sex on the first date

Would you continue dating/marry someone you had sex with on the first night?

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What makes you think you have the right to strike another person when not in self defense? Who do you think you are? Keep your damn hands to yourself. If your parents didn't teach you that . . . .

Our pre-nup and the fact thst she's a woman. I'm her Husband. That's who I am.

My parents taught me that corporal punishment is a necessary snd useful part of life.
What makes you think you have the right to strike another person when not in self defense? Who do you think you are? Keep your damn hands to yourself. If your parents didn't teach you that . . . .

Our pre-nup and the fact thst she's a woman. I'm her Husband. That's who I am.

My parents taught me that corporal punishment is a necessary snd useful part of life.

Well they are wrong. You have no right to talk of anyone else's parenting or relationships, that is FOR sure. You don't seem to realize it, but everyone else does. You are dysfunctional and have serious issues to work on. I suggest you go to counseling and this time, stick it out. It's not an "instant gratification" kind of thing. It takes time.
Oh, people understand your "lifestyle" quite well: your wife is a live-in maid, cook, penis holster, and punching bag. With any luck, she';ll spike your dinner with Dcon someday soon, or pour a stock pot of boiling water over you while you sleep.

The penis-holster part is irrelevant and she's not a punching bag. At its worst, its spanking or slapping; and even that is after multiple other options have been tried.

Why don't you try to love and cherish your wife? She should be special to you. You should never want to harm her.

He is a sociopath and not capable of love.
Well, he should have let you grow up. Maybe you would be a better and more stable person. You talk about how you freak out and throw things and hit your wife, so . . . I don't think you have any room to talk about such things. You are very childish and unstable person.

If he'd let me "grow up" as you suggest, I'd be a serial killer. I throw things because the other option is breaking PEOPLE.

My wife and I have a lifestyle you could never understand, even if you wanted to. She hasn't required any physical discipline in almost two years.

If you think I'm childish and unstable NOW, you dont want to think about what I'd be like if I hadnt had that locked-down discipline as a child.

I always took the breaking people part. I never damaged property. The only discipline I ever had was my first boyfriend who showed me that I could discipline myself. I could never stay with a man that let me beat him up. I stayed with a few that could put up a good fight though and knew how to take a punch. Sadly, my real love was edged weapons. Still is.

Now of course I have learned all my lessons. I live only with my dog. I have no desire nor need for my privacy to be assaulted.
I think you are incredibly dysfunctional person.

You need to get help too before you hurt somebody.

Actually I am quite functional, thank you. Thats what should scare you the most. I could be the guy at the other end of the supermarket aisle.

No help necessary or accepted.
Is that it? The person standing behind them in the supermarket checkout line might not be like them. Everyone is dysfunctional but them.

That pretty much describes these mass shooters.

I'm a little surprised Anachronism hasn't gone postal yet.
Wow. That's kind of harsh, I think. I don't think they practice that procedure anymore, except for in cases of severe brain damage.

Not for Tipsy.

I think she has some serious issues to work out. A lobotomy? Not. :D

She is a psychopath and beyond help. A rusty ice pick through the eyesocket is better than a high body count.
Some day you will act on your fantasies and we'll be talking about a first grade class full of dead children and you dead of a self inflicted gunshot.
What makes you think you have the right to strike another person when not in self defense? Who do you think you are? Keep your damn hands to yourself. If your parents didn't teach you that . . . .

Our pre-nup and the fact thst she's a woman. I'm her Husband. That's who I am.

My parents taught me that corporal punishment is a necessary snd useful part of life.

You have a pre nup that provides for corporal punishment? You can't really have a provision like that you know.
Why don't you try to love and cherish your wife? She should be special to you. You should never want to harm her.

Neither she nor I believe in love. I cherish her but that doesn't mean the rules are violatable. You folks place too much value on emotion instead of Right and Wrong.
You have a pre nup that provides for corporal punishment? You can't really have a provision like that you know.

We have a pre-nup that gives me total control of legal decisions made in the relationship and the power to enforce those decisions. She knows that failing to accept discipline means a divorce and going back to the hole i pulled her out of.
You have a pre nup that provides for corporal punishment? You can't really have a provision like that you know.

