Several US statues destroyed ! ! Very bad

I've never met a leftist troll on a message board who wasn't FABULOUSLY WEALTHY.

You should write a check and pay off the national debt, Comrade.

I've said that so many times. Every leftist here is either independently wealthy, has their own business, early retired, or makes tons of money working from home. Me? I'm the only truck driver in the place. More amazing than that is most seem to love the idea of government taking more money from them to give it to other people, even though they could do it themselves without government.

"Some people told me they don't pay enough in taxes. I'm pleased to inform those people the IRS accepts all contributions check or money order."

George W Bush
If poverty causes crime, show us the most dangerous poor white neighborhood in the US. Lets take a look at their murder statistics and compare them with black neighborhoods.

I already know you will fail this challenge. You wont produce the name of a dangerous white neighborhood. You cant and youre terrified to try. Youre scared to find out how wrong you are. You are a predictable coward who has no idea what youre talking about.

I explained that to him already. My father laughs at what poverty is considered today. He could tell you stories growing up that would make you cry. He isn't lying either. My aunts and uncles verified his accounts of how they grew up. Yet not one of them ever spent a day in jail or prison. When my father became of age, he joined the military to fight in Korea. He said he just wanted to know what it was like to eat three square meals every day. Til this day I don't know if he's joking or serious.
White supremacist's make up the tiniest fraction of murderers in the US. Its less than 100 annually. You clearly have no fucking idea who murders the most people. Youre ignorance on this subject is why you are so confused right now.
I recognize that an individual's behavior is largely determined by the circumstances into which he is born, grows up, and lives. I do not pretend that one race is inherently inferior or superior to another.

That's the basis for racism, of course.
There are people we never hear that much who are assaulted and killed in those changing neighborhoods by the newcomers. My parents were not Progs, but they were Democrats. They stayed until the young uns attacked her when she was trying to board a bus to go to work. An Aunt who was as Prog as you can get, left when the first newcomers showed up in the area. I devoutly would support the building of low income housing in all high percentage Prog female suburban neighborhoods. They are strong as we are told.
The demographics of communities change over time, whether it is the yuppifying of once-affordable neighborhoods, or the influx of poor into affordable ones. I don't see the racial segregation that some advocate as being a solution for anyone.
I don't know. I never did a formal survey, am not aware of anyone having done so. Nor would be able to identify the parameters of my "neighborhood" to begin with, but am happy where I am now. I've lived in far more homogeneous enclaves in the past and find diversity much more to my liking. If some prefer racially-segregated communities, so be it.

I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately it's against the law to segregate. When Democrats see such an area, they mark it for destruction.

If you can't find the statistics on your area, tell me where you live (not street or address, but city or town) and I'll be glad to look it up for you. The reason I ask is because I'd be willing to bet anything that you live in an area with about 3% blacks. When our neighborhood was under 15%, not a problem. As they preponderated and got into the 50% category, problems followed that percentage.

People of different races can live together in peace. People of different cultures can't. Whites live with people of Asian descent, middle-east descent, Hispanic descent, the Jewish, although my personal opinion is they are whites too, with no problems whatsoever.
Exactly our point. Some black kids gets prison, white people like Rush Limbaugh get rehab. Felicity Huffman gets 11 days, Kelley Williams-Bolar gets five years.

Why do you always talk apples and oranges? I pointed out the REAL differences in those cases, and you repeat the same lies over and over again.
No Bubbles, you ran away from your own claim.

And now you've cut that claim out of the quote, in hopes it would "go away, just magically go away" like a hoax-flu.

Here is the conversation.

ou don't need to see in the future to find out creepy Joe's plans. All you need to do is dig up videos of what he and Whorris said about ending fracking which is responsible for our lower energy costs today.
Provide a link for any of that.

Then I provided a video of Biden and Whorris stating they wanted to end fracking: posts 213, 214, and 217. Now try to focus.
You still cant name a single neighborhood? What a pathetic debator you are.

You are pissy because I won't fall victim to your pathetic attempt at diversion.

If you support racial segregation, so be it. Your efforts to contrive diversions will not disguise it.
The demographics of communities change over time, whether it is the yuppifying of once-affordable neighborhoods, or the influx of poor into affordable ones. I don't see the racial segregation that some advocate as being a solution for anyone.

It would be a solution for me. If we divided this country in half on political lines to form two countries, and all the Democrat blacks had to move to the other side, my property value would double overnight.
No Bubbles, you ran away from your own claim.

And now you've cut that claim out of the quote, in hopes it would "go away, just magically go away" like a hoax-flu.

Here is the conversation.

ou don't need to see in the future to find out creepy Joe's plans. All you need to do is dig up videos of what he and Whorris said about ending fracking which is responsible for our lower energy costs today.
Provide a link for any of that.

Then I provided a video of Biden and Whorris stating they wanted to end fracking: posts 213, 214, and 217. Now try to focus.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaamd STILL running away.

That isn't even my post. I can see how you'd get us confuserated, since I too got soul and I'm supa bad. Unh, good god.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaamd STILL running away.

