other advanced country has had no trouble in creating, is apparently beyond the political competence of the American system.

6. America is marked by corruption and lying in almost every aspect of its existence.

The very notions of honesty and truth seem to have disappeared -- except when they are mocked and despised.

7. American society is violent and lawless, and people are constantly brainwashed to live in fear -- they are easier to control that way. At the same time, the organs of political power are recklessly militaristic, and pursue a policy of brainwashing the populace to regard as "heroes" the minions of government who rampage in foreign countries, murdering and terrorising ordinary, innocent people.

Most of the population is so brainwashed that they cannot recognise blatant fascism when they see it.
I think this post is ironic :biggrin:
Anyways the first part of the point 5 is really interesting "Americans can't even use the metric system"
I've made a little search on the web and I found out only 3 countries don't use the metric system (USA, Myanmar and Liberia) but they don't say the reason why they don't use it.
Is there anybody here who knows why? :)
I use both but prefer the American way.....

1. The USA is dominated by lunatic, uneducated, hysterical dorks


That is obviously untrue. · · · :confused-84:

2. The so-called "American Revolution" was a murderous, Terrorist Uprising led and financed by a gang of well-heeled thugs, who, mainly for personal gain, encouraged a spree of murder, torture, destruction of homes and property, and turning a large proportion of their countrymen into refugees fleeing to other lands for protection -- all over trivial and picayune taxes which were obviously merely the most transparent of excuses for their barbaric lawlessness.

This statement is outrageously untrue within the borders of the United States, and patently true and obvious in the rest of the world.

3. The United States Constitution defines an archaic, outmoded, sclerotic framework of government which is increasingly unworkable and dangerous.

Which is simultaneously divinely inspired and the highest political achievement of all human history.

4. The general culture of America is one of barbarism, where the values that make cultures important in history are systematically undermined and derided, and replaced by ephemeral trivia like sports, "music" which is just anaesthetic noise, and a kaleidoscopic flickering of vapid celebrities and instantly forgotten pseudo-news which serve the purposes of subliminal brainwashing and reducing the populace to a state of coma.

The "culture" of the United States clearly demonstrates why the term "popular culture" is an oxymoron.

5. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world -- very negatively so.

Americans can't even use the metric system!!
But that is nothing compared to harboring a militaristic cancer on the body politic, a military-industrial complex that sustains itself by fomenting wars, death and destruction all over the world and bleeds the American people white. It spends more on war than all the rest of the world put together.
The USA imprisons a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and incredibly more than any other industrialised country. It has replaced Russia and China as being the Gulag of the World.
Something even so elementary as a sensible medical insurance system, which every other advanced country has had no trouble in creating, is apparently beyond the political competence of the American system.

6. America is marked by corruption and lying in almost every aspect of its existence.

The very notions of honesty and truth seem to have disappeared -- except when they are mocked and despised.

7. American society is violent and lawless, and people are constantly brainwashed to live in fear -- they are easier to control that way. At the same time, the organs of political power are recklessly militaristic, and pursue a policy of brainwashing the populace to regard as "heroes" the minions of government who rampage in foreign countries, murdering and terrorising ordinary, innocent people.

Most of the population is so brainwashed that they cannot recognise blatant fascism when they see it.

1. The USA is dominated by lunatic, uneducated, hysterical dorks


That is obviously untrue. · · · :confused-84:

2. The so-called "American Revolution" was a murderous, Terrorist Uprising led and financed by a gang of well-heeled thugs, who, mainly for personal gain, encouraged a spree of murder, torture, destruction of homes and property, and turning a large proportion of their countrymen into refugees fleeing to other lands for protection -- all over trivial and picayune taxes which were obviously merely the most transparent of excuses for their barbaric lawlessness.

This statement is outrageously untrue within the borders of the United States, and patently true and obvious in the rest of the world.

3. The United States Constitution defines an archaic, outmoded, sclerotic framework of government which is increasingly unworkable and dangerous.

Which is simultaneously divinely inspired and the highest political achievement of all human history.

