Sex perverts selling each other "used" sex robots on the internet

Celebrities are gonna have to copy right their images because they will soon be offering celeb look alike robots.

Custom services will offer under the table look alike celebs or for that matter look alikes for anyone. Take a picture of a hot girl and have a sex robot made that looks like her.

That is an episode of Futurama.

When they look and act like Harry Mudd's robot women on Star Trek, then maybe you'll have something. But, I don't have to actually listen to, nor really care what they say, right?

Sex robot owners swap USED parts and sell ’bruised, battered dolls’ on creepy online forum

A new model can cost 10,000 pounds, but you can pick up a "used" model for a couple hundred pounds.
I predicted this would happen along with a lot of other outcomes.

Just sooner than I thought it would happen.

Celebrities are gonna have to copy right their images because they will soon be offering celeb look alike robots.

Custom services will offer under the table look alike celebs or for that matter look alikes for anyone. Take a picture of a hot girl and have a sex robot made that looks like her. Wait until a married guy finds out that his neighbor has a copy of his wife or copies of his wife and daughter.

IF they are not already they will begin to offer robots that resemble children. Then the debate will rise over whether to ban them or let them be sold. After all if a pedophile is using a sex doll he may be less likely to hurt a kid but of course others will disagree.

The technology is still in its infancy and will only get more realistic. As time goes on many men who say they would never own one will change their minds. There are already brothels in europe which only sell time with robots. That will spread and grow

The biggest opponents will be feminists. More and more men will stop bothering to hook up with women. They will probably even strar to segregate into communities where women are quietly told they are not welcome. The companies making these things will be bombed and attacked and the ceos will need secret service level protection.

I have no idea where it will end but the stories which are gonna come out are gonna surpass the best of springer. Its gonna be fun to watch.
Many of your “predictions” have already come to pass. Discussed on this board even...
Meet The Activist Fighting Sex Robots
Feminists are already shitting bricks...
All of a sudden liberals want to tell people who or what to love. Next, gay bakers will refuse to bake wedding cakes for robot-human weddings.
Sex robot owners swap USED parts and sell ’bruised, battered dolls’ on creepy online forum

A new model can cost 10,000 pounds, but you can pick up a "used" model for a couple hundred pounds.
I predicted this would happen along with a lot of other outcomes.

Just sooner than I thought it would happen.

Celebrities are gonna have to copy right their images because they will soon be offering celeb look alike robots.

Custom services will offer under the table look alike celebs or for that matter look alikes for anyone. Take a picture of a hot girl and have a sex robot made that looks like her. Wait until a married guy finds out that his neighbor has a copy of his wife or copies of his wife and daughter.

IF they are not already they will begin to offer robots that resemble children. Then the debate will rise over whether to ban them or let them be sold. After all if a pedophile is using a sex doll he may be less likely to hurt a kid but of course others will disagree.

The technology is still in its infancy and will only get more realistic. As time goes on many men who say they would never own one will change their minds. There are already brothels in europe which only sell time with robots. That will spread and grow

The biggest opponents will be feminists. More and more men will stop bothering to hook up with women. They will probably even strar to segregate into communities where women are quietly told they are not welcome. The companies making these things will be bombed and attacked and the ceos will need secret service level protection.

I have no idea where it will end but the stories which are gonna come out are gonna surpass the best of springer. Its gonna be fun to watch.
Many of your “predictions” have already come to pass. Discussed on this board even...
Some have some are in the mail.
Preprogram him to clean the bathroom once you've gone to sleep. Then plug himself in for the night. Sort of like a big roomba.
It's the future. Why put up with someone else's quirks and feelings when you could have all the good and none of the bad.


What's the good?
None of the talking afterwards.
In n interview, Charlie Sheen was asked why a famous actor like he would have to pay women prostitutes for sex.

He said he didn't pay them for sex. He said them to leave when he was finished.

IOW. The rich and famous will have similar uses for robots

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