That isn't even my post. I can see how you'd get us confuserated, since I too got soul and I'm supa bad. Unh, good god.

Correct, it wasn't your post, you chimed in on a post I was discussing with somebody else. This really isn't that hard. All you have to do is go back to the conversation as it unfolded to figure it out.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaamd STILL running away.

That isn't even my post. I can see how you'd get us confuserated, since I too got soul and I'm supa bad. Unh, good god.

Correct, it wasn't your post, you chimed in on a post I was discussing with somebody else. This really isn't that hard. All you have to do is go back to the conversation as it unfolded to figure it out.

Oh I did, multiple times. In fact I keep quoting the part you keep cutting out, and you keep ignoring it.

Just admit you can't back it up and we all move on. Like the moon and the stars and the sun. Yeah we all move on. On and on and on on and on. Instant message board karma.
Oh I did, multiple times. In fact I keep quoting the part you keep cutting out, and you keep ignoring it.

Just admit you can't back it up and we all move on. Like the moon and the stars and the sun. Yeah we all move on. On and on and on on and on.

I did back it up. I quoted the posts you commented on. I even gave you the post numbers. I understand you're a Democrat, but even a five year old can figure this out.
Unfortunately it's against the law to segregate.
I don't share your opposition to the Constitutional right to equality under law. In fact, I applaud it.
If you can't find the statistics on your area, tell me where you live (not street or address, but city or town) and I'll be glad to look it up for you. The reason I ask is because I'd be willing to bet anything that you live in an area with about 3% blacks. When our neighborhood was under 15%, not a problem. As they preponderated and got into the 50% category, problems followed that percentage.
Your assumption that a race (one to which you do not belong, of course) is somehow - genetically? - more disposed to committing crime than is yours is noted. In fact, new-comers are more apt to commit crime anywhere. Changing neighborhoods experience more crime than do stable ones.

Parochial variations and personal anecdotes are in no way indicative of the nation as a whole, and every community has its own contributory factors. I spend summers in the town of Oak Bluffs as do many Black Americans. I have never been concerned about crime when I am there.

The FBI identifies generally-applicable factors contributing to crime as population density, the degree of urbanization, size of the youth population, and the stability of its population, modes of transportation and highway systems available, economic conditions, education, religious characteristics, divorce rate, climate, the effectiveness of law enforcement, criminal justice policies, attitudes towards crime, and how often crime is reported can also come into play.

Crime rates in the US have been going down for decades, incidentally, contemporaneous with economic advancement that has resulted in far more Black Americans being able to afford to live in the suburbs.
It would be a solution for me. If we divided this country in half on political lines to form two countries, and all the Democrat blacks had to move to the other side, my property value would double overnight.

You can regard racial segregation as being to your liking, but you are living in the United States where it is illegal. If you tried to impose it, you would be raising the crime rate in your neighborhood.
You still cant name a single neighborhood? What a pathetic debator you are.

You are pissy because I won't fall victim to your pathetic attempt at diversion.

If you support racial segregation, so be it. Your efforts to contrive diversions will not disguise it.
Diversion? You made a claim about poverty being what causes crime. Now back up your claim. Name a poor white neighborhood with a murder rate anywhere close to black neighborhoods.

If you cant accomplish that simple task, you are a total fucking moron.
I don't share your opposition to the Constitutional right to equality under law. In fact, I applaud it.

It has nothing to do with equal protection. Government moving in their lowlifes into nice suburbs are not equal protection.

Your assumption that a race (one to which you do not belong, of course) is somehow - genetically? - more disposed to committing crime than is yours is noted. In fact, new-comers are more apt to commit crime anywhere. Changing neighborhoods experience more crime than do stable ones.

Parochial variations and personal anecdotes are in no way indicative of the nation as a whole, and every community has its own contributory factors, of course. I spend summers in the town of Oak Bluffs as do many Black Americans. I have never been concerned about crime when I am there.

The FBI identifies generally-applicable factors contributing to crime as population density, the degree of urbanization, size of the youth population, and the stability of its population, modes of transportation and highway systems available, economic conditions, education, religious characteristics, divorce rate, climate, the effectiveness of law enforcement, criminal justice policies, attitudes towards crime, and how often crime is reported can also come into play.

Crime rates in the US have been going down for decades, incidentally, contemporaneous with economic advancement that has resulted in far more Black Americans being able to afford to live in the suburbs.

I never said anything was genetic. I just form an opinion based on statistics, and yes, personal experience. And my experience is in line with statistics.

Yes, changing communities experience more crime. That's the point. But social engineering is a failure and always has been. People who "work" their way to the suburbs generally adopt to suburban living. They maintained good enough credit to buy a house in the suburbs, take care of their property, go to bed early like everybody else so they can wake up in the morning and go to work, and take care of their children.

It's less a race thing than it is a culture thing. When government gets involved through HUD, or pressuring banks to make substandard home loans so irresponsible minorities can buy in nicer areas, what they are doing is trying to mix cultures, and that's when the problems start. Then there's the solidarity problem. Blacks stick together right or wrong. The good blacks usher in the bad blacks and the entire race gets stereotyped.

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