4. The general culture of America is one of barbarism, where the values that make cultures important in history are systematically undermined and derided, and replaced by ephemeral trivia like sports, "music" which is just anaesthetic noise, and a kaleidoscopic flickering of vapid celebrities and instantly forgotten pseudo-news which serve the purposes of subliminal brainwashing and reducing the populace to a state of coma.

The "culture" of the United States clearly demonstrates why the term "popular culture" is an oxymoron.

5. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world -- very negatively so.

Americans can't even use the metric system!!
But that is nothing compared to harboring a militaristic cancer on the body politic, a military-industrial complex that sustains itself by fomenting wars, death and destruction all over the world and bleeds the American people white. It spends more on war than all the rest of the world put together.
The USA imprisons a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and incredibly more than any other industrialised country. It has replaced Russia and China as being the Gulag of the World.
Something even so elementary as a sensible medical insurance system, which every other advanced country has had no trouble in creating, is apparently beyond the political competence of the American system.

6. America is marked by corruption and lying in almost every aspect of its existence.

The very notions of honesty and truth seem to have disappeared -- except when they are mocked and despised.

7. American society is violent and lawless, and people are constantly brainwashed to live in fear -- they are easier to control that way. At the same time, the organs of political power are recklessly militaristic, and pursue a policy of brainwashing the populace to regard as "heroes" the minions of government who rampage in foreign countries, murdering and terrorising ordinary, innocent people.

Most of the population is so brainwashed that they cannot recognise blatant fascism when they see it.
I think this post is ironic :biggrin:
Anyways the first part of the point 5 is really interesting "Americans can't even use the metric system"
I've made a little search on the web and I found out only 3 countries don't use the metric system (USA, Myanmar and Liberia) but they don't say the reason why they don't use it.
Is there anybody here who knows why? :)
I use both but prefer the American way.....

I could care less, I just wish we would just pick one so I don't have to have two sets of tools.


1. The USA is dominated by lunatic, uneducated, hysterical dorks


That is obviously untrue. · · · :confused-84:

2. The so-called "American Revolution" was a murderous, Terrorist Uprising led and financed by a gang of well-heeled thugs, who, mainly for personal gain, encouraged a spree of murder, torture, destruction of homes and property, and turning a large proportion of their countrymen into refugees fleeing to other lands for protection -- all over trivial and picayune taxes which were obviously merely the most transparent of excuses for their barbaric lawlessness.

This statement is outrageously untrue within the borders of the United States, and patently true and obvious in the rest of the world.

3. The United States Constitution defines an archaic, outmoded, sclerotic framework of government which is increasingly unworkable and dangerous.

Which is simultaneously divinely inspired and the highest political achievement of all human history.

4. The general culture of America is one of barbarism, where the values that make cultures important in history are systematically undermined and derided, and replaced by ephemeral trivia like sports, "music" which is just anaesthetic noise, and a kaleidoscopic flickering of vapid celebrities and instantly forgotten pseudo-news which serve the purposes of subliminal brainwashing and reducing the populace to a state of coma.

The "culture" of the United States clearly demonstrates why the term "popular culture" is an oxymoron.

5. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world -- very negatively so.

Americans can't even use the metric system!!
But that is nothing compared to harboring a militaristic cancer on the body politic, a military-industrial complex that sustains itself by fomenting wars, death and destruction all over the world and bleeds the American people white. It spends more on war than all the rest of the world put together.
The USA imprisons a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and incredibly more than any other industrialised country. It has replaced Russia and China as being the Gulag of the World.
Something even so elementary as a sensible medical insurance system, which every other advanced country has had no trouble in creating, is apparently beyond the political competence of the American system.

6. America is marked by corruption and lying in almost every aspect of its existence.

The very notions of honesty and truth seem to have disappeared -- except when they are mocked and despised.

7. American society is violent and lawless, and people are constantly brainwashed to live in fear -- they are easier to control that way. At the same time, the organs of political power are recklessly militaristic, and pursue a policy of brainwashing the populace to regard as "heroes" the minions of government who rampage in foreign countries, murdering and terrorising ordinary, innocent people.

