Sex Not Psychiatry


Sep 23, 2010
My comments about mass shootings are usually confined to objecting to disarming law-abiding Americans because a minute number of murders in a population of three hundred million Americans kill with a gun. Every shooting brings the usual gun control priesthood out from under their rocks. The president is no different. At least two of Bret Baier’s All Star Panel was onto the sewer rat’s game. They should have asked why the spiritual leader in the White House believes he is so loved by the American people they will agree to anything he proposes about more gun control legislation:

Question: How come Taqiyya the Liar’s so-called feud with media never includes media guilt for the mass shootings? As far as I am concerned, media ghouls contribute to the next shooting with 24-7 coverage of every shooting. You have to be in a coma not to know that every nut job dreams about media coverage. Thanks to the media every shooting is a preview of coming attractions.

Another frustrated loser consumed with self-loathing confirmed my opinion of decision-makers at every network. They are more concerned with ratings than actually denying killers the fame they seek:

Harper-Mercer’s email address is also linked to another online identity used to post on torrent upload websites, reported Daily Beast. In a blog entry linked to the identity, Harper-Mercer wrote of his admiration for Vester Lee Flanagan, the former Virginia TV news reporter who gunned down two of his colleagues on live television in August.

People “like him have nothing left to live for,” Harper-Mercer wrote. “On an interesting note, I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are. … A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.”

Gunman ID'd in mass shooting at college
Posted By Douglas Ernst On 10/01/2015 @ 2:46 pm

Christians targeted at college massacre

NOTE: The public’s Right to know means media’s Right to pontificate when a one minute report will suffice. To be fair, bringing the public around to “sensible” gun control laws every time there is a shooting requires days and weeks.

In addition to media’s wall to wall coverage of every school shooting that takes place at a college or university, I truly believe that murderers like Harper-Mercer are mad at the world because they cannot sleep with the homecoming queen. I never heard that one of the jerk-offs was a ladies man. Creeps like that need to get laid once in a while a lot more than they need psychiatric help.
As far as I am concerned, media ghouls contribute to the next shooting with 24-7 coverage of every shooting. You have to be in a coma not to know that every nut job dreams about media coverage. Thanks to the media every shooting is a preview of coming attractions.
I am on the same page as Sheriff John Hanlin:

“You will not hear anyone from this law enforcement operation use his name. I continue to believe that those media and community members who publicize his name will only glorify his horrific actions.”

I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
How many school shootings were there in the 1950s, I wonder? It's certainly not the tool that is at issue here. This school shooting stuff is a relatively new phenomenon as far as I'm aware.
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
To ChrisL: Welcome aboard.
How many school shootings were there in the 1950s, I wonder? It's certainly not the tool that is at issue here. This school shooting stuff is a relatively new phenomenon as far as I'm aware.
To ChrisL: Interesting. I can remember when a single murder stunned a local community. That was in the years when print press concentrated on natural disasters, industrial accidents, and so on. News on the radion consisted of five minutes at the top and bottom of the hour. Television ghouls came along and made killers instant media stars nationally, as well as inventing 24-7 news channels.

Incidentally, the first two minutes of this video is more truth than fiction:

Publicity is the last thing serial killers want; nevertheless, a few individuals in our history went on killing sprees. Julian Carlton is probably the best known mass murderer because of Frank Lloyd Wright. Note that Carlton did not need a gun:

Mystery of the murders at Taliesin

BBC News | WALES | Mystery of the murders at Taliesin

Parenthetically, I believe individual mass murderers have a deep need to associate themselves with government mass murders in modern times. If you start the clock in the early 20th century with the Ottoman Empire’s slaughter of Armenian Christians, Soviet Union genocide, Nazi Germany, and Communist China, it is not hard to see a complete lack of conscience connected to killing a dozen or so for whatever reason when governments slaughtered well over a hundred million in just one century.
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
Kind of like how USMB give you the attention you crave, eh? Ha ha ha.... KA-ZING!
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
Kind of like how USMB give you the attention you crave, eh? Ha ha ha.... KA-ZING!

Obviously somebody is looking for MY attention, that much is obvious. Sorry, not interested in erectile dysfunction. ;)
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
To ChrisL: Welcome aboard.
How many school shootings were there in the 1950s, I wonder? It's certainly not the tool that is at issue here. This school shooting stuff is a relatively new phenomenon as far as I'm aware.
To ChrisL: Interesting. I can remember when a single murder stunned a local community. That was in the years when print press concentrated on natural disasters, industrial accidents, and so on. News on the radion consisted of five minutes at the top and bottom of the hour. Television ghouls came along and made killers instant media stars nationally, as well as inventing 24-7 news channels.

Incidentally, the first two minutes of this video is more truth than fiction:

Publicity is the last thing serial killers want; nevertheless, a few individuals in our history went on killing sprees. Julian Carlton is probably the best known mass murderer because of Frank Lloyd Wright. Note that Carlton did not need a gun:

Mystery of the murders at Taliesin

BBC News | WALES | Mystery of the murders at Taliesin

Parenthetically, I believe individual mass murderers have a deep need to associate themselves with government mass murders in modern times. If you start the clock in the early 20th century with the Ottoman Empire’s slaughter of Armenian Christians, Soviet Union genocide, Nazi Germany, and Communist China, it is not hard to see a complete lack of conscience connected to killing a dozen or so for whatever reason when governments slaughtered well over a hundred million in just one century.

