Several US statues destroyed ! ! Very bad

So what is the racial component of your neighborhood, I mean percentage wise.
I don't know. I never did a formal survey, am not aware of anyone having done so. Nor would be able to identify the parameters of my "neighborhood" to begin with, but am happy where I am now. I've lived in far more homogeneous enclaves in the past and find diversity much more to my liking. If some prefer racially-segregated communities, so be it.

I recall a conversation I had with a young woman at a party a couple of years ago. She looked around the room and commented on the lack of "diversity".

I pointed out that even though our skin color was similar, that we probably completely different in ideas. I also pointed out that she was looking at white people and judging them by their race and finding them inferior BASED on their race.

Looking in her eyes, I could see her brain, just shut down to protect itself. It was like looking down a long, dimly lit, and dusty hallway...leading to nothing.
Personally, I currently live in a racially-integrated neighborhood, and am happy with my neighbors. I would not relocate to a segregated one under any circumstances.
You sure about that? Think how low the crime would be. Think how safe your family would be.
The crime rate of my integrated neighborhood is extremely low, but it is fairly affluent. Of course, there is a strong correlation between poverty and the level of crime.
Personally, I currently live in a racially-integrated neighborhood, and am happy with my neighbors. I would not relocate to a segregated one under any circumstances.
You sure about that? Think how low the crime would be. Think how safe your family would be.
The crime rate of my integrated neighborhood is extremely low, but it is fairly affluent. Of course, there is a strong correlation between poverty and the level of crime.

OJ was quite wealthy. How did that work out for Nicole?
OJ was quite wealthy. How did that work out for Nicole?
If your racial animus causes you to cherrypick one former professional athlete, and pretend that he is typical of all Black Americans, that reveals much about you, and nothing about Black Americans. Surrendering to such prejudices would mean that Dylan Roof is the standard for judging all European Americans.
Im not implying anything. Im proving that left wingers commit FAR more violence than right wingers. Its not even close.
You are expressing your hyper-partisan prejudice. You have no documented evidence for your pretense. There is no study concerning "right-wing" crime vs "left wing" crime, although Trump's FBI Director has confirmed that white supremacists are the largest chunk of racially-motivated domestic terrorists.

"Racially-motivated violent extremists over recent years have been responsible for the most lethal activity in the U.S."

White supremacist's make up the tiniest fraction of murderers in the US. Its less than 100 annually. You clearly have no fucking idea who murders the most people. Youre ignorance on this subject is why you are so confused right now.
Every black community. Literally every single one is riddled with crime that far exceeeds the crime statistics of every other neighborhood in the nation.
That certainly sounds like a blatant racist lie, but you deserve the opportunity to present the current justice department studies that you believe support your racial prejudice. Please provide your link.

How do you regard racially-integrated neighborhoods?
I would live to sound positive about racially integrated neighborhoods. Perhaps there are some that are thriving. But most people who have lived in neighborhoods that have changed can not say the best things. It is an experience to be sure. And to have to spend any life savings you have and pay for another mortgage to move to another area is something we all enjoy.
Personally, I currently live in a racially-integrated neighborhood, and am happy with my neighbors. I would not relocate to a segregated one under any circumstances.
There are few places on earth that arent racially integrated to some extent. You arent special. I also know you dont live in a predominently black neighborhood, otherwise you wouldnt be so happy with where you live.
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Personally, I currently live in a racially-integrated neighborhood, and am happy with my neighbors. I would not relocate to a segregated one under any circumstances.
You sure about that? Think how low the crime would be. Think how safe your family would be.
The crime rate of my integrated neighborhood is extremely low, but it is fairly affluent. Of course, there is a strong correlation between poverty and the level of crime.
If poverty causes crime, show us the most dangerous poor white neighborhood in the US. Lets take a look at their murder statistics and compare them with black neighborhoods.

