sex on the first date

Would you continue dating/marry someone you had sex with on the first night?

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Well, he should have let you grow up. Maybe you would be a better and more stable person. You talk about how you freak out and throw things and hit your wife, so . . . I don't think you have any room to talk about such things. You are very childish and unstable person.

If he'd let me "grow up" as you suggest, I'd be a serial killer. I throw things because the other option is breaking PEOPLE.

My wife and I have a lifestyle you could never understand, even if you wanted to. She hasn't required any physical discipline in almost two years.

If you think I'm childish and unstable NOW, you dont want to think about what I'd be like if I hadnt had that locked-down discipline as a child.

Well then you have a psychiatric disorder, buddy. That is not normal.

I don't want to understand, believe that. I think you are incredibly dysfunctional person.

You need to get help too before you hurt somebody.
Why was your family member excommunicated for going to law school? My mother was dead when I went to law school. My dad was very upset when I started law school. He said my mother would have been disappointed in me. Not that I cared one way or the other. No one is going to make decisions for me better than the ones I make for myself.

She's female. That's not on the limited list of appropriate professions for a woman beyond housewife and mother.
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I think you are incredibly dysfunctional person.

You need to get help too before you hurt somebody.

Actually I am quite functional, thank you. Thats what should scare you the most. I could be the guy at the other end of the supermarket aisle.

No help necessary or accepted.
I think you are incredibly dysfunctional person.

You need to get help too before you hurt somebody.

Actually I am quite functional, thank you. Thats what should scare you the most. I could be the guy at the other end of the supermarket aisle.

No help necessary or accepted.

Yeah, obviously you need to be locked up. You should turn yourself into the nearest mental health facility and tell them about your delusions and paranoia.
Sorry, but I had to do it. It's not psychopathy, it is antisocial personality disorder.

Antisocial Personality Disorder Symptoms

Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of a disregard for other people’s rights, often crossing the line and violating those rights. It usually begins in childhood or as a teen and continues into their adult lives.

Antisocial personality disorder is often referred to as psychopathy or sociopathy in popular culture. However, neither psychopathy nor sociopathy are recognized professional labels used for diagnosis.

Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy and tend to be callous, cynical, and contemptuous of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others. They may have an inflated and arrogant self-appraisal (e.g., feel that ordinary work is beneath them or lack a realistic concern about their current problems or their future) and may be excessively opinionated, self-assured, or cocky. They may display a glib, superficial charm and can be quite voluble and verbally facile (e.g., using technical terms or jargon that might impress someone who is unfamiliar with the topic).

Lack of empathy, inflated self-appraisal, and superficial charm are features that have been commonly included in traditional conceptions of psychopathy and may be particularly distinguishing of Antisocial Personality Disorder in prison or forensic settings where criminal, delinquent, or aggressive acts are likely to be nonspecific. These individuals may also be irresponsible and exploitative in their sexual relationships.
dear; you have to be able to understand the terms you read.
ChrisL is consumed with me. I'm pretty much all the poor dear thinks about. Such jealousy might be because she was a homely girl lucky to find the one guy willing to marry her.

Yes, I spend my time thinking about 70 year old antisocial people. :lol: A woman my age who looks like me has nothing better to do? Hmm. Anyway, you are the one who put all of this out there for people to read. You fit the diagnosis to a T. Do you disagree?
I don't care one way or the other. You aren't real enough to care about. Arrested developmental anal retentives like yourself have no idea that others aren't like them. I remind them. It's you. Can't you see that? You are absolutely consumed with jealousy because you were a homely child. The thought of a girl maturing faster than you did is pushing you to the edge of your own sanity. What you really want is more. All the gory little details. You just can't admit it.

Lol. I was not a homely child. I was a cheerleader and a dancer and was very popular actually. :) Obviously you do care, as you shared all of that information with a bunch of strangers.

