Sex with Robots to be the Norm in 50 years

Generally, on more than one level, people are moving away from human to human interaction.

Robot sex and immersive virtual reality games might end most forms of personal contact.

Well that sounds terrible. You might not like men, but I do. I think most people would rather have another person around and most are actually joking about the robot.
Generally, on more than one level, people are moving away from human to human interaction.

Robot sex and immersive virtual reality games might end most forms of personal contact.

nah........... won't be eliminated, personal contact won't end. but granted, it is becoming less and less a part of life..... (physical interactions)

all this is out of selfishness and laziness. it is creating larger issues, and steamrolling in a dangerous direction...
Generally, on more than one level, people are moving away from human to human interaction.

Robot sex and immersive virtual reality games might end most forms of personal contact.

Well that sounds terrible. You might not like men, but I do. I think most people would rather have another person around and most are actually joking about the robot.
I love men! Most of them anyway. I just don't like the way they behave. I would much prefer a manly fake that would only do what they were programmed to do and not bitch about not getting their needs met.
Generally, on more than one level, people are moving away from human to human interaction.

Robot sex and immersive virtual reality games might end most forms of personal contact.

Well that sounds terrible. You might not like men, but I do. I think most people would rather have another person around and most are actually joking about the robot.
I love men! Most of them anyway. I just don't like the way they behave. I would much prefer a manly fake that would only do what they were programmed to do and not bitch about not getting their needs met.

Well, maybe it's your choice with men. Also, we must look at the "common denominator." Perhaps it is you who is difficult to get along with?
Sex with a robot is simply masturbation. JimBob, moron, doesn't know the difference between masturbation and all of the above. How sad.

Come on. "Simple" masturbation?? Lol.

Yes, like purchasing a sex aid from an adult store, except more expensive. :D

It's at least a little weird though, IMO. :D I don't know, I've always considered sex to be an intimate act between two PEOPLE. Lol. I don't really consider masturbation to be sex.

I certainly don't think it would be healthy to let robots take the place of human contact/relationships. But on the other hand, for folks that have a high sex drive and are not currently in a relationship, (maybe they work a lot of hours) it would be safer than sex with a stranger. 100% safer, as a matter of fact.

This conversation reminds me that nobody fesses up to masturbating, yet we have a multi-billion porn industry. lol

Have you seen this movie?

I've never seen that movie, but it looks pretty interesting. :p

I hear what you are saying, but I think some people will try to substitute robots for human companionship.

I honestly don't know how I would feel if I was to walk into my boyfriend's house and see a sex robot hanging out. :lol: I might be scared off. Also, we do have vibrators. It seems as if these robots are created to look human and take the place of a person to me.

That movie is based on a true story. If you get the chance, watch it.

I can picture a lot of jealous fights with couples concerning robots. lol

Anyhoot, I doubt I'll be in the mood for a robot in 50 years, unless it helps me out of bed and into my chair. :D
Generally, on more than one level, people are moving away from human to human interaction.

Robot sex and immersive virtual reality games might end most forms of personal contact.

Well that sounds terrible. You might not like men, but I do. I think most people would rather have another person around and most are actually joking about the robot.
I love men! Most of them anyway. I just don't like the way they behave. I would much prefer a manly fake that would only do what they were programmed to do and not bitch about not getting their needs met.

Well, maybe it's your choice with men. Also, we must look at the "common denominator." Perhaps it is you who is difficult to get along with?

I don't care how difficult I am to get along with. It's not my problem. I'm not the one looking to get along.

A man that has an off switch is pretty attractive. Shut up, go sit in the corner until I'm ready to hear from you, has got to be an improvement.
Generally, on more than one level, people are moving away from human to human interaction.

Robot sex and immersive virtual reality games might end most forms of personal contact.

Well that sounds terrible. You might not like men, but I do. I think most people would rather have another person around and most are actually joking about the robot.
I love men! Most of them anyway. I just don't like the way they behave. I would much prefer a manly fake that would only do what they were programmed to do and not bitch about not getting their needs met.

