Several US statues destroyed ! ! Very bad

OJ was quite wealthy. How did that work out for Nicole?
If your racial animus causes you to cherrypick one former professional athlete, and pretend that he is typical of all Black Americans, that reveals much about you, and nothing about Black Americans. Surrendering to such prejudices would mean that Dylan Roof is the standard for judging all European Americans.

Your assumption as to my motive is noted and dismissed. My point stands.
You can regard racial segregation as being to your liking, but you are living in the United States where it is illegal. If you tried to impose it, you would be raising the crime rate in your neighborhood.

How would it increase crime? Nobody can legally segregate, but when neighborhoods are mostly white, it's a good community. When it goes mostly black, the community deteriorates to nothing.
White supremacist's make up the tiniest fraction of murderers in the US. Its less than 100 annually. You clearly have no fucking idea who murders the most people. Youre ignorance on this subject is why you are so confused right now.
I recognize that an individual's behavior is largely determined by the circumstances into which he is born, grows up, and lives. I do not pretend that one race is inherently inferior or superior to another.

That's the basis for racism, of course.

1. That was not my post.

2. So, in your world, any discussion of the fact that blacks, as a group, commit a disproportionate amount of crime, is "WACISM"?

3. So, I take it we are supposed to ignore politically incorrect facts and just let people die rather than even try to address real problems?
What was the reason of their moving in? Some social programs?

HUD targeted suburbs to destroy by moving their lowlifes into them. The housing bubble was near it's peak and government pushed home loans for 0% down and no down payment or credit check. What that did was pave the way for inner-city scum to come here, buy homes, and live in the burbs until the bank kicked them out since they never had any intention on repaying the loan anyway. It was a vacation from the projects. Along with them came the crime.

Our police couldn't keep up with the crime. They often summoned our neighboring suburb police departments to help with the overflow of calls, but since they were busy too, we had to get police from two or three suburbs away. The jails were full every night. It didn't start slowing down until the banks caught up with all their foreclosures, and that took time since the courts were packed for many months.

Like after a tornado destroys a town, it hasn't been the same since. Now Biden wants to ignite that problem once again. His plans are to do the exact same thing--move inner city lowlifes into what's now safe and nice suburbs. It's not getting much news coverage, especially on the MSM who doesn't mention it at all I'm sure.
So, what are the ways to solve this? Basically, it is not only about getting them back from the suburbs. The ultimate solution should be the absence of 'bad' neighborhoods or districts, shouldn't it?
No they don't, the Bible has been the same book since it was written
Thats true

But the Bible is not always followed the way God intends it to be

In Roman times very few people followed Gods word

And in 15th Century europe competing ethnic groups were very cruel to one another
No they don't, the Bible has been the same book since it was written
Thats true

But the Bible is not always followed the way God intends it to be

In Roman times very few people followed Gods word

And in 15th Century europe competing ethnic groups were very cruel to one another

So you are basically just making excuses for wrong doing and trying to justify it.
The inhumane injustice is the same by moral and human standards.
Moral and human standards change over time

The euros who settled America lived in a different standard than we have today

No they don't, the Bible has been the same book since it was written.
True. And we all screw up. But you promote all of it without any backfire for the negatives of the Bible.

Misreating other human beings is more than a screw up.
I don't share your opposition to the Constitutional right to equality under law. In fact, I applaud it.

It has nothing to do with equal protection. Government moving in their lowlifes into nice suburbs are not equal protection.

Your assumption that a race (one to which you do not belong, of course) is somehow - genetically? - more disposed to committing crime than is yours is noted. In fact, new-comers are more apt to commit crime anywhere. Changing neighborhoods experience more crime than do stable ones.

Parochial variations and personal anecdotes are in no way indicative of the nation as a whole, and every community has its own contributory factors, of course. I spend summers in the town of Oak Bluffs as do many Black Americans. I have never been concerned about crime when I am there.

The FBI identifies generally-applicable factors contributing to crime as population density, the degree of urbanization, size of the youth population, and the stability of its population, modes of transportation and highway systems available, economic conditions, education, religious characteristics, divorce rate, climate, the effectiveness of law enforcement, criminal justice policies, attitudes towards crime, and how often crime is reported can also come into play.

Crime rates in the US have been going down for decades, incidentally, contemporaneous with economic advancement that has resulted in far more Black Americans being able to afford to live in the suburbs.

I never said anything was genetic. I just form an opinion based on statistics, and yes, personal experience. And my experience is in line with statistics.