I'm sorry, but you are the one with the problem here, obviously. Shall I go retrieve your posts where you describe every symptom of antisocial personality disorder? Just trying to help. I told you, your guardians should have put you in therapy, not married you off. They didn't do you any favors.

Actually, they should probably have treated her like Joe Kennedy treated Rosemary.
We have so much mental illness in our country. It's really sad, and something needs to be done. These people should be separated from the rest of civilized society.
dear; you have to be able to understand the terms you read.
ChrisL is consumed with me. I'm pretty much all the poor dear thinks about. Such jealousy might be because she was a homely girl lucky to find the one guy willing to marry her.

Yes, I spend my time thinking about 70 year old antisocial people. :lol: A woman my age who looks like me has nothing better to do? Hmm. Anyway, you are the one who put all of this out there for people to read. You fit the diagnosis to a T. Do you disagree?
I don't care one way or the other. You aren't real enough to care about. Arrested developmental anal retentives like yourself have no idea that others aren't like them. I remind them. It's you. Can't you see that? You are absolutely consumed with jealousy because you were a homely child. The thought of a girl maturing faster than you did is pushing you to the edge of your own sanity. What you really want is more. All the gory little details. You just can't admit it.

Lol. I was not a homely child. I was a cheerleader and a dancer and was very popular actually. :) Obviously you do care, as you shared all of that information with a bunch of strangers.

I'm sorry, but you are the one with the problem here, obviously. Shall I go retrieve your posts where you describe every symptom of antisocial personality disorder? Just trying to help. I told you, your guardians should have put you in therapy, not married you off. They didn't do you any favors.

Actually, they should probably have treated her like Joe Kennedy treated Rosemary.

I don't know anything about. Before my time, I think. :)
His age is not immaterial. He is an adult and makes his own decisions about his life now. That is called "growing up."

As I said, in my family and community you are always answerable to your parents, regardless of your age.

I was 27 years old when my dad passed. I was answerable to him until the day he died. If I'd ever been arrested or gotten a ticket as an adult I'd have preferred to deal with the cops than my dad.

I make my own decisions but I need to take the consequences with my family into account when I do. A second cousin of mine was "excommunicated" for going to law school. Another family member was cut off for being arrested because a passenger in his car had weed on him.

Your family is a bunch of psychos...this is not news. That sounds like the kind of family you might WANT to get away from.
Because he is a male chauvinist. That's why. He has told me that he hits on his wife when she "misbehaves."

You're right thst I and almost my whole family are male chauvinists. Even the women.

We have a system of discipline and its upper levels include corporal punishment.
Because he is a male chauvinist. That's why. He has told me that he hits on his wife when she "misbehaves."

You're right thst I and almost my whole family are male chauvinists. Even the women.

We have a system of discipline and its upper levels include corporal punishment.

You may not realize this, but you are a very, very sick man and you need to do yourself and everyone else a favor and seek help.
Well, he should have let you grow up. Maybe you would be a better and more stable person. You talk about how you freak out and throw things and hit your wife, so . . . I don't think you have any room to talk about such things. You are very childish and unstable person.

If he'd let me "grow up" as you suggest, I'd be a serial killer. I throw things because the other option is breaking PEOPLE.

My wife and I have a lifestyle you could never understand, even if you wanted to. She hasn't required any physical discipline in almost two years.

If you think I'm childish and unstable NOW, you dont want to think about what I'd be like if I hadnt had that locked-down discipline as a child.

Oh, people understand your "lifestyle" quite well: your wife is a live-in maid, cook, penis holster, and punching bag. With any luck, she';ll spike your dinner with Dcon someday soon, or pour a stock pot of boiling water over you while you sleep.

You are a poster child for abortion.
ChrisL is consumed with me. I'm pretty much all the poor dear thinks about. Such jealousy might be because she was a homely girl lucky to find the one guy willing to marry her.