I already know you will fail this challenge. You wont produce the name of a dangerous white neighborhood. You cant and youre terrified to try. Youre scared to find out how wrong you are. You are a predictable coward who has no idea what youre talking about.
So what is the racial component of your neighborhood, I mean percentage wise.
I don't know. I never did a formal survey, am not aware of anyone having done so. Nor would be able to identify the parameters of my "neighborhood" to begin with, but am happy where I am now. I've lived in far more homogeneous enclaves in the past and find diversity much more to my liking. If some prefer racially-segregated communities, so be it.
You dont need to do a survey. You just need to do a google search of the racial demographics of where you live. You wont though because, you are a coward who doesnt have the facts to back up your pitiful arguments.
White supremacist's make up the tiniest fraction of murderers in the US. Its less than 100 annually. You clearly have no fucking idea who murders the most people. Youre ignorance on this subject is why you are so confused right now.
I recognize that an individual's behavior is largely determined by the circumstances into which he is born, grows up, and lives. I do not pretend that one race is inherently inferior or superior to another.

That's the basis for racism, of course.
Oooo! You're so mean, Sunshine! You're pissy because I stated my opinion that no monument honoring anyone who rejected the U.S. Constitution and took up arms against the U.S. should be permitted on U.S. soil? Your pretense that I am a traitor because I refuse to honor traitors is very confusing. Maybe you should breathe into a paper bag a few times before you bray such nonsense that may derive from oxygen deficiency.

Well idiot, the TERRORIST troops of your filthy, racist, traitor party are tearing down statues of the men who CREATED the United States Constitution.

Of course not. Why would you want to tear down statues of him? I certainly wouldn't.

Yet that is what the terrorist troops of your filthy, racist, traitor party are doing, while you defend the,

You're confused. "ANTIFA" is an anarchist movement that opposes both Democrats and Republicans. It is not an organized entity like the neo-nazi Daily Stormer that publicly and enthusiastically supports Trump.

You're lying.

ANTIFA are the democrat party Brown Shirts who have been on a 9 month Kristalnacht to create chaos and terror.

Democratic leaders have routinely condemned antifa and political violence more broadly.

That's a fucking lie. In fact radical Marxist Kamala Harris has a group to bail out the Brown Shirts if they are arrested.

For example, in 2017 Nancy Pelosi denounced “the violent actions of people calling themselves antifa” after destructive protests against right-wing commentator Milo Yiannopoulos in Berkeley. When a reporter recently asked Joe Biden, “Do you condemn antifa?,” he responded, “Yes, I do.”
Nor is there any antifa love affair with the Democrats. The vast majority of antifa militants are radical anti-capitalists who oppose the Democratic Party. Some may hold their noses and vote for Biden in November, but many are anarchists who don’t vote at all.

You Communists are such fucking liars.

Nazi Piglousy REFUSED to condemn her Brown Shirt Shock Troops.


Nancy Pelosi put Congress on recess to avoid any chance that she would catch the coronavirus.

While she was off work, she relaxed at home eating expensive icecream in her California mansion.

She took the time to personally attend a Black Lives Matter protest, it doesn’t take much time to condemn a statue being torn down.

Pelosi’s biggest concern with the statues coming down is that the vandals might hurt themselves with their illegal destruction.

“I think we should all review the statues and make decisions. I do agree they should come down more carefully,” Pelosi said.

She personally took the time to remove the portraits of every Speaker of the House who aligned themselves with the Confederacy.

Pelosi can’t just claim that she has no time for considering the issue of statues coming down because she is trying to save the world.

Pelosi has plenty of time.

She’s just unwilling to voice an opinion on the movement that she helped create, now that it has gone too far.


That is until polls started showing that your Brown Shirts were hurting you politically,

The crap you store in your head is your concern, not mine. You're not dealing in reality.

