Sexual Harassment score card: 36 Dems,7 GOP... 8 unknowns

"The GOP tax bill's bringing out my inner socialist. The sex scandals are bringing out my inner feminist. Donald Trump and Roy Moore are bringing out my inner liberal.

WHAT IS HAPPENING?" - Low Energy Bill Kristol
Of course because NONE on your list had been accused of molesting/raping/groping as those on the 36 Democrats... I mean show me a similar picture like
this sent by a former Democrat congressman who's wife worked for Hillary?

As perverted as Weiner may be with his sick obsession for pictures......can you name ONE underage girl that he tried to have sex with???
Of course because NONE on your list had been accused of molesting/raping/groping as those on the 36 Democrats... I mean show me a similar picture like
this sent by a former Democrat congressman who's wife worked for Hillary?

As perverted as Weiner may be with his sick obsession for pictures......can you name ONE underage girl that he tried to have sex with???
I can't name any nor can I name any for anyone else as they are all "alleged" . Not one has been proven yet.
Of course because NONE on your list had been accused of molesting/raping/groping as those on the 36 Democrats... I mean show me a similar picture like
this sent by a former Democrat congressman who's wife worked for Hillary?

As perverted as Weiner may be with his sick obsession for pictures......can you name ONE underage girl that he tried to have sex with???

When did Obama endorse Weiner into the Senate after knowing the allegations against him... Democrats did not support Wiener after allegations...
Sexual misconduct is not confined to, nor perpetrated more by, either end of the political spectrum.

It's not ideological. It's not about politics.

Fer fuck's sake.

At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?
Actually it was about politics.
Remember the Democrats looked the other way when Kennedy allowed that girl to drown.
Looked the other way when Four women over the past few decades have publicly accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault or harassment.
And since President Clinton was never held to the high standards MY DAD AND MOM held me, i.e. respect any woman. Don't touch any woman unless welcomed.
Always hold the door for a woman. These and other signs of respect while simple and common truly helped me understand when my sexual urges might be strong to
always remember be a gentleman!
Obviously more Democrats seem to forget that and when Clinton got off with his disrespect it became accepted behavior by most men that didn't have a good father figure to
inculcate that i.e. Clinton didn't have and I'd venture most of the Democrat offenders were of the "free love" mentality!
No it is political and it was aided and fostered by the MSM looking the other way pure and simple!
Seems the party that has been the greatest advocate for women's rights is also the party with the greatest inclination to ignore their rights!

List of men accused of sexual misconduct

NOTE: (I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)
NOTE2: (I being fair and balanced forgot Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and counted them as GOPers!)

Now once again though how many of the 36 Dems have had as much coverage as the one GOP Moore?
Let's see...Google News search...
"Roy Moore" 7,370,000 results
"Al Franken" 800,000
Wow biased reporting at work......
Nearly 80% more news items for a GOP "senatorial" candidate than for a Democrat "SITTING Senator".
36 known Democrats versus 5 known GOPs... hmmm is there another bias showing????
Somehow you forgot 'grab them by the pussy' Trump.
what about that? no one came forward. thanks for reminding us of that.
Of course because NONE on your list had been accused of molesting/raping/groping as those on the 36 Democrats... I mean show me a similar picture like
this sent by a former Democrat congressman who's wife worked for Hillary?

As perverted as Weiner may be with his sick obsession for pictures......can you name ONE underage girl that he tried to have sex with???

When did Obama endorse Weiner into the Senate after knowing the allegations against him... Democrats did not support Wiener after allegations...

no they dumped him pretty damn quick.
Of course because NONE on your list had been accused of molesting/raping/groping as those on the 36 Democrats... I mean show me a similar picture like
this sent by a former Democrat congressman who's wife worked for Hillary?

As perverted as Weiner may be with his sick obsession for pictures......can you name ONE underage girl that he tried to have sex with???

When did Obama endorse Weiner into the Senate after knowing the allegations against him... Democrats did not support Wiener after allegations...
Who said anything about endorsing? But did Obama come out and endorse Wiener's competitor? Of course not.
Sexual misconduct is not confined to, nor perpetrated more by, either end of the political spectrum.

It's not ideological. It's not about politics.

Fer fuck's sake.

At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?
Actually it was about politics.
Remember the Democrats looked the other way when Kennedy allowed that girl to drown.
Looked the other way when Four women over the past few decades have publicly accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault or harassment.
And since President Clinton was never held to the high standards MY DAD AND MOM held me, i.e. respect any woman. Don't touch any woman unless welcomed.
Always hold the door for a woman. These and other signs of respect while simple and common truly helped me understand when my sexual urges might be strong to
always remember be a gentleman!
Obviously more Democrats seem to forget that and when Clinton got off with his disrespect it became accepted behavior by most men that didn't have a good father figure to
inculcate that i.e. Clinton didn't have and I'd venture most of the Democrat offenders were of the "free love" mentality!
No it is political and it was aided and fostered by the MSM looking the other way pure and simple!
You're conflating the act of sexual misconduct with the partisan reaction to it.