We have a pre-nup that gives me total control of legal decisions made in the relationship and the power to enforce those decisions. She knows that failing to accept discipline means a divorce and going back to the hole i pulled her out of.

I feel SO sorry for her. That is fucking sad.
I was divorced in 1976. When a man I was dating started talking either love or marriage, it was my cue to get out. There's only one right or wrong. That's whatever I say it is. I married in 2005 for medical and business reasons. We didn't live together until the last year of his life.

I'm not the marrying kind. I never was.
You have a pre nup that provides for corporal punishment? You can't really have a provision like that you know.

We have a pre-nup that gives me total control of legal decisions made in the relationship and the power to enforce those decisions. She knows that failing to accept discipline means a divorce and going back to the hole i pulled her out of.

You are a pathetic excuse for a man, I must say. That seems to be quite common around these parts, though. No surprises there. It's actually just kind of depressing to tell the truth. I mean, I can't even get upset with the things you are saying because they are just SO . . . . pathetic.
I was divorced in 1976. When a man I was dating started talking either love or marriage, it was my cue to get out. There's only one right or wrong. That's whatever I say it is. I married in 2005 for medical and business reasons. We didn't live together until the last year of his life.

I'm not the marrying kind. I never was.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to live alone and not be in a serious relationship. The problem is when you use and hurt people and don't even care. That is just cruelty and extremely selfish.
You have a pre nup that provides for corporal punishment? You can't really have a provision like that you know.

We have a pre-nup that gives me total control of legal decisions made in the relationship and the power to enforce those decisions. She knows that failing to accept discipline means a divorce and going back to the hole i pulled her out of.
Ohhh so if she doesn't let you hit her, you would divorce her. I see. It does make sense. It's no different than many other quid pro quos. Some men want sex. Some men want a neat freak house. The fear of being alone overcomes any feeling of self preservation. It's good that you found each other.
You have a pre nup that provides for corporal punishment? You can't really have a provision like that you know.

We have a pre-nup that gives me total control of legal decisions made in the relationship and the power to enforce those decisions. She knows that failing to accept discipline means a divorce and going back to the hole i pulled her out of.
Ohhh so if she doesn't let you hit her, you would divorce her. I see. It does make sense. It's no different than many other quid pro quos. Some men want sex. Some men want a neat freak house. The fear of being alone overcomes any feeling of self preservation. It's good that you found each other.

I feel sorry for her.
I was divorced in 1976. When a man I was dating started talking either love or marriage, it was my cue to get out. There's only one right or wrong. That's whatever I say it is. I married in 2005 for medical and business reasons. We didn't live together until the last year of his life.

I'm not the marrying kind. I never was.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to live alone and not be in a serious relationship. The problem is when you use and hurt people and don't even care. That is just cruelty and extremely selfish.
Some days you're the butcher. Some days you're the cow. Be the butcher as much as possible.

Every person that is used and possibly hurt by that use, would have absolutely no thought for someone they were using and hurting.
You have a pre nup that provides for corporal punishment? You can't really have a provision like that you know.

We have a pre-nup that gives me total control of legal decisions made in the relationship and the power to enforce those decisions. She knows that failing to accept discipline means a divorce and going back to the hole i pulled her out of.
Ohhh so if she doesn't let you hit her, you would divorce her. I see. It does make sense. It's no different than many other quid pro quos. Some men want sex. Some men want a neat freak house. The fear of being alone overcomes any feeling of self preservation. It's good that you found each other.

I feel sorry for her.
Not because of her choice in husbands. She is likely tickled pink with that.

She never learned proper survival techniques. That's enough to be sorry for.
I was divorced in 1976. When a man I was dating started talking either love or marriage, it was my cue to get out. There's only one right or wrong. That's whatever I say it is. I married in 2005 for medical and business reasons. We didn't live together until the last year of his life.

I'm not the marrying kind. I never was.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to live alone and not be in a serious relationship. The problem is when you use and hurt people and don't even care. That is just cruelty and extremely selfish.
Some days you're the butcher. Some days you're the cow. Be the butcher as much as possible.

Every person that is used and possibly hurt by that use, would have absolutely no thought for someone they were using and hurting.

Don't you see that you have this viewpoint because of your life? You hurt others to avoid letting them hurt you. That much is obvious.

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