Sexual Freedom and Atheism

Middle age men wreck their wife's finances all the time so that she will divorce him. That leaves him free to have sex with all kinds of honeys. Men start panicking at a certain age when they think they are very close to becoming too old to chase hot honeys.
Are you speaking from personal experience or just making stuff up? I'm sure you could find examples of such behavior but I doubt it is very common.

He seems to be struggling with the situation he has found himself trapped in. He is surrounded by Christians and says he's an atheist yet professes a religious perspective on morality. His talk about multiple sexual partners and chasing "hot honeys" makes it seem like he secretly wants to pursue what he has been persuaded to believe is deviant but lacks the 'faith'..

Sounds like quite the dilemma.
No better place to come for therapy than USMB but if he mentions his mother I'm out of here.
It's been my experience that those who judge the sexual preferences of consenting adults as deviant have that perception because of an existing perversion in their own minds.

What does deviant mean as a mathematical expression? I was referencing deviancy as a behavior not a thought pattern. Every male and most females have a desire to engage multiple sex partners. Nice try though.

That was not a very coherent response.

Would you like to try again?

I'll try.

Every male would love to have sex with lots of women. Most women would love to have sex with lots of men. This desire does not make them deviants.

Deviant behavior is when you act outside of what is normal. Having sex with two or more people at the same time is considered deviant behavior because it is abnormal not because it is bad.. Homosexual activity is considered deviant behavior because it is abnormal not because it is bad.

I'm not sure it matters now.
I think a monogamous homosexual relationship between two females is probably safer than a monogamous heterosexual relationship.
I'd love to hear the reason.

I can't imagine any type of sexual intercourse between two women that has the potential to cause bleeding. It just seems the spreading of STD's would be minimum in comparison to anal sex or vaginal sex. I would also assume that homosexual females in a monogamous relationship probably have sex less often than homosexual males in a monogamous relationship or hetero sexual females in a monogamous relationship.
His talk about multiple sexual partners and chasing "hot honeys" makes it seem like he secretly wants to pursue what he has been persuaded to believe is deviant but lacks the 'faith'..

Does chasing hot honeys require faith? Of course I would like to have sex with lots of women. Is this a deviant thought pattern of heterosexual males?
It's been my experience that those who judge the sexual preferences of consenting adults as deviant have that perception because of an existing perversion in their own minds.

What does deviant mean as a mathematical expression? I was referencing deviancy as a behavior not a thought pattern. Every male and most females have a desire to engage multiple sex partners. Nice try though.

That was not a very coherent response.

Would you like to try again?

I'll try.

Every male would love to have sex with lots of women. Most women would love to have sex with lots of men. This desire does not make them deviants.

Deviant behavior is when you act outside of what is normal. Having sex with two or more people at the same time is considered deviant behavior because it is abnormal not because it is bad.. Homosexual activity is considered deviant behavior because it is abnormal not because it is bad.

I'm not sure it matters now.

I disagree. I've known plenty of men who would have been terrified at the prospect.

BTW if 'every male' would love to have sex with lots of women then aren't you being hypocritical designating the ones who do what everyone wants to do as deviant?
His talk about multiple sexual partners and chasing "hot honeys" makes it seem like he secretly wants to pursue what he has been persuaded to believe is deviant but lacks the 'faith'..

Does chasing hot honeys require faith? Of course I would like to have sex with lots of women. Is this a deviant thought pattern of heterosexual males?

Every action is preceded by a thought. If it is a deviant thought pattern and if as you say 'every male' would love to have sex with lots of women then every male is deviant even if they never act on it.

It make more sense to conclude that its perfectly normal.

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