Yes, changing communities experience more crime. That's the point. But social engineering is a failure and always has been. People who "work" their way to the suburbs generally adopt to suburban living. They maintained good enough credit to buy a house in the suburbs, take care of their property, go to bed early like everybody else so they can wake up in the morning and go to work, and take care of their children.

It's less a race thing than it is a culture thing. When government gets involved through HUD, or pressuring banks to make substandard home loans so irresponsible minorities can buy in nicer areas, what they are doing is trying to mix cultures, and that's when the problems start. Then there's the solidarity problem. Blacks stick together right or wrong. The good blacks usher in the bad blacks and the entire race gets stereotyped.
You clearly have your racist view.

Personally, I would much prefer a pleasant, friendly, law-abiding Black family whose daughter is a ballet dancer as my neighbors rather than a loud, white racist family whose four teenage sons are drug addicts, but your preference for legal segregation would exclude the former and license the latter to move in.

I'll stick with my estimation of individual merit without regard to race, and you can persist in your racial prejudice.
So, what are the ways to solve this? Basically, it is not only about getting them back from the suburbs. The ultimate solution should be the absence of 'bad' neighborhoods or districts, shouldn't it?

Yes, but that's like tapping your slippers together and repeating "there's no place like home, there's no place like home!"

I remember as child when my father had to go somewhere, and to get there, we had to drive through a rough area of town. I was five or six, or something like that. As I gazed among the poor people, I told my father I wished I had a million dollars (which in the 60's was wealthy beyond belief). My father asked why? I told him I'd give it to these people so they don't have to live like this. My father smiled at my innocence, and said "Son, you could give a million dollars to each and every one of these people, and within a few years, they will be right back here again."

I didn't understand what he meant at the time, but when I got older, I realized how correct he was.

The solution to the problem is get government out of it. People need to be separated by class, not by race. That means we would have to get rid of all the housing laws. You can sell your house to whoever you want regardless of race, rent your apartment to anybody regardless of race, and stop mixing in lowlifes with good people simply because their race is the trump card that beats all. We need to drastically reduce HUD vouchers so lowlifes can't afford to live in the suburbs.
Diversion? You made a claim about poverty being what causes crime. Now back up your claim.
My recognizing that poverty is a major contributory factor to crime is supported, not by cherry-picked anecdotes that serve a prejudice, but with objective, empirical data. You may not like it, but multiple studies confirm it.

Poverty and crime have a very "intimate" relationship that has been described by experts from all fields, from sociologists to economists.
Your need to discriminate against Americans that are not of your race, claiming that they are intrinsically more disposed to crime for mysterious reasons, is not something that I share.
So you are basically just making excuses for wrong doing and trying to justify it.
I am telling you that being throughly pissed and vengeful over stuff that happened in the distant past is stupid

You want to demonize the father of our country who you owe so much for over issues that were accepted in that time
You clearly have your racist view.

Personally, I would much prefer a pleasant, friendly, law-abiding Black family whose daughter is a ballet dancer as my neighbors rather than a loud, white racist family whose four teenage sons are drug addicts, but your preference for legal segregation would exclude the former and license the latter to move in.

I'll stick with my estimation of individual merit without regard to race, and you can persist in your racial prejudice.

There is nothing racist about the truth. Correct, I would rather have those neighbors as well.
Diversion? You made a claim about poverty being what causes crime. Now back up your claim.
My recognizing that poverty is a major contributory factor to crime is supported, not by cherry-picked anecdotes that serve a prejudice, but with objective, empirical data. You may not like it, but multiple studies confirm it.

Poverty and crime have a very "intimate" relationship that has been described by experts from all fields, from sociologists to economists.
Your need to discriminate against Americans that are not of your race, claiming that they are intrinsically more disposed to crime for mysterious reasons, is not something that I share.

Poverty is not something some people are inflicted with and others not. We all have the opportunity to go to school. We all have the opportunity to get a job. We all have the option to start a family or not. We all have the option to go to college, or at the very least, trade school. We all have the option to stay off of dope, and not get in trouble with the law. These are all options for every single American.

In other words, poverty is a choice, because what is poverty? Poverty is not having any or little money. The solution to poverty is money. The way to obtain money is to get a job and work.
There is nothing racist about the truth. Correct, I would rather have those neighbors as well.
Racists can certainly hold their subjective "truths" that are racist.

You would not have those more desirable neighbors under the racial segregation you advocate.
You expressed your view regarding equal opportunity housing: "Unfortunately it's against the law to segregate."
Really? Then why did I always have great neighbors when we were much more segregated?
But, did they?

Again, I do not support forced segregation or forced integration. I support equal opportunity in housing. I support all Americans being free to live where they wish to and are able to afford to live, without the State telling them where they must live or where they can't live.

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