This is the reality from Trump's FBI Director:

"Racially-motivated violent extremists over recent years have been responsible for the most lethal activity in the U.S. Now this year, the domestic terrorism, lethal attacks we’ve had have, I think, all fit in the category of anti-government, anti-authority, which covers everything from anarchist violent extremists to militia types. We don’t really think in terms of left, right."
"A huge chunk of those domestic terrorism investigations involve racially-motivated, violent extremist-motivated terrorist attacks," Wray said. "And the majority of those, of the racially-motivated, violent extremist attacks, are fueled by some kind of white supremacy. And I would say that the most lethal activity over the last few years has been committed by those type of attackers."

Why is it you Maoists can never seem to come up with the attacks by the Juden on the superior races? You always say the whites, the Juden, are the cause of every problem in society and the world, hence the final solution to the white problem is the #1 priority for the filthy, racist, traitorous democrat party. Yet you Stalinists can never seem to come up with any violence. Why is that Comrade?

Finding violence from your Brown Shirts is never hard.

So what is the racial component of your neighborhood, I mean percentage wise.
I don't know. I never did a formal survey, am not aware of anyone having done so. Nor would be able to identify the parameters of my "neighborhood" to begin with, but am happy where I am now. I've lived in far more homogeneous enclaves in the past and find diversity much more to my liking. If some prefer racially-segregated communities, so be it.

I recall a conversation I had with a young woman at a party a couple of years ago. She looked around the room and commented on the lack of "diversity".

I pointed out that even though our skin color was similar, that we probably completely different in ideas. I also pointed out that she was looking at white people and judging them by their race and finding them inferior BASED on their race.

Looking in her eyes, I could see her brain, just shut down to protect itself. It was like looking down a long, dimly lit, and dusty hallway...leading to nothing.

White's are the new Juden. Our media pumps hatred of whites 24/7, as do our schools and the Communist party. The EXTREME racism of the Communists and the scapegoating of whites can only signal evil intent. Stalin did it to the Kulaks, Pol Pot to the educated, Hitler to the Jews, now the democrats are doing it to the whites. The path the democrats are on leads only one place;

White supremacist's make up the tiniest fraction of murderers in the US. Its less than 100 annually. You clearly have no fucking idea who murders the most people. Youre ignorance on this subject is why you are so confused right now.
I recognize that an individual's behavior is largely determined by the circumstances into which he is born, grows up, and lives. I do not pretend that one race is inherently inferior or superior to another.

That's the basis for racism, of course.
Who said race determines anything? Having an inferior culture is what makes a group of people more prone to violence than another. Race has nothing to do with this, other than the fact that black culture is what hurts black people.

Name the most dangerous WHITE neighborhood in the US. You cant. I already know you cant. You have provided zero facts because, you have none that support your argument.
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The crime rate of my integrated neighborhood is extremely low, but it is fairly affluent. Of course, there is a strong correlation between poverty and the level of crime.

I've never met a leftist troll on a message board who wasn't FABULOUSLY WEALTHY.

You should write a check and pay off the national debt, Comrade.
I recognize that an individual's behavior is largely determined by the circumstances into which he is born, grows up, and lives. I do not pretend that one race is inherently inferior or superior to another.

That's the basis for racism, of course.

Comrade traitor,I asked you before but you ducked, should deadly force be used to quell the insurrection by the democrat party Brown Shirts out on their Kristalnacht?

White supremacist's make up the tiniest fraction of murderers in the US. Its less than 100 annually. You clearly have no fucking idea who murders the most people. Youre ignorance on this subject is why you are so confused right now.
I recognize that an individual's behavior is largely determined by the circumstances into which he is born, grows up, and lives. I do not pretend that one race is inherently inferior or superior to another.

That's the basis for racism, of course.
There are people we never hear that much who are assaulted and killed in those changing neighborhoods by the newcomers. My parents were not Progs, but they were Democrats. They stayed until the young uns attacked her when she was trying to board a bus to go to work. An Aunt who was as Prog as you can get, left when the first newcomers showed up in the area. I devoutly would support the building of low income housing in all high percentage Prog female suburban neighborhoods. They are strong as we are told.

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