Yes, I spend my time thinking about 70 year old antisocial people. :lol: A woman my age who looks like me has nothing better to do? Hmm. Anyway, you are the one who put all of this out there for people to read. You fit the diagnosis to a T. Do you disagree?
I don't care one way or the other. You aren't real enough to care about. Arrested developmental anal retentives like yourself have no idea that others aren't like them. I remind them. It's you. Can't you see that? You are absolutely consumed with jealousy because you were a homely child. The thought of a girl maturing faster than you did is pushing you to the edge of your own sanity. What you really want is more. All the gory little details. You just can't admit it.

Lol. I was not a homely child. I was a cheerleader and a dancer and was very popular actually. :) Obviously you do care, as you shared all of that information with a bunch of strangers.

I'm sorry, but you are the one with the problem here, obviously. Shall I go retrieve your posts where you describe every symptom of antisocial personality disorder? Just trying to help. I told you, your guardians should have put you in therapy, not married you off. They didn't do you any favors.

Actually, they should probably have treated her like Joe Kennedy treated Rosemary.

I don't know anything about. Before my time, I think. :)

He had her lobotomized.
Yes, I spend my time thinking about 70 year old antisocial people. :lol: A woman my age who looks like me has nothing better to do? Hmm. Anyway, you are the one who put all of this out there for people to read. You fit the diagnosis to a T. Do you disagree?
I don't care one way or the other. You aren't real enough to care about. Arrested developmental anal retentives like yourself have no idea that others aren't like them. I remind them. It's you. Can't you see that? You are absolutely consumed with jealousy because you were a homely child. The thought of a girl maturing faster than you did is pushing you to the edge of your own sanity. What you really want is more. All the gory little details. You just can't admit it.

Lol. I was not a homely child. I was a cheerleader and a dancer and was very popular actually. :) Obviously you do care, as you shared all of that information with a bunch of strangers.

I'm sorry, but you are the one with the problem here, obviously. Shall I go retrieve your posts where you describe every symptom of antisocial personality disorder? Just trying to help. I told you, your guardians should have put you in therapy, not married you off. They didn't do you any favors.

Actually, they should probably have treated her like Joe Kennedy treated Rosemary.

I don't know anything about. Before my time, I think. :)

He had her lobotomized.

Wow. That's kind of harsh, I think. I don't think they practice that procedure anymore, except for in cases of severe brain damage.
I think you are incredibly dysfunctional person.

You need to get help too before you hurt somebody.

Actually I am quite functional, thank you. Thats what should scare you the most. I could be the guy at the other end of the supermarket aisle.

No help necessary or accepted.
Is that it? The person standing behind them in the supermarket checkout line might not be like them. Everyone is dysfunctional but them.

That pretty much describes these mass shooters.
Oh, people understand your "lifestyle" quite well: your wife is a live-in maid, cook, penis holster, and punching bag. With any luck, she';ll spike your dinner with Dcon someday soon, or pour a stock pot of boiling water over you while you sleep.

The penis-holster part is irrelevant and she's not a punching bag. At its worst, its spanking or slapping; and even that is after multiple other options have been tried.
Oh, people understand your "lifestyle" quite well: your wife is a live-in maid, cook, penis holster, and punching bag. With any luck, she';ll spike your dinner with Dcon someday soon, or pour a stock pot of boiling water over you while you sleep.

The penis-holster part is irrelevant and she's not a punching bag. At its worst, its spanking or slapping; and even that is after multiple other options have been tried.

What makes you think you have the right to strike another person when not in self defense? Who do you think you are? Keep your damn hands to yourself. If your parents didn't teach you that . . . .
Oh, people understand your "lifestyle" quite well: your wife is a live-in maid, cook, penis holster, and punching bag. With any luck, she';ll spike your dinner with Dcon someday soon, or pour a stock pot of boiling water over you while you sleep.

The penis-holster part is irrelevant and she's not a punching bag. At its worst, its spanking or slapping; and even that is after multiple other options have been tried.

Why don't you try to love and cherish your wife? She should be special to you. You should never want to harm her.

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