A person is not more prone to perpetrate sexual misconduct if they have a (D) or an (R) after their name.

The spin and deflection and other ridiculous behaviors after the fact are political, of course, because that's what partisans do.
Women are 4 times more likely to be abused by a liberal/Democrat than a Republican, say goodbye to the women's vote Dem's RIP Dem party.
Women are 4 times more likely to be abused by a liberal/Democrat than a Republican, say goodbye to the women's vote Dem's RIP Dem party.
No.... DEMOCRATS can say they're sorry and be forgiven....REPUBLICANS can't.
Women are 4 times more likely to be abused by a liberal/Democrat than a Republican, say goodbye to the women's vote Dem's RIP Dem party.
No.... DEMOCRATS can say they're sorry and be forgiven....REPUBLICANS can't.

Dem's keep trying to apologize but before they can finish, yet another Dem sexual predator surfaces. Dem spokesperson...We are really sorr...we are really sorr...we are...we are really...oh for Christ sake.
Seems the party that has been the greatest advocate for women's rights is also the party with the greatest inclination to ignore their rights!

List of men accused of sexual misconduct

NOTE: (I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)
NOTE2: (I being fair and balanced forgot Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and counted them as GOPers!)

Now once again though how many of the 36 Dems have had as much coverage as the one GOP Moore?
Let's see...Google News search...
"Roy Moore" 7,370,000 results
"Al Franken" 800,000
Wow biased reporting at work......
Nearly 80% more news items for a GOP "senatorial" candidate than for a Democrat "SITTING Senator".
36 known Democrats versus 5 known GOPs... hmmm is there another bias showing????

hey psychohack,
21st Century Fox in $90 million settlement tied to sexual harassment scandal

and you forgot the orange sociopath pussy grabber who likes watching 15 year olds undress and has the hots for his daughter.

AND you are as always not paying any attention to details!
I wrote:
NOTE: (I've added above list for Rose, Stone, Thrush and Conyers that were after above list created.)
NOTE2: (I being fair and balanced forgot Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and counted them as GOPers!)

Now as far as a "pussy grabber" who are you talking about? Trump never once said or was accused of "pussy grabbing"!
What he did say was: He candidly talks about when you're famous you can do anything with women and is caught saying at one point "Grab her by the pussy".

Did HE ADMIT he grabbed any women by the pussy? NOPE He said when you are famous like Charlie Rose, or weinstein's, or Clinton, you can but he never once admitted he did!

Now when did he ever say he watched 15 year olds undress? PROVE IT! where is the links???
Finally how did you ever come to the conclusion he had the hots for his daughter? I mean come on.... prove he actually HAD SEXUAL desires for his daughter? Prove IT!!
Naw... you can't! Prove it! It is no more true then saying as a woman you had the hots for your DAD!

you mean I don't pay attention to your insane lies.

no, I don't.

but I'll call you what you are.

Women are 4 times more likely to be abused by a liberal/Democrat than a Republican, say goodbye to the women's vote Dem's RIP Dem party.
No.... DEMOCRATS can say they're sorry and be forgiven....REPUBLICANS can't.

Dem's keep trying to apologize but before they can finish, yet another Dem sexual predator surfaces. Dem spokesperson...We are really sorr...we are really sorr...we are...we are really...oh for Christ sake.

loons who voted for an orange sexual predator and support the child molester need to be quiet.

you're embarrassing yourself more than usual, loon.
All of you are partisan hacks. This isnt a political party problem.
You dingleberries need to get over yourselves.
Yes, it is a universal problem with those in power.

But like political beliefs, the problem is heavily practiced on one side of the aisle. 38-7 is one heck of a ratio. List is a day old too so very outdated. Several huge California Dems are now stepping down and we have the big director news in Hollyweird canned by Pixar.
Anthony Weiner never touched a woman with his tweets and texts.
Trump and Moore molested dozens but Weiner is the one in jail.
Women are 4 times more likely to be abused by a liberal/Democrat than a Republican, say goodbye to the women's vote Dem's RIP Dem party.
No.... DEMOCRATS can say they're sorry and be forgiven....REPUBLICANS can't.

Dem's keep trying to apologize but before they can finish, yet another Dem sexual predator surfaces. Dem spokesperson...We are really sorr...we are really sorr...we are...we are really...oh for Christ sake.

loons who voted for an orange sexual predator and support the child molester need to be quiet.

you're embarrassing yourself more than usual, loon.
Loons who voted for the wife of a sexual-predator and is an extremely sick bitch need to be quiet.
You're embarrassing yourself the way you always do.

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