Sex with Robots to be the Norm in 50 years

Women are weak. Therefore women have a greater need for a relationship. What is a relationship? Why do you think everyone needs one?

A robot with wifi would give excellent companionship. Men seem to have a compulsion for touching, no matter how odious their touch is. Tell a man to keep their hands to themselves or lose some fingers makes for hurt feelings.

I am done. At this stage of my life I feel that I have earned that right.
What's interesting is that men find synthetic people good for quick meaningless sex and women want a meaningful relationship.

Factually, men are willing to trade the illusion of a meaningful relationship for quick meaningless sex.
So what's your point?

She seems a bit bitter towards men, if you ask me. Not that you were, but I put in contros anyway. :D
I'm not bitter. A bit disgusted perhaps but not bitter. Guys, get a backbone, please. I don't want to hear about how sensitive you are. I don't want to see you cry at sad movies. I especially do not want you to touch me. It feels like centipedes crawling. Be a man, then maybe I wouldn't be so disgusted.
What's interesting is that men find synthetic people good for quick meaningless sex and women want a meaningful relationship.

Factually, men are willing to trade the illusion of a meaningful relationship for quick meaningless sex.
So what's your point?

She seems a bit bitter towards men, if you ask me. Not that you were, but I put in contros anyway. :D
I'm not bitter. A bit disgusted perhaps but not bitter. Guys, get a backbone, please. I don't want to hear about how sensitive you are. I don't want to see you cry at sad movies. I especially do not want you to touch me. It feels like centipedes crawling. Be a man, then maybe I wouldn't be so disgusted.

Yikes. Men are human beings with feelings. Our strong emotional attachments and feelings are one of the things that separates us from other animals. ;)
What's interesting is that men find synthetic people good for quick meaningless sex and women want a meaningful relationship.

Factually, men are willing to trade the illusion of a meaningful relationship for quick meaningless sex.
So what's your point?

She seems a bit bitter towards men, if you ask me. Not that you were, but I put in contros anyway. :D
I'm not bitter. A bit disgusted perhaps but not bitter. Guys, get a backbone, please. I don't want to hear about how sensitive you are. I don't want to see you cry at sad movies. I especially do not want you to touch me. It feels like centipedes crawling. Be a man, then maybe I wouldn't be so disgusted.

Yikes. Men are human beings with feelings. Our strong emotional attachments and feelings are one of the things that separates us from other animals. ;)
Someone's feelings impose no obligation on me. That's what makes a robot companion so much more acceptable than a person.
I'm not bitter. A bit disgusted perhaps but not bitter. Guys, get a backbone, please. I don't want to hear about how sensitive you are. I don't want to see you cry at sad movies. I especially do not want you to touch me. It feels like centipedes crawling. Be a man, then maybe I wouldn't be so disgusted.
Sounds like you have daddy issues. Pick a different kind of man.
Women are weak. Therefore women have a greater need for a relationship. What is a relationship? Why do you think everyone needs one?

A robot with wifi would give excellent companionship. Men seem to have a compulsion for touching, no matter how odious their touch is. Tell a man to keep their hands to themselves or lose some fingers makes for hurt feelings.

I am done. At this stage of my life I feel that I have earned that right.

Okay, fine, but don't claim that you're not bitter because you are very bitter person.
Why should I want a man at all? What is this tripe?

Why do you want a robot? :D

Playing scrabble. A companion. Like my dog, that doesn't need to go for a walk.

Well, I don't think these robots are "equipped" to play Scrabble. They are supposed to be "sex" toys. That is the whole point. You would probably have to have a million dollars to buy a robot that is capable of playing board games and actual "thinking." Lol. I don't even know if that is possible yet. I still think it is healthier in the long run to develop real relationships with other people, but whatever floats your boat.
I play chess on the computer all the time. I know that robots are supposed to be sex toys. But, since they aren't human it is quite possible to not have sex with one without getting them upset.

There is far too much emphasis on relationships. You do not really need one. They are unnecessary complications.
What's interesting is that men find synthetic people good for quick meaningless sex and women want a meaningful relationship.

Factually, men are willing to trade the illusion of a meaningful relationship for quick meaningless sex.
So what's your point?

She seems a bit bitter towards men, if you ask me. Not that you were, but I put in contros anyway. :D
I'm not bitter. A bit disgusted perhaps but not bitter. Guys, get a backbone, please. I don't want to hear about how sensitive you are. I don't want to see you cry at sad movies. I especially do not want you to touch me. It feels like centipedes crawling. Be a man, then maybe I wouldn't be so disgusted.