Sorry about the RUDE and childish interruption to your rather serious thread Mr. Flanders. :)

That is an interesting point you make.

I have to disagree with what you say about serial killers though. I believe that a lot of them certainly do want and love the attention. In fact, there have been several who have claimed to have killed even more people than they are actually responsible for because they really enjoyed the media blitz and attention it afforded them from the authorities as well. I saw a documentary on one such man but can't remember his name for the life of me. Lol.

Anyway, I think that some and most mass murderers do certainly do it for the attention and notoriety.
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
Kind of like how USMB give you the attention you crave, eh? Ha ha ha.... KA-ZING!

Obviously somebody is looking for MY attention, that much is obvious. Sorry, not interested in erectile dysfunction. ;)
You are right! I love me some saggy titties!
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
Kind of like how USMB give you the attention you crave, eh? Ha ha ha.... KA-ZING!

Obviously somebody is looking for MY attention, that much is obvious. Sorry, not interested in erectile dysfunction. ;)
You are right! I love me some saggy titties!

Well, you wouldn't like me then. :D So go fuck off and bother someone who is more you age, old timer. :D
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
Kind of like how USMB give you the attention you crave, eh? Ha ha ha.... KA-ZING!

Obviously somebody is looking for MY attention, that much is obvious. Sorry, not interested in erectile dysfunction. ;)
You are right! I love me some saggy titties!

Now, do you have anything - anything at all - of intelligence to add to this discussion? If not, fuck off and die. Thank you in advance. ;)
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
Kind of like how USMB give you the attention you crave, eh? Ha ha ha.... KA-ZING!

Obviously somebody is looking for MY attention, that much is obvious. Sorry, not interested in erectile dysfunction. ;)
You are right! I love me some saggy titties!

Well, you wouldn't like me then. :D So go fuck off and bother someone who is more you age, old timer. :D
More my age? You look older than me.
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
Kind of like how USMB give you the attention you crave, eh? Ha ha ha.... KA-ZING!

Obviously somebody is looking for MY attention, that much is obvious. Sorry, not interested in erectile dysfunction. ;)
You are right! I love me some saggy titties!

Now, do you have anything - anything at all - of intelligence to add to this discussion? If not, fuck off and die. Thank you in advance. ;)
Intelligence does not appear to be your forte, sweetie.
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
Kind of like how USMB give you the attention you crave, eh? Ha ha ha.... KA-ZING!

Obviously somebody is looking for MY attention, that much is obvious. Sorry, not interested in erectile dysfunction. ;)
You are right! I love me some saggy titties!

Now, do you have anything - anything at all - of intelligence to add to this discussion? If not, fuck off and die. Thank you in advance. ;)
Intelligence does not appear to be your forte, sweetie.

Lol. :lol:
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
Kind of like how USMB give you the attention you crave, eh? Ha ha ha.... KA-ZING!

Obviously somebody is looking for MY attention, that much is obvious. Sorry, not interested in erectile dysfunction. ;)
You are right! I love me some saggy titties!

Now, do you have anything - anything at all - of intelligence to add to this discussion? If not, fuck off and die. Thank you in advance. ;)
Intelligence does not appear to be your forte, sweetie.

Okay then. What do you have to add to this topic? Hmm? Let's hear from you, Mr. Smarty Pants. And BTW, WHOSE sock are you?
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
Kind of like how USMB give you the attention you crave, eh? Ha ha ha.... KA-ZING!

Obviously somebody is looking for MY attention, that much is obvious. Sorry, not interested in erectile dysfunction. ;)
You are right! I love me some saggy titties!

Well, you wouldn't like me then. :D So go fuck off and bother someone who is more you age, old timer. :D
More my age? You look older than me.

I doubt that very much old man. :D Now, whose sock puppet are you? You've made it obvious.
I agree that the media shares some blame. Obviously they give these nuts just what they want, attention and 24-hour news coverage and notoriety.
Kind of like how USMB give you the attention you crave, eh? Ha ha ha.... KA-ZING!

Obviously somebody is looking for MY attention, that much is obvious. Sorry, not interested in erectile dysfunction. ;)
You are right! I love me some saggy titties!

Well, you wouldn't like me then. :D So go fuck off and bother someone who is more you age, old timer. :D
More my age? You look older than me.

Your profile says you are a 50-year-old man. :D You are close to being RETIRED.
Oh, I see Mr. Iron Head has run away. Bye bye now! Good riddance.
So, Flanders, you should probably request Mr. Iron Fist to please stop posting in your thread if he has nothing of value to add. I think it is quite obvious that he only posted in this thread to try and gain attention from me.

Oops, Iron Head. Sorry, that is MUCH more appropriate name anyway, I think. :D Lol.

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