sex on the first date

Would you continue dating/marry someone you had sex with on the first night?

  • yes

  • no

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16 is the legal age of consent in most states.

It's also the age that my grandmother got married.

Way too young, immature and selfish to be married at that age. Still just a child.
was it simple conspiracy and collusion? any clue and any Cause as to why the common law conforms to Nature instead of Nurture on this one?

Stop quoting me, daniel. You are a psychopath too. Perhaps Tipsy would be interested in your . . . . sickness.
Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a psychopath. What you are is insane with jealousy. You spent your teen years fighting acne playing with barbie dolls pretending the Ken doll was fucking Barbie.

Off your meds again, girl?
In fact, if you asked some younger people about "dating", they would look at you as if you had 3 heads. A lot of times these younger people go out with large groups, get drunk, and go home with someone at the end of the night. I have a 20-year-old son, so I know all about this kind of stuff. He and I are very close and we talk about everything.

Sounds like you need to do more talking and him more listening if thats the way he lives his life. Unless you're approvi g of that sort of behavior.
16 is the legal age of consent in most states.

It's also the age that my grandmother got married.

Way too young, immature and selfish to be married at that age. Still just a child.
was it simple conspiracy and collusion? any clue and any Cause as to why the common law conforms to Nature instead of Nurture on this one?

Stop quoting me, daniel. You are a psychopath too. Perhaps Tipsy would be interested in your . . . . sickness.
Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a psychopath. What you are is insane with jealousy. You spent your teen years fighting acne playing with barbie dolls pretending the Ken doll was fucking Barbie.

Well, you are obviously a psychopath by your own admission. Daniel? Who knows what the fuck he's talking about. All I know is that I am NOT giving him a turn. Perhaps you would like to.
In fact, if you asked some younger people about "dating", they would look at you as if you had 3 heads. A lot of times these younger people go out with large groups, get drunk, and go home with someone at the end of the night. I have a 20-year-old son, so I know all about this kind of stuff. He and I are very close and we talk about everything.

Sounds like you need to do more talking and him more listening if thats the way he lives his life. Unless you're approvi g of that sort of behavior.

He doesn't do that. He just tells me what things are like out there. My son has a steady girl.
It's also the age that my grandmother got married.

Way too young, immature and selfish to be married at that age. Still just a child.
was it simple conspiracy and collusion? any clue and any Cause as to why the common law conforms to Nature instead of Nurture on this one?

Stop quoting me, daniel. You are a psychopath too. Perhaps Tipsy would be interested in your . . . . sickness.
Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a psychopath. What you are is insane with jealousy. You spent your teen years fighting acne playing with barbie dolls pretending the Ken doll was fucking Barbie.

Off your meds again, girl?
You're the meth head. Or are you taking it by anal suppositories now?
Way too young, immature and selfish to be married at that age. Still just a child.
was it simple conspiracy and collusion? any clue and any Cause as to why the common law conforms to Nature instead of Nurture on this one?

Stop quoting me, daniel. You are a psychopath too. Perhaps Tipsy would be interested in your . . . . sickness.
Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a psychopath. What you are is insane with jealousy. You spent your teen years fighting acne playing with barbie dolls pretending the Ken doll was fucking Barbie.

Off your meds again, girl?
You're the meth head. Or are you taking it by anal suppositories now?

Projecting. Shouldn't you be boiling your neighbor's rabbit?
was it simple conspiracy and collusion? any clue and any Cause as to why the common law conforms to Nature instead of Nurture on this one?

Stop quoting me, daniel. You are a psychopath too. Perhaps Tipsy would be interested in your . . . . sickness.
Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a psychopath. What you are is insane with jealousy. You spent your teen years fighting acne playing with barbie dolls pretending the Ken doll was fucking Barbie.

Off your meds again, girl?
You're the meth head. Or are you taking it by anal suppositories now?

Projecting. Shouldn't you be boiling your neighbor's rabbit?
Now now. I love animals. It's people I can't stand. And no, I am not boiling my neighbor either. Does the topic interest you so little that you have to engage in personal attacks rather than discussion? Or can you just not contol your masturbatory fantasies?
Sorry, but I had to do it. It's not psychopathy, it is antisocial personality disorder.

Antisocial Personality Disorder Symptoms

Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of a disregard for other people’s rights, often crossing the line and violating those rights. It usually begins in childhood or as a teen and continues into their adult lives.

