Several US statues destroyed ! ! Very bad

You clearly have your racist view.

Personally, I would much prefer a pleasant, friendly, law-abiding Black family whose daughter is a ballet dancer as my neighbors rather than a loud, white racist family whose four teenage sons are drug addicts, but your preference for legal segregation would exclude the former and license the latter to move in.

I'll stick with my estimation of individual merit without regard to race, and you can persist in your racial prejudice.

So what? Who wouldn't?

Of course your scenario is generally unlikely.

72% of black children don't have a father in the home. You Communists have tried to lie this into the cornfield, but it is absolute fact.

The result of fatherless families is devastating and has led to an explosion of criminal behavior.

Now lack of fathers is not limited to blacks, white kids raised without fathers have similar problems, it's just that blacks are twice as likely top be raised without fathers.
Diversion? You made a claim about poverty being what causes crime. Now back up your claim.
My recognizing that poverty is a major contributory factor to crime is supported, not by cherry-picked anecdotes that serve a prejudice, but with objective, empirical data. You may not like it, but multiple studies confirm it.

Poverty and crime have a very "intimate" relationship that has been described by experts from all fields, from sociologists to economists.
Your need to discriminate against Americans that are not of your race, claiming that they are intrinsically more disposed to crime for mysterious reasons, is not something that I share.
When the fuck are you going to tell us which white communities have the same crime levels as black communities? Seriously man, ive asked you this a bunch of times now. Either produce the evidence or admit yku are wrong. Dont you care about having integrity? Quit deflecting and tell us.
But, did they?

Again, I do not support forced segregation or forced integration. I support equal opportunity in housing. I support all Americans being free to live where they wish to and are able to afford to live, without the State telling them where they must live or where they can't live.

If the state is paying for them, you bet they have the right to tell them where they can or can't live. Putting lowlifes into otherwise nice areas is forced integration. All housing laws do is force the seller or landlord to sell or rent to somebody based on their skin color alone, and not their qualifications.
No they don't, the Bible has been the same book since it was written.

George Washington lived with FAR less ease and comfort than you do, Klan Boi.

Your racist bullshit is utterly stupid,

George Washington lived with A helluva lost more ease and comfort than those black folks who were his slaves, Fuck boy.

Racist trash like you are a joke.
Misreating other human beings is more than a screw up.

Then you better start with the black Africans who captured slaves and sold them to Arab Africans who ran the slave markets.

You're such a fucking hypocrite, Klan Boi,

You ignorant racist trash, ANY human being who would hold ANY other human being as a slave is garbage, Fuck boy.
Why do you always talk apples and oranges? I pointed out the REAL differences in those cases, and you repeat the same lies over and over again.

There were no real difference, except white people are treated with kid gloves, and blacks get the book thrown at them.

You see, if I were your level of mean-spirited, Rush would be in teh same jail cell as Jamal who bought some Oxy on the street.

But since I'm actually a decent human being, I think Jamal should get the same rehab Limbaugh got.
There were no real difference, except white people are treated with kid gloves, and blacks get the book thrown at them.

You see, if I were your level of mean-spirited, Rush would be in teh same jail cell as Jamal who bought some Oxy on the street.

But since I'm actually a decent human being, I think Jamal should get the same rehab Limbaugh got.

If there is no evidence against Jamal, then he too gets off just like Rush. And yes, the two situations of those women were far from identical. They weren't even close.
If there is no evidence against Jamal, then he too gets off just like Rush. And yes, the two situations of those women were far from identical. They weren't even close.

Except there was slam dunk evidence against Rush. There were email where he was getting his housekeeper to score pills for him.

What he had were lawyers with no ethics, willing to spend hundreds of hours in courts

Same with the women and the admissions thing. Felicity Huffman had lots of money to pay lawyers, the woman who probably didn't even break the law didn't.
Except there was slam dunk evidence against Rush. There were email where he was getting his housekeeper to score pills for him.

What he had were lawyers with no ethics, willing to spend hundreds of hours in courts

Same with the women and the admissions thing. Felicity Huffman had lots of money to pay lawyers, the woman who probably didn't even break the law didn't.

There were no emails. She and her ex-con husband were blackmailing Rush because they found out he was using. Rush finally figured this would never end, so he fired her and she went to the prosecutor to tell him of Rush's prescription addiction, but would only do so with immunity for her and her husband for the blackmailing crime, and her admission she and her husband were getting Oxy for Rush which the prosecutor agreed to.

When they couldn't find any illegal drug exchange taking place, they moved on to doctor shopping. Again, another dead end road. They didn't have any evidence except for this maid and her criminal husband which had zero chance of conviction in a court of law. There was nothing they could legally do to him. To stop the legal harassment, Rush agreed to go into rehab if they'd leave him alone. The case was costing him millions. That's what he did.

You cannot charge somebody with a crime with nothing but circumstantial evidence whether it's Jamal or Rush.