Well, maybe it's your choice with men. Also, we must look at the "common denominator." Perhaps it is you who is difficult to get along with?

I don't care how difficult I am to get along with. It's not my problem. I'm not the one looking to get along.

A man that has an off switch is pretty attractive. Shut up, go sit in the corner until I'm ready to hear from you, has got to be an improvement.

I think your statement is very telling here. :) If you loved and cared about a person, you would not treat them that way. You would be interested in what they have to say and take their opinions into consideration. You would look forward to being with that person every waking moment. You would miss that person when he was gone.
Generally, on more than one level, people are moving away from human to human interaction.

Robot sex and immersive virtual reality games might end most forms of personal contact.

Well that sounds terrible. You might not like men, but I do. I think most people would rather have another person around and most are actually joking about the robot.
I love men! Most of them anyway. I just don't like the way they behave. I would much prefer a manly fake that would only do what they were programmed to do and not bitch about not getting their needs met.

Well, maybe it's your choice with men. Also, we must look at the "common denominator." Perhaps it is you who is difficult to get along with?

I don't care how difficult I am to get along with. It's not my problem. I'm not the one looking to get along.

A man that has an off switch is pretty attractive. Shut up, go sit in the corner until I'm ready to hear from you, has got to be an improvement.

You have a right to those expectations.

Sometimes (for some people )the sex just isn't worth the other b.s. you have to put up with.... not sure that if you REALLY love someone, maybe you would feel differently? Maybe not...?
Generally, on more than one level, people are moving away from human to human interaction.

Robot sex and immersive virtual reality games might end most forms of personal contact.

Well that sounds terrible. You might not like men, but I do. I think most people would rather have another person around and most are actually joking about the robot.
I love men! Most of them anyway. I just don't like the way they behave. I would much prefer a manly fake that would only do what they were programmed to do and not bitch about not getting their needs met.

Well, maybe it's your choice with men. Also, we must look at the "common denominator." Perhaps it is you who is difficult to get along with?

I don't care how difficult I am to get along with. It's not my problem. I'm not the one looking to get along.

A man that has an off switch is pretty attractive. Shut up, go sit in the corner until I'm ready to hear from you, has got to be an improvement.

I think your statement is very telling here. :) If you loved and cared about a person, you would not treat them that way. You would be interested in what they have to say and take their opinions into consideration. You would look forward to being with that person every waking moment. You would miss that person when he was gone.

You can love and miss people, but still, your selfishness/self centeredness can trump it.....
Well that sounds terrible. You might not like men, but I do. I think most people would rather have another person around and most are actually joking about the robot.
I love men! Most of them anyway. I just don't like the way they behave. I would much prefer a manly fake that would only do what they were programmed to do and not bitch about not getting their needs met.

Well, maybe it's your choice with men. Also, we must look at the "common denominator." Perhaps it is you who is difficult to get along with?

I don't care how difficult I am to get along with. It's not my problem. I'm not the one looking to get along.

A man that has an off switch is pretty attractive. Shut up, go sit in the corner until I'm ready to hear from you, has got to be an improvement.

I think your statement is very telling here. :) If you loved and cared about a person, you would not treat them that way. You would be interested in what they have to say and take their opinions into consideration. You would look forward to being with that person every waking moment. You would miss that person when he was gone.

You can love and miss people, but still, your selfishness/self centeredness can trump it.....

Well, thankfully that doesn't seem to be an issue for me. I enjoy doing things for the people that I love.
Generally, on more than one level, people are moving away from human to human interaction.

Robot sex and immersive virtual reality games might end most forms of personal contact.

Well that sounds terrible. You might not like men, but I do. I think most people would rather have another person around and most are actually joking about the robot.
I love men! Most of them anyway. I just don't like the way they behave. I would much prefer a manly fake that would only do what they were programmed to do and not bitch about not getting their needs met.