If he weren't already married (to me) you'd probably like my husband.
He NEVER cries, hates it when men (or women) do and is not touchy/feely at all!
... and I'm good with that - as you are....
I'm not bitter. A bit disgusted perhaps but not bitter. Guys, get a backbone, please. I don't want to hear about how sensitive you are. I don't want to see you cry at sad movies. I especially do not want you to touch me. It feels like centipedes crawling. Be a man, then maybe I wouldn't be so disgusted.
Sounds like you have daddy issues. Pick a different kind of man.

You don't just "pick" men! You either are attracted to one or not!
You could go to counseling to try to "retrain" your brain, but that is at the person's option (maybe she is happy the way she is.....)
Why should I want a man at all? What is this tripe?

WANTING a man is one thing...
NEEDING a man is yet another.

Nothing wrong with wanting a man in your life.
If you feel you NEED one or your life is over (a waste) that is a problem.
My preference is to be alone. But if I had a companion that had an off switch, that would be okay.
I watched an HBO Special about a fellow in California who manufactures 'life-like sex partners" which are incredibly realistic, equipped with flexible limbs, electrically heated and animated areas, real human hair and penis size to order. His "Synthetic Lovers" are priced between $2,500 and $4,000 and his orders are backed up.

My goodness. I cannot believe how lonely people must be. If you really think about it, this is actually kind of sad and pathetic. Well, that's my opinion anyway. :)
I don't know that it's all about loneliness as much as sexual fantasy. I.E. You want to have a three way but your wife isn't on board. Robots can be used to fulfill that fantasy without disrupting the marriage. It's like a very high end sex toy.

Yes, I can understand using it for something like that, but there are posters here who stated that they would like one for a companion. BTW, I'm a female, so I don't have a wife. :D I know what you mean though.
I don't see companionship coming out of a fancy computer. I can see it as a sex aid but not for a meaningful relationship.
Why do relationships have to be meaningful? What does meaningful mean? Superficial is just fine.
I'm just saying if you are looking for meaningful you won't get it out of a machine like a robot. For many superficial is fine for the stage of life they are at. Certainly teen age boys don't care about much more than getting laid.
My preference is to be alone. But if I had a companion that had an off switch, that would be okay.

So, basically, a companion that when you had enough, would just leave you alone and be OK with that?
What if you were in the mood, and they weren't? Would that be OK too?
My goodness. I cannot believe how lonely people must be. If you really think about it, this is actually kind of sad and pathetic. Well, that's my opinion anyway. :)
I don't know that it's all about loneliness as much as sexual fantasy. I.E. You want to have a three way but your wife isn't on board. Robots can be used to fulfill that fantasy without disrupting the marriage. It's like a very high end sex toy.

Yes, I can understand using it for something like that, but there are posters here who stated that they would like one for a companion. BTW, I'm a female, so I don't have a wife. :D I know what you mean though.
I don't see companionship coming out of a fancy computer. I can see it as a sex aid but not for a meaningful relationship.
Why do relationships have to be meaningful? What does meaningful mean? Superficial is just fine.
I'm just saying if you are looking for meaningful you won't get it out of a machine like a robot. For many superficial is fine for the stage of life they are at. Certainly teen age boys don't care about much more than getting laid.

Does anyone REALLY care in a selfless way?
I don't think so.
Only God can truly love you eternally and unconditionally.
Humans are fallible. They will annoy you and let you down, I don't care how much they love you.
If you are not willing to deal with that, you are better left to be alone.
I'm not bitter. A bit disgusted perhaps but not bitter. Guys, get a backbone, please. I don't want to hear about how sensitive you are. I don't want to see you cry at sad movies. I especially do not want you to touch me. It feels like centipedes crawling. Be a man, then maybe I wouldn't be so disgusted.
Sounds like you have daddy issues. Pick a different kind of man.

You don't just "pick" men! You either are attracted to one or not!
You could go to counseling to try to "retrain" your brain, but that is at the person's option (maybe she is happy the way she is.....)
I am certainly much happier now than when I was younger and still dating. I would not treat anyone kindly who would take my found happiness from me.
I'm not bitter. A bit disgusted perhaps but not bitter. Guys, get a backbone, please. I don't want to hear about how sensitive you are. I don't want to see you cry at sad movies. I especially do not want you to touch me. It feels like centipedes crawling. Be a man, then maybe I wouldn't be so disgusted.
Sounds like you have daddy issues. Pick a different kind of man.

You don't just "pick" men! You either are attracted to one or not!
You could go to counseling to try to "retrain" your brain, but that is at the person's option (maybe she is happy the way she is.....)
I am certainly much happier now than when I was younger and still dating. I would not treat anyone kindly who would take my found happiness from me.

No one can take your happiness...
You can only allow that to happen......

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