There is a difference between bribing a college official to get your kid into their school, and lying to the government to get your kid into a better suburban school. One case hurt nobody, and the other was ripping off taxpayers. So once again:

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There were no emails. She and her ex-con husband were blackmailing Rush because they found out he was using. Rush finally figured this would never end, so he fired her and she went to the prosecutor to tell him of Rush's prescription addiction, but would only do so with immunity for her and her husband for the blackmailing crime, and her admission she and her husband were getting Oxy for Rush which the prosecutor agreed to.

Actually, they had the emails, but they couldn't use the maid's testimony because she sold her story to the National Enquirer... (This was when they actually still outed REpublican Scumbags.)

When they couldn't find any illegal drug exchange taking place, they moved on to doctor shopping. Again, another dead end road. They didn't have any evidence except for this maid and her criminal husband which had zero chance of conviction in a court of law. There was nothing they could legally do to him. To stop the legal harassment, Rush agreed to go into rehab if they'd leave him alone. The case was costing him millions. That's what he did.

But that was the point. He had millions to spend, and he was a white celebrity. A poor black kid, his doctors would have ratted him out in a minute that he was going to five different doctors to get more pills than he really needed. This is another wonderful case of white privilege. White people get rehab, poor black people get prison. It's fucked up, it's racist and it's wrong.

You cannot charge somebody with a crime with nothing but circumstantial evidence whether it's Jamal or Rush.

There are people in prison on a lot less evidence than they had on the fat, self-loathing fruit.

There is a difference between bribing a college official to get your kid into their school, and lying to the government to get your kid into a better suburban school. One case hurt nobody, and the other was ripping off taxpayers. So once again:

Uh, actually, if anything, the bribing a college official was MORE damaging. It meant some working class kid who worked really hard to get into college got his or her slot taken by someone who stole it. The taxpayers are already on the hook for public education.
You clearly have your racist view.
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Personally, I would much prefer a pleasant, friendly, law-abiding Black family whose daughter is a ballet dancer as my neighbors rather than a loud, white racist family whose four teenage sons are drug addicts, but your preference for legal segregation would exclude the former and license the latter to move in.

I'll stick with my estimation of individual merit without regard to race, and you can persist in your racial prejudice.

So what? Who wouldn't?

Of course your scenario is generally unlikely.

72% of black children don't have a father in the home. You Communists have tried to lie this into the cornfield, but it is absolute fact.

The result of fatherless families is devastating and has led to an explosion of criminal behavior.

Now lack of fathers is not limited to blacks, white kids raised without fathers have similar problems, it's just that blacks are twice as likely top be raised without fathers.
Racist views are far too common.

I'll continue to assess my fellow Americans on their individual merits, and not prejudge them on their skin color.

I don't presume that my race makes me superior to anyone else.
When the fuck are you going to tell us which white communities have the same crime levels as black communities? Seriously man, ive asked you this a bunch of times now. Either produce the evidence or admit yku are wrong. Dont you care about having integrity? Quit deflecting and tell us.
You appear to be in such a tizzy because I'm mot interested in playing your little game.

If you really believe that Black Americans are inherently more disposed to commit crime than White Americans because they are Black, all you need to do is cite a few predominantly Black neighborhoods that are as affluent as predominantly White ones, compare them, and show a decidedly higher rate of crime in the affluent Black ones.

When I peruse the crime data, it is the poverty of neighborhoods that most corresponds to a high crime rate.

If you want me to deny the data and pretend its a matter of race, you have not offered anything credible to support your notion.
When the fuck are you going to tell us which white communities have the same crime levels as black communities? Seriously man, ive asked you this a bunch of times now. Either produce the evidence or admit yku are wrong. Dont you care about having integrity? Quit deflecting and tell us.
You appear to be in such a tizzy because I'm mot interested in playing your little game.

If you really believe that Black Americans are inherently more disposed to commit crime than White Americans because they are Black, all you need to do is cite a few predominantly Black neighborhoods that are as affluent as predominantly White ones, compare them, and show a decidedly higher rate of crime in the affluent Black ones.

When I peruse the crime data, it is the poverty of neighborhoods that most corresponds to a high crime rate.

If you want me to deny the data and pretend its a matter of race, you have not offered anything credible to support your notion.
Its not a game, it is a question you wont answer because you cant. You are avoiding the question because, you dont have the integrity to admit you are wrong, and you are a weak debater who is out of his depth.

As for why black crime is so much worse than everyone else, it has nothing to do with their skin color, as i have already stated in this thread. You are making up a fake argument because, once again, you are a weak debator. You cant win a debate on facts. You debate like a child.
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You ignorant racist trash, ANY human being who would hold ANY other human being as a slave is garbage, Fuck boy.

That means the black Africans and Arab Africans.

In fact, Africans STILL run slave markets - but you're too consumed with your racism to pay attention to that.

Chattel Slavery was and is an African issue. Shame on Europe for buying into it - but they only bought what Africans sold - and continue to sell 180 years after America outlawed it.

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