Well, maybe it's your choice with men. Also, we must look at the "common denominator." Perhaps it is you who is difficult to get along with?

I don't care how difficult I am to get along with. It's not my problem. I'm not the one looking to get along.

A man that has an off switch is pretty attractive. Shut up, go sit in the corner until I'm ready to hear from you, has got to be an improvement.

I think your statement is very telling here. :) If you loved and cared about a person, you would not treat them that way. You would be interested in what they have to say and take their opinions into consideration. You would look forward to being with that person every waking moment. You would miss that person when he was gone.
I am with you on not fucking robots. Not that I oppose someone's choice fucking the motherboard out of a robot. There should be more to sex than emptying the sack or scratching the itch. Syzygy. That's where sexual satisfaction culminates. You won't get that from a robot unless the robot is able to induce the "vibes" in you, what I seriously doubt will happen for a long time to come.
I love men! Most of them anyway. I just don't like the way they behave. I would much prefer a manly fake that would only do what they were programmed to do and not bitch about not getting their needs met.

Well, maybe it's your choice with men. Also, we must look at the "common denominator." Perhaps it is you who is difficult to get along with?

I don't care how difficult I am to get along with. It's not my problem. I'm not the one looking to get along.

A man that has an off switch is pretty attractive. Shut up, go sit in the corner until I'm ready to hear from you, has got to be an improvement.

I think your statement is very telling here. :) If you loved and cared about a person, you would not treat them that way. You would be interested in what they have to say and take their opinions into consideration. You would look forward to being with that person every waking moment. You would miss that person when he was gone.

You can love and miss people, but still, your selfishness/self centeredness can trump it.....

Well, thankfully that doesn't seem to be an issue for me. I enjoy doing things for the people that I love.
Then you are the robot!

Life is a slaughterhouse. Some days you are the cow. Some days you are the butcher. Strive to be the cow as little as possible.
Well, maybe it's your choice with men. Also, we must look at the "common denominator." Perhaps it is you who is difficult to get along with?

I don't care how difficult I am to get along with. It's not my problem. I'm not the one looking to get along.

A man that has an off switch is pretty attractive. Shut up, go sit in the corner until I'm ready to hear from you, has got to be an improvement.

I think your statement is very telling here. :) If you loved and cared about a person, you would not treat them that way. You would be interested in what they have to say and take their opinions into consideration. You would look forward to being with that person every waking moment. You would miss that person when he was gone.

You can love and miss people, but still, your selfishness/self centeredness can trump it.....

Well, thankfully that doesn't seem to be an issue for me. I enjoy doing things for the people that I love.
Then you are the robot!

Life is a slaughterhouse. Some days you are the cow. Some days you are the butcher. Strive to be the cow as little as possible.

That is not true at all. Of course, it is a give and take kind of thing. I'm sorry that you don't understand. I think you were forced into an intimate adult relationship at way too young an age. That is probably where MOST of your issues with relating to other human beings comes from. You don't feel as if you were traumatized by this relationship, but your posts belie your claims.
I order to give love, you have to have received love.
It's impossible to know what you have never experienced.
I was never forced into any kind of relationship! What a bizarre thing to come up with.

Don't you ever wish you were in control? Don't you see how your reliance on love takes that control from you and gives it to someone else?
I order to give love, you have to have received love.
It's impossible to know what you have never experienced.

And you think robot sex toys will actually help people? Or hurt them even more in the long run?

Of course, I'm referring to the people who want one as a "companion."

I'm just saying people that can't love normally have never been loved....
most people are not just going to love an unlovable person. it's something that needs to be addressed and worked on, robots are not the answer, no. Just a band-aid on a larger problem.
I was never forced into any kind of relationship! What a bizarre thing to come up with.

Don't you ever wish you were in control? Don't you see how your reliance on love takes that control from you and gives it to someone else?

There IS a happy medium between the 2.........

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