Most of the population is so brainwashed that they cannot recognise blatant fascism when they see it.
I think this post is ironic :biggrin:
Anyways the first part of the point 5 is really interesting "Americans can't even use the metric system"
I've made a little search on the web and I found out only 3 countries don't use the metric system (USA, Myanmar and Liberia) but they don't say the reason why they don't use it.
Is there anybody here who knows why? :)
I use both but prefer the American way.....

I could care less, I just wish we would just pick one so I don't have to have two sets of tools.

The rest of the world will never catch up to us.....
Don't listen to the OP, ask any drug dealer in America what a gram of cocaine is, ask any mechanic or maintenance guy what is the English equivalent to a 13mm, 17mm,19mm wrench Is.



I'm not so sure about that. I know 13mm...the others, I just break out the metric set.
weird how the world copies our music and television and sports and movies tho ehh? sukkakok
weird how the world copies our music and television and sports and movies tho ehh? sukkakok

Everyone wants to get into America, no one wants to get out... but it's failed country.

Pretty sure someone is trying to guilt you as a way to access you wallet. And that someone is - the regressive left.

1. The USA is dominated by lunatic, uneducated, hysterical dorks


That is obviously untrue. · · · :confused-84:

2. The so-called "American Revolution" was a murderous, Terrorist Uprising led and financed by a gang of well-heeled thugs, who, mainly for personal gain, encouraged a spree of murder, torture, destruction of homes and property, and turning a large proportion of their countrymen into refugees fleeing to other lands for protection -- all over trivial and picayune taxes which were obviously merely the most transparent of excuses for their barbaric lawlessness.

This statement is outrageously untrue within the borders of the United States, and patently true and obvious in the rest of the world.

3. The United States Constitution defines an archaic, outmoded, sclerotic framework of government which is increasingly unworkable and dangerous.

Which is simultaneously divinely inspired and the highest political achievement of all human history.

4. The general culture of America is one of barbarism, where the values that make cultures important in history are systematically undermined and derided, and replaced by ephemeral trivia like sports, "music" which is just anaesthetic noise, and a kaleidoscopic flickering of vapid celebrities and instantly forgotten pseudo-news which serve the purposes of subliminal brainwashing and reducing the populace to a state of coma.

The "culture" of the United States clearly demonstrates why the term "popular culture" is an oxymoron.

5. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world -- very negatively so.

Americans can't even use the metric system!!
But that is nothing compared to harboring a militaristic cancer on the body politic, a military-industrial complex that sustains itself by fomenting wars, death and destruction all over the world and bleeds the American people white. It spends more on war than all the rest of the world put together.
The USA imprisons a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and incredibly more than any other industrialised country. It has replaced Russia and China as being the Gulag of the World.
Something even so elementary as a sensible medical insurance system, which every other advanced country has had no trouble in creating, is apparently beyond the political competence of the American system.

6. America is marked by corruption and lying in almost every aspect of its existence.

The very notions of honesty and truth seem to have disappeared -- except when they are mocked and despised.

7. American society is violent and lawless, and people are constantly brainwashed to live in fear -- they are easier to control that way. At the same time, the organs of political power are recklessly militaristic, and pursue a policy of brainwashing the populace to regard as "heroes" the minions of government who rampage in foreign countries, murdering and terrorising ordinary, innocent people.

Most of the population is so brainwashed that they cannot recognise blatant fascism when they see it.

We hold these truths to be self evident. THAT'S America. That line in itself as part of you Constitution is so far ahead of any other nations system of liberties. Simple but extremely compelling.

You are a Republic. Free. Your constitution is well known around the world, quoted, admired. Instead of realising how free you are you spit on your nation? A nation that openly embraces God and Universal, Natural laws for all?

Here is some heavy irony. There was a time Americans looked at Canadians as Communists, they realised the major difference between individual rights and collective servitude, these characterisations sadly are accurate. Now I hear some naive Americans look to Canada as some Utopia...only in their imagination though, because few of them have the courage to leave America and head to Canada, I've challenged many to do so on different forums, even offered one to take my spare room, they only pay for their food, lol. If a system like Canada is so vastly inferior, you can imagine what the average nation is compared to America. You don't even appreciate what civil liberty is until you leave America.