Antisocial personality disorder is often referred to as psychopathy or sociopathy in popular culture. However, neither psychopathy nor sociopathy are recognized professional labels used for diagnosis.

Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy and tend to be callous, cynical, and contemptuous of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others. They may have an inflated and arrogant self-appraisal (e.g., feel that ordinary work is beneath them or lack a realistic concern about their current problems or their future) and may be excessively opinionated, self-assured, or cocky. They may display a glib, superficial charm and can be quite voluble and verbally facile (e.g., using technical terms or jargon that might impress someone who is unfamiliar with the topic).

Lack of empathy, inflated self-appraisal, and superficial charm are features that have been commonly included in traditional conceptions of psychopathy and may be particularly distinguishing of Antisocial Personality Disorder in prison or forensic settings where criminal, delinquent, or aggressive acts are likely to be nonspecific. These individuals may also be irresponsible and exploitative in their sexual relationships.
Bitch, I am pointing and laughing at you. You're the crazy fuck running around the park with a pair of Depends on your head.
That's a good one. Post the pic. But you're nothing but a cheap internet liar swigging Nyquil.
Sorry, but I had to do it. It's not psychopathy, it is antisocial personality disorder.

Antisocial Personality Disorder Symptoms

Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of a disregard for other people’s rights, often crossing the line and violating those rights. It usually begins in childhood or as a teen and continues into their adult lives.

Antisocial personality disorder is often referred to as psychopathy or sociopathy in popular culture. However, neither psychopathy nor sociopathy are recognized professional labels used for diagnosis.

Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy and tend to be callous, cynical, and contemptuous of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others. They may have an inflated and arrogant self-appraisal (e.g., feel that ordinary work is beneath them or lack a realistic concern about their current problems or their future) and may be excessively opinionated, self-assured, or cocky. They may display a glib, superficial charm and can be quite voluble and verbally facile (e.g., using technical terms or jargon that might impress someone who is unfamiliar with the topic).

Lack of empathy, inflated self-appraisal, and superficial charm are features that have been commonly included in traditional conceptions of psychopathy and may be particularly distinguishing of Antisocial Personality Disorder in prison or forensic settings where criminal, delinquent, or aggressive acts are likely to be nonspecific. These individuals may also be irresponsible and exploitative in their sexual relationships.
dear; you have to be able to understand the terms you read.
Sorry, but I had to do it. It's not psychopathy, it is antisocial personality disorder.

Antisocial Personality Disorder Symptoms

Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of a disregard for other people’s rights, often crossing the line and violating those rights. It usually begins in childhood or as a teen and continues into their adult lives.

Antisocial personality disorder is often referred to as psychopathy or sociopathy in popular culture. However, neither psychopathy nor sociopathy are recognized professional labels used for diagnosis.

Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy and tend to be callous, cynical, and contemptuous of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others. They may have an inflated and arrogant self-appraisal (e.g., feel that ordinary work is beneath them or lack a realistic concern about their current problems or their future) and may be excessively opinionated, self-assured, or cocky. They may display a glib, superficial charm and can be quite voluble and verbally facile (e.g., using technical terms or jargon that might impress someone who is unfamiliar with the topic).

Lack of empathy, inflated self-appraisal, and superficial charm are features that have been commonly included in traditional conceptions of psychopathy and may be particularly distinguishing of Antisocial Personality Disorder in prison or forensic settings where criminal, delinquent, or aggressive acts are likely to be nonspecific. These individuals may also be irresponsible and exploitative in their sexual relationships.
dear; you have to be able to understand the terms you read.
ChrisL is consumed with me. I'm pretty much all the poor dear thinks about. Such jealousy might be because she was a homely girl lucky to find the one guy willing to marry her.
It's also the age that my grandmother got married.

Way too young, immature and selfish to be married at that age. Still just a child.
was it simple conspiracy and collusion? any clue and any Cause as to why the common law conforms to Nature instead of Nurture on this one?

Stop quoting me, daniel. You are a psychopath too. Perhaps Tipsy would be interested in your . . . . sickness.
Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a psychopath. What you are is insane with jealousy. You spent your teen years fighting acne playing with barbie dolls pretending the Ken doll was fucking Barbie.

Well, you are obviously a psychopath by your own admission. Daniel? Who knows what the fuck he's talking about. All I know is that I am NOT giving him a turn. Perhaps you would like to.
you only say that because i was blessed with a large vocabulary instead of a large penis. i know how Bad girls are.

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