Like most abusive quasi-communist systems, Canada abuses it's position internally, using the RCMP, the OPP and local police to engage in invasive tactics against individuals and foreign businesses. Americans would have a drastically different opinion if they understood how different America is from Canada and other socialist nations. How little innovation and true free market activity we have here. Our system is based on controlling wages through artificial "management" at companies while simultaneously interfering in the self determination of American businesses to work to undermine their own employee/employer relationship, trying to inflate their wages by rallying employees to organize unions etc.

We are officially a "mixed" economic and social system. Simply put, our capitalism is not free, it's crony capitalism with extensive government "partnership". It is restricted, faces impediment from the government in very aggressive ways. Libertarian principles don't exist, harking back to our days in which the Monarchy was more powerful than it's current figurehead status. Canada nothing more than a satellite country.

Bottom line, America is by all measures the most individual-centric nation in the world, which in itself is impressive, but even moreso, it has lead the world for nearly a century. Imagine resisting the desire to become like other super powers by protecting individual rights and God ordained pursuits, rather than being a controlling, insecure nation of authority as countries like Canada and others are to their own citizens. It really is extremely impressive and unmatched in history.

God Bless America! :wine::dance:

1. The USA is dominated by lunatic, uneducated, hysterical dorks


That is obviously untrue. · · · :confused-84:

2. The so-called "American Revolution" was a murderous, Terrorist Uprising led and financed by a gang of well-heeled thugs, who, mainly for personal gain, encouraged a spree of murder, torture, destruction of homes and property, and turning a large proportion of their countrymen into refugees fleeing to other lands for protection -- all over trivial and picayune taxes which were obviously merely the most transparent of excuses for their barbaric lawlessness.

This statement is outrageously untrue within the borders of the United States, and patently true and obvious in the rest of the world.

3. The United States Constitution defines an archaic, outmoded, sclerotic framework of government which is increasingly unworkable and dangerous.

Which is simultaneously divinely inspired and the highest political achievement of all human history.

4. The general culture of America is one of barbarism, where the values that make cultures important in history are systematically undermined and derided, and replaced by ephemeral trivia like sports, "music" which is just anaesthetic noise, and a kaleidoscopic flickering of vapid celebrities and instantly forgotten pseudo-news which serve the purposes of subliminal brainwashing and reducing the populace to a state of coma.

The "culture" of the United States clearly demonstrates why the term "popular culture" is an oxymoron.

5. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world -- very negatively so.

Americans can't even use the metric system!!
But that is nothing compared to harboring a militaristic cancer on the body politic, a military-industrial complex that sustains itself by fomenting wars, death and destruction all over the world and bleeds the American people white. It spends more on war than all the rest of the world put together.
The USA imprisons a greater percentage of its population than any other country, and incredibly more than any other industrialised country. It has replaced Russia and China as being the Gulag of the World.
Something even so elementary as a sensible medical insurance system, which every other advanced country has had no trouble in creating, is apparently beyond the political competence of the American system.

6. America is marked by corruption and lying in almost every aspect of its existence.

The very notions of honesty and truth seem to have disappeared -- except when they are mocked and despised.

7. American society is violent and lawless, and people are constantly brainwashed to live in fear -- they are easier to control that way. At the same time, the organs of political power are recklessly militaristic, and pursue a policy of brainwashing the populace to regard as "heroes" the minions of government who rampage in foreign countries, murdering and terrorising ordinary, innocent people.

Most of the population is so brainwashed that they cannot recognise blatant fascism when they see it.
I think this post is ironic :biggrin:
Anyways the first part of the point 5 is really interesting "Americans can't even use the metric system"
I've made a little search on the web and I found out only 3 countries don't use the metric system (USA, Myanmar and Liberia) but they don't say the reason why they don't use it.
Is there anybody here who knows why? :)

Don't listen to the OP, ask any drug dealer in America what a gram of cocaine is, ask any mechanic or maintenance guy what is the English equivalent to a 13mm, 17mm,19mm wrench Is.



I actually know the equivalents to all of those,not by choice mind you but I was forced to convert prints to US standards in order to machine parts.
They really didnt make anymore sense than the US equivalents to be honest.

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